E-Squared:  The 10-year anniversary edition (with a Manifesting Scavenger Hunt!!) GET IT HERE

Love or above

“This whole experiment in pretending to be a human was intended as a light comedy, a stroll in the garden, a cheeky knock-knock joke.”–Matt Cornwall

What I’m about to say is so simple that I know for a fact that a lot of you will dismiss it, write it off, roll your eyes and think “there she goes again, talking nonsense.”

So I’m going to ask you to take this rather primitive, four-word strategy out for a spin. Don’t take my word for it. Just try it.

Ready? Give thanks for everything.

What do you have to lose? Unless you woke up feeling absolutely blissful this morning, excited to leap out of bed, there’s always room for improvement. Try this for the next 21 days.  And see what happens.

Remember, I said thanks for everything.

Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius pointed out some 2000 years ago that the quality of our lives depends on the quality of our thoughts. And the quality of our thoughts depends on our perception.   

And while there are lots of techniques for changing perception (meditation, affirmations, going to workshops are a few that springs to mind), the one that ALWAYS, 100 percent of the time works is counting your blessings.

I was reminded of this potent manifestation technique at All Souls this past weekend. I was standing in line to get a latte and one of the beautiful participants, also jonesing for caffeine, expressed her excitement at the new PERFECT job she’d started the Monday before. She said this awesome job literally fell into her lap (she didn’t even apply, if I remember correctly) after she started practicing the gratitude program I wrote about in Thank and Grow Rich.  

It was all surprisingly easy. And that’s the other perception I personally play with on the regular. Things don’t have to be hard. Life can be easy. As easy, my friends, as “giving thanks for everything.”

Again, nothing to lose and a whole new perception to gain. #222 Forever!

Pam Grout is the author of 20 books including E-Squared, E-Cubed, Thank & Grow Rich and her latest, The Course in Miracles Experiment: A Starter Kit for Rewiring Your Mind (And Therefore Your World).

There’s a party going on right here

“A miracle is the answer to any problem.”—Marianne Williamsonducky

A Course in Miracles has lots of pages, lots of words, but it boils down to this: once we relinquish our old thought system, love becomes our M.O. and miracles and blessings are all we see.

As we let go of the creaky, has-been thought system that’s currently playing out on our planet, we move…

From fear to love.

From problem state to possibility state.

From limitations to absolutely anything can happen.

And it starts with getting Lesson 31: I am not the victim of the world I see.

The world out there is a result of the world in here. I hope you see my pointing at my head.

Once I let go of my belief (my thought system) that whatever problem seems to be plaguing me is ABSOLUTE TRUTH, a bigger picture (also known as a miracle) can emerge.

Since I happen to be a trained journalist (or as I’ve been known to joke, a member of the world’s largest terrorist organization), I decided to prove my point by reporting the following stories that recently dropped into my inbox:

1. Problem: Missing wallet

“I just finished E2 about 2 minutes ago. I just wanted to say thank you for changing my life (no big deal lol)

“I had lost my wallet for 5 days. I went on and on about it. Even my 2-year old was walking around saying, “Mommy lost her wallet”

“Finally after complaining for the millionth time about the horror of replacing my credit card (1st world problems), I smashed my finger and split my nail open.

“So I think to myself, what’s the message. And with my new found dose of adrenaline, the voice came in clear: “Have you not learnt a *!** thing?”

“You’re right” I silently replied

“So I went to the kitchen with my daughter, took out some paper and drew a picture of Mommy and Lo finding the wallet. I wrote a little story about how we would do a ducky dance.

“Five minutes later, the wallet reveals itself and we danced like ducks.”

2. Problem: Missing the bus to work

“I felt moved to add to your mountain of emails. I work at a library and accidentally sent a book to the wrong shelf. In tracking it down I noticed “Thank & Grow Rich” and decided to check it out. On the very day I decided to do your 30-day exercise, I was shocked to see one of the inspirational readers I use every day reaffirming your philosophy with, “If I fill this moment with gratitude, the next moment can’t help but bring blessings.”

“After doing my first AA 2.0 (note to reader: it’s a gratitude program I write about in Thank & Grow Rich), I was rushing through the snow to the bus stop, only to see the bus cruise past my stop and head on without me. I decided not to see it as problem or the end of the world.

