E-Squared:  The 10-year anniversary edition (with a Manifesting Scavenger Hunt!!) GET IT HERE

It’s a-shining in me…now

“The ego is the party pooper that prevents us from dancing into the middle of the ballroom floor.”—Francis Lucille

Buenas dias, mis amigos! Spending a month in Mexico’s Sierra Madres is the perfect antidote to hot Kansas summers.

Long mountain hikes, $1 green juices and, of course, the Namaste community makes for an easy dive into today’s Course in Miracles lesson: The peace of God is shining in me now. It’s also making me toy with the idea of resuming my travel writing.

As I’ve shared before, I had no idea (always the preferable plan) how I was going to realize my intention of traveling the world, but Source knew just how to work it out.

Ever since that editor at Ladies Home Journal called to ask if I did travel writing (and I very wisely answered “of course” even though I wasn’t totally sure what that meant), I’ve been writing about foreign cultures, countries and ideas. And, in the process, traveling the world.  

Which brings me to the word “try” and why I avoid it by any means necessary. As Thomas Keating said, “to try to accomplish things by force of will is to reinforce the false self.”

The false self, of course, is the part of us that believes life is hard and that we have to seek to find what makes us happy.

Although I’ve repeatedly said “the biggest secret in the world is that we all really love each other,” another biggie in the lies-we-believe department is that happiness is out there somewhere. When in reality, happiness, joy and, yes, peace is our natural state.

And every time we try to attain that, we forget that we already have it.

Take my beautiful new website, for example. It was pretty clear my old site needed an update, but rather than work to find and interview designers, the perfect designer came to me. Out of the blue.

Out of the blue, by the way, is a synonym for the Dude, at least in my vocabulary. Thank you SO MUCH, Ioana Stoica, a Romanian designer who read one of my books and emailed me to volunteer.

So today, no matter what big plans you have, I hope you’ll take today’s Course in Miracles lesson to heart. And here to make it easy, is Jimmy Twyman’s song, “The peace of God is shining in me now.”  #222 Forever

Pam Grout is the author of 20 books including E-Squared, E-Cubed, Thank & Grow Rich and her latest book, The Course in Miracles Experiment: A Starter Kit for Rewiring Your Mind (And Therefore Your World) that has just been turned into an app. Badass ACIM (badass-acim.com)

Still swimming in the waves

Appreciation is a wonderful thing. It makes what is excellent in others belong to us, as well.”–Voltaire

Happy Thursday, my brilliant beauties.

A series called False Positive (I haven’t watched it, don’t even know what it’s about) recently debuted on Hulu.

But the title got me thinking how often we invest in the opposite: false negatives.

All things we judge as “negative” are false. For that matter, all things we judge period — be it negative or positive — are false. Or rather non-existent.  They’re nothing but false simulations that our crafty brains devise to keep us from experiencing the astonishing now.

What can I say? The brain likes order and consequently fill in empty spaces with its own interpretations, all of which reflect beliefs from the past, beliefs that no longer exist.

I was going through some of Taz’s art journals (the girl was prolific and profound) and found this wonderful piece of art. I was startled by how relevant it is for the book I’m currently writing.

Yes, I’m finally writing a new book.

I love that I continue to surf in the incredible waves Taz left for me in this particular time-space incarnation.

The girl’s thoughts (in the bubble) are all false negatives. If only I was smarter, more interesting, etc. These are the ego’s thoughts that keep us so garbled up in distress that we miss the truth, the light, the love. But the more pronounced words “if only…I was free” are what’s real, what’s true, what’s our inheritance.

I’ve also been thinking about how we so often ask the wrong questions. We inquire about data. How much did your newborn weigh, how long was he, as one example. We could be asking “Tell me what it was like for your miraculous body to grow this new being, nurture it and then release it into this world?” Instead of focusing on data (how long? How big? How____?– substitute any piece of irrelevant data), we could be asking, “What profundities have you discovered? What mischief have you perpetuated? What is your biggest grandest vision for our planet?”

