E-Squared:  The 10-year anniversary edition (with a Manifesting Scavenger Hunt!!) GET IT HERE

Life doesn’t suck, sh*t doesn’t happen and the glass is 100% full

“Ever since happiness heard your name it has been running through the streets trying to find you.” –Hafiz

Anyone who reads this blog knows I’m a Course in Miracles groupie. Here’s one of my favorite lessons:

“His gifts are sure, eternal, changeless, limitless, forever giving out, extending love and adding to your never-ending joy.”

That’s a pretty big claim. And so far removed from what most of us believe.

To get it, to really believe you’re meant to be happy is the first step to enlightenment. Any other choice (and make no mistake, it is a choice) is a fool’s errand.

The going paradigm for now is more along the lines of “life sucks and then you die.”

Because we believe this as an inescapable truth, we expect that, we look for that and we create that reality. We can just as easily create a reality that says, “I can be joyful and peaceful every moment of the day.”

One of my intentions, in fact, is unceasing joy. I look for that reality day after day. Most people think I’m a ridiculous dreamer, an irresponsible gadfly.

“It’s impossible to always be happy,” they insist as they press their hand to my forehead checking for fever.

My response? I’m sorry you feel that way and I’m glad my intention is to see only peace, joy, love and beauty. That’s the only direction I choose to point my lens.

We get whatever we look for—100 percent of the time. I would argue it’s irresponsible to look for anything less than unceasing joy.

You always have the choice. You can continue to believe in the world as is appears now or you can believe in a new vision. You can settle for “what is” or you can create something new. You can continue to interfere with Truth or you can step aside and let your natural joy rush in. It’s a simple matter of deciding where to shine your spotlight.

I will close with one of my favorite quotes from A Course in Miracles.

I am responsible for what I see.

I choose the feelings I would experience, and I decide

upon the goal I would achieve.

And everything that seems to happen to me

I ask for, and receive as I have asked.

Pam Grout is the author of 18 books including E-Squared: 9 Do-it-Yourself Energy Experiments that Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality and the just released, Thank and Grow Rich: a 30-day Experiment in Shameless Gratitude and Unabashed Joy.

28 Responses

  1. As it’s bright and early as I read this post, I know that how I ‘set up my day’ has a big impact on how it actually shows up! I do it as early as I can! I love that this post echos this concept – and I agree it’s all in what we ‘look’ for. A good reminder as I head off to work today, where sometimes I really have to be conscious of this!! I can be tested lol but hope to be able to regroup so it doesn’t suck me in. Thanks for this Pam 🙂

  2. You’re so right, Pam! “And everything that seems to happen to me
    I ask for, and receive as I have asked.” says everything about our lives. With good and with bad. Everything bad happening to us follows our own demand (sent consciously or unconsciously). That’s it.
    Thank you again for a great article. I love your point of view. Why make our lives miserable when we really can live happily? It is finally a matter of choice for everyone of us.

  3. Yes!!! This was part of the conversation last night with a group of women I have the honor to be coaching! Once I understood it was all up to me, the choices I make, it was liberating! Looking forward to Soulapalooza in a few weeks!

  4. One of my goals is unceasing joy as well. My husband died recently and I know he wants me to be happy. This is contrary to many people.’s paradigm when someone dies. I love your books and blog. I choose to see joy and radiate love wherever I go today
    I am so inspired today because of your blog.
    I love you!

    1. Susan, I love that you will choose joy and radiate love, even after losing your husband so recently. He wants you to be happy and you are choosing to comply with his wishes – that is beautiful!
      I know it has been said and written in a million ways, but I think Mike Dooley’s version is my favorite – “Each challenge bears gifts”. So although you are experiencing something that none of look forward to, you can make it a much more pleasant and rich, empowering and growth-minded experience and minimize your suffering.

  5. I can only say that since I’ve been practicing–diligently–ACIM and Law of Attraction, I actually AM happy almost all the time. Your quotes reminded me of another ACIM one: “Accept but the joyous as truth.”

  6. Good one! Doing ACIM again. Need to keep the reprogramming going. I always say when asked if the glass is half full or half empty that I’m grateful to have a glass. It can hold so many wonderful things. 🙂

  7. This quote – We get whatever we look for—100 percent of the time. I would argue it’s irresponsible to look for anything less than unceasing joy – this is my new approach to life. Thank you for this post, Pam!

  8. ha ha. you’re exactly the kind of lovely gadfly I want in my life. A resounding YES(!) to this: “my intention is to see only peace, joy, love and beauty. That’s the only direction I choose to point my lens.” 🙂

  9. Pam,

    I’ve been receiving and enjoying your blog posting for quite some time, while I can’t point to specific points of joy and manifestation which you comment on I do feel like I live a very blessed and fulfilled life, I do live in a wonderful world!! 🙂 Your books and blog have certainly been helpful in that creating that situation.

    At my suggestion my book club, which is affiliated with Centers for Spiritual Living, has elected to read and discuss E Squared for our Nov. mtg.

    Aside from the experiments and lab reports do you have any “study guides” or ways to look more in depth at the book that we could use?

    Thank You,

    Leif Nestingen

  10. A fun coincidence:
    I know that this is a re-post from last year. Although I read and re-read each of your blog posts and have enjoyed them all, this one, in particular was one that I wanted to print and save. It was tucked into my copy of E3, which I just lent to someone. So JUST YESTERDAY, I unfolded this very same post and read it. And now, here it is again, in my in-box! How did you know that it’s one of my favorites? I guess the Universe knew!
    Love you, Pam! Hope you are having a wonderful time with Taz!
    Pamela Joy

  11. I agree that you can be happy always because I AM. If sadness comes to my life, it is a feeling that I am feeling in the moment or for some time and I know I will heal from. It does NOT take away the fact that I am a happy being. It’s like a a rubber band that snaps back.

  12. As a fellow ACIM “groupie,” thanks very much, Pam. I have made one of the prayers part of my morning routine. You know the one that begins, “I am here only to be truly helpful. I am here to represent Him who sent me …” Very powerful and beautiful. 🙂 x

  13. This was just what I needed to hear when I woke up this morning. I also bought the acim book online just now!! Thank you!

  14. Just realising that it is mostly women who posted comments on this blog, I thought it may please and comfort you to know that we guys ( not gay by the way, with a hairy chest and thick attitude ) also read, receive and appreciate your gift of Truth and Joy.
    I was going through a low in the past few weeks, but I know this morning that I am back on track as I stumble on your post “by chance”.
    I am a Joyous, grateful guy, and love you too.

  15. Pam,

    I’ve been following your blog for a number of years now. I read recently of the death of your daughter and my heart bleeds for you. I have three young adult children I cannot imagine the pain. I forward this to you in the hope that this writer can provide some comfort for you.

    May God bless you and keep you.


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