E-Squared:  The 10-year anniversary edition (with a Manifesting Scavenger Hunt!!) GET IT HERE

How to win a free trip to Ireland

“If your mind isn’t cluttered by unnecessary things, this could be the best day of your life.”—From a message left on my voicemail by The Zing of the Possibility Alliance

Some authors write about changing your life through healthy eating. Or meditating. Others suggest writing affirmations or visualizing

As for me, I offer one easy message: Open your joy channels.

When you get happy, the largesse of the universe can’t help but rush in.

It’s so easy that most people walk right by it, they roll their eyes and think, “Sure, Pam! It can’t be that easy.”

So I’ll say it one more time. It really IS that easy.

In my power posse yesterday, we had a blast sharing stories about just this topic. We decided that part of our mission and why we love this group SO FRICKIN’ MUCH is because we take time to register, to note, to document (well, we don’t really write it down) how frequently the universe works in our favor.

Frank brought in a stuffed monkey (says he’s doing the extra credit from Experiment One in E-Cubed), Nikki told us about the free pizza she won after taking the day off work and Rhonda shared this story that clearly demonstrates the awesome fact that celebrating life brings more to celebrate.

She and her husband, an architect, went to an awards banquet at a small Catholic college where he’s doing some design work. Sitting behind them was a table of eight or so nuns. They were all somewhere between 60 and 90 years old, Rhonda said

“Now, I’ve been to lots of these banquets and they’re always nice, polite affairs. But at this one, after all the awards had been given and the ceremonies had commenced, a DJ came out and started playing dance music,” Rhonda said. “My jaw nearly dropped.”

And as Kool and the Gang started in with “Celebrate Good Times,” those nuns got up and started dancing. Really getting into it.

“They didn’t sit down once,” Rhonda said. “And then the emcee got up to pull a name out of the hat for the grand prize trip to Ireland.”

You guessed it?

“Mary Katherine!” One of the “We’re gonna have a good time tonight” nuns.

If you’re anywhere near Denver this coming weekend, Rhonda and I will be at the Hay House “I Can Do It” conference. I’m giving a workshop on Sunday and we’re both psyched about meeting Wayne Dyer, Louise Hay (we’re affirming she’s going to make a surprise appearance), Cheryl Richardson and all the other cool Hay House authors. It’s not too late to get a ticket.

And in the meantime, tell me in the comments section below what you’re going to do today to “Celebrate Good Times.”

Pam Grout is the author of 17 books including E-Squared: 9 Do-it-Yourself Energy Experiments that Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality and the recently-released sequel, E-Cubed, 9 More Experiments that Prove Mirth, Magic and Merriment is your Full-time Gig.

75 Responses

  1. I love ve this energy concept. My partner found his lost keys (I asked the FP to help me with that!). I then was thinking I know I signed up for Pam’s blog. Mayne it went to my spam….BOOM…here it is! Ahhhhhh….sigh of happiness….

      1. Yea…I’ve been trying that “peaceful energy about how easy it is to find things”…on a two books I’ve set aside in my used bookstore – one was a gift and one was a book I ordered – and I cannot find them. I’ve let it go, visualized them back in my hands, etc., etc. and by gosh, they are not visible. I’m patient. I was born patient. And yes, I know they will show up because they are important to me. I know reading the book that was given to me – about a NYC used bookstore district – will change my life and the direction of the store (cuz I just know). It’s been three weeks (or more) but I know they will appear. But it is kinda crazy.

  2. Today is my 50th Birthday and I really feel that my 50’s are going to be my best years yet. New adventures with lots of travel and experience
    all the world has to offer!! Can’t wait!! 🙂

    1. Happy birthday! I turn 50 in a couple of weeks. We only go up from here! I can’t wait to start the next decade.
      I have just a small story. I let a car merge in front of me at a Starbucks drive thru. I smiled and waived them over thinking today i can be a blessing to someone (which I think every day) and when I got up to get my drink and pay for it, the Starbucks guy told me the car in front of me picked up the bill for being nice.
      Was that cool or what?
      I love the blog and the books.
      Thanks Pam!

