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Money is everywhere

“Happiness comes from many sources, but none of these sources involve car or purse upgrades.”—Mr. Money Mustacheabundance

Last November, at an executive women’s retreat in Orlando, I met a brilliant CPA named Christi. I feel compelled to mention that I wasn’t at this weekend retreat because I’m an executive woman. I work in my pajamas. I was there because I was invited to give a two-hour presentation which, you’ll be happy to hear, I didn’t give in my PJ’s.

But this story isn’t about me.

It’s about Christi who is brilliant, not just because she helps clients with taxes and financial planning and all that other left-brain rigamarole, but because she helps them really understand money. Not in the way most of us understand money, but in the way money really is.

She considers it her duty to make sure they know that money is energy and that those numbers on their balance sheets and tax forms are a direct result of their thoughts and beliefs. She loves to tell them that money is unlimited and that it is only their thoughts and beliefs that could ever keep it away.

I’m thinking about money today because I just received my yearly bill from WordPress. WP is a free blogging platform, but I actually pay an annual fee so they’ll take all ads OFF my site. I figure it’s the least I can do for those of you who so generously take the time to read my posts

I write them out of sheer joy, as my own spiritual and creative practice. I write from my heart and I view them as a gift to anyone who cares to read them.

Which is why I don’t use my blog to promote what’s known as affiliate programs. You know–those posts that have the same spiel, the same wording and everything, from five different people. While there’s a certain kind of mad genius in promoting someone else’s program or product in exchange for a percentage of sales, I choose to turn down such invitations because I don’t view you as “a list.” You are my compadres in spiritual mischief, my friends, my sounding board. If I write about something, it’s because I’m genuinely excited about it.

So while Christi’s mission is to maximize and optimize finances, mine is to maximize and optimize joy. That’s why, as I often say, my goal is to become the Warren Buffet of Happiness.

And that’s what A Course in Miracles does. It helps us realize that the way we see ourselves and the world is upside down. It teaches us that living a wonderful, fulfilling life has nothing to do with finances and everything to do with how we see the world.

ACIM Lesson 59 encourages us to give up our pitiful illusions, to reach in and grab the absolute peace that abides within. It’s there within everyone, hidden under our thoughts and crazy beliefs, hidden under worry and stress and belief that money (or really anything at all) is limited. Limitation is a false construct that we have cemented in with our thoughts. It can be changed at any time.

Today, I encourage you to notice that, like Christi preaches, money (and abundance of all kinds) is everywhere.

You’ll find it by getting on a frequency of joy and gratitude. By taking off the blinders that block the presence and the radiance and the unforced generosity of the universe.

My service is to this presence. And to you, my dear friends, who have put a little bit of trust in me. For that, I say thank you, thank you, thank you.

Pam Grout is the author of 19 books including E-Squared, E-Cubed, Thank & Grow Rich and her new book, Art & Soul,Reloaded: A Year-Long Apprenticeship to Summon the Muses and Ignite Your Daring, Audacious, Creative Side.

45 Responses

  1. Love 💕 you Pam & love your work!!!! Thank you for sharing your wisdom! I think I will teach my next class how to get on the Frequency of Joy! !! What fun! Hope you come back to Omega again!

  2. Perfect timing of this post! Thank YOU for continuing to do what you do. I don’t always read these but it seems the day I do it is exactly what I need! 😘😘😘

    Marguerite Crespillo

    Cell: 916-996-3777
    CalBRE Lic #01173529

    Sent from my iPhone

  3. After an car accident l can use ever kind of abuandance
    I am looking for the best to come
    Thanks Universe
    Thanks to Pam l keep the good physiotherapy through
    I even thought looking for a job at the hospital
    Pam as l have pain, l say also stop hurting heal, stop hurting heal😊

    1. Know what you mean about pain, mine is literally in the “butt”, from tight hip flexors and periformis syndrome after and during healing from stroke that “took out” my right side for 3 yrs! Am walking again, in spite of coming home in a wheelchair, and not having much encouragement from medical practitioners.They gave me 50/50 chance.
      It’s places like Pam’s blog that I gain spiritual strength to keep on trying! Thanks for the “stop hurting, HEAL!” It helps me cope!I’m borrowing it, if I may.