“Then the weirdest thing happened. The bus slowed down, stopped, and BACKED UP toward me! I had never had that happen before. “Don’t tell anyone!” the driver told me, smiling. He had backed up to a gap in the snow banks, so I could easily board. The gratitude exercise was a great start to the day, and every day since. Thank you and I look forward to more blessings to share!”

Pam Grout is the author of 19 books including E-Squared, E-Cubed, Thank & Grow Rich and her new book, Art & Soul,Reloaded: A Year-Long Apprenticeship to Summon the Muses and Ignite Your Daring, Audacious, Creative Side.

Why I like to gang up on perceived problems

“Life is beautiful not because of the things we see or the things we do. Life is beautiful because of the people we meet.”–Simon Sinek

If you’re a regular at this blog, you know how much I love my Lawrence possibility posses and how important I think it is for all of us to “gang up” on perceived problems of lack and limitation.

I am so thrilled that groups are forming all over the planet to talk about the principles in E-Squared, E-Cubed and Thank & Grow Rich. And so grateful for all the amazing things people send to me—everything from origami roses to Love Lists (thank you Sherry Richert Belul).

Since I get together with my one of my posses every Sunday (they’re like my own personal pit crew who help me change my flat tires when I’m heading in the wrong direction), I often have great stories to tell on Monday.

Here are just three from yesterday:

Never Say No to Fun Rhonda and Carla were driving home from a gardening workshop in Overbrook. Rhonda said to Carla, “You know what I need? A friend who loves to garden and has lots of extra plants to give away.”

The next day (literally the next day) she’s at the posse and a new guy walks in. Rhonda starts chatting him up, welcomes him to the group. “So what do you like to do?” Innocent enough question, right?

He replies: “I’m a Master Gardener.” She has been getting free plants from him ever since.

Jeff didn’t mention it to anybody, but thought, “I’d love to get a mountain bike.” He filed it away in his “someday when I get some money together” file.

Last week, out of the blue, one of his co-workers presented him with a…do I really have to say it?..a mountain bike with a 29-inch frame that was too tall for its original owner, but just the right size for Jeff.

Robbin’s daughter, Kitty, who recently manifested the perfect interior architect job just manifested a second job at the same company for her best friend from college. The two recent graduates moved into an apartment together that, included in the rent, just happens to have its own concierge, its own driver and its own personal trainer.

There were more stories (there are always more stories), but I’ll close for now by reminding us that we are here on Planet Earth to magnify and glorify infinite potentiality. We can’t do that if we depend on what we’ve seen in the past, what we think we know. That’s why it’s so darned important to keep this conversation going.

Anyone else have a great story to share?

Pam Grout is the author of 18 books including E-Squared: 9 Do-it-Yourself Energy Experiments that Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality and the recently released, Thank and Grow Rich: a 30-day Experiment in Shameless Gratitude and Unabashed Joy.

Ode to a Grecian Urn, the Universe and my possibility posse

“If your mind isn’t cluttered with unnecessary things, this could be the best day of your life.”—The Zing AKA Ethan Hughesaa4d729c1e0c103cf83c15bcde5b821d

I’m officially screwed.

According to Wharton prof Adam Grant, people who criticize are typically rated 14 percent more intelligent than people who gush in gratitude like I do.

But you know what? I’ll bet they’re not nearly as happy.

Singing praises about my life, whether it be odes to Grecian urns or compliments to my loved ones, is an art I refuse to disavow, even if I appear foolish, ridiculous and well, 14 percent less intelligent.

Today’s sonnet of joy goes out to my possibility posse. I’ve been known to drool just thinking about all the cool things revealed there each week.

Like yesterday, Rhonda told a story about a fender bender. Tempers have a tendency to flare during such events. But Rhonda, rather than get all discombobulated, jumped out of the car and made friends with her “perpetrator.” They even laughed and gave shout-outs because, well, nobody’s hurt and as my friend Annola used to say, “the baby’s still breathing.”

When you choose to join rather than separate, to love rather than fear, the universe takes care of the material world. As Rhonda and her new friend were chatting, they heard a pop. The dent that could potentially have created an enemy literally popped back into perfection.