So, my friends, on this clear, beautiful Thursday, I leave you with those exact queries and I hope you’ll take a moment to answer in the comments section below.

Love, always love. #222 Forever

Pam Grout is the author of 20 books including E-Squared, E-Cubed, Thank & Grow Rich and her latest book, The Course in Miracles Experiment: A Starter Kit for Rewiring Your Mind (And Therefore Your World) that has just been turned into an app. Badass ACIM (badass-acim.com)

Receiving the frequency loud and clear

“Remind yourself that you are not the mind and that its problems are not yours.”—Sri Nisargadatta Mahara

You gotta love the Dude’s persistence. Even with our chatty minds constantly looking for problems and judging everything they see, The Dude still manages to make contact.

I’ve spent a couple weeks purposefully aware of The Dude as I’m out in a forest, far from most distractions. It never ceases to amaze how creative The Dude is in making Itself known. Like that picture on this post. I don’t know if you can see, but out in the middle of nowhere, in a place where few people go, I found a bounty of wild pink roses and two other colors of wildflowers, all in one place. It felt like a gift just for me.

I also want to share, since I’m eager to get back to listening to nature, a couple stories from the old inbox where the Dude (I’m so grateful He never gives up) was able to make contact. Enjoy!

  1. A week ago, I did one of your E-Cubed experiments while I was visiting my dad in his tiny town. I had so much fun, distributing notes with $5 attched. I felt more happy and relaxed about money than I had done in a long time. The result was simply outstanding. I was expecting an inheritance from my aunt and didn’t know how much it would be. This morning $114,000 landed in my bank account. Wow!! Wow! Wow! I wasn’t expecting that but I’m so happy and excited to receive it. Now I really know the Universe has my back.

2. “A couple of weeks before your girl left this planet my son also left very unexpectedly, only in his early 20’s I was in shock at first, then hysterical and then unable to even think.

“I found myself sitting at the kitchen table late one night when I said out loud, Jake please just let me know you are ok, that you’re still here. In that instant all the lights in my house went out. I was even stupid enough to go out and check the fuse box which was just fine. He kindly left the power points working so I could turn on a lamp and boil the kettle. I almost phoned an electrician but I couldn’t bear anyone in my home at the time. I waited three whole days before I finally sat back at the table and said, ok ok Jake I know it’s you. And the lights came back on. All the hairs on my arms stood up. It’s also the day I stopped crying. I was still so sad because I missed him so much but it gave me a peace I had never had before. For the first time I truly knew we never die.

“I felt guilty telling most people because they wanted to see a hysterical grieving parent but although I was still sad I was at peace. Not long after I saw you had a daughter who had also passed and it was very comforting to read your thoughts especially at times when I’d forget the truth.”

3. The last story comes from yesterday’s possibility posse. Yes, I was able to Zoom in from the forest. One of the members was riding their bike on the Lawrence trail (that “just happens” to be 22.2 miles long) when they noticed their patootie was sore. At that moment, they looked down and saw a padded, comfort bicycle seat, discarded and ready to use.

I’m telling you folks. Despite what your asshat mind tries to tell you, the universe is bountiful and waiting for you, like E.T., to phone home. #222 Forever

Pam Grout is the author of 20 books including E-Squared, E-Cubed, Thank & Grow Rich and her latest book, The Course in Miracles Experiment: A Starter Kit for Rewiring Your Mind (And Therefore Your World) that has just been turned into an app. Badass ACIM (badass-acim.com)

No effort, no thought, no will

“Why are we not always and forever, in every moment, overwhelmed by the miracle of the world?—Jeff Vandermeer

On my metaphorical vision board, I have four intentions, all of which came straight from the pages of A Course in Miracles.

