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When I grow up, all I want to be is a little girl

“I do believe more than ever that there is a vast area of our own lives that we know nothing about.”—Anthony Hopkins

So the headline for this post comes from the great Sir Anthony Hopkins, only in his version, he longs to be a little boy. He even carries a photo of his four-year-old self on his phone that he often looks at and says, “We did good, kid. We did good.”

As you may have heard, the 83-year-old actor was recently nominated for an Oscar (again!!!) for his role in The Father. I was intrigued after reading an article in the New Yorker where he mentioned, after being asked about memorizing so many lines, that he tells himself “I’ve got a perfect memory.”

He said it’s a form of self-hypnosis and that he’s very careful what he says about himself.

Hopkins is a long-time devotee of what he calls intentionality. That’s why he repeats an affirmation every morning: “I am alive. I am well. I am filled with perfect and abundant life.”

“We are the direct products of everything we’ve ever thought,” says the Academy Award winner. “Even the most insignificant thought can change your life. For better or worse.  In whatever field — business, acting whatever — it’s all about what you dream.”

He believes in acting as if it is impossible to fail –whether he’s painting (he describes himself as a painting fiend), composing (his orchestral works have been performed in Moscow and London) or playing Hannibal Lecter, Richard Nixon or King Lear.

“Absolutely anything is possible,” he claims. “I don’t know why we say no so much.”  

What he does know is that human existence is mysterious, unknowable and far beyond understanding. Whether you believe in God or you are an atheist, he says, life is beyond explanation.

“I’m not clever enough to have designed this life. There has to be something bigger going on,” he says. “The only reason we don’t see God is because we’re always looking for him. God is in everything and we are all connected and while it’s all a dream within a dream, I am compelled to say to whoever is running the show, thank you very much.”

I have to agree, Sir Anthony. #222 Forever

Pam Grout is the author of 20 books including E-Squared, E-Cubed, Thank & Grow Rich and her latest book, The Course in Miracles Experiment: A Starter Kit for Rewiring Your Mind (And Therefore Your World) that has just been turned into an app. Badass ACIM (badass-acim.com)

26 Responses

  1. Just what I needed to hear this morning. Thankyou Anthony Hopkins and Pam Grout 😁🎈⭐️🌺💛

  2. Pam!! thank you so much for this and all of your emails.

    i made this collage a couple of years ago to remind myself of who i was when i was pure potential (before the world kicked me around a bit). this reminds me that in my essence, i am loved, i am joyful, i am thoughtful, i have sass..

    i am now 60 years old and love being spending some time with little girl me

    Barbara Chandler Kingston, MA

  3. I enjoyed the post! It’s interesting how many (successful) people believe that we have access to the power of a greater life, even if the attribution might be different. Also, I enjoyed your interview on the Science of Healing summit. It was very fun and engaging.

  4. Wow!!! Absolutly magnifique !

    Pam, thank you for this post, it gives me so much hope and reminds me that everything is possible .

    Love and light To all of you ❤

  5. Big thanks to “the Dude” for this comedy I am writing, directing and acting in! #havefun

    Thanks Pam, love your work!

  6. I sooo love this! Thank you Anthony Hopkins and Pam for this wonderful reminder. I am the creator of my life. YES! What an awesome life it is 🙂

  7. Dear Pam, What an amazing synchronity to receive this newsletter today, just as I was writing in depth about my various artistic passions and wondering if it is possible to pursue all of them. To hear of Anthony Hopkins pursuing three arts was just the confirmation and encouragement I needed in that very moment. Amazing and wondrous. Thank you!!

  8. Hi PamThank you for starting my day so sweetly. I tried to get the ACIM app but it’s really not clear how to make that happen. I have an iPhone. Just letting you know the directions are not clear. I’ll keep looking because I’m a course in miracles gal from way back and I’d love to sign on with you. Have a wonderful day!

  9. Thank you, Pam, for continuing to spread the positive energy, joy, wisdom, and love of the Universe! This also reminds me of one of my favorite Einstein quotes:”There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle”

  10. ‘We don’t see God because we’re always looking for him’. How perfect. We so often miss what’s right in front of us… hiding in the open.
    Thank you Pam!

  11. This post is serendipity, been watching his films and reading about Sir Anthony then I read this. Just what I needed to read today! Fabulous 😀

  12. Thanks for the post. Just what I needed right now. Do you happen to have a list of upbeat positive music?

  13. I’ve been reading your books and Course in Miricles through the last year. Part of it would have been considered tough by anyone who did not practice. I feel so blessed and want to thank you for your inspiration.. Love and hugs, Eloise

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