Another posse member shared a story about being crammed into the New York subway at rush hour. Stuffed like ricotta inside a pasta shell, nobody could move. One beautiful human got pissed, started yelling at the person next to him. My friend thought, “Uh oh, this is not good.”

But the person being yelled at, rather than react, simply acted in love, simply asked with sincere compassion, “What can I do to make this better?” The pissed-off person kept yelling and the other person kept loving him, kept offering a miracle. My friend said that what could have easily turned into a riot turned into an inspiring lesson.

The conditioned mind would say, “They’re doing a bad thing. They must be a bad person.” But instead of “fighting,” instead of creating an “enemy” they simply asked “What’s it like to be you?”

Okay, my friends, that’s my sonnet, my ode, my gush for the day. Would love to hear in the comments section below, what you’re choosing to fall in love with today. I promise not to think you’re 14 percent less intelligent.

Pam Grout is the author of 18 books including E-Squared: 9 Do-it-Yourself Energy Experiments that Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality and the recently released, Thank and Grow Rich: a 30-day Experiment in Shameless Gratitude and Unabashed Joy.

The choice is clear. Pick Door #Purple Light

“Nothing prepared me for being this awesome. It’s kind of a shock to wake up every morning and be bathed in this purple light.”—Bill Murray 1

It has come to my attention that there are people out there who discount the importance of gratitude. They think it’s beneath them, too Pollyanish. They think it’s important right now to struggle, to fight, to fix all the problems.

But what if the frequency of joy and gratitude is just another synonym for the Divine? What if it’s the purple light Bill Murray is talking about? What if the only reason we think we’re in trouble is because our thoughts and energy are vibrating on a frequency that doesn’t match the Bigger Thing?

My Course in Miracles lesson for today is “I am blessed as a Son of God.” This is what all of us are entitled to—being blessed, being happy, being peaceful, being loving and loved. And anything that doesn’t line up with that frequency is an illusion, a mirage that we created and we can change. Simply by picking a different door.

As the Course also says, “The separated ones have invented many cures for what they perceive to be the ‘ills of the world.’ But the one thing they do not do is question the reality of the problem.”

Today, I have decided to question the reality of all my so-called problems and bask in the sheer deliciousness of the purple light.

And since you all seem to enjoy the stories, here’s one that recently popped into my inbox

“I am a single mother from Germany and today I wanna thank you. My life has changed so much in the past 12 month that I sometimes can’t believe this is really happening. Last June I hated my job and I prayed for help and the FP responded instantly. I woke up the very next morning and I couldn’t walk anymore because it was too painful. The doctors didn’t know why and so I stayed at home crawling on my butt for nearly 2 months.

“After 5 weeks I got fired (getting fired is not very easy in Germany :-)). Instead of panicking, I stayed calm and the first time in my life I was full of trust. I decided to become a freelance writer and artist and I have never been more happy.

“Actually it’s the first time in my life that I truly love my life and that I am not crying Friday night because I have to go back to work on Monday morning. I started a blog for other single mothers to become more happy with being a single parent and I started painting again. I don’t know why I ever stoped being creative because now I just can’t get enough! I send a portfolio to an online gallery and they send me a contract back!! I am so happy! Plus it’s the first time I got enough money to travel outside Europe! I have never left Europe although I wanted to travel since I am 4 years old.

“Because of you and your books I know that there is something out that’s helping me. And I don’t have to panic or work hard (Germans always want to work hard, hahah). I can just lean back and do what I love. I know that everything will be fine. The funny thing is I booked 2 flights to Thailand a couple months ago and we are flying in 2 weeks.”

Have a blast, my friend!!!

Pam Grout is the author of 18 books including E-Squared: 9 Do-it-Yourself Energy Experiments that Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality and the recently released, Thank and Grow Rich: a 30-day Experiment in Shameless Gratitude and Unabashed Joy.

What the BANANAS, Part II

“When we women offer our experience as our truth, as human truth, all the maps change.”–Ursula K. Le Guin


 As I mentioned in my new book, Thank and Grow Rich, I have inadvertently become a PR person for the universe.