I’ve shared them before, but since my squirrely mind can always use a refresher, I’ll list them again:

*Peace of mind

*Surety of purpose

*Clear, unmistakable guidance

*Unceasing joy

As you can imagine, that last intention took a rather startling hit when my gorgeous, brilliant, perfect daughter died suddenly of a cerebral aneurysm. Sometimes, I still can’t believe it.

But what I’ve come to realize (and there ARE certain advantages to having a spiritual correspondent on what’s mistakenly called “the other side”) is that the only thing that ever causes suffering is a belief in separation and limits. When I recognize that the very essence of Taz, me and everyone that’s currently starring in a body is an invisible consciousness that never ceases to be, it’s a lot easier to follow along with the Course lessons which today happens to be: God’s will for me is perfect happiness.

I know. It’s probably the most confrontational of all the Course’s promises.

But over and over again, I get confirmation that eternal connection, love and joy are bottom line truth including tonight’s super moon that happens to be pink and happens to be exactly 222 thousand miles from earth. It peaks tonight at 10:33 my time and you better believe, I’ll be out communing with it, dancing to it and celebrating the fact that happiness, peace, purpose and guidance are not achieved by effort or thought or will. They just are. All of us already have all these attributes.

Our minds like to dispute this fact, to continually try to “make things better.” But when we rest in full moons, eternal truth and perfect happiness, we come to realize that nothing needs to be done, nothing is out of place. All is well, awaiting our recognition. #222 Forever  

Pam Grout is the author of 20 books including E-Squared, E-Cubed, Thank & Grow Rich and her latest book, The Course in Miracles Experiment: A Starter Kit for Rewiring Your Mind (And Therefore Your World) that has just been turned into an app. Badass ACIM (badass-acim.com)

Practicing alchemy, spreading light

“Come to God dressed for dancing.”–Rumi

There’s a line in the movie The Ten Commandments where Moses asks to be forgiven for his weak use of “God’s great power.”

I can relate. I have the means (as do you and all humans) to heal, to spread love, to literally command matter and what do I so often do? I stare at what appears to be.

What appears to be is a big fat illusion, showing the content of my egoic mind, covering up the Truth that joy is my ultimate nature and that everything is working out perfectly.

Right now, without taking another class or reading another book or doing anything but removing the blinders, I can rest unshaken by the world’s appearance.

There is no suffering this power cannot heal, no illusion that will not return to truth once I let go and chill. Today’s Course lesson says this is a day of infinite peace.

Furthermore, (and I love this part) every time I stop and repeat my Course lesson (I rest in the timelessness of truth), a thousand of my brothers (and sisters) all across the globe will also come to realize there’s no reason for anxiety or pain or fear of the future.

So today, I sink into stillness and remember the only two things I ever need to know: The universe has my back and everything is going to be okay. #222 Forever

Pam Grout is the author of 20 books including E-Squared, E-Cubed, Thank & Grow Rich and her latest book, The Course in Miracles Experiment: A Starter Kit for Rewiring Your Mind (And Therefore Your World) that has just been turned into an app. Badass ACIM (badass-acim.com)

Rearranging the furniture in my mind

If you’re going to keep your sanity, the only choice is spirit.”—Americ Azevedo  

First, let me offer a huge shoutout to all of you. Not only did you pray for me (thank you so much), but you also generously and tactfully reminded me of my own advice. Someone suggested I re-read “That time I failed to take the red pill” from Lesson 110 in my book, The Course in Miracles Experiment. Others sent quotes from my other books.

Like Taz, who would sometimes call me out with, “Mom, do you really want to put that out there in the universe?” you helped me “turn the other cheek” which simply means choosing to move in a different direction.

I, of all people, should know that I literally surrender my life force to whatever I put my attention upon. So big hefty thanks all around!  

Perhaps my best realization is remembering, like the Course says, that what I see ”out there” is not the deepest reality. My wonky interpretation of life is hardly some great ultimate truth. Something far greater and vast than my squirrely mind gives form and meaning to my existence.   And the best part is it continues to work behind the scenes even when I choose not to be aware of it.

