E-Squared:  The 10-year anniversary edition (with a Manifesting Scavenger Hunt!!) GET IT HERE

Now recruiting: miracle private investigators

“Hard times require furious dancing.”—Alice Walker 00001u

This week, I was scheduled to give a weeklong Course in Miracles workshop at the Omega Institute in Rhinebeck, New York.

Called “All Heaven Will Break Loose,” the workshop was billed as a week “to switch off our thinking caps, cut up our vision boards and rest in the sweet, sweet experience of loving, creating, and being who we really are.”

The main idea was to generate a field of glorious possibility.

Since it got cancelled, I’d like to offer a free weeklong mini workshop right here on the blog.

I’ll show up every day with “assignments.” On second thought, let’s call them opportunities. Opportunities to find a story much deeper than the one we normally perceive. The Course calls this change of perception a miracle.

Yesterday, while zooming with one of my possibility posses, Bonita brought up a party game (that’s what I call exercises) that she’s playing right now. It’s called Find the Miracle. Every day, instead of simply noting three amazingly awesome things that happened (the gratitude program offered in my A.A. 2.0 program), she is actively looking for miracles.

What’s the difference, someone asked?

A miracle happens when we change our perception. Something we thought impossible becomes “well, duh!,” becomes our new, natural way of looking at life. The old life tells us today’s going to be just like yesterday. It says we have to follow all these steps and work really hard and hope, just hope that the other shoe is not going to drop.

Once we withdraw those projections, we find, to quote the Course, “a beauty that will enchant and never cease to cause wonderment at its perfection.”

So who’s in? Who wants to join my miracle private investigation team? All it takes is deciding right here, right now that you’re going to open up to the possibility that miracles are as normal as the rising sun. It’s a simple matter of what we expect.

If you’re down to play the miracle party game, simply commit to turning your attention away from what “appears to be.”

Instead, make the intention, have the expectation that you will be presented with at least one miracle (a big whopping miracle) every single day this week.

You’re invited to report your daily miracle in the comment section below. There will be a new post each day this week with the opportunity to share your miracles.

I’ll be reporting my miracles each day and I hope you’ll join me right here each day.

Let’s do this!!!!

Pam Grout is the author of 20 books including E-Squared, E-Cubed, Thank & Grow Rich and her latest book, The Course in Miracles Experiment: A Starter Kit for Rewiring Your Mind (And Therefore Your World).

274 Responses

  1. Pam, I had an intestinal upset which was painful. It started Friday night and lasted most of Sunday. The last time I felt ill was 8 years ago. I am studying A Course In Miracles with Lisa Natoli using her 40 day program. She suggested I center myself and call on the Holy Spirit for a miracle.

    I centered myself and asked the Holy Spirit for a healing of my intestinal upset. I did that Saturday morning. By Sunday afternoon I was much better. By Monday morning, I am almost totally over the upset.

    We are all the children of God only we forget. ACIM helps us remember. Love and Light, Nancy

  2. Miracle seeker number one signing in… today is nearly finished over here in the UK but I will begin again anew tomorrow…

  3. I’m in – this is an awesome idea! (Longtime lurker here 🙂 ) Thanks for all you do, Pam.

  4. Pam….I got so excited I almost could not finish reading!!! I’m in with arms wide open….
    Love and thank you x 100 miracles…
    Kate in Carmel Ca

  5. I love this so much! It reminds me of one of my favorite quotes by Adyashanti, “It’s a miracle that anything happens and we live in this abundance called life.” Thank you for presenting this opportunity to keep this in the forefront of mind all week!

