E-Squared:  The 10-year anniversary edition (with a Manifesting Scavenger Hunt!!) GET IT HERE

From “What is” to “What if?”

“Magic is becoming the new norm.”—Bentinho Massaro

This incredibly gorgeous illustration was sent to me by your fellow Miracle Investigator, Pelonne. I love it SO MUCH!

At the Omega Institute where I was scheduled to present this week, there are always several workshops going on.

I’ve been there when Marianne Williamson was teaching, Paul Selig and even Eckhart Tolle. It’s pretty tony company.

Everybody eats in the same dining room and people from the other workshops would often quizzically approach our group and ask, “What are you guys doing in there? What ARE you smoking?” They could feel our joyful, gleeful vibe. It was palpable.

That’s what all of us have been doing this week. Creating a resonant field of excitement and energy. From the many comments on the blog, it appears that our team of miracle P.I’s has successfully contributed to the upliftment of planetary consciousness. That sounds all woo-woo, I suppose, but it’s no small thing. To me, it’s one of the best ways to serve mankind.

I like to think of myself as a computer programmer (even though I don’t know the first thing about coding) who goes in and changes the code on this three-dimensional video game called life. Most of us were programmed to believe in lack and limitation, to believe that miracles are impossible or at least not everyday occurrences.

By changing the code (which is what we’ve done this week), we discover a more magical way of existing in the world. Instead of looking at “what is” we open ourselves to a resonant field of glorious possibilities, we start asking “What if?”

I trust all of you will continue on in your consciousness-changing work as miracle spotters. The more we call out miracles, the more normal, natural and easy they become. Which creates even more miracles. The toggle switch in our field of awareness has been changed to a whole new setting.

So today, in conclusion of this online mini-workshop, I’d like to share a couple thoughts on how to keep the high frequency going. Just remember:

1. Miracles are natural. The Course says if we’re not experiencing them on the daily, something has gone wrong.

2. A miracle can be accessed at any time. It doesn’t take seven or nine or whatever steps. The Course calls this toggle switch the holy instant. It can happen that quickly.

I got an amazing email last week from a woman who attended a workshop I once gave in Austin. Because she walked in late, she had no time to get into her “story.” Right away, it was her turn to share, and before the old familiar “poor me” narrative could fall into place, a completely different thought popped into her head. “My entire life has been a miracle.” Before that holy instant, she had always focused on her struggles. She grew up poor, her parents died when she was young, she got into drugs, yada yada.

But because she had no time to call up her normal script, this other story came pouring out. She described one miracle after another. And the most amazing thing, she said, is it felt more REAL and more TRUE than any other story she’d ever told.

Since that time (and this is my favorite part), the old story never returned.  The switch became permanent. She now sees miracles instead of sadness, accomplishments instead of struggle.

This switch in attention can be made that fast. It can be made at any moment you decide to switch it.

3. Help is available 24/7. The Course asks us to relinquish all that clutters up our minds. Anytime we get off track, we’re encouraged to simply ask for help from what the Course calls the Holy Spirit. In my new book, I compare this always-available resource to the character Hobson, the hilarious butler who took care of Dudley Moore in the 1981 movie, Arthur. Hobson loved his irresponsible charge with an open heart, no matter what ridiculous, immature thing he did. All Arthur had to do was ring a little silver bell.

So whenever I notice my mind settling into problem state or forgetting to be grateful or worrying about anything at all, I just stop, think of Hobson and ring the silver bell.

Thank you all SO MUCH for joining the Miracle P.I. team. Don’t forget to leave today’s miracle in the comments section below. And remember none of our lives will ever be the same.

With so much gratitude, Signing off from Lincoln Street. 222 Forever!!!

Pam Grout is the author of 20 books including E-Squared, E-Cubed, Thank & Grow Rich and her latest book, The Course in Miracles Experiment: A Starter Kit for Rewiring Your Mind (And Therefore Your World).

118 Responses

  1. Hi,
    just being here today is in itself grace from a force that I am now just beginning to know.
    Have a great weekend all.

    God bless

    1. Today is my birthday and I have so much love and magic in my life it’s obscene 😎. Recently I had a similar shift I thinking around one of the ACIM readings. But I’m going to remember this story! I’m going to LOOK for all the magic in my (his)story and tell it much differently!!!!! I love your work, Pam!

  2. Awww! I just got a book by Bentinho Massaro and recorded a voice message for a friend saying that I’ll read it tomorrow. Next thing, I open my e-mail and your post starts with an amazing quote by Betinho Massaro. It’s so clear that magic is the the new normal ✨✨✨ Magic and miracles are afoot, my dear 💖

    1. An old friend of mine introduced me to Bentinho. As I told her, she certainly knows how to pick handsome teachers–always a nice side benefit-haha!

  3. Hi the past 3 days people I don’t even know have just been given me things like I’m in the store 2 days in a row short of change for my purchase and complete strangers even though I insisted gave me what I needed and then 1 was being treated out by my daughter who’s 15 to pizza which she was going to pay with her Applepay they’re machine wasn’t working so I pulled out my wallet and the employee goes no that’s ok it’s on me I always say thank you for the blessings I have and all that are on the way woo-hoo🤗

      1. Today while riding my horse we actually came upon a quail on the trail!! Now for many this would be no big deal but for TWO years I have heard the quail calling back and forth and I have always looked for them and so I have been smiling ever since because I had my miracle mindset on and just like that the elusive quail came to me 😎

  4. Thank you for this mini-workshop. Grateful to be a miracle P.I! Today I posted a question on a online group about an issue I’ve encountered building my website. I quickly had lots of replies telling me how to solve it. I’m really touched by people’s kindness. I also received an unexpected refund showing me that abundance is always present. Sending love and thanks for this experience all the way from Scotland. ❤

    1. Hi Sharon
      This happened to me too this week I posted on supportive Abraham groups about something and people were so kind and loving I was taken aback. I’m from uk.

