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Now recruiting: miracle private investigators

“Hard times require furious dancing.”—Alice Walker 00001u

This week, I was scheduled to give a weeklong Course in Miracles workshop at the Omega Institute in Rhinebeck, New York.

Called “All Heaven Will Break Loose,” the workshop was billed as a week “to switch off our thinking caps, cut up our vision boards and rest in the sweet, sweet experience of loving, creating, and being who we really are.”

The main idea was to generate a field of glorious possibility.

Since it got cancelled, I’d like to offer a free weeklong mini workshop right here on the blog.

I’ll show up every day with “assignments.” On second thought, let’s call them opportunities. Opportunities to find a story much deeper than the one we normally perceive. The Course calls this change of perception a miracle.

Yesterday, while zooming with one of my possibility posses, Bonita brought up a party game (that’s what I call exercises) that she’s playing right now. It’s called Find the Miracle. Every day, instead of simply noting three amazingly awesome things that happened (the gratitude program offered in my A.A. 2.0 program), she is actively looking for miracles.

What’s the difference, someone asked?

A miracle happens when we change our perception. Something we thought impossible becomes “well, duh!,” becomes our new, natural way of looking at life. The old life tells us today’s going to be just like yesterday. It says we have to follow all these steps and work really hard and hope, just hope that the other shoe is not going to drop.

Once we withdraw those projections, we find, to quote the Course, “a beauty that will enchant and never cease to cause wonderment at its perfection.”

So who’s in? Who wants to join my miracle private investigation team? All it takes is deciding right here, right now that you’re going to open up to the possibility that miracles are as normal as the rising sun. It’s a simple matter of what we expect.

If you’re down to play the miracle party game, simply commit to turning your attention away from what “appears to be.”

Instead, make the intention, have the expectation that you will be presented with at least one miracle (a big whopping miracle) every single day this week.

You’re invited to report your daily miracle in the comment section below. There will be a new post each day this week with the opportunity to share your miracles.

I’ll be reporting my miracles each day and I hope you’ll join me right here each day.

Let’s do this!!!!

Pam Grout is the author of 20 books including E-Squared, E-Cubed, Thank & Grow Rich and her latest book, The Course in Miracles Experiment: A Starter Kit for Rewiring Your Mind (And Therefore Your World).