E-Squared:  The 10-year anniversary edition (with a Manifesting Scavenger Hunt!!) GET IT HERE

It’s time for all of us to turn up the light

“I want to choose again, I want to live in the Kingdom. I want to live out from my true spiritual estate, who I really am. I want to live out from eternal, perpetual health and wholeness and strength and vitality. I want to live out from the knowledge that the abundance of all good is a continual flow.”—Michele Longo-O’Donnell lghr16362fairy-dancing-and-flying-in-front-of-the-full-moon-mini-poster

Tonight is the full moon which can only mean one thing: it’s time to put on my dancing shoes.

Last year at Omega, my group made a pact that we would dance “together” on each full moon—no matter where we happened to be on the planet. It is a dance in celebration of oneness and possibility and knowing that the coming month will bring forth riches of all kinds.

You are invited tonight to join with us. Wherever you might be.

Because here’s the thing.

The world right now is crying out for a whole team of radio towers who are beaming in the cosmic energy of infinite possibility. It needs a whole contingent of human frequencies who believe in the invisible power of light and love.

In fact, I would like to suggest that there is nothing more important you could ever do for yourself, your family, your friends and your planet than to tune in to the frequency of gratitude and joy.

At every moment, whether you know it or not, you are contributing to the collective consciousness. Your thoughts, your energy field, your frequency, is putting out an electromagnetic charge that either adds to the old story—the story of lack and limitation—or beams in the new story.

I think we can all agree we could use a new story.

The old story, the story of separation, tells us our thoughts, our beliefs, our energy fields . . . don’t really matter, not in the vast universe of others. It tells us that force and control and taking action is the way to bring about change.

But there is a better way. And I feel certain it has to do with dancing. Beaming love. Living in Truth. Knowing that the headlines, the political race have nothing whatsoever to do with me. And that when I don’t fall for their crazy-making plot lines, I am a much more effective force on the planet.

I hope you’ll join me and hundreds of others who have committed to dance on the full moon. As always, we will dance for love, for possibility, for light.

Pam Grout is the author of 18 books including E-Squared: 9 Do-it-Yourself Energy Experiments that Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality and the about to be released, Thank and Grow Rich: a 30-day Experiment in Shameless

24 Responses

  1. Thank you for this, Pam!!! This is the way to really live…Ass Hat off and dancing shoes on!! I LOVE it and you can be sure I will be dancing!!! Yahoooo!! Love you!!!

  2. Full Moon and Summer Solstice Blessings Pam🙏🌞
    My dancing shoes are on 💃💃💃

  3. Reblogged this on Law of Attraction Lover and commented:
    Just want to spread the word to as many as people as possible to get your dancing shoes on as Pam suggests because anything that raises our vibration raises the vibration of the whole Universe and why not play the song ‘Happy’ as a good tune to do it to – Namaste world 🙂

  4. YES! I Am joining you all howling and dancing in the full moon – woohoo! Keep it going – bring on the Collective love energy.

  5. There is a quote in the gnostic gospels that I probably should have found before I risk butchering it in a public forum, but what the hell: Jesus said, “Those who do not dance, do not know.”

    And as the song goes, “I’ll be looking at the moon, but I’ll be seeing (all of ) you,” dancing in the skylights.


  6. I have been dancing all day in celebration of Summer coming tonight at 6:34 p.m. EDT, so what are a few more party steps to celebrate the full moon? I will think of you every full moon and dance to wellness in mind, body and spirit!

    Have a great week Pam and thank you for your positive energy.

  7. I allowed every word you wrote to seep into my very being. I drew it all in, all the truth, all the love, all the light and I will dance with you all tonight. Last night I just happed to be driving East arund the time the Moon rose, and I watched it wiith amazement and with joy and delight! It was breath-taking to notice how quickly it rose. I watched it rise from behind a Mountain top, and by the time I got home, It was way up there in a period of about 15 to 20 minutes. I could not help but think of the miracle of God putting all of this earth, moon, galaxies, etc, in motion. I was awed by the Miracle of it all. And I make it a habit to pay attention to wonder at it all! I always keep up with what day of the month the Moon will be full. Thank you for posting! I enjoy all your posts! Much love to you and everyone else!

  8. I second that emotion and I’m dancing with you, Pammy! I hope you like dancing to Northern Soul… 😉

    With love,

    Lee 🙂 Xx

  9. “At every moment, whether you know it or not, you are contributing to the collective consciousness. Your thoughts, your energy field, your frequency, is putting out an electromagnetic charge that either adds to the old story—the story of lack and limitation—or beams in the new story”. A perfect sentence to remind me that I DO make a difference, and that my thoughts are truly powerful. Thank you, once again dear Pam, for helping me focus on what is true and truly matters!
    Loving hugs, Shoshanna

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