      Loraine x

    2. I was thinking about your books and some of your stories while I was walking around a new town looking for a property with my husband. He needs a new office space. The place we originally thought would be appropriate didn’t look quite right. We were almost going to give up on the area when he spotted a “for sale” sign on a property that might be perfect. The address? 222 🙂

  5. I forgot to ask for help this morning to see my miracle, and really today has been a lazy day, but still my whole day has felt like a miracle; snuggling with my dog, drinking coffee, and reading my favorite book. Bliss! Warm, cozy and loved. What bigger miracle could there be?

  6. More miracles!
    It is possible to change… among maaany miracles I’ve noticed quiet little parts of me settle down, be kind to myself, accept that there is a voice of ego that I am ok to not listen to, but acknowledge kindly and choose to take a lesson towards change.
    I am feeling love creep in without needing to change others around me, aand I haven’t known that love feeling in the lat 20yrs or so, aand I am knowing without any doubt that I am cared for and that the doors will own ahead of me without planning, AND I have gorgeous days when I don’t plan, and allow graceful Is-ness to plan for me!

    I’m rolling around drunk in gratitude!


    1. I love that! Love and gratitude drunk hahahhaa but really we are more sober ? Haha

      I heard a cool thing along this subject yesterday; “you don’t need to change for us to love you, but you do need to change to notice that we always love you” -abraham hicks

  7. Hi Pam!
    I looked out my window last night to see if I’d be able to see any stars so I could lay out and gaze. The sky was cloudy so no stars. And then I saw it… my entire yard was lighting up with fireflies! They were everywhere! It’s the first time I’ve seen them this year and I couldn’t believe how many there were. My own personal ‘star show’ was playing out just for me. How blessed I felt! As for my miracle today. When I started this week, I was feeling kind of down and a tiny bit hopeless. Today, as I end the week, my faith has been restored and I have been recharged. Thank you Pam! I really needed this! Sending you so much love!

  8. July 7th. ..I had a CT Scan. .The technician said ..” well that is all the fun we can have with you today”. Made me smile…our mission was to have fun..

    July 8th. .follow up for a biopsy in May. I worried that my parking meter may expire before I saw the Doctor. My word for the year is “trust”. So I silently told myself to trust. When my appointment; which by the way was awesome. Good results, I went out to my car. The time for my meter to expire was 12:25. The time on my clock was 12:22….made me smile.

    July 9th. .wandering out loud to my husband about my CT Scan results. A few minutes later the Doctor called. My scan was good. .made me smile.

    On our way to camping I noticed that the canola fields were in bloom. They are the most beautiful yellow colour…while at camp sitting outside under the shade of the trees I noticed a single seed hanging from an invisible thread. ..it was just floating there waiting to be released so it could perhaps become what it was meant to be…a majestic tree…are we just dangling from an invisible thread waiting to become what we are meant to be?

    July 10th. .On our walk around the campground we saw that the Saskatoon berries will be abundant this year for the bears and hungry campers. Also we saw 2 beautiful bunnies. ..made me smile.

    Thank you for this wonderful miraculous week.

    Darlene 🌻

  9. Glad to be a miracle PI!
    My electric bill is $18.00. (What?) because of a “hot weather discount “ I never knew I was eligible for!
    My cable company gave me a huge “vacation price” which I used to spend $100 more on!

  10. On the way home from the market, I called my wife and told her they were playing some great music on Funky Friday ( WXPN U Penn ) and we should tune in. Long story short it turned into this really cool dance party led by my wife who is a skilled cardio dance teacher and me who always thought I was too cool to follow her instructions. She taught me to truly connect ( in a basic beginner way ) to the beat and we had a transcendent experience.

  11. The energy that comes from the palms of my hands each day as I giddily watch for a miracle to appear has been sooooo exciting! The path for my mentoring business is unfolding in front of my eyes and I am continuing to allow that to unfold as I write this. The miracle is that it is happening as a result of just being, basically doing nothing, and I am trusting my gut and am being paid back with joy, excitement, and anticipation of what is to come.

  12. I have absolutely LOVED this series and truly appreciate the variety of miracles that have been shared. I go back through all the Comments each day to check for new ones. Thank you, Pam, and thank you, Miracle P.I. Team!!! And Taz also, of course. 😊

    Today I can add mine. Out of the blue earlier this week, I received an email from somebody I did not know, asking if I would consider participating in an advisory committee for an organization that I was once connected to. I responded to the calendar invite and assumed today’s introductory phone call was of the “screening” sort. The organization is a well-regarded national non-profit. Surely there was a long list of other candidates. Nope, it turned out the role is mine if I want it. It will be a fairly small committee of 5 to 8 people, a relatively short (and minimal) time commitment and I will receive a $1,000 stipend for my involvement. Of course, I accepted. I would have done this for free.

    Another fun reminder that you never know what surprises the Dude has up his sleeve. May you all continue to be blessed with magic and miracles! 🌈 💜💙💚💛❤️

  13. I have a potentially unsatisfying miracle today, but it was a sad day in the first month of mourning my Dad’s death. Sometimes I move furniture around when I am trying to change my energy. I just managed to move a big bookshelf so everything feels lighter and more beautiful in my house; it changed an energy pattern of cinstriction I had lived with for eight years, and I sat down and had a good cry. Anyone else ever do that– move furniture to move stuck feelungs? That’s my Eeore miracle: the bookshelf actually fitting the soace in a way i never thought to try, the resulting beauty of the room, the rainstorm cry. Also, my friends were sending one another pictures of hummingbird moths, which we don’t have here. Have you seen those? They are so weird and cool. Miraculous.

    1. A good cry is so relieving isn’t it. Keep expressing your true feelings. I totally get the furniture moving!!! My mum has commented before, because I used to always change my room around alot, and she’d say “Jackie’s making change happen”

      Feel embraced virtually.