  6. This is a big miracle! For the past year I’d been in an on and off relationship with someone I suspected has Narcissistic Personality Disorder. It was a mentally, emotionally and in the end sexually abusive relationship. I’ve known my empathetic self has disregarded red flags in dating and that’s how I’d gotten into this mess. But I really fell in love with this guy when he was “Dr Jekyll”. It wasn’t until the end when I saw who he really was hiding in “Mr. Hyde”. I decided to go back to online dating while I healed just to make sure I would finally walk away at the first sign of a red flag to show the Universe I was worthy of a guy who was 100% good all the time. I was chatting with two different guy in the past few weeks that showed red flags and I abandoned ship. I reached out to a guy whose profile I really, really liked and he wrote me back the best message I’ve ever gotten online dating. And here’s the miracle (so far since it was only one email). His name is Scott and he’s a Gemini. Same as the guy I fell in love with who wasn’t a good person. I had to laugh at that message from the Universe!!!!! I’m ready for the biggest miracle of all — for him to be the right guy for me!!!!!!! 🙂

    1. Brenda, I love that. Thank you so much for sharing. I also dated, on and off, a Narcissist for about a year. And finally saw the “Mr Hyde” as well. I left him last Wednesday. Thank you Universe! I spent this last weekend with the most loving people and friends and I will not settle. I am amazingly worthy and have so many awesome friends. I just started back with on-line dating. Its fun. I know he is close.

      May Scott be THE ONE for you!! Thanks again. With love, Nancy

      Thank you Pam for this “miracle” forum.

      1. Thank you Nancy! May we both find our ones!!! ❤️❤️ I’m glad you got out too!!! We’re on the right road now! 😁

  7. I’m in! Am stating the intention to receive one big whopping miracle every day this week:)

  8. Hi Pam, I am in to discover the daily Miracles and to get out of the self created proverbial box!

    Thank you for helping so many of us gain a new perspective and release the old mind set! My life has improved so amazingly!

    Love Only,

    Mirna Morales 626-408-2726


  9. I’m SO totally in.

    My son and his girlfriend were in a horrific accident in April and he was brought back to life twice. In fact, exactly 12 weeks ago right now he was in major life-saving surgery…

    There have been a plethora of miracles every day since – including discovering that both he and his gf were literally held in the arms of loving angels disguised as humans every minute until picked up by ambulance/life flight.

    Last Tuesday my son’s new (to him) 1995 pickup was stolen from the parking lot while they were both in physical therapy. We immediately realized that even such a shocking shitty thing held several miracles – including that both their wheelchairs, wallets, phones were NOT in the truck and that nobody was hurt.

    Life itself is the biggest miracle of all, no matter how messy or painful or wonderful – we are ALIVE!

  10. Count Me In I love you more everyday thank you for being you and letting me recognize who and what I am you are a gift to the world and hopefully I’m learning also. Xoxo

  11. Greetings… I decided last night when a THOUGHT paid me a visit: “SEE every BODY as a LIVING SOUL”! Thank you, Pam for this OPPORTUNITY to shift the paradigm this week & continue the course! Wishing us ALL: GOD’S RICH BLESSINGS & MIRACLES… Elle💗

    1. Hello, Richelle! About a year and a half ago, I received a message from Spirit (regarding humans) “and when their behaviors are intolerable, just love their Souls.” What you wrote reminded me of that!

  12. I’m in! And I had my first miracle today. Just before lock-down I moved to a cottage in the English countryside which had a neglected garden that was crying out to be turned into the kind of scene they show on chocolate boxes. It definitely needed lavender. But then all the garden centres were shut down. They recently re-opened and I went to one today that had put a whole load of plants on sale, because they’d outgrown their pots during the time the centre was closed. Lavender bushes £2 (about $2.50) Yay!

  13. I’m in!

    Love, Carol

    “Awakening Hearts & Inspiring Potential Through The Wisdom Of The Horse” Carol Marriott Ravenheart Farms Equine Assisted Learning Centre & Retreat Raven Horse Wisdom Life Coaching & Consulting http://www.ravenheartfarms.com

  14. I’m in! Here goes….Slightly boring, but a workman turned up earlier than expected so I could go out with my sidekick instead of staying in waiting all afternoon.