The perks, as you can imagine, are many, but the best thing about this job is that my “employer”—if you want to call this universal love energy my “boss”—doesn’t ask that I pimp some useless product or lower my standards or pretend to believe in something I don’t see proof of every single day.

The universe is not trying to sell anything. All it wants to do is give. And give. And give some more.

My job as one of its many “press agents” is to let you know that you are loved unconditionally—always, without exception, no matter what.

I’m in charge, if you will, of publicizing the fact that the universe is trying like bloody hell to interact with you. The universe (or God or the field of infinite potentiality or whatever name you want to call this energy force) wants nothing more than to bless you, to guide you, to help you create the most exciting version of yourself possible.

And here’s the cool part. Not one thing is required of you for this to happen. You don’t have to earn its favor. Or send in a coupon. You just have to release the “reality” you’ve been reading about in the news. You just have to make space in your consciousness for the universe to get in. You have to quit fighting life and let it be.

Not only is the old reality as passé as the bump (it’s a dance, for those of you who missed the disco days), it’s defective and causing you to miss the most freakin’ amazing things.

So that’s why I continue to share these stories.

Here’s a fun one that appeals to a traveling fool like moi. Enjoy!:

“I read E2 last Xmas and decided I would manifest a trip each month for 2016 because I wanted to travel more. Plus I had kids and was a single mom, so the scheduling had to work out! except I had already booked a ticket to Toronto’S “I Can Do It” conference in May.

“Here is my list of travel. 2016 was totally successful! BTW I live way way up in Noerther Ontario, 9 hours north of Toronto. There is a small airport in Timmins that does fly to Toronto.

“January: My friend asked me if I wanted to go for a weekend to Hamilton, ON and she would pay to fly down and all expenses. She had a doctor appointment. We had a blast!

“February: I refinanced my mortgage and the bank said they put an extra 5k in my account in case I wanted to do anything. So….. half went to a spur of the moment trip to Jamaica with my friends and my mom, for the first time ever, was able to drive 9 hours to my house to babysit. PLUS our flight to Timmins from Toronto was delayed until the next day so I ended up with an $800 gift certificate for Air Canada, plus they put us up in hotel, with food vouchers, plus my Amex allowed for $500 in new clothing (cause we didn’t have our luggage) so we went shopping!!

“Plus there was a booth for Amex cards, so I applied for a platinum card and got free tickets to the airport lounge, plus 50,000 points good for 2 round trip tickets in North America!

“March: With the other half of the money from the bank, I brought my kids on a week’s ski trip at a resort north of Toronto for the first time!

“PLUS a new male interest asked me if I would like to attend a conference with him in Toronto, all expenses paid! No strings. There were flowers waiting and the staff at the Royal York hotel (fancy) had their seamstress sew purple pillow cases for the bed cause he knew I loved purple!!!

“April: PR I went to Florida with points to see my good friend’s new house.

“May: I flew to Toronto with points and stayed at some friends of friends place.

“June: I was taken to a fun weekend away in Sudbury, ON

“July: My kids and I were taken to NYC for 8 nights and treated to luxury and excursions.

“August: The same man, who became my b/f took me on a weekend to Toronto.

“September: I asked the Universe for a month off cause I was tired and kids started school lol!

“October: Went on a week to Vancouver, which was on my bucket list. All expenses paid by HIM!

“November: Went to a conference in Toronto, all paid since I am on the Board of a children’s disability center. Stayed at the best hotel. Found out I was a Marriott elite gold member. Got treated like a queen and upgraded. I didn’t stay at Marriotts enough so I don’t know why I have gold status but I do. I’ll take it.

“Also a dinner dance for a weekend in Sudbury.

“December: It’s the big trip. A 10 day cruise to Caribbean and Honduras! Using points and my b/f is paying.

“For 2017, I’m going to manifest funds for a children’s after school Center I want to start in my town.”

Pam Grout is the author of 18 books including E-Squared: 9 Do-it-Yourself Energy Experiments that Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality and the just released, Thank and Grow Rich: a 30-day Experiment in Shameless Gratitude and Unabashed Joy.