  14. First of all, Sasha I am so sorry for the loss of your dad. That is huge. And I’m glad you found a way to release some pain and restore some beauty. Big hugs to you.

    In my miraculous news today, somebody started a thread on Nextdoor about wanting to help an 82 year old homeless man who by all accounts is a lovely human being. She asked him what he would like and he does not want to live in a shelter but would appreciate a tent or a trailer. There are so many responses – all of them heartwarming. One person offered to purchase the trailer, others are looking for a space, etc. It is a beautiful thing.

  15. So my main miracle from yesterday (because it’s morning here in Aus) was that I received a totally unexpected (and unwelcome) speeding fine in the mail!!! I had no clue when I’d been “speeding” as I am a very careful driver and if I accidentally creep above the speed limit I adjust as soon as I notice. Anyway the fine is for $207 – just for being 4 kilometres over the speed limit!!! (Well apparently I was 7 kms over but they allow for faulty equipment so there’s a 3km adjustment). Anyway, I was mad and depressed for about 2 minutes and then I said to god/turtle/The Dude “please give me the funds to pay this fine – and not from my usual income source. Thankyou and so be it.” So I was on my way to picking up my sister to take her to my parents place and I told her about the fine. It had happened on a drive we had taken together out in the beautiful Yarra Valley when covid restrictions had relaxed and we could drive for pleasure alone. We have always loved country drives. Anyway i told her about it because I truly couldn’t think when I had been speeding on that drive and she said “I’ll give you $100 toward it. It was a great drive and we were talking non stop so you were probably distracted.” !!!!!!!! I had no idea that she would offer to help pay the fine! I did not tell her about it hoping she’d offer to help pay. I just told her because I couldn’t believe it – especially as she and I are consciously working on our openness to abundance, and because recently she and I were talking with my other sister about speeding and fines and how I’m super aware of my speed when driving. It was just weird!! Anyway, I nearly fell off the driver’s seat when she offered to help pay. I said no, I refused, but in the end I accepted with huge thanks. And later I told her that she was my answer to prayer – and that answer came not even 30 minutes after I’d asked for help to pay the fine!! I could not believe how fast that was!!! Super miracle! Her response was “well I must have heard turtle speak to me.” 😁 (turtle is one of our names for God. It’s a long story but I mentioned it briefly in one of my comments here in our miracle playshop in the last few days.) So, hows that for a fast and fabulous miracle!!! Oh, and a hilarious addition – the infringement reference number has 222 in it!!!! I just laughed when I saw that!!! 🤣

    This has been such fun. Thankyou Pam for turning a disappointing cancellation into a wonderful opportunity for so many of us to come together miracle hunting from all across the world – and for free! Yay!

      1. Sure!
        So, in Pam’s book “A Course in Miracles Experiment” there’s a story about a little boy who wanted a turtle. His mum was teaching her children they could receive whatever they asked for from the universe. She freaked out at this though but that very night a man she knew came to their house with a turtle he had rescued!! He said he got a picture in his mind of her boys when he wondered what to do with the turtle!!!!! So, that story became an example of the power of asking the universe for anything at all. And my sister and I then started seeing turtle stories, turtle pictures, turtle jewellery, turtle everything, everywhere! So we decided that the turtle was a symbol for god/the universe/ The Dude- whatever you call it. And it’s been our symbol for several months now. Just ten minutes ago my sister sent me a Facebook post of a photo of three turtles on top of each other in a river! And five minutes after that I was searching for funny “gifs” and I got a cartoon of 3 turtles on top of each other!!! How weird is that!!!!! I didn’t search for turtles – and I didn’t ask for 3 turtles – they just came! I love it!
        So there’s my story – in a lot more detail than I intended! Hope you enjoy it even though it’s so long! 😁 Blessings from Jenny Louise ❤️

      2. Dear Jenny Louise,
        Loved each bit of it! 💝🐢Turtles have a special place also in my Heart, so I am so grateful for your reply 💝💝🐢🐢💝💝
        I think I am not yet at that Point in Pam’s book, I am reading and doing the course also. 🤩🦋🐢

        Thank You 🦋🐢
        With Love, Teija

  16. I feel like the stars are all aligning for me right now. I’ve been looking for a switch to flick within me for a long time and the past few weeks have brought so many helpful instructions that I’ve finally been able to flick that switch. I’ve had a lovely neighbour inspire me, I’m doing an emotional clearing course, I’m doing some mirror work for the first time and now your daily miracle series has come at the right time. I’ve been doing things I never thought I could or would do – simple things like clambering over the rocks at the beach without knowing where it will lead. I’m feeling inspired and I am finally seeing the miracle that is me. Thank you for the light you bring to this world.

  17. Oh my! Can’t believe we’re signing off, but tI know he miracles will continue. Smile! Today, i’ve had the pleasure of seeing a “Greater Roadrunner” as they’re called, scurrying about and scavenging for food right outside the window I’ve been sitting by this afternoon. I’m visiting my sister in Georgetown, Texas near Austin, and am enjoying watching this lovely, unique creature native to the southwest. At one point, my sister call’s out to tell me, “Look at the hummingbird!” Sure enough he flies up and down right around the window…which I think is amazing because the feeder is on the other side of the house! How special is that?

    So, as the a well-known roadrunner once exclaimed, “BEEP BEEP!” Sending waves of gratitude and blessings to you Pam for calling on us Miracle Investigators to join in this fun and uplifting opportunity and to all my fellow Miracle P.I.’s!!!