  15. I’m in. This sounds like an awesome party game and I’m so excited for the week ahead. Thank you, Pam!

  16. Stating my intention to open my eyes to the miracles around me! Let’s do this!

  17. Hi Pam,
    I am definitely in (from Paris) and on the starting blocks !!!

    Thanks for your initiative, it is the first miracle ! 🙂

    Best regards,

  18. I’m in! Yesterday’s miracle was diving with sharks, dolophins, and Umua with amazingly kind people.

  19. Oh yes! You are exactly what I needed today. I’m totally in and love, love, love this grand idea you are sharing. ❤️

  20. Heck yeah, I’m in! I am always up for a party game with the Incomparable Pam Grout and other conscious creators! Thank you, and Happy Monday!

  21. Pam. I made a mistake and ticked the box that says I want an email for every comment. Is there a way I can rectify this? Please…..Help! 🙂

    Darlene @ dbhicks@mts.net

  22. I’m in! This is today’s miracle. I need this so much right now. Thank you!!

  23. This “opportunity” to share miracles is a miracle in itself. Thank you Pam for opening this flow of loving energy!

  24. YES! I recently bought & began practicing with your new book, the brilliant ACIM “experiment”! I am so grateful to you for all the hilarity & joy within those pages that I nearly fell off my unicorn! I’m generating a magnificent field of possibilities. Dude bless you!

  25. What a beautiful gift to give all of us Pam! Thank you – Count me in for non-stop miracles – God Bless!

  26. Oh my gosh, this is exactly what I needed!!! I am counting this as my miracle for today!!! 💕

  27. Thank you for sharing your love and workshop with us. I got a shot in my big toe that has been in pain for 15 years from arthritis..my miracle is to be pain free for two weeks❤

  28. Hi Pam;
    I’m in!
    Already have TWO for today!
    My car repair over $900. 00 coverEd by warranty, Yay!
    My anniversary ring is also being repaired no hassle & no charge.

  29. I am in. I am new to ACIM and have tried to use it when old ways of thinking and reacting get in my way of joy and peace and love. Because of something that happened with family today I was sitting on my couch and trying to ease the feelings of ” I don’t matter”. Then my miracle was that I checked my email and your blog was there. I knew that I would be able to get out of my funk and accept the miracle of you. Thank you. As I was typing this reply I received a text from my family and it turns out another miracle. I do matter.

  30. Today one miracle stood out really strong: I woke up this morning surprised to remember and feel that I am already being breathed.

  31. Oh yes- one big miracle a day would be pretty sweet right now! I am definitely in, and setting this intention for an amazing summer, full of daily miracles.

  32. I´m in! Everyday I expect magic, but this is different. This week I expect MIND- BLOWING miracles/magic. 🤸‍♀️👁

  33. My miracle today was my husband who has Parkinson’s and dementia went to the gym all by himself today and navigated all the Covid 19 protocols ! Ps I took over his daily physical training March 17th .

  34. Thank you Pam ♥️
    My miracle today was my husband who climbs the Parkinson Dementia mountain everyday went to gym today for the first time since gyms closed and worked out all on his own AND understood the Covid 19 protocols !

  35. I am in. Monday is already over here, it is 11 pm in Finland. I have had my miracle. I fell and got injured in January, broken bone etc. Today was the first day in 6+ months when my legs were almost OK! I also got news that the bone is now ok, so I can start moving more now.

  36. I’m in! This post arriving at this time is definitely miracle number one for day one!

  37. I’m in! Thank you for the invitation. Makes me think of when I was little, asking my Mom: “Mom, what should I draw?” “Draw a bird.” “Um, naw, I don’t want to craw a bird.” “Draw a horse.” Um, naw, I don’t want to draw a horse.” …..Oh my, she was SO patient! I know, I’ll draw a miracle – right into my life. And I don’t even know what it looks like yet. What a fun adventure!

  38. I’m IN!! Thank you for this generous offer dear Pam. I love getting miracle surprises, and also giving them. Yesterday I received several bunches of beautiful flowers for FREE. Today, I am going to make small bouquets and place them on the doorsteps of some of my wonderful neighbors anonymously! Spreading hope, love and joy, one day at a time!

  39. This is an amazing idea – and my first miracle. I so need something like this to pull me out of my slump. It’s an automatic change in attitude. Thank you!