  3. “Celebrate life and life will give you more to celebrate.” What a magnificently simple concept that is so profound it blows the mind. Which is exactly the whole point – get out of your mind and into your heart. Love it!!!

  4. Just learning that the FP is always there for me. I have experienced this in the past when I was younger (I called in 4 horses where there was no possibility of having them and rode all my teen years) but seemed to have lost it over the years. I am now in my 50’s and I am realizing what this is all about. Thanks so much Pam for all your help in letting me find the potential in my life!!! I look forward to many more blessings!!!!!!

      1. I just know the happier I am the happier I get and it’s infectious. Easy to continue in the good times not so easy when things start to go wrong. It really is though a conscious effort and takes practice – but boy am I happy to work at that!

  5. I am going to enjoy all the small things in my day. It’s a Monday, so I am going to look at all the small, wonderful aspects of my day instead of being bummed it’s a new work week. And hey, I’m alive and well this morning so all is great!

    1. Leah, As I recall from either one of Pam’s books, or one of her blog posts, “Thank God it’s Monday!”, and “I GET TO go to work, today!” are great ways to start the work week.

  6. I’m going to send silent blasts of love and light to all that I meet today. I’ll look in people’s eyes and smile and wish them a great day!

  7. WOW Pam great post!!! I KNOW you will have a Fabulous time in Denver and I KNOW you will meet Louise Hay this weekend!!! Today I am joyfully returning a book to the library on my lunch break and I am joyfully going to enjoy this wonderful and amazing beautiful day!!!

  8. Today I am celebrating me…✨💖😘 I am writing text about me to my new website… About my dream that became my reality.., the magic, joy, happiness, my unfolded wings, and how I enjoy all of it every second, every minute, every day, share it, …filled with love and gratitude✨💖😘🍀💵

  9. Today I am going to celebrate me ( I am perfect just the way I am), give gratitude for my wonderful life and watch the magic happen!

    Thanks Pam, you rock!!!

  10. Easy pezy… I have grass seed down and it’s raining! My clients are flexible with my schedule as I head to LA this week! My contract for voicing work on the other side of the world arrived today! I am packing for LA and will be attending the World Wide Radio Summit and anticipate lining up with like minded and open radio gurus! Who BTW want to hire me!!!! Freakin’ Awesome!

  11. Today is one of those perfect Seattle days. Will be in the low 70’s. After I finish work I will play in the sun hopefully near some water. I will celebrate the fact that at least for today, after I finish my job, I am not responsible for anyone except myself. I will enjoy and be thankful for the day off from caring for my 90-year-old parents, my 18 yr old son, and 1 yr old grandson. ( I enjoy and am thankful for my family, but we all need breaks from them, right! 🙂 )
    Blessings to all!

  12. I am bringing out the joy! The sun is shining, the birds are singing! It’s the perfect day for miracles!

  13. I feel compelled to share this! I just started reading E cubed and I asked the FP for sign that it here’s and abides by all of my requests as long as I leave the details up to it, the FP. So I was very specific in what I chose to ask for as a sign, I asked for a financial blessing to appear to me, money that I could hold in my hand and it had to be at least one thousand dollars. That was at 11:46 pm on a Monday evening. Tuesday I got up and did my usual morning routine, it was so busy at work that I did not even leave my desk for lunch, I was even late and rushing After work to pick up my son from his tutor so as I was driving home I thought to myself, well no chance of FP even having a way to get me the sign I had requested. But I thought I am leaving all the details to the FP. I went about my business picked up my son got home and started dinner, and as always checked the mail, hoping for no unforeseen bills. While I was going through the mail in the kitchen I came across a letter from the Child support enforcement Agency. I had asked them three years ago to try to get some financial support for my son from his father, we were never married but we had done DNA testing and it was proven that he was the dad, but nothing ever came of it so now three years later I thought wow maybe a hearing was scheduled!! I opened the letter and inside was a check for back child support for $13000.00 and an order for monthly support of $1267.00 a month!!!! This was and is ALL THE PROOF I NEED! Thank you for Pam Grout for the book that has changed my life!!

  14. Mondays are the one day of the week when my husband and I both have the day off. We spent the last hour or so, having coffee on the deck (me in my hammock, for the first time this year!) having a lovely conversation, on a gorgeous spring morning.
    And every day that I open an e-mail from Pam Grout is a sunshiney day!