  18. The garden off our back porch has a patch of milk weed that Monarch butterflies and their caterpillars love. I’m always on the lookout and even spotting one chrysalis or caterpillar makes my day. This morning I looked and counted over 30 juicy monarch caterpillars munching away! Miracle! I bought more milkweed for them and constructed a haphazard shield with stakes and tulle fabric to keep predators away. No rules that say you can’t nurture your miracle! 😉

  19. After waking in the night physically uncomfortable and fearful about it, I finally listened to a healing meditation, came to a place of unconditional love, and fell asleep more comfortable. Today I reconnected with a wise friend I had gotten out of touch with, and received deeper insight and a sense of direction about a relationship imbalance, and today has been the most comfortable day in months!!! I’ve had a wonderful time running errands and am now sitting outside on the ground enjoying bumble bees, swallows, butterflies, chimes, breezes… Miracles do abound!! Thanks so much, Pam for offering this gift of seeing differently. Much love to you all.

  20. Thank you, thank you, thank you – Pam, Taz, and everyone on this Magical Mystical Miracle Tour!
    Two days ago, on my drive into town (that I have taken thousands of times over 20 years) I saw a tree that I am pretty sure I’ve never noticed before. How could that be? But a miracle, it was!
    The next day, on the same drive, further on down the road, I saw 3 or 4 big bucks headed across a meadow toward the road. I slowed down in case they would cross the road. Instead, what turned out to be 8 bucks, veered a bit, and ran single-file, parallel to the road. I slowed down even more, and drove at their speed, so we could travel along together for a while. Then they did cross the road, as we rounded a turn, and then they ran along the other side, me still driving parallel and at their speed, for a moment, before they kept going to the right and up a hill. It was a magical moment, for sure!
    Also yesterday, I suddenly had a very positive shift in my feelings about my job. I LOVE what I do, but there have been some BIG changes since coming back from quarantine (some covid-19 related, but mostly not related) that have thrown me for a big, unpleasant loop. I tried tapping and visualizing, and pep-talking my way into being okay with it, and I ended up breaking down a bit, the other day. Yesterday, I found myself almost looking forward to going in today. And today was a great day!
    Last but certainly not least, every single day of my life is full of the miracle of being married to the best husband I could ever ask for! One of the infinite reasons why I adore him so much is that yesterday I asked him if he experienced any miracles that day. His response was “well, I’m married to you, so every day is a miracle”!
    So there you go! Miracles Now, Miracles Forever!
    Peace, love, Joy, and 222!
    Pamela Joy

  21. Feeling blessed, I have been having a lot of trouble with my old car, after being screwed over , paying out money that I couldn’t afford in the first place my sister recommended another “honest” mechanic and asked me to drive her down to visit her closest friend after we dropped off the car in the morning Wednesday evening, I reluctantly agreed because I worried that I was going to get screwed over again I couldn’t sleep all night worrying about the what ifs, I actually called to cancel out plans early am, but she insisted that we go so I did some tapping with Brad Yates on having an amazing day, we left the garage and headed for Gloucester and before we got there the mechanic called and said he was going to replace a roted pipe to the tune of $71 😯 I was thrilled beyond belief, we spent time at the ocean, had a wonderful seafood meal in which my sister paid💗😊, we continued to have an amazing day into the evening, we picked up my car today and Yes it was just 71 and my eardrums no longer feel like they’re going to explode while I’m drivingl👉🙌🙌

    1. I love Brad Yates (and love that “amazing day” video!). So glad things worked out so well.

  22. I work in a mind and body book/gift shop and today one of my favorite customers came in feeling energetically low so we had some wonderful discussions about gratitude and miracles. Let’s just say by the time she left the shop her miracle mojo had been restored and it brought me the greatest joy to see a shift in her energy!

    Thank you Pam for the Miracle party all week……….to be continued forever!!

  23. I adopted a snowshoe cat in January. She is beautiful. I live in a condo complex near a huge wash. I live in Las Vegas and a wash is a dry water way that can flood when it rains. The large, wild area is a natural park. No grass. A feral cat community lives in the park. Some cats come into the condo for a handout. Their cat radar finds the humans who are a soft touch. I feed one homeless cat when he comes for breakfast. Now, he as a buddy. Another snowshoe cat is living in the homeless cat colony. He is beautiful. I created that illusion. I rescued animals when I was a kid. The kid inside wants to rescue this cat. I can be patient.

    1. I have a small gourmet pretzel business and it has not been producing a lot of sales lately. I made an intention that I would get an order this week. My friend just called and said the UPS man was leaving a package at her house and recognized her (she gave him a sample at work). He said that he is glad he ran into her because he wants to give a basket of the pretzels to his wife for her birthday! The Dude is just amazing!

  24. I remember that silver bell! Fortunately the Dude doesn’t need a bell, you just ask and expect , not that I either asked or expected my darling husband exactly to come home with a brand new BMW, which he did this week!
    The week has been a blast so keep those miracles coming!

  25. So….on the way to town this evening a bird pooped on my windshield! My granddaughter went into a hysterical laugh and could not stop. My Mother died two years ago. She lived with us for 4 years and was in a home for another 3 years where we visited her daily. She had Alzheimer’s. At her memorial, I told stories about her having diarrhea. Well! That started a whole string of events. That afternoon on a walk with my aunts, a bird pooped on my shoulder. On the way to take my children to the airport the next day, a bird exploded on my windshield. A few days later my granddaughter and I were relaxing on the beach and a bird was playing with a water bottle with a small amount of water in the bottom. My granddaughter watch in amazement, then ask do you think that is Mema? The bird flew over and dropped the water bottle on me. We have had numerous bird events over the last 2 years. I know this one today was my Mom saying you need a miracle today,! Let me help you out! Such fun! I am so glad your encounters with Taz are not so explosive! I deserve every event ~ should not have told stories.
    This has been so much fun! I have so enjoyed all the stories. Thank you Pam for orchestrating such an amazing “Magical Mystical Miracle Tour”! You are such a blessing to the world!

