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Why I’m the luckiest person on the planet, Episode 87

“Come alive with your life. This is the time. We are the people.”–Jean Houston

Long time readers may remember that I wrote a blog series with the above title. In these effusive, unrestrained episodes I detailed why I feel so incredibly blessed. Three years ago, I stopped using that particular title. It didn’t seem quite right. I still consider myself lucky (I got to be the mom of the brilliant, generous, epic Tasman McKay Grout, after all) but the MOST lucky?

I decided to resurrect the title and here’s why.

When you deem yourself lucky, when you commit to noticing beauty above all else, you tune into an unseen vibrational field of love. It’s a different state than the one produced by the mind, the “thinking cap” I nicknamed the asshat in The Course in Miracles Experiment.

This vibrational field that the Hindus and Buddhists call “ananda” permeates everything, but we tend not to notice because, well, the asshat.

The asshat believes its sworn duty is to keep us informed at all times that “something is wrong, something needs to change.”

The consciousness of Ananda (AKA: our inherent joy and light) is given to us by grace and we all (100 percent of us) get it. Most of us don’t see and experience it because we’re hijacked by fear and that pesky little asshat that rarely shuts up. But by living in gratitude—no matter what—you increase the odds of grace getting through.

This was recently demonstrated by my beautiful friend, Cindy Ross. I’ve written about her before. She’s the one I met in South Africa, the one who built her home from scratch, the one who hiked the Appalachian, the Pacific Crest and the Continental Divide Trail, the last with two toddlers in tow. I love her so much and I’ve been meaning to blog about a book she recently wrote and a nonprofit she started to help veterans find acceptance and healing by hiking and generally being soothed and comforted by nature.

On the day before Thanksgiving, Cindy’s husband of 38 years fell off the roof of that log cabin home they built with their bare hands. This robust, handsome, generous man broke three vertebrae, his neck and is currently paralyzed. I say currently because Cindy and Todd refuse to be spoonfed a doctor’s diagnosis and know that anything is possible. But at the moment, everything Todd loved (hiking, making chainsaw art, canoeing) seems rather uncertain. The hiking trip to the Azores Cindy recently invited me on is well, indefinitely postponed.

I wanted to help in some way, but when I reached out, Cindy, once again, ended up inspiring me. She’s not letting the asshat get the best of her. She’s not throwing a pity party. In fact, here’s her mantra:

“This is what I get to do. I am blessed with this privilege. I am called to service.”

I mean, wow! Joyful and appreciative no matter what!

For those so inspired, who might want to get in on this magnificent couple’s energy, here’s their gofundme page.

Equally inspired am I by the wonderful imaginings so many of you posted on last week’s post. Thank you SO MUCH for playing along, for putting your focus on what could be possible if we quit listening to the only source of our suffering: our thoughts and beliefs. Without the asshat singing its woeful tune (oh, it’ll keep singing, but we don’t have to listen), we can do incredible things. Thank you, friends, for being here, for believing in this bigger possibility and for remembering, as my friend Jay advises, “to throw our hands in the air and whoop and holler at this stunning roller coaster ride we’re all on.”  

I love you. I’m inspired by you. And I trust you’ll continue imagining new things every day. This is it folks! Our time to come alive. #222 Forever

Pam Grout is the author of 20 books including E-Squared, E-Cubed, Thank & Grow Rich and her latest book, The Course in Miracles Experiment: A Starter Kit for Rewiring Your Mind (And Therefore Your World) that has just been turned into an app. Badass ACIM (badass-acim.com)

37 Responses

  1. Sending love, healing vibes (and probably some $) to your friends and imagining a complete recovery. Maybe even super-human powers, after he heals. Six-Million Dollar Man!
    Wishing you, Dear Pam – along with all of your tribe – a Luxuriously Lucky Day!

  2. Thank you for this! It seems to be our nature to limit how good we allow our life to be. Luckiest (vs lucky) seems to say we expect the very best possible. Love it! I appreciate you and always look forward to your posts. And wonderful, healing thoughts to your friends.

  3. I understand EXACTLY how Cindy feels! My sister lost her right leg back in April of this year due to an infection. She has come so far learning to walk with a prostetic, had to sell her house, car, give up her volunteer job and move to a state closer to family. This week, her left leg has become infected and is currently in the hospital EXPECTING to recover. She says “I’ve gotten better before, I CAN do it again!!” I’m the lucky one that gets to help her in her recovery and watch her continue on her amazing journey. She is such an inspiration to me! All things ARE Possible!!