  15. I’m going to eat a piece of chocolate cake that I bought from a local restaurant and savour every morsel and give thanks for this great day!

  16. Today my sixth grade students and I are going to laugh. We are all under a bit too much pressure with testing coming up and the end of the year approaching that we forget to enjoy life. Today, we will begin with gratitude for a sunny day and a little bit of laughter. We may throw some happy dances in just for fun. 🙂 Hello Monday!

  17. YAY!!!!! DIVINE TIMING,. OF COURSE! I just started reading “The Best Year of Your Life” by Debbie Ford and I am SO AWARE that to have the best of my life, I simply need to acknowledge that I ALREADY DO! Similar to what you always share about JOY, Pam. I am just ELATED. I mean, this truly IS the BEST DANG YEAR OF MY LIFE! Especially with the Southwest emails that keep coming in to remind me of this weekend’s flight to I CAN DO IT DENVER conference!!!! AHHHHHHHH! I totally foresee Louise Hay showing up as well! And, I realize that the small little human events that I would equate to making it the best year (“International Presence” “Well-Received” “Conscious Comedian” are really just the physical representation of what I desire on an EMOTIONAL LEVEL:

    WELL-RECEIVED= Lovable and Good Enough
    CONSCIOUS COMEDIAN – Feeling purposeful with my natural, divinely-given talents.

    These EMOTIONS I desire, I already have when I look around me! I have friends and community that support me. I have children that adore me and look to me for all of life’s answers – which ironically are who I look to for the same – TO JUST BE in CHILD-LIKE WONDER and MERRIMENT! I have accomplished so much to be grateful for. I am GOOD ENOUGH. I AM LOVABLE. I am PROSPEROUS and BLESSED. I AM PURPOSEFUL! People tell me everyday that I am. If only I kept a log of such. So, that’s my Monday! That’s my intention every morning now. To just BE with all that already PROVES this is the BEST YEAR OF MY LIFE – YET!!!!

  18. Today I am bathing 3 dogs, one of whom the FP delivered a mere 3 months after my desires were uttered for him. Then I get to clean up & prepare a meal for the man who stepped out of the pages of my “Uniforce” Journal a mere 1month after I got real descriptive about who I want give all this energy and craziness and love that I offer to ( of course I wrote out how he would treat me as well!!!) and here we are today!!!
    When I wrote in my Uniforce Journal about this man, travel desires, dreams, etc, I was in Hawaii posting pictures on your FB wall of me on my almost free, dream trip manifested in just a few weeks!! I feel the Majick of my day dreams coming at me so quickly it’s dizzying and I am alive!!!!

  19. I am so excited..I too am in the best year of my life..65 years on this beautiful planet. I so have put it out to our awesome Universe that I will be going with Wayne to the Holy Land…I see it, I believe it and I know it. Ireland would be nice too!

  20. Pam..when I posted about knowing that I was going to the Holy Land with Wayne, little did I know that you would be seeing him in Denver!  Wowsa..give him a beautiful hug for me…Wow!!!!! Love you.   From: Pam Grout To: hanks.laura@ymail.com Sent: Monday, April 20, 2015 9:37 AM Subject: [New post] How to win a free trip to Ireland #yiv0621633977 a:hover {color:red;}#yiv0621633977 a {text-decoration:none;color:#0088cc;}#yiv0621633977 a.yiv0621633977primaryactionlink:link, #yiv0621633977 a.yiv0621633977primaryactionlink:visited {background-color:#2585B2;color:#fff;}#yiv0621633977 a.yiv0621633977primaryactionlink:hover, #yiv0621633977 a.yiv0621633977primaryactionlink:active {background-color:#11729E;color:#fff;}#yiv0621633977 WordPress.com | psgrout posted: ““If your mind isn’t cluttered by unnecessary things, this could be the best day of your life.”—From a message left on my voicemail by The Zing of the Possibility Alliance Some authors write about changing your life through healthy eating. Or meditatin” | |

    1. Replied to an email and everything appeared on the comment page. I guess that the whole article was meant to be reprinted.