    1. Oh Reta! That is hysterical!! Your mum must have been mortified! And now she’s paying you back. I’m so glad you can laugh about it. I certainly laughed at your story. My mum sends me songs on the radio (Gabriel’s Oboe and Jessica’s Theme that I had played at her funeral) and fun messages on number plates, the latest one was “I MISS MUM”. She’s right 🙂

  26. A whole lump of miracles happened today around the discovery that we needed to move my dad from the memory care facility he is in. All in one afternoon we learned of the issues prompting us to make the change, got a great recommendation for where to move him, learned the new facility had room available, got the necessary documents over to the new place within about 30 minutes, and learned the contact person at the new place is a family friend. Wow! Thank you God!!!

  27. After years of taking care of everyone else, my elderly aunt who lives alone in another state has suddenly started having auditory hallucinations. Because I can’t risk being exposed to covid and potentially exposing her, I’ve created a village by reaching out to extended family, members of her church, and old friends who dutifully check on her and call or text to update me. Although the best miracle would be hearing that the hallucinations have stopped as suddenly as they began, my mantra is “May she be at peace. May she be happy. May she be safe.” And the Universe answers, “She IS at peace. She IS happy. She IS safe.”

  28. Thank you so much, Pam! This has been such a blessing!
    Today’s miracle was the yoga lesson that was given freely to me from my neighbor today! Lately I had been thinking that I want to get in better shape…the dude must have been listening in!! Not only did she offer the lesson out of the blue, but my neighbor is a beautiful human being…and an amazing yoga instructor to boot!! Who knew!!

    Signing off from Snow Road in The Adirondacks ❤️
    ❤️222 Forever ❤️💥🌈🙂🎈💕📚✍️🙃🤓🙂

  29. I cannot believe this week of miracle hunting is done. My miracle today is recognizing how much I have grown in the last two years. From wallowing, criticizing, complaining and ruminating on my separation, for months and months afterward before I could reframe it, to fast foreword to this Sunday when I was asked, out of the blue, for a formal divorce- my time frame from shit to shift was only two days!!!! My miracle is me and my ability to shift my perspectives on the fertilizer that shows up in my life, and to do so quickly!!!

  30. Thank you thank you thank you Everyone for this amazing week. It is already Saturday morning here in Finland, so it is yet to be seen today’s miraculous happenings 🦋🦋🦋😍😍😍🤩🤩🤩
    About yesterday, I fell into some really deep waters, like crying my eyes out for an hour or so, and thinking “there’s no point in all of this and why are we alive even?” I’ve had these thoughts coming and going, mostly 1,5 years now since my dear dear sister passed away. 🦋

    But what happened in the abundant REAL Living, breathing, being-ness sphere? My other sister got picked for Her dreamjob out of almost 70 applicants. I saw birds sitting on the very fence which caused some harm to my husband earlier When he was mowing the lawn. (The fence got rolled up in the lawnmower’s wheel🙈)

    And… somehow I found my peace of mind After the storm and even ended up and played around in the creative field. Miracle-Snoop-Investigator Pelonne was born and got its moment in the spotlight 🤩🦋🦋🦋🤩
    Thank you thank you 💖💖🦋🦋💖💖
    So, I am so grateful for this life, I will continue with the course and With Joy, and with these silly but so truthful Pelonteet. 🤩

    You see, we are the Miraculous ,
    each and everyone of us.
    You have those wings to fly
    Just look, look up in the sky.
    For there’s love and abundance
    More, more than in the first glance.
    So, even if you don’t, don’t believe
    I see your wings, they are right there.

    Peace and Love and Joy and of course, 222 forever! 😍🦋😍

    With love, Teija

  31. Last night I went to sleep at 730pm, which is super early for me as I usually stay up to 10pm and rise again at 5am. But instead I slept for 12 hours and it felt amazing. You know when you’re over tired and everything seems overwhelming? I reset the button with sleep. I feel super revived today! All I did yesterday was work and everytime I had a gap I gazed out the window at the clouds (didn’t get a chance to star gaze) but Woaw the clouds are soooo cool and constantly in motion and changing!!! Loved every second.

    Thankyou Pam.
    You lead us into a wayyyyy nicer place to live in our minds. XD

  32. I took the time to go outside last night and take in the stars!!! What a beautiful breath of fresh air! My miracle today was a vision of me from the stars above spreading confetti sprinkles of love all over the world! ❤️

  33. This was a great week for miracles because I needed to call lawyers, debt collectors and the IRS! I found that if I called at 2:22 I would get short hold times, correct transfers, helpful human managers, and actual progress made on the issues. Miraculous for sure. These situations have been stuck since 2009! thanks, sleuth team!

  34. What a truly phenomenal week! I can’t believe it’s ending but I’m grateful to our fearless leader Pam Grout and the entire miracle community for making our time together so magical. Miracles are definitely abound! I saw that magical number 222 twice today. I will be testing out a new product next week and participating on an online panel. Both will be paid opps—-yeah!! I had an amazing boost of a call with a coach today (which really was needed and energizing) and then, I find out that I’ll also be getting some free subsequent calls as well. Yay! What started out as a slow and lethargic day turned into a beautiful and amazing one. If we keep looking, we will surely find all of those miracles that are waiting for us. Thank you all for such a lovely and delightful experience!

  35. Hoping for miracles for the nonprofit Omega Institute given its financial difficulties during this time. They were not able to open for their May to October season and had to let most staff go.

  36. I often ride my bike to my studio to teach. I have to cross a very busy street to get there and while there is a crossing light, it still makes me nervous because even with the light sometimes people don’t stop. This morning as I got close to the street, I asked for there to be no traffic so I could cross easily and sure enough, there was none! The even better part, was that it happened on the way home as well!