Right next to the track of my egoic mind that relentlessly goes over the same tired terrain is this other track, this incredible beauty/light/love track that moves below the level of thought.

Taz reminded me this morning of a book I read many years ago by Natalie Sudman. While working as an archaeologist in Iraq, Natalie was blown up by a roadside bomb. She had a near-death experience that completely upturned her life. The part Taz reminded me of was Natalie’s comedy sketch with her spirit guides. I say comedy sketch because, as they (the spirit guides and Natalie) worked together to repair her severe injuries and plot her next mission here on earth, they began one-upping each other with wild scenarios of possibilities. “What if you came back as paraplegic?” and then they’d all laugh uproariously or “What if you had no money for this next stage of your life?” again gleefully guffawing at all these crazy life experiences that are all available in the deck of cards.

I know this sounds rather cheeky, but Taz knew it was just what I needed to hear. She also reminded me of the movie, Stripes. Remember Francis, the surly, intense recruit who stood up during boot camp to announce that while his name was Francis Sawyer, everybody should call him Psycho? Furthermore, he warned, if anyone dare call me Francis, “I’ll kill ya.”

At that point, Army Sergeant Hulka jumps in with this now-famous line: “Lighten up, Francis!”

So thanks again to everyone who helped pick me up, dust me off and steer me back to the place within myself that is not subject to harm, change or even death.

I’ll probably forget again, but thank ya, Jesus, I have lots of tools and lots of beautiful tender friends who, like me, are just trying to find their way back home. #222 Forever

Pam Grout is the author of 20 books including E-Squared, E-Cubed, Thank & Grow Rich and her latest book, The Course in Miracles Experiment: A Starter Kit for Rewiring Your Mind (And Therefore Your World) that has just been turned into an app. Badass ACIM (badass-acim.com)

A piece of good fortune in this glorious affair

“I hate it when I gain 20 pounds for a role and then remember I’m not an actor.”—Stevie Oakley

Hello, friends! I haven’t written in a while because, well, I’ve been in hiding, hiding the fact that I’m not exactly feeling “amazingly awesome” right now. That’s not a comfortable admission for a writer who has staked her career on spreading hope and joy.

Everything feels like a bit “too much.” Too much isolation. Too much loss. Too much division. Too much white supremacy.

But amidst it all, I found a note from Taz, a note she had written to her gloves. On one side, she had written the words with which I titled this post: “A piece of good fortune in this glorious affair.” On the back, she wrote a thank you note to her gloves for keeping her hands warm with a reminder that no matter how long it seems, spring will someday come.

I’ve also encountered many other pieces of good fortune during this dark period including a new friend who created the most beautiful quilt from Taz’s t-shirts. I’ve encountered inspiring books, received notes from readers (one even included a mini beach ball, folded into the envelope) and glorious invitations, one of which I share below. My amazing partner of 18 years fixes me dinner almost every night. We’ve discovered countless new trails and parks.

The quilt of many t-shirts!

And miracles, despite my weakened propensity to notice them right now, continue to show up. In a phone call with Hitaji Aziz, one of the recipients of this year’s 222 Foundation awards, I was reminded of the Course lesson “To give and receive are one in truth.” We were talking about her incredible work, about the best way to send the grant money. It was basically a business phone call. She stopped for a minute and asked, “What’s going on with your psoas muscle? I see bright red in that area.” Even though she was 700 miles away, she could clearly “see” the issues going on in my hip. She generously sent me a video and a meditation and a referral for a different kind of hip surgery. It was remarkable to me and a potent reminder that when you let God have the floor (which she did), miracles can be more readily orchestrated. Thank you once again, Hitaji!

I also want to let you know that I was invited to join Deepak Chopra, Gregg Braden, Rupert Sheldrake, Sue Morter and two dozen other scientists, healers, physicians and researchers for the FREE Science of Healing Summit that starts next week. You can listen to me and all 35 speakers by RSVP’ing at this link.