      1. Patricia, please check into Dr Robert Morse on utube. It really helped with my years of pain. It’s about changing what you fuel your body with. All the best.

    2. May I suggest checking out Dr Robert Morse on utube for your pain. Changing what you eat will help immensely. Blessings

  4. A timely post. Something I remembered after reading this, my Dad used to say paying taxes was fine with him because it meant he was making money!!!! 

    From: Pam Grout To: sandiw@bellsouth.net Sent: Wednesday, February 28, 2018 9:45 AM Subject: [New post] Money is everywhere #yiv5702614949 a:hover {color:red;}#yiv5702614949 a {text-decoration:none;color:#0088cc;}#yiv5702614949 a.yiv5702614949primaryactionlink:link, #yiv5702614949 a.yiv5702614949primaryactionlink:visited {background-color:#2585B2;color:#fff;}#yiv5702614949 a.yiv5702614949primaryactionlink:hover, #yiv5702614949 a.yiv5702614949primaryactionlink:active {background-color:#11729E;color:#fff;}#yiv5702614949 WordPress.com | psgrout posted: ““Happiness comes from many sources, but none of these sources involve car or purse upgrades.”—Mr. Money MustacheLast November, at an executive women’s retreat in Orlando, I met a brilliant CPA named Christy. I feel compelled to mention that I wasn’t at ” | |

  5. Thank you Pam. I really appreciate you sharing your wisdom for happiness. You are awesome. I look forward to your daily emails. Abundance and happiness to everyone 🙂

  6. Thank you, Pam! I love reading your posts! They are so uplifting! And always refreshing. I look forward to your posts. I have been interested in this kind of Spiritual path for 50 years or so. I started out with ‘The Infinate Way’ with Joel Goldsmith, and have gone on to Dr. Dyer and Eckhart Tolle. Esther Hicks, and you. All says the same thing in different ways. I find your postings fill me with exactness and joy and spot on! I am deeply grateful to you! Thanks for your time and effort that you give so freely!

  7. I really never realized you had to deliberately NOT have ads/popups/etc. on your blog. In retrospect, I really appreciate not having the distraction. Thank you.

  8. Loving this series on ACIM – thank you! Also love the idea of an enlightened accountant. Any way to reach Christy?

    1. HI Diane, I am the Christi that Pam mentioned. You can start by following me in Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/christibendercpa or on facebook at https://www.facebook.com/christibendercpa (my personal and sometimes irreverent page) or https://www.facebook.com/CBenderCPA/ my more professional page. My soon to be old website is http://www.ChristiBenderCPA.com but that will get a facebook in the next week or two. Please be aware that this is tax time and I am a kickass tax strategist so I’m a, shall we say, tad busy at the moment. But as soon as I get to April 17th I need to start putting together a “money program” and we can talk them. In the meantime feel free to follow me on social media and repeat the mantra “MONEY IS FUN”. hugs n stuff, Christi Bender, CPA – Phoenixville, PA

  9. Thankyou for being so thoughtful and generous to us your readers by paying to have NO advertising on your blog. I am very grateful for that because I really don’t like being distracted by ads. And I just totally love what you write and want to be immersed in it, so Thankyou. And here’s a cool little coincidence: yesterday I randomly turned to that very quote of Wayne Dyer’s in a new book I’ve just bought (Soulpreneurs by Yvette Luciano – fabulous!) AND I happened to read it to my sister and she had just turned to the exact same quote minutes before! It was perfect timing for the conversation we’d been having earlier and for both of us personally. And here it is again today via my favourite teacher – you 😁💖 So it’s a message I’m going to carry with me all day today! Thankyou and blessings of joy, peace and abundance of all kinds to you dear Pam 🦋🌸

  10. Thank you so much, Pam…for your wonderful writings, teachings, inspiration, etc… which I have so enJOYed for several years now. And I do very much appreciate you going out of your way to not have ads and affiliate marketing on your blog.
    Have a beautiful day!

  11. Thank you for all your posts. I love the refreshing playful way you write and the joy reflected in your words. Whenever I read your posts that come to my inbox daily, I invariably realize how seriously I am taking things, and how somehow I misconstrue life and spirituality to be a very serious endeavor. Your writing breaks me out of this notion while also encouraging me to continue on with spiritual practice.