  37. Thanks for this wonderful exercise, Pam!

    I was taking a walk in my neighborhood and noticed a young women (30-ish) a few blocks away pushing a baby stroller with her sweet child inside. She didn’t seem to have a care in the world. She was just happy to be out and about on a lovely summer day. I could imagine her saying, “Laa-la-la. La-la-laaaa.” Well, as we crossed paths a few minutes later, she was bopping her head and literally singing, “La-la-la”!

  38. Thank you all. I enjoy reading every ones miracles. It brings me joy. Having a little more time on my hands, I realized I had been so busy and so not in the moment for the last few years. I am welcoming the change. I wanted to try to remember to send out love and blessings at 11 pm and just as I looked at my phone it was 11. Remember to send love and peace to everyone at 11 am and 11 pm every day.

  39. Had a 2 hour phone conversation with my brother who I seldom get to talk with. It was great!!

  40. My miracle for today is that at the end of this mini workshop I have reached a point in my life that I have been trying to reach for sometime. Following divorce and the subsequent 12 month trip around the world to “find” myself, I think I’ve finally come to an understanding.
    I have been experiencing a Kundalini Awakening for more than 20 years after a spiritual healing. It has been muted for many years by the turmoil in my marriage, but upon returning home from travelling it has become intense. I have been fortunate to find a mentor who has helped me through this difficult time and believes I am in the final phase of awakening. So instead of coming home to a part time job and writing as I envisioned, the cleansing process of the Awakening has consumed my life.
    This week of searching for miracles has brought me to a calmness and feeling of care for myself and knowing that instead of getting a job to make money, Miracle Creator is now my purpose in life.

  41. I’ve been meaning to say for a couple of weeks that I recently noticed that the time on my washing machine for my favourite wash is 2:22.

  42. I was so excited to over hear a group of people talking about Spirit and law of attraction stuff! I have always thought of how cool it would be to encounter that as a norm and today was my 1st! A miracle for sure! Thanks Pam. I love you.

  43. On Thursday I felt very low because I haven’t seen my partner for over five months due to the pandemic. He lives in Ireland and I live in England. He told me that the Irish Government are saying no foreign travel until the end of the year! When I was looking through old photos I felt so upset that we won’t be together this summer. But by handing it over to the Universe, trusting and looking for miracles…… the next day I felt happy and when I looked through photos I felt such deep gratitude for my wonderful life! I found myself excited about this summer and all the things I plan to do with friends and family! 😊🙏 thank you Pam xx

  44. God morning Pam
    Each beautiful post i read reminds me I truly am a spiritual being having a human adventure.
    Thank-you all again and again

  45. Thank you for encouraging us to see and share. I got in my car after putting together care packages for our employee’s three kids, who died in a murder/suicide and was asking The Dude to be with these children at the funeral today. I looked at the heart that stays in the cup holder area of my car and found a feathery floaty thingy. In the car! I had cracked the windows because of the heat. Love finds a way to be with us, as us, no matter how small the opening.

  46. My Husband had the news on this morning which I am totally avoiding at this time. Gets me worked up in seconds. So Just settling into these messages of your Pan puts me right back where I belong. That’s my
    Morning miracle!! Thank you Thank you!!! Please don’t stop! 😀💕

  47. My husband is recovering from surgery. Today I had been gardening for the morning and was planning on helping him to come outside for some fresh air and to see my good work but thought he would resist. Within 5 minutes of me thinking this and without my help he came outside for a look – made my day x

  48. There are no words to express my gratitude to you, Pam, and to this beautiful group. I’m 80 years young (16 with 64 years experience as the saying goes) and after a very active and full life, a horseback riding incident required extensive surgery and left me in chronic pain for the last three years. That was put on the back burner this week with your Miracle invitation emaill! The miracle of miracles for me, following five years of hoping and praying,is knowing that my two sons are reuniting and dialoguing! Prior to this week, my entire focus had been on the ability to function without debilitating pain – accompanied by intermittent waves of anxiety, anger, frustration, and depression. The miracle here for me is the positive light and the relief that all the uplifting miracles and comments have gifted me with – and what a boost when we realize that these gifts are being delivered world-wide through the energy-flow of these messages! I’ll gladly exchange these lovely thoughts for the heavy pain burden I’ve been carrying for so long now! Gratitude is a wonderful feeling! Thank you…

    1. Thank you Pam. What a wonderful eye opening workshop. I have been in awe all week! I do so appreciate you and all you do. I am filled to the brim with gratitude.

    2. If you don’t mind my sharing an idea, full-spectrum CBD is an absolute miracle. It’s completely natural and tons of people are losing their addictions to the strongest pain medications when they try this natural substance. And congratulations on your sons reuniting!!

  49. Pam – thank you every PI on our planet for a miraculous week.

    Through you and your audio book – ACIM, I am looking for and expecting miracles.

    Our earth needed rain and by golly – I’m grateful to see and feel each drip from heaven today. My miracles over the past 48 hours – $40 parking ticket was waived, after 20 years, a loving friend of my daughter and family came back into her/our lives and a cardinal sat and sang with me in the morning.

    Pam – thank you for your generous gift of self, remarkable words, love, peace and joyous spirit.

    If you decided to have another PI recruitment and reunion … I’m In!

    Stay safe and Stay well!


  50. So grateful to be part of this tribe. Thank you all for your stories this week which uplifted my spirit. For those of you in pain I send healing love and empathy. My miracle yesterday was to take another step towards self love and not be so hard on myself. After this mini workshop that Pam has so graciously provided for us I will absolutely be finding the miracles in each and everyday. Peace to all from Long Island, New York.

  51. Good morning beautiful people of Pam Grout’s world! 💥💓💥 Today’s miracle: I woke up! Two legs carried me from one room another and then out the door. I didn’t even have to think about it or operate any levers. Then, eyes saw things. Wide wide sky with trails of cotton candy pink clouds! Like they were painted by a famous artist. But better! All that time, I was breathing in and out automatically. And my heart was beating. And … I was able to use hands to type words on a little boxy thing and those words somehow got transmitted to YOU! Holy Cow!

