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Uplifting the Planet, One Dance at a Time

“Nobody cares if you can’t dance well. Just get up and dance–Martha Graham 00001f

Two days ago, I woke up discouraged and lethargic. The crazy uncle in my head was concocting a major soap opera. Act I: Woe is Me, starring Pam Grout. Act II: We’re all going to die.

And then, during the commercial break, I remembered: “Oh yea, you’re a Course in Miracles student. This is the time to ask for a miracle. This is when you ask J.C. and the Holy S to replace the grievance in your head with true perception. I uttered a hesitant, mousy “Help!”

I turned to my phone (not normally recommended for escaping soap operas) and there, awaiting me on Twitter, was Jack Black dancing in his skivvies, cowboy boots and cowboy hat. He called his masterpiece a “Stay-at-Home” dance. It was the exact miracle I needed.

I immediately shared on Facebook, proclaiming his gift to the world a more potent morning pick-me-up than my A.A. 2.0 program.

So thank you, Holy S! Thank you, true perception! And especially thank you, Jack Black, for reminding me that one of the best ways to serve the planet is to get on a higher energetic frequency. Especially right now. Those of us who know about the power of consciousness, who know it’s our energetic vibration that creates the framework for our lives owe it to the world to radiate glee, joy and well, goofiness.

In recognition of this truth, the directors of the 222 Foundation (Taz and me) convened and decided to offer a new challenge for changing the current consciousness of the planet. To reiterate our mission, we believe all people long to be generous and create beautiful things, we believe all humans are interconnected (even when they’re home alone) and we believe tiny actions have great significance.

00001gRight now, for example, I’m enjoying the notes and pictures from the Random Acts of Money project we funded in Snohomish, Washington. The inimitable Kimmy Rhoads, who pitched the project, is turning money into art, adding encouraging notes and changing people’s lives.

Speaking of changing lives, the Taz Grout 222 Foundation is offering $222 to the charity of choice to the first 22 daring dancers who are willing to post a video of their own Stay-at-Home Dance. Maybe you want us to reward your local food bank? Your free health center? Your community art center?

Post your dance here or on FB, Twitter or Instagram. Tag the @TazGrout222Foundation. Just make sure to send a link in the comments below. Weird costumes are encouraged.

For those who are thinking, you want me to do what?$%!!!!, I offer this video interpretation of my own interpretation of Jack Black’s now viral dance. I look forward to seeing your creations!!!

Pam Grout is the author of 20 books including E-Squared, E-Cubed, Thank & Grow Rich and her latest book, The Course in Miracles Experiment: A Starter Kit for Rewiring Your Mind (And Therefore Your World).

75 Responses


  2. Pam and Jim! You one-up’d Jack Black, and raised my vibration exponentially!
    Love and joy to all,
    Pamela Joy

      1. 😂😂😂Loved this!! Thanks for making me laugh and Raising vibrations all over our beautiful world!! Love you guys💓💓

  3. Made me think of the Coldplay song ‘Everyday Life’ – “Got to keep dancing when the lights go out.”
    Love. Light & Blessings of Radiant Health to all. <3

      1. Fabulous! What a beautiful song and a gorgeous video. And those lovely words at the end of the clip – “I am because we are.” A perfect song for our times.
        Thanks for sharing this video with us Pam, and thanks to Trina Graves for mentioning the song.
        Blessings galore.
        Jenny Louise

  4. You are such a light..thank you for bringing out the lighter side of myself. I don’t know how to post a picture on here or I would. Dancing with you in my heart for world healing 💜

    1. Hi Linda–Just send a link, here in the comments, to your video. I look forward to seeing it! We’ve got 3 charities so far. 19 to go!!!

  5. OMG! I LOVE YOU GUYS!! 🙃😍🙂 Thanks for this overdose of Oxytocin and the reminder for me to do my part! Gonna spread the love today like nobody’s business!!!

      1. Just call me a “Deployer Of Miracles” spreading “Miracles Of Merriment”!! 💪❤️🙂

  6. Thanks Pam! Your dance was awesome! I danced with a video of Kool and the Gang singing Celebrate Good Times the other morning and it made me feel great! Yes, yes, yes we need to up our vibration in order to change this story! And what better way than with dancing AND singing!
    Sending Love, Light and Blessings to all!