  4. Many, many years ago a dear friend’s father fell from a deck 30 feet in the air, and was declared a quadriplegic. He was paralyzed from the neck down. Her family began asking for prayers, for something different every day. One day we’d pray for feeling in his left big toe, the next in the third ring finger of his right hand, etc. He walks now with a cane, and uses a wheelchair only when he is very tired, but is otherwise a normal, fully functioning human being. Miracles are everywhere! May one (or many) be visited on Todd and Cindy Ross!

  5. First, I’m sending Love and Healing energy to your friend Cindy and her husband. They will overcome this.
    Second, I used to say ‘lucky’ but I prefer to say ‘Blessed’. Blessed in too many ways to innumerate here. My sister passed away unexpectedly on November 2nd, at age 71. My brother and I were left with the task of clearing out her house and getting it up for sale. At first, I felt overwhelmed, frustrated, and even a bit angry at being thrown into this situation with barely time to grieve the loss of my sister. Each day at her home made me feel more and more drained, as if this was never going to end. Then, I changed my thinking and the way I was looking at things. My mantra became ‘Let go of outcome, and everything will come out ok’. I took the emotion out of the situation and looked at it as simply a task to be completed. I began to feel joy and satisfaction in being able to donate her clothing and furnishings. I thought about who might receive and enjoy them. I feel pride in how the house is ‘opening up’ and beginning to breathe as it releases all that it’s held. I no longer dread going there and it’s all getting done. The lesson of releasing attachment to outcome is yet another Blessing for which I am so grateful. Your friend Cindy has it right and that’s what’s going to make the difference. Love to all!

  6. Thank you Pam for ripping the asshat off my head. I am privileged to be able to be strong for my family again.

  7. I’ve read all your books and I read every one of these posts I have cried big tears a such life changing, move that your Taz did to another level. She simply vibrates higher than most of us do and you brought her to that. I love you and thank you for your inspiring posts. You’ve gotten me through some really hard times and I know Taz Has as well. I was never blessed enough to know her, but every time I see two 222 on my clock, phone , whatever it is- I think of her the word from mother that she had. Thank you for being you.

  8. “Come alive with your life.” I love that! Thanks for the reminder that it’s up to us to choose to feel lucky, to choose to recognise the blessings everywhere, and to choose to be grateful even when things don’t turn out as we hoped or dreamed. And thankyou for sharing the story of your friend Cindy and her husband Todd. They sound like an amazing couple, and Cindy’s attitude in the face of this potentially devastating event is remarkable and will no doubt help them navigate the journey ahead. May we all “come alive” and shine no matter what. ⭐️💛☀️

  9. Dear Pam, thanks for your post. I have donated. My prayers are with Todd and his family. I know you know…with God, all things are possible. Much love. Kate x

  10. Right on time! Thanks Pam. My asshat is trying to beat me down at the moment and this gives me the spark to leap to my aspirations. Just what I needed!

  11. Beautiful Pam, I have donated and sent my love, (the greatest healer of all), across the seas and through the quantum field to Todd and his loved one’s.
    Thank you for always reminding me to reach beyond myself. Love to you always.
    Linda x

  12. Wow, just wow. Words escape me. Thank you for being you and sharing this story. What a beautiful, exciting and courageous life Cindy and Todd had and will continue to have. You give me strength and I give you little, but a prayer. I hope to lose my asshat soon, working on it. 😉

  13. Pam- You have taught me so much since over the last few years. One thing i have learned is to have gratitude even for the ‘yucky’ stuff, not just the most awesome things in life. I have been dealing with digestive issues, and I never thought I would hear myself say that I’m grateful for this to happen to me. I have opened myself up spiritually, and am exploring parts of my being that I never knew.

    Thank you- a forever fan

  14. Your friends sound like amazing people. Dr Joe Dispenza recovered fully in 10ish weeks from a similar physical injury with the power we all possess. As chiropractors we are trained knowing the power that made the body heals the body. Sending Reiki 🙏

  15. Yes, so agree with Cathy Lomartra!! Please check out the amazing Dr Joe Dispenza… after healing himself he has dedicated his life to helping others to heal, with fantastic results !

  16. Hi Pam,

    It was a great article! I really loved reading about your life, it is very inspirational and gives me a new perspective every time. Thanks a lot for sharing such wonderful things with the readers. It is not only inspiring but very positive, and gives me a very nice feeling whenever I read something you wrote. I keep coming back to your blog and love reading your article. Keep posting, and I will definitely keep reading.

  17. Dear Pam, please suggest Dr. Joe Dispenza’s book “You Are The Placebo” to your friend Cindy and her husband to help him heal. Blessings, love, and light. <3

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