  40. Yes!! Thank you thank you for all your riveting emails .. I have all your books and always wait for your inspiration to land in my inbox. I am thrilled to be a part of this exciting MIRACLE TEAM.. can’t wait 😀
    Thank you Pam

  41. Pam, I’m so glad to receive your blogs in my email. You are such an inspiration when I keep finding myself in a gloomy mood when life keeps turning out different to how I want it to.
    Thank you x

  42. Thank you Pam! I love your perspective on our world and your generosity. Miracle Private Investigator reporting for duty! Yesterday I relistened to Thank and Grow Rich while weeding my garden so I already woke up (in Australia) inspired but now I’m dancing too. 💃🏻

  43. Hi Pam, bought Thank and Grow Rich and ACIM experiment lately, Just love your attitude, Thank you. Looking for MIRACLES upon MIRACLES.I’m in Toronto Canada.

  44. Heck yeah!! Saw 2 cedar waxwings yesterday, haven’t seen any in several years, that was a fabulous miracle 🙂 thanks for letting me play.

  45. I’m with you! I’m expecting miracles everyday this week! Thanks for all you do Pam. You’re always a delight to see and hear from.

  46. OK so I went to leave my comment & my # appeared: 122 Comments. I live at #122. Pam always brings me home. That’s my miracle for today

  47. So sorry the course got canceled but thrilled I now know about it and can partake in it.
    I’m all in for miracles and looking for them will be a blast. Thank you for this opportunity.

  48. Thank you!!  I am sooo excited to participate and see what Miracles present themselves to me 😊)

    Thank you again for all that you do, are and create.  You are a Miracle and a blessing.



    From: Pam Grout Reply-To: Pam Grout Date: Monday, July 6, 2020 at 11:08 AM To: Subject: [New post] Now recruiting: miracle private investigators

    psgrout posted: ““Hard times require furious dancing.”—Alice Walker This week, I was scheduled to give a weeklong Course in Miracles workshop at the Omega Institute in Rhineback, New York. Called “All Heaven Will Break Loose,” the workshop was billed as a week “to swit”

  49. I was registered for the Omega playshop and was quite disappointed that it was canceled. Thank you for finding a way to share your joy.

  50. I also clicked the all replies by email, so I unsubscribed and am now resubscribing. Sorry for the confusion, can’t wait for all the fun this week! ❤️ Thanks Pam!

  51. Thank you Pam, that sounds AweSoMe and I look forward to today’s MIRACLE in Australia.

    EnJOY everything about your day, with SMILES, Valerie.

  52. I hereby make the intention, have the expectation that I will be presented with at least one miracle (a big whopping miracle) every single day this week. Hallelujah!! Thank you for the gift of this brilliant mini workshop! I can hardly wait to post my big whopping miracles and to read about the big whopping miracles others will post right here!

  53. From tomorrow, July 7 – July 14, (a big birthday), 2020, I will encounter one miracle a day!

  54. I’m in
    Thanks Pam this is my miracle today I need something to see the good right now

  55. Reading ACIM and your email today was almost a mini-miracle in itself. After exhausting almost every means out there to survive constant chronic knee and hip pain along with the depression that courts it, your invitation is like a breath of clean, start-again, fresh air! Thank you and bless you for this opportunity to invite new exciting perceptions without pain playing a major role! From a Canadian eh?

  56. I’m in. Two happened even before I read your post. I was randomly thinking about what ever happened to someone I used to follow on YouTube. I had stopped listening to him because I was diverging from where he was spiritually. An hour later, I got an email from him (I thought I had unsubscribed) saying he had gone through a spiritual awakening. I watched his video and it was exactly what I was hoping he would say. Later, I was listening to a podcast and the host said that it was just ego talking if people thought they had a life purpose. I had always thought that the issues I had with my son’s mental health battles was so that I could help another parent. An hour later, I got a call from a student who was in a mental hospital. We weren’t even close. I asked if I could call his parents and when I called them to speak about their son and told them of my issues with my son, the mother said that I was an angel sent from God to help her. I had told her that I thought this was my life purpose and she agreed. So two miracles in one day!

