E-Squared:  The 10-year anniversary edition (with a Manifesting Scavenger Hunt!!) GET IT HERE

Oopsy! The formula has a glitch

“The greatest healing would be to wake up from what we are not.”–Mooji 00001aa

Here on Planet Earth, we’re taught a formula for success. Get an education, get a guy (or gal), collect some stuff, collect more stuff, keep your eye on “the other” to make sure he (or she) isn’t getting more than you.

This formula has endless reinforcement: non-stop ads (“use this quick-fix to eliminate those problems you didn’t know you had”), social media (wow! Look at your FB friend’s shiny new car or vacation), television news (can you believe what that “other” just did?).

We’re so bombarded with this unspoken “formula” that we never question its validity. Or bother to ask ourselves if we really want those things?

The Course in Miracles says all of it–the whole shebang–is an illusion. An illusion that reinforces separation. Teaches good and bad. Encourages us to blame, to feel guilty, to cast about like victims.

I realize that after generations of following this formula, it’s rather scandalous to learn that it’s all a big scam. That NOTHING we’ve mastered so far is even real.

But it’s also kinda comforting. Kinda cool to know I’m not this limited little body. Kinda exciting to recognize that the learned formula has but one purpose: to protect, defend and maintain this one physical body.

The Course says p’shaw to all of that. It says I am not my body. Rather, I am many forms. Present everywhere. In music. In the stars. In every loving word or act.

Why would I waste all that on a silly little formula?

As many of you know, the You Can Heal your Life Summit is going on now. Hay House is offering LOTS of free movies, interviews, meditations, etc. My interview with fellow Course teacher Robert Holden is coming up later today.  If you haven’t already signed up for this free series, you can do it here. 

Love you guys to the Big Dipper and back.

Pam Grout is the author of 20 books including E-Squared, E-Cubed, Thank & Grow Rich and her latest book, The Course in Miracles Experiment: A Starter Kit for Rewiring Your Mind (And Therefore Your World).

No longer driving (or anything else) under the influence

“No one can make you unhappy. Your imagination alone does that.”—Mooji
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ABC correspondent and Nightline anchor Dan Harris wrote a book about meditation.

After interviewing Eckhart Tolle and other spiritual gurus, he started to notice that the running commentary that dominated his own consciousness was, as he says, “kind of an asshole.”

Which is what ACIM Lesson 218 tells us. Within each human being is a deep well of joy and glory. The reason this is such surprising news to us is because we’re all driving (and walking and living) under the influence of the asshole in our consciousness.

“How could you?” we reprimand ourselves anytime we eat something we shouldn’t, anytime we score less than perfect 10’s on job evaluations, anytime we have a “bad-hair day.”

We’re downright mean to ourselves. We go to war with those parts of ourselves we deem as bad—the jiggly upper arms, the desire to dance in church, the pull we feel to skip work and write—and only end up crippling humanity as a whole.

The answers, we’re taught, are:

Control. Discipline. Protection.

But willpower only separates us from our true nature, only creates static that keeps us from recognizing that we are part of something thrilling and unfathomable that may never have happened before in the entire galaxy and may never happen again.

Harris decided to deactivate his asshole through meditation and claims, in the title of his book, that he’s now 10 % Happier.

The Course takes it even further, claiming that unceasing (yes 100 percent) joy is our birthright.

It reminds us that everything we see, everything we believe, is just a story we made up. It tells us that, in Truth, we are spirit. We are light. All those voices, those wars going on in our head, are nothing but chunks of the collective consciousness that we can either believe and defend against or transmute with gratitude.

The real me, the Course tells me, is kind, giving, in deep communion with all of creation. The real me is a true force for love.

Pam Grout is the author of 19 books including E-Squared, E-Cubed, Thank & Grow Rich and her latest book, Art & Soul,Reloaded: A Year-Long Apprenticeship to Summon the Muses and Ignite Your Daring, Audacious, Creative Side.

A Course in Miracles explained in 11 words

“Your being by nature is joy.”—Mooji 123

My motto is “smooth and easy.”

My signature party game (a practice I teach in my workshops) has two simple steps.

For those new to the party, here’s a link that explains it.

And as for the Course–while it seems really dense at times and bogged down in words–it can be summed up like this:

The universe has your back and everything’s going to be okay.

Everything else is just a big ruse that we, in our misguided thoughts, sent scouts out to retrieve from the field of infinite potentiality. In the Course, we learn to send scouts (AKA our beliefs, those all-powerful vibrating waves) in search of different things.

By practicing the lessons, we begin to “get it” that joy is our natural state. We begin to realize that fun is our guiding light and feeling good is our purpose. We even go so far to recognize that joy is why we’re here.

Lesson 19 is I am not alone in experiencing the effects of my thoughts

To reiterate yesterday, everything I think is being broadcast out to everyone on the planet. So when I allow my natural state of joy to emerge, my beautiful broadcast of happiness literally uplifts the world.

The same hum of joy resides in you. Sharing it is an important public service.

Since so many new folks have recently subscribed to this blog, I’m going to repost one of my all-time favorite YouTubes. It’s joyful proof that we are one. Or as Andrew Zimmern says, “The great thing about traveling is you begin to realize that people in grass skirts and people who speak in clicks are just like you.”

Pam Grout is the author of 19 books including E-Squared, E-Cubed, Thank & Grow Rich and her new book, Art & Soul,Reloaded: A Year-Long Apprenticeship to Summon the Muses and Ignite Your Daring, Audacious, Creative Side.