    2. I’ll do it, Laura!! I’m also looking forward to re-connecting with Dr. Joe Dispenza and Anita Moorjani and Mike Dooley. We had such a great time in London.

  21. Hi Pam, just ate some ice-cream with all the goodness of choco chips, nuts , jelly in different flavours 😛 and playing this song “Celebration” by Kool The Gang and reading this post. Life is Good and I am a Celebrating every day and some moments with ice-cream : ) !

  22. I was job hunting recently and getting a bit stressed. Acknowledging this I decided to stop looking for a week and let it go to the FP and chill out and have some fun. I came across an interesting ‘what to watch’ on YouTube featuring Dr Dain Heer. So inspired by what he was saying I bought his book.

    (Now this was a man on there verge of suicide who did a bargain with the Universe to make things better or he was outta here, so if he could find happiness he was worth listening to in my book/ his book).

    In the book he suggested when something good happens don’t settle for that, ask “How does it get better than this’ to keep encouraging the Universe to give you more and more great things to be happy about.

    The next day I saw something positive that I saw as a sign from the Universe and remembering his suggestion I said thank you first (always gratitude first) but then said “How does it get better than this?” I was almost dizzy with delight as one good thing kept happening after the next. He also suggested with situations ask your self does this make me feel heavy or light so only did the things that made me feel light and happy.

    To cut a long story short a series of events conspired and before my week off was over I was offered a fantastic new job with some amazingly lovely people.

    This is awesome but I will still keep asking “How does it get better than this?” to keep the Happiness momentum going.

    Thanks Pam – you know I love reading your blog. Guaranteed to make me even happier x

  23. Had my playlist on this Morning and cleaned out drawers, closet and 3 old purses full of crap! A big part of me really wanted to stay in bed cause my back hurts but the more I did the less it hurt! Saturday my husband (who didn’t want to go), my DIL, and THREE Grandkids made the journey to the Thunder Over Louisville Derby celebration even though my back was REALLY hurting from PT the day before! We parked near Louisville and was going to take a bus into downtown to avoid the traffic/parking issues. We took the wrong bus, going the wrong way and the airshow was starting soon. My husband was SO irritated and I was about to flip out but I kept saying, “It’s AMAZING!” every time I started to get negative thoughts! The bus drivers and everyone on the busses (yes, we found the right one!) were SO helpful and nice! I sat next to a beautiful Indian family with my 3 yr old granddaughter on my lap and she made friends with their 4 yr old daughter. We got to the venue right on time and got the best place to sit for the airshow and fireworks! They were right in front of us! The weather was beautiful! DIL, kids and I ventured out after the airshow to find the ‘kids zone’ and got lost. I was in so much pain and my leg was starting to give out. We found a stand with gorgeous embroidered fans and handmade crafts from S. America and my 7 yr old grandson begged me for a fan??! I agreed and got myself one too. He must have looked at every fan in that box 3 times and I was getting irritated! Just then I looked over to see a huge pile of garbage heaped around a garbage can and there was a bright pink plastic bag with the words, “Be AMAZING!” on it! We got back to our spot just in time for the most amazing fireworks show I’ve EVER seen! Great music too! I even danced! My DIL is doing your 1st book now and she has a great story for her 1st experiment! THANKS for spreading the LOVE Pam Grout!

  24. I am celebrating good times by trusting (letting go of all the control i think i need to have to create celebratory life), thanking more, and dancing more! If feels delicious.

  25. Reblogged this on Spirit In Action and commented:
    If your life is feeling like constant , lurching from one crisis or disaster to the next-read this post! Especially if you feel or say to yourself “you can’t win for losing!”- read this blog, read Pam’s books. Get her wonderful worldview into your personal space however you can. It might sound fanciful if you are accustomed to a steady diet of aggravation and negativity, but there’s no harm in trying on a different perspective. The results may amaze you.;-)

  26. Hi Pam,
    I am letting my inner five-year-old loose to play with my toddler. They really hit it off and have a great time together and I remember how much fun it is to be a KID!

  27. I will enjoy a glass of wine, eat some amazing organic white cheddar cheese, I got yesterday, on our favorite crackers and share this with my soulmate of 53 years before we enjoy homemade bean soup for supper. I choose to celebrate every day.