      1. Wonderful! Thanks for sharing your dance with us Joy ⭐️💖

    1. Good on you Dreambringer! I love that you danced to the music in your head because the power was off. Delightful dance 💖⭐️

  7. I’m not sure if I can reply to these emails, but if I can… THANK YOU! These emails are always, always a pick me up 💛 forever grateful

  8. Fun!!!!! You guys are awesome! Your dog seems a bit confused by your dance moves though….😀 😬 😍

    1. Delightful Adi! Thanks for sharing your gorgeous yard with us – and your cute little one too 💖⭐️

      1. Sent! Thank YOU, Pam!! 💝

        You’re most welcome, Jenny Louise! We enjoyed making it, and I decided a while ago— God didn’t give me the gift of my children to hold selfishly tight. They are to be shared, so others can enjoy their light too 🤍

  9. Aw! Fantastic! – That REALLY made me smile AND reminded me to keep my vibration high!!!!!

    ‘Be like sunlight’ I always think but I forgot my little sunlight mantra today …. Thanks for reminding me and thanks for sharing your shiny sunlight today!!

    Love ya Pam. Love ya dancing too!

    Lucy xxxxxx

    Sent from Mail for Windows 10

    1. Cool groovy dance Paulina! Thanks for lifting our spirits with your moves 😁💖⭐️

      1. Such a wonderful thing to be able to share some joy and connect with beautiful people like you. Thank you 💜✨

  10. Thankyou so much Pam for this uplifting and delightful post. And for reminding us that it’s normsl to feel discouraged, and to have those “woe is me” thoughts, but that we’ve all got tools to get through, and all we have to do is ASK the universe for help and we get help! Easy! 😁
    I love all the dances everyone has posted here too – I’ve had great fun watching them all. And that beautiful song by Coldplay- oh, stunning – and so perfect for this moment. Hugs to you from a very safe distance – virtually, AND from the other side of the world!! – and lots of love too.

    1. This was wonderful! For some reason, the tag didn’t show up on FB, but now that I see it here, I’m sending a donation in your name. Thank you SO MUCH!!!

  11. Dear Pam, it is always a pleasure and great blessings to receive a post from you. Each time u single handily manage to uplift the energy and spirit! Thanks a ton for all your efforts to make this planet a beautiful place to live on. I consider myself really blessed to know your writings! Bless you, Love you.
    Monika, India

  12. Hi Pam,

    I agree, it would be easy to buy the story that the uncle in the head might be trying to sell; but spreading that, as we know, will not help raise the vibration of our Infinite Living Mind that we call “Earth.”
    Thank you for sharing. Your spirit brightly through the article. Namaste!

      1. Thanks, Pam. I could well relate (more so in previous years) with your comment about that crazy uncle in your head. We all have it; we just need to kick him to the curb! Sending you warmth and love and compassion…all good stuff! Thanks for sharing your wisdom with the world–you truly help!

      2. You might enjoy (I hope also benefit) from my latest article entitled “Present-Moment Living.” An idea that is mentioned in the last paragraph came to me today; and I think all of us could benefit by (not for some silly blog reasons) putting it into practice. It’s the part about “Soul Hour.” Be well!

  13. You are one of the most awesome, inspiring people I know!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you for being so amazing and in my life!!! Such divine intervention that I found you!!! ❤ Bev❤

    “You have power over your mind, not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength.” ~~ Marcus Aurelius ~ Philosopher, 121 AD – 180 AD

    Bev Nerenberg *301-602-3949* 21001 Scottsbury Drive Germantown, MD 20876

    *www.WellnessAtYourFingertips.com *

  14. Dear Pam, I love love love your dance! You guys are so great to do that! Also great photos on this post as well. And yeah we are all getting the storyteller sneaking in when we aren’t 100% present, but you were present enough to catch it before it took ahold of you. Thanks for showing us all the way to deal with that crazy fictitious uncle. Awareness is key to catching the uncle!!! ha ha you go girl!
    much love and gratitude!

    1. Yes, gotta be on the lookout for the Crazy Uncle who dashes in the minute we jump out of the present! Love you. Looking forward to reading your book! Soon, very soon!

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