  57. I LOOOOOOVE THIS!!!! Thank you thank you thank you for this miracle of an offering! 🙏🏻💗🙏🏻💗🙏🏻❤️🙏🏻❤️🙏🏻💜

  58. My miracle today is that my husbands surgery and post surgery has gone fabulously well!!

  59. I’m In! My miracle happened today – I journaled that I will be expecting and looking for a miracle today, My miracle was your invitation to be part of your miracle team. Thank you and I’m really enjoying your audio – A Course in Miracles. Looking forward to our daily connection. J

  60. I had a total hip replacement last Wednesday and it’s a total miracle! I feel fantastic!!

  61. I am definitely in. Thank you for the opportunity. Looking forward to miracles happening all week long. Loving this.

  62. My miracle today was to have so many new friends in my life that I didn’t have one year ago. How lucky am I? One can’t have too many friends.

  63. I am SO in – pumped to see what unfolds!! Thank you so very much for sharing what you’ve learned with everyone!! Blessings, love and light to you always, Pam XO

  64. Great. First miracle today is that we had a real downpour in my corner of Pennsylvania for the first time in weeks. It’s been so hot and dry . Thank you God for watering my garden today!

  65. Always ready for a miracle! Yesterday a guy I have known and loved for seven years told me he fell in love with me because I am so kind, mature and not into head games. First time he said that, made my day! I never really knew how he felt although he has on occasion said “I love you.”

  66. I am all in! Fabulous opportunity! Today’s Miracle already happened when a buyer texted for my biggest piece of furniture I have to sell before I move and also will likely take the 2 other heaviest pieces! My willingness to see the miracle of space, breath, calm and relief and negotiate my already low price was the win! 🙏💫

  67. Love this! My opportunity today: finally decided to take the plunge and get a pedicure… my nails have grown into talons so it was becoming a necessity! There I was, enjoying my pedicure but slightly disappointed because the nail tech was a diminutive woman… I knew that when it came time for the massage portion of the pedicure that it probably wouldn’t be the deep massage that I crave. First the scrubbing soap and as she rubbed it in I thought, hmmm she has some strength… then the lotion part… Holy Pedicure Massage Batman!! She had hands of steel! Good thing I was masked so she couldn’t see the drool pooling at the sides of my mouth! Thank You for the opportunity to come experience this miracle!!

  68. Hello Pam.
    My big miracle has already happened today (although I am open to receive more!). I glanced at my phone today, and guess what time it was? Yup. You guessed it. 2:22pm! So, aloud, I said to your beloved Taz, “Show me you are here. Help me, please, to have a shift in consciousness.” And then, I open my email to find this invitation from you, Pam. Just the first of many miracles I choose to see this week. Thank you to both you and Taz. I love you both and feel so connected to you both although we have never actually met (yet!).
    Jennifer in Philadelphia, PA

  69. Special Miracles Everyday and happy to post mine: Like stumbling on your blog. My 84 year old progressive mom gave me one of your books years ago and often forwards me things from you but I often haven’t had time to open them. The silver lining of covid is blogging again and finding you. Thanks for your great work and being a light in the world.

  70. Fabulous idea Pam! I’m in with spotted socks and party boots on! (Metaphorically speaking that is because I don’t have spotted socks – yet – or party boots – yet – but so what?! 😁) As SARK says “Miracle, find me now!” Amen and thankyou Pam ☺️💖⭐️🦋

  71. I’m in! Thanks Pam! Can’t wait to join you, the more the better and of course the more the more powerful too! Fun fun fun!

  72. We have just found out that my mum is possibly terminally ill and I was particularly upset while walking to work. I stopped to let a van pull out of a driveway and on its back door in huge letters was “This too shall pass.” It brought me back to the bigger picture and that we are all being looked after no matter what. Gratitude replaced fear.