  52. Miracles occur naturally as expressions of love…ACIM
    Love and Miracles to all always …❤️ Thank you Pam for reminding us To look for miracles everyday!

  53. Okay, it’s now Saturday but I have to share a miracle moment probably orchestrated by Taz, if I may be so bold. Probably just to add more miracle sprinkles on our celebration cake. Here goes:

    Earlier this week I shared about how I’d been feeling anxiety in a way I’d not experienced before, and I’d listened to a perfect meditation guiding us to surrender. It was very healing. Last night, I had trouble sleeping again and woke up telling myself I needed to listen to this meditation again. Here’s what amazed me…

    You see, I’d first heard the meditation on an audiobook I was listening to last weekend. I had bookmarked it and made a mental note to remember this particular spot among several. I’d completely forgotten that I told myself I would easily remember the spot because it contained recognizable numbers for me: 222!! (The exact bookmark number is 02:22:50)

    Funny thing is a few days ago I asked Spirit to send me such an amazing miracle that it would be unmistakable. This morning, when I realized this significant piece I’d forgotten, I smiled and thought of Taz and my Celestial Team, which for me includes my beloved sister, pulling some strings up there to top this week off in an unforgettable way!! I will certainly never forget!

    Thanks again Pam and Miracle PI’s. Let abundant miracles continue to pour for you each and everyday!!! 💫 💝🦋🙌

  54. We are friends with a couple with whom we must never talk politics. Ever! The wife got dizzy a couple of days ago and passed out – really bashed her face up including her front teeth. They came by this morning and none of us had a single moment of mental distancing. Just friends being friends. We all went from commiserating to laughing in about 20 minutes. Perfect example of loving each other and kicking the stupid stories aside.

  55. I bought a whole bunch of really scrumptious food at Trader Joe’s! Plus fermented apple cider! I saw a spider’s thread that was illuminating green in the sunlight! I listened to the infinitely cheerful version of “Tears of a Clown” by The English Beat!!

  56. My daughter and I look for numbers. Her number is 75 (born on the fifth day of the 7th month), my number is 3. About a month ago I had to get a post office box. They randomly handed the key to box 1753. Yesterday I had to get a new license plate for my wife’s car. They told me I could pick from a stack of five new plates. Right on top was the plate KS3 75S. My name is Ken, my wife’s name is Sue. Go figure.

  57. My old story was: ‘Writing stuff down is so much work’
    My new and much better story is: ‘It’s All so good & beautiful, I want to share.’
    So here comes the quantum confetti:

    #1: I went to lunch with some dear friends and one of my friends offered to pay the bill. For a second I felt quilty about ordering that second cup of coffee (yada yada), but then decided to feel an abundance of graditude instead. The friend turned to me and said : ‘Now I no longer need to feel guilty about playing the beautiful piano song you composed.’ I started laughing. Guilt was leaving the party. A second friend confessed that she felt guilty about receiving free lunch. We instantly praised her for the tasty dinner she had cooked up for us last week. Her frown turned into a smile and she too was free.

    #2: I felt so inspired hat I decided to compose new music. For a minute I was a bit insecure, because I fumbled with the keys searching for a song in front of my friends. I didn’t let that stop me, I simply let go and a minute later a new song just poured out of me. It was such a nice way to end our meeting. Joy all around!

    #3 The miracle party comment section really inspired me. Katherine said: ‘I’m a skeptic.’ Pam replied: ‘Skeptics are the best.’ and I though: Yes! They are the best, I remember when I was teaching Self-Healing workshops the skeptics were always the ones with the best questions. I discovered skepticism might just be a superpower. I needed some healing, because I glanced over a newspaper and caught some ‘news’ by accident. But when I went back to that article as a skeptic I started to ask good questions: Is this really horrible? The answer was: NO! THIS IS AWESOME NEWS. Because the real news hidden in between the sensational words from the journalist was: The police did a good job, because they found a place that was built to do horrible stuff in, but was discovered before any stuff actually happen. Miracle news: Nothing happened here!

    #4 Mary Johnson shared some beautiful words her old friend who died young had send to her. (you should check it out) I wrote it down on a pieceof paper. It reminded me of an friend of mine who died young. My old story was: She is dead. But inspired by Mary’s friend, I changed that story. If I digest all this death I am feeling, this death becomes Life once more. I am hurling my beloved friend back into my life!

    #5 When I was done reading the comments (lot’s of good stuff) I was kind of tired. It was 22:22 and my brain said to me: ‘That’s one 2 to many so it is not a sign.’ Ofcourse Pam started her next blog with a picture: TAZ 2222. This was a fun miracle that reminded me not to limit myself. Instead I open myself up to so much more 😀

    #6 I sent my blessing to someone, a fellow miracle investigator and I believe that miracle bounced back at me. I woke up without a back-ache (for the past year my back asked for attention/ healing in the morning).

    #7 I just feel at peace, I’m enjoying life, tasty food, fresh rain and warm sunshine. I even enjoyed writing all this stuff down, because it was all so good.

    I wish you well my fellow miracle-workers!

  58. Pam Grout your having offered this opportunity to “toggle the switch” is deeply appreciated! As Dr. David R. Hawkins used to say: You are God’s gift to me. 💖

  59. For me, your post made me feel a teensy bit better. Last night I needed “help” to get to sleep. I can’t help but feel heartache though, the situation we are in. It’s definitely the expected battle between dark and light and I need to remember to look outside and around me to see and feel the many blessings despite all the senseless meanness that people perpetrate on people. I pray for light to open all hearts, minds and eyes.