    1. I love that you have a soul mate of 53 years. Very inspiring to the rest of us. Thanks for sharing!

  28. Love, Love, LOVE this!!! LOL!!! Talk about “Ode to JOY!!!!!” And, timing is everything–I’ve been tossing around the idea of taking Thursday off–already having Wednesday…and this post helped me make the decision….YES!!! I’m always to tied to responsibility and getting it done and, and, and…I’ve earned these days off BIG-TIME!!!! Love, Joy, LOVE, JOY!! ;-))))

  29. After I read it, I couldn’t find it either. Oh, well..it does sound like fun! I will be in a professional workshop all day Sat so will thinking of you fondly…Love you

  30. Because of YOU Pam, I have a “Happy Hour” everyday just me and my two cats. Who aren’t impressed. Sometimes first thing in the morning sometimes mid day … I put on music and dance around singing at the top of my lungs. I miss my dear Lazarus so and it helps with the writers block. I will be in Denver this week and MY intention is to meet you and give you the giant hug you deserve for pulling me out of my despair. Perhaps we will break into song! I’m also counting on The Dude to find me a freebie hotel as my budget went to … you guessed it, a rescue dog. It will happen I’ve learned that because of you. As always here’s my Lazarus’ story for anyone who needs some inspiration. When you think your life is over … don’t give up hope. Here’s proof!

    Joy is there for the taking! Bless you Pam.Sending happy thoughts everyone. Your posts are very inspiring and I’m blessed to be connected to you all in some way.

  31. Dear Pam, your Books are so inspiring and I am deeply grateful. They bring immense joy to my life. The experiments are just ….wow!!! This stuff really works. So I decided to introduce you to several male inmates in my Seeking Safety class I teach in prison…..lets just say I have a bunch of grown men manifesting to see butterflies, receiving unexpected mail from estranged partners, etc. Because of E2 and E3, these inmates are learning to change and impower their lives. They are realizing that they have the power to create their realities. I’m also a long time Sethie, so I have merged both views. My inmates are also very thankful. We send you and yours a field of infinite Blessings!!!

  32. I just got my Rolling Stones tix in the mail today. They were mailed out from NYC and the flap on the envelope was never sealed. The envelope was wide open when I got my mail out of the box and yet inside were my precious two tickets.
    I am movin like Jagger!!
    It’s a great day!! 😛

  33. I, too, will be joining the “50” club. My birthday is this Friday. I’m throwing a party for 40-some friends and family members to thank them for being in my life. This is WAY out of my comfort zone, but I just keep telling myself, “I host wonderful parties.” I know it’s going to be great! A month ago, I received a prestigious fellowship to attend a writers/artists retreat. I’ll spend 25 days there this fall. Can’t wait to see what else this decade holds! Sending love and joy to you all. 🙂

  34. Hi Pam, going to celebrate by eating organic apples while I re-read your books and re- practice the exercices 😄 on E square again… Cause the first time I did this got some miracles… But now the biggest one is happening… After trying for almost 19 years to have children with my husband, we are finally pregnant, I just turned 50. Scary 😳 but true!!! Namaste!!!

  35. I took time out after work to lie on the grass under my favourite tree looking up at the sky. My dog Barney was with me and we had a cuddle and a laugh together. It was awesome!!

  36. Today, I am celebrating that I have a great job that I get to go to and participate in creating new processes, and my boss has respect for me and my abilities. Then, later I come home to a beautiful house and spend the rest of the evening with my best friend. My life is truly wonderful. I have been blessed. The key is realizing it. I look for the blessing and they are all around me.

  37. I am going camping in Oklahoma today for several days. This gives me the greatest joy and helps me feel closer to God and my true self.

  38. Today I got a huge loving hug from a stranger. I was in a store and heard somebody new to the area asking the shopkeeper where she could get a key made for an old house. happened to live in the house that’s over 90 years old and I knew of a hardware store that made keyss for old locks. She didn’t know how to get there so I told her to follow me and I would take her there. She was so grateful that when I got out of the car to tell her about a few other great shops she gave me the biggest happiest hug. Surprise gifts of happiness and gratitude arrive in many ways.

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