Did I mention it’s FREE?

As Taz (and the crocuses erupting in my front yard) remind me, spring is coming. #222 Forever!

Pam Grout is the author of 20 books including E-Squared, E-Cubed, Thank & Grow Rich and her latest book, The Course in Miracles Experiment: A Starter Kit for Rewiring Your Mind (And Therefore Your World) that has just been turned into an app. Badass ACIM (badass-acim.com)

It takes a crazy person to even try this

“Except for the unquestioned thoughts you’re believing, life is always good.”—Byron Katie

So we’re three weeks and a day or two into the Course lessons for this year. And while I certainly hope you’re every bit as pumped up as you were on Day #1, I happen to know from personal experience that enthusiasm sometimes starts to flag about now.

Which is why I want to post this reminder of why we’re doing this, why Morpheus said “There’s a difference between knowing the path and walking the path.” It can be summed up with one word: unbelievable.

According to Webster’s, the word unbelievable is an adjective describing something (an event) as extraordinary and difficult to believe.

Like the email I got the other day from a mother whose daughter sent her a cloud formation of E2 reminding her (from the other side) to read my book.  Or the 13 crazy squirrels who all stopped and silently meditated with a friend of mine.

These things seem inconceivable, far-fetched. It’s like Gayle King said to me when I was on her show many years ago. “C’mon, Pam!”

But miracles like these are only un-believable because our beliefs are wrapped up in rationality, materiality, limitation. Our egos, the poster child for these beliefs, base everything on what it takes to gain approval, to “stay safe.” Our culture gives us an unwritten rule book that does not allow the unbelievable to happen, not with all that fitting in we’re required to do.

Our cultural belief system holds us in a pattern that precludes us from hearing the still small voice that is always trying to support us, to help us. The cultural pattern, championed by our loud mouth ego, revolves around fear—What will they think? What if they don’t like me? What if I get sick? What if……..

Remember Amanda Eller, the hiker who got lost for 17 days in the Makawao Forest Reserve without her phone, her wallet or her water bottle? Once she let go of the fear (something our culture trains us NEVER to do) she was very clearly guided—eat this, walk this way.

Today’s lesson tells us in no uncertain terms that our ego goals have nothing whatsoever to do with our own best interests. The ego goals are good for maintaining culture, for maintaining the status quo, but they are not useful tools for accessing the benevolent voice that will rise up when you move past fear. Once you begin to recognize that everything you believe, do and think is a product of cultural conditioning, you begin to access more and more of the unbelievable. As the Course reminds us, if miracles are not happening on the daily, something has gone wrong. #222 Forever

Pam Grout is the author of 20 books including E-Squared, E-Cubed, Thank & Grow Rich and her latest book, The Course in Miracles Experiment: A Starter Kit for Rewiring Your Mind (And Therefore Your World) that has just been turned into an app. Badass ACIM (badass-acim.com)

Break on through–there’s another side

“Every day should be devoted to miracles.”—A Course in Miracles

Perhaps this year’s biggest blessing was the chance to practice the Course in Miracles adage, “I need do nothing.”

It’s one of those Course principles that is THE EXACT OPPOSITE of all we’re indoctrinated to believe. From the moment of birth, we’re trained that it’s all up to us. Rules, expectations, you gotta keep up with the Kardashians.

But what I’ve discovered during this year of hibernation is that blessings haven’t stopped just because I’ve slowed down. Money still shows up. Miracles keep happening. It’s mind-blowing all the things a person can attract from a small home in Kansas. Like yesterday, I got an email from a big shot New York money manager who wants to help with the 222 Foundation.

A tech-savvy whiz from Tasmania offered to create an app with the lessons from my Course in Miracles book. Even better is I finally got the title and the design I wanted.