  73. I started the miracle affirmation. I received a shipment of rare books from Canada and five rare DVDs from Malaysia today. Why is is a miracle? I had ordered five rare/difficult-to-find films from a distributor in Malaysia on 6/29 but was warned it would be months before they’d clear customs and could be delayed due to the corona virus. On 6/22, I ordered 3 rare books from a vendor in Canada. Again I was warned that, due to corona virus, customs, and other unknown delays,I was told that it also would take months to receive the books. So I was resigned to waiting until August. All the tracking numbers showed the shipments outside the US. After I read your blog, I affirmed that I’d receive a miracle today…and then I received the book shipment from Canada, the film shipment from Malaysia and an unexpected, back-ordered book order from Oregon fulfilled. All delivered within weeks, not months perfectly, and all arrived on the day I acknowledged that a miracle was happening. How can you not believe in miracles when something apparently impossible actually happens? And I am grateful, so thankful!

  74. I’m ready for even more miracles in my life. One day, I looked at the clock several times – first time 11:11, next one 2:22, and then 3:33 and finally 4:44. This has been happening a lot. And finding feathers, which in my life, means the angels are watching over me. Thanks for all you do, Pam. A friend of mine and I are doing your CIM and loving it.

  75. I’m in! Thanks so much for this idea they are all around us! I will report today I had one as I was driving and saying lesson 34 in the ACIM. “I can see peace instead of this”. This, was a worrisome thought and all of a sudden I looked over and there was a whole row of beautiful Sunflowers all along this fence saying “hi I love you! “It was a miracle for me! Thank you Pam!🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻

  76. I’m all in, Pam!!!!! Thank you very much for this spectacular invitation!!!!!



  77. Yes! Miracle find me now! as Sark says……..I bought a Flame Lily bulb from Holland and thought it wouldn’t flower because the bulb was broken in half but I planted the two bits anyway. Yesterday I discovered tit was flowering!.It absolutely made my day.

  78. Yess! Looking forward to finding miracles around me! Thanks for the lovely special invite! Love YOU! Bless U, always!

  79. I love this! I have been dealing with chronic pain for 8 years now and it feels like I’ve forgotten what a miracle feels like. I am excited to focus on looking for BIG miracles, expecting them. My goal is to shift my brain to expecting miracles every day. Thank you Pam for this; you truly are an angel on earth!

    1. Sometimes miracles feel like nothing (as in… not feeling pain). I’ve dealt with chronic pain myself and to me PEA (a natural substance found in Egg) and Green Lipped Mussel have given me that blissful feeling of the absence of pain. It took a while though (three months for the first results, a year to be painfree most of the day). Bless you, I hope your miracle will manifest instantly.

  80. My missing cat came back. Woo hoo, miracle! Pipelines are getting stopped by judges, a miracle of respect for water and for Native Americans. My daughter is a miracle, but also a pre-teen so she’ll roll her eyes if I say so.

  81. What a great opportunity! Thanks so much for sharing this with all of us. You’re an inspiration.

  82. I’m in! So excited. This is all new (working through E-Squared, but still struggling to let go of what I have always seen as reality and upping my expectations). Doing this daily will be energizing. Can’t wait to read about all the miracles and post my own.

  83. I’m also am in and already have a miracle.
    Yesterday I woke up early as always to use the restroom and noticed that I could barely walk. I felt pain and something funny going on in my hip area. Got back in bed (after making to the john) and immediately turned to a recoding of “Body” by Martha Wilcox on YOU TUBE. I listened and then declared my wellness and thanked God for my wonderful body. I then got out of bed and went about my day completely fine and walking with no problems. I’m very grateful!

  84. Thanks, Pam! I love these fun projects/;games and already posted a miracle!! Love—-Dale

  85. I’m in ! I commit to one week-7 days starting today July 7 to July 14 to allowing my perceptions to be changed in a big way once a day. who hoo!

  86. I absolutely love this idea! I am officially a miracle private investigator and I already solved my first case! I’ve been battling for the past few years with being a spiritual being and navigating social media. In my head I had decided that scrolling on Instagram wasn’t spiritual and meant I wasn’t being present. Today, very thankfully, I realised what a complete nob I was being! Social media IS connection, it’s a magical portal to seek out my spiritual tribe and connect with them authentically and with love. I used to sign on, post my content and then get the hell out of there. And I used to wonder why I felt like i didn’t have a tribe…. DUH! Today I saw the light and in fact I posted a video confessing my previous judgement and narrow-mindedness… forgiving myself profusely of course – I am a student of ACIM after all! Immediately today I feel so loved and connected to the wonderful people I know through Instagram. Boom!

