E-Squared:  The 10-year anniversary edition (with a Manifesting Scavenger Hunt!!) GET IT HERE

“We want our loving, generosity and compassion to make history.”—Michael Beckwith

“Five years ago I was still waiting tables in New York City.”
–Lady GaGa

Rachel Ropp is a stay-at-home mom with three kids. She lives in Raymore, Missouri and drives a minivan. Yet, on January 23, three days before the Grammys, she was kissed by Aerosmith’s Steven Tyler and hung out backstage with Lorde, the 17-year-old New Zealand songwriter whose song “Royals” won song of the year.

The point I’m trying to make is “You just never know. Life can change in a heartbeat.”

Ropp met Neil Patrick Harris, L.L. Cool J and other celebrities because she turned a dusty, unused armoire into a designer art piece to raise money for a friend with breast cancer. She put up a photo of the now turquoise and grey armoire on Facebook and before she knew it, she was asked to design 20 designer barn wood tables to hold swag in the Emmys gifting lounge. Now, she’s designing furniture for the A-list.

My life is also changing dramatically this year which is why I’m writing this post. To invite you to come hear me speak in Hamburg or London at the Hay House Ignite Conference. I’ll be in Hamburg on March 8 and London March 9. I’ll be appearing along with Robert Holden, Gabrielle Bernstein and Mastin Kipp from the TheDailyLove. In other words, some pretty heady company.

You might remember my blog post about wanting to write for The Daily Love. I did everything I could think of to interest Mastin in my “brilliant wisdom.” I even wrote an article about him in the local Lawrence magazine. I mean, c’mon, we talked in person.

Those initial pitches? That initial scheme I came up with for getting on The Daily Love? Futile. Nada. Didn’t work.

However, when I let go of my plan, repeated Hans Schultz’s “I know nothing” and forgot all about it (“Set it and forget it” is a new mantra of mine), Madeline Giles, the former editor of The Daily Love or the Love Curator, as she’s known, contacted me.

Out of the blue, she wrote to me, said she liked my new book and wondered if I’d be up for contributing to The Daily Love.

So you never know.

I was asked by Hay House to send this invite out to my list and since you guys are “my list” (as well as my new BFF’s), consider this your official invitation.

I’d love to meet you there.

Again, thanks for all your support and your love and your continued best wishes.

And always remember that whatever circumstance in which you find yourself now is only temporary unless you want it to remain that way.

Pam Grout is the author of 16 books including E-Squared: 9 Do-it-Yourself Energy Experiments that Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality.

18 Responses

  1. You are fantastic Pam Grout.
    Thank you for writing these weekly posts. I have read E2 and will re-read soon. It’s time and I’m falling back into old patterns. Conscious yes. But still traveling back there. No thank you!
    Here’s to manifesting my dream role into a dynamic and compelling performance tomorrow while filming the audition.
    You are a dream


  2. Pam, I only heard about you when I tuned into a hay house thingy a few weeks ago. I choose a few speakers to listen to,and I certainly choose well. I just loved your talk about e2 and experiments and green beans etc. I just have to buy youre2 and e3 when it comes out. I am in Ireland,so may consider getting over to London to see you.You are awesome ,and I love the hat

  3. Hi Pam, my birthday was on 7th feb and guess what!! My birthday present was the ticket to come and see you on 8th March in London…..
    You are the best. See you soon. xxx

  4. I so wish I could be there. Pam you have touched do many lives in such a positive way. I have been through much in my life but have always tried to keep a positive attitude and to know that even if today wasn’t the best, tomorrow could be the most wonderful day of my life. Through your book I now know that anything we believe and what we say to ourselves is our reality. I choose to keep the positive affirmations coming and can see my beautiful life unfolding before me. Thank you Pam!

  5. Dear Pam,

    All the best for u talk in London..i live in India…maybe whn U come to India i can meet u then.


  6. Just wanted to say I bought E2 last week after it was mentioned by two clients, I have already proved 2 of the experiments and am currently working on the 3rd – you are awesome! I can’t stop talking about this book to people, thank you for sharing it with us x

  7. Way to go Pam! You deserve every bit of success and I’m enjoying it vicariously through you. I will follow in your footsteps; thank you for leaving them!

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