E-Squared:  The 10-year anniversary edition (with a Manifesting Scavenger Hunt!!) GET IT HERE

Calling all superheroes!

“We can change the world if we start trusting our own superpowers.” –Nina Hagen

baby hueyBaby Huey, a popular cartoon character when I was growing up, is a naïve, oversized duckling in diapers. Because he has the mentality of a baby, but the size and strength of a sumo wrestler, he  inadvertently knocks things over and constantly causes problems. He has no idea of his superhuman strength.

That’s us, in a nutshell.

Our consciousness has the size and strength of a sumo wrestler, but because we don’t know it, we squander our abilities and often make a mess of things

ACIM Lesson 38 (There’s nothing my holiness cannot do) speaks to the size and strength of our abilities.

If you really get this one, if you incorporate it into your everyday thinking, you’ve mastered the Course. It’s the reason the law of attraction works. It’s the reason there’s never reason to despair. It’s why J.C. could heal the sick, raise the dead and walk on water.

The only reason the world “stays” the way it is now is because we use our superpowers to stare at things we don’t like. We run the data we downloaded from our culture instead of generating the brilliance we’re capable of.

Every atom, every molecule, every energy wave of your being pulses with the creative life force. 

So allow me to paraphrase from the actual lesson itself:

** Holiness is your superpower.

** It reverses all laws of this world.

** It allows you to remove all pain, end all sorrow and solve all problems.

** It gives you dominion over all things.

This is a biggie, friends, but I think I’m ready to put on my cape and step out of the phone booth. How about you?

Pam Grout is the author of 19 books including E-Squared, E-Cubed, Thank & Grow Rich and her new book, Art & Soul,Reloaded: A Year-Long Apprenticeship to Summon the Muses and Ignite Your Daring, Audacious, Creative Side.

46 Responses

  1. Yep, I think I’m ready too! I think I am, I think I am, I think I am, I think I am………….I AM!!!! 😁👍🏻⭐️ Thanks Pam – you’re a super cool super hero Wonder Woman 😉 Big blessings to you! 💛🧡🎈🦋☀️

  2. Its so great to read a daily summary of each lesson in ACIM that is down to earth, humerus, and can be applied to every day life. I too was first introduced gently to ACIM with the excellent ‘Love is Letting Go of Fear’ (LILGOF ) by Gerald “Jerry” Jampolsky back in the eighties (I wrote a 5-star review for it on Amazon) but it took me some time to graduate to the Big Blue Door Stop (BBDS) . Jerry’s book offers a condensed version of ACIM, 12 lessons from the BBDS through personal antidotes from his life and his time as a psychiatrist in a mental health ward where he learned to apply lessons from the course. Pam, I read that book hundreds of times applying the 12 lessons over and over again until I finally reached a state of clarity and, I dare say, nivana! (Webster: “a place of perfect peace and happiness”). I’ve never completed the whole 365 days of ACIM mostly bc LILGOF was more easy. But I’m trying again!
    To other’s, I highly recommend reading and any one of Gerald Jampolsky book’s as a supplement to the course.

  3. Thank you so much, Pam, for writing your terrific blogs even while on assignment. When I need a lift I bring to mind your inspiring words of wisdom and feel better.

  4. Dear Pam,
    Your uplifting words are sweet to my heart, and your love brings me joy.
    Thank you very much for your wit and wisdom, and keep posting!
    Love from Burgundy, France

  5. Zowie!!!! You hit the mark, sister. I have been flowing with this all morning and feeling the Holiness and Innocence as my wings. I like the cape idea too! Either way I AM flying!!!! AND gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous get this – when I do this, I do it for ALL. Holy Holiness, Godman!!

  6. I agree with Natasha; I appreciate your daily blog, even when you are traveling. I am finishing up the book you referenced a while ago: Dying To Be Me, which is an illustration of what you talk about today. I borrowed the book from the library, but am getting it for my birthday. Anita Moorjani’s descriptions resonate with me. It’s a great read to go back to when I get disconnected. Have a great day; I already am!

  7. Hell yes I’m ready! Lol
    I love this lesson and want to stay on it for awhile. I find that even though there is a new affirmation everyday in the course I tend to use many of them throughout my day. Especially “I can choose peace instead of this”.
    Thanks for nailing it every day for us Pam. You bring further clarity and intelligence to each lesson and you make us laugh everyday! Giant gratitude and huge hugs 🤗

  8. YAY! I’m happy to get an early start on this today and I love it. I remember Baby Huey, but then I’ve been around a very long time. 🙂 This makes so much sense the way you explain it. Now if I can just sneak it past my conscious mind we are good to go. Thank you and have a wonderfilled day. Marlene Herself

  9. Sorry I have slipped up sharing..just not in service, but I am back. I love this one…if I am holding back our world because I am not willing to work at seeing and thinking different. Not willing to open up to the universe energy and see the truth of love and peace, what am I waiting for? Have a great day, give lots of hugs and open up to receiving the love in return.

  10. The POWER within; yes we all have the power to change our thoughts, our feelings and our lives. We should be more aware of this power, and use it!. “I have the power within me to change my life” . “I AM using the POWER within me to get what I desire” I can use this power in whatever manner I want. Thanks for reminding us.

  11. Hi Pam

    I wanted to write you and let you know how much I appreciate your daily blog posts…..

    I am really enjoying your posts on ACIM….I find them all insightful and inspiring!

    Enjoy Quebec and the dogsledding …..I did it once at Chateau Montebello myself….

    Have a fabulous day,




  12. I think you ARE doing just that (donning the cape, stepping out of the phone booth) by posting on the Coyrses daily lessons and in turn helping so many of us!!!!! THANK YOU!!!!!!

  13. Holiness is my superpower..wow!
    Let’s also add Love❤
    Your emails are rocking my world Pam. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

  14. Oddly enough, I actually believe this one 🙂 Lol. Your take on it, Pam, makes it oh-so accessible. Thank you!

  15. I made up a new word for “God” which never sits very comfortably with me (due to the puny concepts I find most religions have of “God” ) It is SUPERGOD ! This I can get!

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