E-Squared:  The 10-year anniversary edition (with a Manifesting Scavenger Hunt!!) GET IT HERE

Before the jello sets

“It doesn’t matter that it doesn’t make sense. Sense is old news.”—Oliver Tompkins Ray

So there’s one more thing I failed to mention about my new “practice.”

It must be the very first thing I do. Before my old identity has time to click into place.

Every morning when we wake up, there’s a moment or two when we literally re-assemble ourselves, when we remember pieces of the identity we have taken on.

“Oh, yes,’ my mind reminds me. “Your name is Pam. You have a daughter named Taz. You live in Lawrence.” And on and on.

These identities are what the Course in Miracles calls “the past.” When it says, we see only the past, it means that over and over we take on the same old stories from yesterday.

It’s handy, of course, to have a name, a certain character you can play. But there’s a whole lot of “new” that’s available every morning. And that’s what I’m finding when I ask the mystery to point me in the right direction.

Rather than gather up all the components of my old identity that tends to come with a lot of grievances, problems, responsibilities. I wake with a sense of curiosity. What new idea is going to emerge today? What new possibility awaits?

It feels a little like plugging in to a higher truth. All I know for sure is it will never be found in the assembly of my old beliefs and identities. Those stories just keep me—and the world I see—stuck in separation, in scarcity.

The old identities and beliefs do nothing but clog up the pipes. They keep me from seeing the aliveness and beauty that exists in every moment.

As much as all the kings horses and all the kings men try to put Pampty Dumpty together again, I am happy for my practice that allows me to stay open, free and eager to receive life’s immeasurable gifts.  

#222 Forever!

Pam Grout is the author of 20 books including E-Squared, E-Cubed, Thank & Grow Rich and her latest book, The Course in Miracles Experiment: A Starter Kit for Rewiring Your Mind (And Therefore Your World)

37 Responses

  1. As you know, lifes little and big traumas is very sly and insidious sometimes so much that we dont realize we have left go of all work/life practices of yoga, mindfulness, law of attraction , gratitute etc we so feverantly engaged in to prepare us for life off the mat. As Louise Hays always said beaware (observe) of all the affirmations we say each day to ourselves- not only the postivie ones but the lower energy ones as well -the sly and insidious ones for what we think will be become the way we act and feel.
    Welcome back 🙂


  2. YES!! Needed this reminder today! I wonder why I keep having the same type of days – cuz I keep waking up in the same thought pattern – reminding myself of all that’s going wrong – esp from the past.

    1. I’ve heard that of the 60,000 average thoughts we have each day, 90 to 95 percent are the exact thoughts we had yesterday! It’s so liberating to give up the past!

  3. Thank you, (she, who will be referred to as “Pam”), for another insightful post. I love how this deeper information about our true nature and the law of attraction dovetails so neatly.

    In the spiritual classic “I Am That,” Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj’s guru informed him of two things: that he should concentrate on “I Am” and that he–already–was the Supreme. This can also be known directly by us; but we must, as you just shared, be willing to drop the “i”-dentity of the past (which has no “concrete” reality in space-time) and be ever-fresh in the Now. Is this delusional? No, not at all. The Now, Consciousness, is fundamental; not body-mind that “supposedly” gives rise to consciousness.

    Great post–thank you! 🙏🏻🧡

  4. Thank you, Pam. Total awesomeness and total awesomeness to everyone for a total awesomeness day. Thank you for all the reminders, staying on my love high.

  5. Indeed. I keep brainwashing myself, not just in the morning. That’s why I wake up and pretend to have a bowl of grenades every morning. Blow those old beliefs up!

      1. Sounds like an invitation. Watch out, I may post more different kind of thoughts!

  6. Well, its very true that upon awakening my mind reminds me of the past. Especially because I am grieving and I wake up to the reality everyday that my hubby is gone. Howevet, I start my gratitude journal in bed, in the morning and look for things to be thankful for. I don’t look at yesterday’s list. However, if I am thankful for those birds outside my window, or the sun, and its a new day, I tend to look forward to the fact that I get to experience it in how I choose. Yes, I get to clean up, yes, I get to paint more, yes, I get to expect unexpected joy, or do yoga again. So, I hear ya. Those initial thoughts, that initial mindfulness, influences us. Yes!

  7. Hey there Pam! I just finished listening to your book THANK & GROW RICH! I have shivers as I type this out. The audio from Hay House has sat on my desktop for ages and last week it called out to me. I JUST finished it, your gratitude wisdom arrived at the most magical time! It was exactly what I needed. THANK YOU. THANK YOU!

      1. What I also wanted to say but felt “dumb” about (and didn’t)…. falls into the YOU AREN’T GOING TO BELIEVE IT!” realm that you know so well.

        I was reading Before the Jello Sets and I had a “ping” of awareness. It brought to the front of my awareness an inspiration bubble that floated by me this morning. I was still half asleep and as my feet were touching down on the floor and It floated by me and said, “write a children’s book on gratitude”. I think it is pretty funny that this inspiration bubble would have floated by me as I have no children but I am working on a gratitude project! Even trying to find the words to explain this is difficult because the experience felt more like feelings. This is my attempt to thank you again for the work that you put into the world. I hope that you can feel how moving the experience was and how it felt like a Divine Assignment.

  8. Joe Dispenza calls that “the sweet spot of the generous present moment” — where Possibility can be more easily accessed because you’ve separated from your “familiar past and predictable future” while sleeping. I find it difficult to pen-to-paper create during that just-awake period, but it’s definitely my favorite time of day to create via meditation and by enjoying and giving thanks for that which has yet to happen. 🥳

  9. I love the image of “all the kings horses and all the kings men trying to put Pampty Dumpty together again..” 😁 I’m going to remind myself each morning that I don’t want to be put back together again as the same ‘Jenny Louise’ I was yesterday, and that I’m a new me with a new day before me to be filled with new experiences that I’m open to because of my new belief each day that life is ‘amazingly awesome’ and miracles happen easily and often. Yeah!! Thank you Pam for sharing this part of your daily ritual upon waking so that we, too, can begin each new day with a sense of curiosity and wonder, joyfully expecting something different for ourselves and our world. Yeah! 🥳🦋🌼🌏💛

      1. Thank you so much for saying so dear Pam! I love playing with words as I express my thoughts, and I enjoy taking the time to get them ‘just right’ so it’s very nice to know that it’s working and that others enjoy them too 🥰🙏

  10. As usual Pam, your perspectives are amazing and so very helpful! Thank you for being your brilliantly loving self! Joyfully, Pegatha*

  11. What a great way to start a day! This article is healing and encouraging. Thank you for being uplifting.

  12. Thank you Pam. This is another great idea. I am always looking for ways to spark my life in new, positive, expansive ideas. You are a wealth of new ideas.

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