E-Squared:  The 10-year anniversary edition (with a Manifesting Scavenger Hunt!!) GET IT HERE

“Clap along if you feel like happiness is the truth.” –Pharrell Williams

“We all long for love. Everything else is just killing time.”
–Kenny Loggins

Most people hear the word “love” and immediately think of long white dresses, tuxes and diamond rings. Our tendency to associate love with romance is a gaping blind spot. Not only are there millions of people to love (forget your quest to zero in on Mr. or Ms. Right), but there are million of ideas, millions of causes, million of quests to fall in love with.

The point is, there are lots of ways to make people happy, lots of ways to love. Don’t sit around waiting for your soul mate. Be crazy with love. Love when it makes no sense. Love in all it bewildering ways, shapes and styles.

Have the best Valentine’s Day of your life!!

Pam Grout is the author of 16 books including E-Squared: 9 Do-it-Yourself Energy Experiments that Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality.

15 Responses

      1. The link shows up in the blog, but not in the email notice. Similar thing happened with a blog I posted today. WordPress wackiness.

  1. Yes, I love this song. Played it for hours today as I cleaned out my closet. My husband found it for me one morning and I felt like it came from my departed friend, Jolie, who passed on Thanksgiving Day. We communicate dally and she always tells me to DANCE.

  2. Love the song, love the sentiment of love like crazy, find every way to love. just… love! forwarded your blog post to all my besties that I love today, on Valentine’s Day. I am just a huge Pam Grout fan! keep at it. and thanks!

  3. THANKS PAM! This was the song on the radio this morning when I drove my 8 yr old son to school, (perfect timing as he is feeling left out) I told him that this song holds the key to life- we can always choose happiness, it is our truth! Talk about synchronicity! Cant wait for the new book!!!

  4. that is my new favorite song and it plays in my body at the most random times! Always makes me smile!

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