  60. Thank you for this wonderful and totally fun and cool course. Since I was a little girl I will smell this amazing aroma. It is sweet and spicy. I call it my Angel Smell (AS). This week I have been blessed with its delight hundreds of times. Usually I receive just a whiff. This week, the AS would last for many seconds. Pam! I got so many AS pings today when I was reading Lesson 64 in your new book! Good stuff! What fun this has been. Side note – my husband got a job! Woo and Major Hoo!

  61. So many little miracles! Today was the number 8 on a lottery scratch off!

    I am a number off from tax… 221 has always resonated with me. Still feel close and have since I learned the meaning of 222❤️

    1. TAZ…. Not tax…. speaking of, they have been filed!

      But today’s miracle was spending precious time with precious family…. and my tennis game improved! 🎾

  62. Today I had several opportunities to be fearful and lack-based. Instead, I’m sure I felt the energy of this group as I thought, “Cool, what a great opportunity for a miracle!” It changed my perception instantly, but it was the feeling of being lifted up by all of you that was the best part. Thanks again, Pam, for this lovely mini-workshop and to all those who have come along to the party!

  63. One of my favorite miracles recently is when I said to my 4 year old grandson and his parents we were going to look for hearts today and see what the fairies of the Universe show us. About an hour later my grandson looked at the glass on a door between the kitchen and bedroom and there was a mini heart that showed up on the glass by a drip of water or something. It was really small but he saw it and got excited said “look grandma a heart” we all were astounded and excited.

  64. I just read #163 in the CIM Experiment, “Perception selects and makes the world you see”…I see miracles all the time! My mom died seven years ago, my sister two years ago and my dad almost two months ago. I’ve had very sad moments since these deaths but I almost daily see signs that they’re still with me. Sometimes, these signs seem so crazy that I only tell my husband because the rest of the world just doesn’t seem to get it! These signs are what I live for ❤️

  65. Every breath I take is a miracle and my whole life has been a miracle. Oh the stories I tell about them. I see wild bunnies when I walk in the early mornings. One was sitting in the middle of the road when I sent him the thought to get out of the road now. I didn’t move a muscle but he did. Just hopped back into the grassy area. Then he sat looking at me for a moment while I walked on. Creatures understand our thought energy more than our words.

  66. Got an email from my bosses that says they are going to pay me my full salary after having reduced it in when we were working from home…I am grateful for this miracle!

  67. I’m not a rock star of the meditating world, but when I meditated yesterday morning, the day after Joe’s online memorial who just died of CJD, pretty soon I saw a little boy with fun hair dressed in a dark shorts outfit jumping for joy with hands in the air. He reminded me of Joe. Per Suzanne’s instructions to me when I see people I don’t know is to simply ask them. So I asked the happy boy if he was Joe. He nodded yes twice. Then my brother came to me with 2 visions – 1 at 30ish and flying in in a tiny frame above when he was little. This was a miracle for me!!

  68. My husband made the coffee this morning! That never happens!!! It’s the little miracles I love most.

  69. Today when I went down to my parent’s home and I took one look at my mother’s caregiver, Charlotte, (who by the way has become a sister and my friend) and we automatically started singing and dancing to the Brazilian classic, “The Girl from Ipanema”. We danced and jived in the kitchen like we were at a dance party!

  70. On Saturday night, I was thrilled to be reacquainted with an estranged friend. The conversation was over Zoom and we enjoyed drinks and laughs with our husbands – it was just just like old times before our misunderstanding.
    It has brought much peace to my mind and I look forward to sharing more fun times in the future.

  71. I’ve been reading the Course in Miracles. Because the language is so foreign, after I read a lesson, I read the same lesson in your “Course I M Experiment”. I’m barely at the part where you bring up Hobson. What a miracle that your email about Hobson came at the same time. It makes me smile at the Universe! I love this! Thank you so very much!!

  72. I always see 111. Just opened this post and there are 111 comments.
    Also, i picked up Louise Hay’s book Heal Your Mind to find some information to help my son who is ill and randomly opened to the exact passage l needed to read. This happens regularly for me. One day l was thinking about the phrase ‘Good, Better, Best’ and wondering whose phrase it was. Went about my work day and during the day randomly stuck my pen in my desk calendar and flipped to a page where that exact phrase was and the author. I love the synchronicity. It’s like my heart does this little happy dance. Thank You!

  73. I’ve been seeing 11:11 very often lately which always feels like a miracle and a gift.
    Also this morning I sat down on yoga my mat and set my intention for my practice. I haven’t been as tuned in to my intuition lately and read that caffeine can affect this so I set my intention around being more aware of the effects of caffeine and actually asked the Universe to move that intuition through me despite the caffeine- 🙂 As I ended my intention setting, the coffee pot clicked itself off. Gave me a good ole’ chuckle!

  74. Yesterday I experienced a big miracle. Our son died 6 weeks ago of a massive brain bleed (Pam!) and yesterday while reading a book by Mabel Katz I experienced real peace. Obviously I am still grieving and miss him dreadfully as he was still living with us but my heart,while hurting, is at peace.

    1. Dear sweet Jennie–I am so sorry to hear about your son. Losing a child is life-shattering. I hope you have lots of support. Did your son have an aneurysm? My daughter, Taz, who died October 15, 2018, also died from a massive brain bleed caused by an unexpected aneurysm. Again, I am so, so sorry. If you feel guided to reach out, the contact form on my website goes straight to my inbox. I would love to offer some of the resources that have helped me. Sending you deep peace. And love. And knowing that we will all be reunited some day. P.S. I love Mabel Katz.

      1. Pam, thank you for your reply, yes our precious Nick died from an unexpected aneurysm( am crying but tears are good, I feel they indicate how much he was loved). He collapsed at home and was non responsive within less than a minute and died in hospital 2 days later. A small part of his brain hadn’t died and kept him breathing until everyone had had a chance to say goodbye. Yes please I’d love to hear of resources that helped you. Once again , thank you

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