  12. Appreciate no ads! I get really tired of the pop-ups and flashing ads on so many websites. They even interrupt one’s reading of a post to suggest subscribing or show the latest of all the “stuff” that cannot make us happy. We can pray for all the tempters out there wanting to take our money, or lack of it, just to work up our desires. Your posts are SO refreshing! Thanks!

  13. Thank you, Pam. You’re a treasure. The reminders are gentle and loving, the encouragement to try thinking in a different way is kind and not forceful. Today’s post was right on time for me. Have a glorious day!!!

  14. In the spirit of abundance, I feel called to leave this thank you for sharing. I’ve done a dance with and around ACIM for years but your insights on the lessons is giving me lots to think about.

  15. Thank you for the reminder. I’m on my second year of ACIMand I’m loving your entries. You do beautiful job of helping us live our earthly experience but revel in our divine spirituality

  16. So you wrote this one for me again. Mine is due again and discussed with my son a free self hosted site that I could put my own ads on to bring in a little income. I need a new roof last year. I put an invisible shield over it this year. So far it’s holding. 🙂 So tonight I will pay my fee for my continued no ad WP blog. It’s the right answer. You are just the vehicle it came in on. The roof will show up some other way. Thank you for your work. It’s important. Marlene

  17. Thank you so much Pam for doing something you love and not to make money! That is very rare and I’m sure the example you set will multiple infinity! You are awesome and I always look forward to getting to read your post! You really are changing the world!!! Connie

    Sent from my iPad


  18. Ahh, I need Christy! Absolutely where I am right now: ready for tax help (financial planning) with integrity and heart.) Pam or Christy–could you please send me contact info. Thank you both!!!

    1. HI Trea, I am the Christi that Pam mentioned. You can start by following me in Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/christibendercpa or on facebook at https://www.facebook.com/christibendercpa (my personal and sometimes irreverent page) or https://www.facebook.com/CBenderCPA/ my more professional page. My soon to be old website is http://www.ChristiBenderCPA.com but that will get a facelift in the next week or two. Please be aware that this is tax time and I am a kickass tax strategist so I’m a, shall we say, tad busy at the moment. But as soon as I get to April 17th I need to start putting together a “money program” and we can talk them. In the meantime feel free to follow me on social media and repeat the mantra “MONEY IS FUN”. hugs n stuff, Christi Bender, CPA – Phoenixville, PA

  19. universe is indeed a funny dude!

    yesterday at 03:30 pm I asked the fp for a sign that it´s here for me (i felt really left alone with my fear of not earning enough money and I already got angry with me for not being able to stop this constant brain-bla-bla and step into creativity and sing hallelujah and be grateful for what is) – so, I not only asked the universe to show up but also subscribed to your blog … seeking for inspiration …
    when driving home from work I stopped at the supermarket. Checking my mobile phone which announced a new e-mail – it´s been the first blog post I received from you and I only saw the headliner: MONEY IS EVERYWHERE!
    I grinned and said, well Dude, you`re really fast! It´s been only 05:30 pm!

    I realize this has been an important aha-moment yesterday.
    Feeling heard and connected is a beautiful thing.

    From Austria with love,

  20. Thank You! For eliminating the irritating ads on your blog. I began unsubscribing other blogs because the ads are so darn obnoxious I have difficulty following the thought pattern of the blog. You are amazing on all levels and I’m profoundly grateful for my daughter connecting you to me.

  21. In the late 80’s I lived in Glenwood Springs, a small town in Colorado. I don’t remember how I was introduced to ACIM, but somehow I became part of a study group that met once a week. It literally changed my life. I brought my ACIM books with me in 1999 when I moved to North Carolina, but they stayed in my book case. That is until I began reading your posts and relating their message in my every-day experiences. Now they are just inches away on my night stand and I am back to being in awe of their messages. That, along with your E-Squared and E-Cubed books, are a great source of inspiration and peace for me. Thank you so much!!!

    1. You’re welcome so much! And FYI–I have no investment in whether people pick up or follow the Course or not. I’m just sharing how it has radically changed my own life. Blessings to you!!

  22. Love this post! And thank you for not having ads or doing commercial posts for products. I enjoy your blog and your books. Your outlook on life is refreshing

  23. So happy to be a compadre with you on our journey. It is truly a magnificent voyage! Your posts are wonderful and joyful reminders of what each of us already know.

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