Why I no longer listen to the maniac in my head

“My life was an open suitcase and clothes were strewn all over the place.”–Amy Poehler

miss-trunchbullWhen you write a book, the manuscript goes back and forth between you and your editor like a ping pong ball. Right now, the designed PDF of Thank & Grow Rich, my book that debuts in August, is on my side of the table. I am looking it over one last time before it goes to the printer, never to be changed again.

So, I thought I’d run a short excerpt here on the blog. This is from the chapter called Static where I list the many things that gunk up our joy and gratitude frequency. The little asshat in our head, I’ve discovered, that imposter that pretends to be us, is one of the biggest deterrents to the Divine Buzz.

 I’d love to hear what you think in the comments section below:

Waterboarding has nothing on the torture that used to take place in my brain. A nonstop voice loop reminded me of all that was lacking in my life. This obnoxious voice (think Miss Trunchbull, the sadistic headmistress in Roald Dahl’s Matilda) kept tabs on all I was doing wrong. It made long lists of things I needed to improve.

It insisted I should try really hard to “be a better person.” Its ears perked up anytime someone mentioned a new self-help book. It’s for your own good, it said.  

This voice was very clear that something was wrong with me. It told me that, unlike everyone else, I had glaring flaws.

“Pam,” it liked to sayyou don’t quite measure up to other people, the cool people. You aren’t as funny. Your skin’s not as clear. And while you sometimes have a way with words, you’re basically day-old Alpo compared to say Pat Conroy or Mary Karr. You might as well just get in bed and start tomorrow.”

For the longest time, I thought this voice was me. It did a very convincing impersonation. I took the voice to therapy. I explained its opinions about my worth to my friends. I believed that when I voiced its concerns, I was voicing my concerns.

It wasn’t until I began counting my blessings that the other frequency was able to make contact, the still, small one that whispered kind truthsI much preferred what is was saying. It suggested I start focusing on how deeply I am loved. How truly beautiful the world is.

It suggested the most important thing I could do for myself was get happy. Quit judging myself.

The Miss Trunchbull voiceit whispered gently, is not youIt’s a pseudo-Pam that you installed when you were very young, a voice that pretends to be you and pretends to be very, very important.

The still, small voice reminded me that everything I see, everything I believe, is just a story I made up. It told me that, in Truth, I am spirit. I am light. All those voices, those wars going on in my head, are nothing but chunks of the collective consciousness that I can either believe and defend against or I can transmute with gratitude.

The real me, it told me, is kind, giving, in deep communion with all of creation. The real me is a true force for love.

Pam Grout is the author of 18 books including E-Squared: 9 Do-it-Yourself Energy Experiments that Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality and the about to be released, Thank and Grow Rich: a 30-day Experiment in Shameless Gratitude and Unabashed Joy

Life-changing reminder to tattoo upon your body

“I don’t have issues. I have subscriptions.”—Greg Tamblyn 


I’ve noticed an odd tendency among readers of my books. Some of them make the disturbing assumption that I have my s*%t 100 percent together.

While that’s certainly a beautiful notion and, in Truth, we are all perfect, beautiful, loving agents for God, I sometimes forget.

So here’s the tattoo-worthy reminder:

Successful people feel fear and doubt and have bad ideas.

It’s vital to remember this. Because when we feel fear or doubt or have a bad idea, we too often decide there’s something wrong with us and that we’ll never write that book or find that relationship or do the thing that our heart is bugling out for us to do.

I gain the strength to follow my heart’s bidding by hanging out regularly with what I now call my possibility posses (nee: power posses). As songwriter Greg Tamblyn reminded us yesterday, everybody needs to find a group of abnormal people to commune with.

We’re abnormal in that we tell stories that defy what society tells us in normal. We tell stories about miracles and possibilities. We witness to the fact that when we get on the right frequency, the bigger thing has plenty of room to work with us, to guide us, to bless us. And when one of us is having an “issue” or even a “subscription,” the others of us can gently point out that: “yep, that’s one story. But there are a gazillion others.”

All of us are all full of stories. Why not be abnormal and choose the ones that instill peace and joy and light?

Pam Grout is the author of 18 books including E-Squared: 9 Do-it-Yourself Energy Experiments that Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality and the about to be released, Thank and Grow Rich: a 30-day Experiment in Shameless Gratitude and Unabashed Joy