When it launched this week, I was so thrilled to discover that one of the creators experienced a healing while working on it. As her thinking was being rewritten (that’s what the Course does), she literally “did nothing” to eliminate her chronic pain. It simply disappeared. As the Course says, “No exercise is urged except a deep relinquishment of everything that clutters up the mind.”

So here’s Erika’s story along with a link for those who want to join us in following through on the Course lessons this coming year.  

Take it away, Erika.  

“Early this year I slipped two discs in my back and had sciatica… excruciating chronic pain which left me lying in bed barely able to walk for months. It also led to my redundancy at work. I ended up in chronic pain at 41 years old, unemployed and at a loose end of not knowing what to do with my life. A perfect storm to fall into feeling like a victim that was down and out of luck.

“It wasn’t a fun place! In the meantime, my partner Phoenix offered to create an app around Pam’s Course in Miracles for Baddasses.

“When I helped work on the app, the pain just poof..evaporated! It was indeed a miracle! As I was typing and formatting the lessons for app form, it was like doing ACIM for Baddasses on steroids!! My head would swim with all the new knowledge. My consciousness needed time to catch up so I had to take days off in between just to let it all sink in otherwise my head would explode. 

“As I kept working on the app, my back healed much quicker than expected surprising both my physiotherapist and doctor. My mindset had shifted rapidly and my consciousness was expanding every day.

“Now I’m completely healed without needing surgery and pain free!

“Four months ago I launched a new business making ‘period pants’ for dogs on heat combining my loves of design, sewing and dogs. It was an idea I had ticking around for a year or so. Why didn’t I act on it before? I just never believed I could do it! And besides who would have thought you could start a successful business in the middle of a global pandemic?! Making pants for dogs of all things! Anyone would think you’re crazy  BUT of course you can…if that’s your reality bubble. My business continues to thrive and attract wonderful customers and I love it!

“Change comes from the inside out! Change how you think and it will change your reality. This book and now app is truly a blessings that will change so many lives as it has mine. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!”

And thank you, Erika, and Phoenix for helping ME prove that “I need do nothing.” I don’t have to be good enough. I don’t have to fight. I don’t have to struggle. I just have to, as the Doors so wisely sang, “Break on Through to the Other Side.”

If you’re interested, here’s the link for the app. #222 Forever

Pam Grout is the author of 20 books including E-Squared, E-Cubed, Thank & Grow Rich and her latest book, The Course in Miracles Experiment: A Starter Kit for Rewiring Your Mind (And Therefore Your World).

Is there confetti in your pocket?

“We are the promise of one people, one breath declaring to one another: I see you. I need you. I am you.”—Richard Blanco

I often share stories from my inbox, miracle stories that, as I’ve mentioned, often begin with “You are NEVER going to believe this.”

Today, I’m going to share a couple stories from my most important teachers—kids who, before they’re taught to “be careful” and “act responsible,” know the important stuff.

When I was out walking the other day, I ran into a family of 5. The youngest boy spotted a fuzzy caterpillar on a tree. Rapt with this amazing creature, he waved his parents over who dutifully “oohed” and “aahed” until finally they had to call him off, “C’mon, we gotta go.” The little boy, lingering a bit longer, leaned down to the caterpillar and said, “Goodbye. I love you.”

My other teacher is a little boy whose mother shared this story on Twitter. He was buckled into the backseat of the car when he asked, “Is it okay to throw the confetti in my pocket?”

“What?” she exclaimed. “Why do you have confetti in your pocket?”

Nonplussed, he answered. “It’s emergency confetti. I carry it everywhere in case there’s good news.”

This Thanksgiving season, I plan to share my love with caterpillars and trees and to keep confetti in my pocket because good news is everywhere when I decide to look for it. #222 Forever

Pam Grout is the author of 20 books including E-Squared, E-Cubed, Thank & Grow Rich and her latest book, The Course in Miracles Experiment: A Starter Kit for Rewiring Your Mind (And Therefore Your World).