E-Squared:  The 10-year anniversary edition (with a Manifesting Scavenger Hunt!!) GET IT HERE

Bumping into other dimensions

“Forgiveness is man’s deepest need and highest achievement.”—Horace Bushnell

Good morning, sports fans. I trust you’re staying toasty, cozy and celebrating the fact that much-needed moisture is falling free of charge from the sky. Talk about a miracle!

Today’s Course in Miracles lesson, for those following along, brings up the F word. Forgiveness. As I often say, this life-changing concept is widely misunderstood.

It doesn’t mean overlooking something “bad” that happens. It’s admitting I don’t know enough to really judge what’s good or bad. And knowing that when I forgive (which means knowing nobody has the power to hurt me) I undo what fear has produced. Like magic, it causes illusions to disappear.

And when illusions start disappearing (I thought about calling this post—Pop Goes the Illusion!), you start bumping into other dimensions. Like things suddenly appear out of nowhere.

In E-Squared I compare consciousness to a skyscraper. I may be living on the second floor, but the miracle (the love, the peace, the truth) is waiting for me on Floor 17. Once I define something (or refuse to “forgive it”), I no longer question it. It becomes my reality. In quantum speak, it collapses the wave, leaving no room for mystery, wonder and new discoveries. Despite popular opinion, the phenomenon we observe with our five senses comes AFTER the decision to see, experience and feel it.

I was reminded of this yesterday during my weekly possibility posse. Jay mentioned a missing phone charger that suddenly showed up in the middle of a couch they’d searched countless times. Cindy’s favorite earring returned to the jewelry box she’d scoured for weeks. It reminded me of the hiker with a runny nose. She desperately needed a tissue, but she was miles away from civilization in an old growth rainforest. She looked down and there, underneath a tree, was an unopened box of Kleenex. The more we forgive, the more other dimensions can get through.

I love these kinds of stories because they demonstrate that whatever we need is always available. That’s a radical departure from what we’re taught. The one and only thing that keeps miracles at bay are my judgments (again, lack of forgiveness) and game day analysis. Miracles are common as pie when we open to life’s multi-dimensional nature.

Thanks, my friends, for taking this journey of possibility with me. I hereby announce that all of us are open and ready for dimensions of every kind, that we’re moving on up to higher floors where miracles are more real than the material world of phenomenon.

In exactly, one week, I’ll be announcing Taz’s 222 Foundation awards.  Stay tuned. Stay warm. And stay open. #222 Forever

Pam Grout is the author of 20 books including E-Squared, E-Cubed, Thank & Grow Rich and her latest book, The Course in Miracles Experiment: A Starter Kit for Rewiring Your Mind (And Therefore Your World) that has just been turned into an app. Badass ACIM (badass-acim.com)