  87. Hi All… my miracle is that my brother who hasn’t spoke to me and my other siblings in months showed up at breakfast for our youngest brother’s birthday 🎁. What a 💝 gift.
    Thank you, Pam for starting this wonderful endeavor. Love to all. Be well.

  88. Our magazine entitled ”Laughing Place, How To Lighten up When Life Gets Too Heavy” is going to be distributed by a distribution company. We are awaiting good news on several other distribution companies. We may be making the magazine a bi-annual effort. This magazine is a result of months of creative writing and tech issues that were overcome. We our eagerly awaiting more good news and perhaps putting out the call for writers to contribute. This is fantastic news!
    Christian and Laurel Hageseth.

  89. i will be expecting at least 1 big miracle everyday this week- at least one of those will be more warmth&sunshine (in Scotland) than predicted!! And because what we focus on grows, i truly expect more than 1 a day! thanks for sowing the seeds!!

  90. I´m in. I´m from México city. Hi. My economy is not doing good this days. Yesterday I open my drawer which I open everyday, and found $1500 pesos. Just in time for my grandaughter´s birthday. I think life is a miracle, and there are lots of everyday miracles if we decide to open our inside eyes, and see them.

  91. You have to know I’m in on this. We read the lessons each morning without fail from your book. I have miracles in my life everyday and now I have a place to share them. 🙂 Yay! My miracle this week, We have exceptionally cool weather for June and July! My heat pump that provides heat, AC and a whole house fan died two weeks ago. The repairman will be here tomorrow and it will stay cool until at least Saturday. I don’t thrive in really warm temps so I asked for cool weather and I have it. People think I’m nuts when I say I can control the weather. I just have to ask. I can’t tell you how many times stuff like this happens. 🙂 Now I’m hoping for a whole new unit since this one is at least 15 years old. 😉 We shall see. Oh, and I have insurance that pays for it. 🙂

  92. Hi Pam, two days ago I received a cheque for $675 in the mail. It was from my bank and a home loan that I had paid out when I sold a property 2 years ago. Apparently they made an error and wanted to put it right. Will start noting more miracles from today. I live in Australia and very much admire your work. xx

  93. Oh I am so in! I have a note in my beautify-ing box that reads “Miracles find me every day”.
    My miracle today is ~ my granddaughter and I are on our way to California. We are going to be there about 3 months. We do not have a permanent place to stay and we just keep getting invites to stay here and there. No one knows ~ we are so blessed! So fun! Such miracles!!!

  94. Greetings from Colorado 🙂 Making my decision to join and participate offical by posting here. What a beautiful and amazing idea! Thank you Pam! And thank you to everyone else who is on board with tickets to this miracle train!

  95. I am placing my feet firmly on this great circle…the ultimate positivity posse. Looking for the miracle
    In all our lives in the miracle called Life. Marco

  96. I’m in Australia. Have never been an early morning person and the past few days I am sleeping so deeply that I can wake early and feel refreshed all day long without having to nap and feel lethargic……..feels miraculous. Also a sore tooth has just felt better and better as do a few other body aches etc that I have had. Also wanting to make more friend connections and have been asked to outings or coffee by a few people. Xxx
    This group is amazing also……just what I needed ATM to shift to an even more expansive….fun and magical focus.
    Thanks everyone. xxx

  97. Hi Pam, amidst the chaos and massive doses of chaos, my miracles are showing up as DragonFlys in colors I have never seen before and birds that have never been in my neighborhood. Each with a perfect spirit message at the right time. They keep me flying higher than the heavy clouds at my feet.

  98. I’m so ready for this. What a wonderful invitation to be able to accept to search for miracles every day. Thank you

  99. My miracle today is that i’ve been doning some tapping and realized that I’ve been blaming myself for a few times of for showing courage. Now I’m forgiving myself and declaring the true. We are all children of perfection and LOVE.

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