E-Squared:  The 10-year anniversary edition (with a Manifesting Scavenger Hunt!!) GET IT HERE

Hitch a ride on the magic carpet

“Enchantment is never in short supply.”—Bayo Akomolafe magic-carpet-ride-30x22ins-rosa-sepple-ri-swa

I live in a college town. Right across the river is a funky little downtown with a wide assortment of late-night entertainment—bands, comics, pubs, deejays. Let’s just say adult beverages are frequently consumed.

If you show up the next morning, there’s always money laying around. Sometimes even $100 bills. A few locals I know fund their entire existence from the loose change.

But you gotta know to look for it.

Just like life’s magic. If you don’t slow down, if you’re not open, if you refuse to dive below the surface madness, you could miss it. Lots of people do.

That’s why I love the miracle stories that so frequently land in my inbox. Why I love sharing them with you–to remind you that, “you gotta know to look.” Ergo:

1. “I am reading your latest book The CIM Experiment and can’t tell you how much it has changed me. This morning I was mailing a box to my grandson in Georgia. As I took my box to the car in the garage, I noticed a small piece of pink paper drift to the floor. It was the return address from an envelope my grandson had sent.  I figured it must have somehow gotten on my clothes and just happened to fall to the floor in the garage.

“When I got to the PO, the clerk told me I had the zip code wrong. I whipped out the torn piece of paper and sure enough.

“Miracles happen everyday. Who says the Big Kahuna isn’t there always guiding you, helping you, loving you? When I realized what had just happened, my heart filled with joy and I drove down the snow-covered roads of Michigan with a smile on my face and joy in my heart. I am loved! Before you, I doubt I would have even thought about this small incident.”

2. “The last 12 months have been some of the happiest, most peaceful, and most abundant of my life. I owe so much of that to your books.

“Earlier this year a friend invited me to go to Italy with him. I didn’t have a ton of money or interest in Italy but I thought “sure, could be fun!” So I went. My flight home was two days after his so I had some extra time in Italy by myself at the end of the trip. I was flying out of Rome so I thought I’d just book a hostel in Rome and hang out for two nights. But there was a part of me that wanted to go back to Naples to meet up with a girl I matched with on Tinder.

“It was going to be more expensive, a couple hundred dollars, to take trains in and out of Naples, but I decided to take a chance on the most exciting option and head to Naples. Finances be damned!

“I had THE BEST time in Naples. I saw wonderful things, made new friends, and my heart was full. Then, on my way back to the USA, I had a layover in Dublin. My flight out of Rome was delayed so I missed my connection. The next flight to LA wasn’t until the next day so they put me up in a hotel in Dublin for the night and gave me two delicious free meals. On top of that, the airline sent me a check for $670 for the inconvenience! So the cost of my impromptu Naples excursion was covered with about $400 to spare! Wooh! I couldn’t believe that the money truly did come in to make that “foolish” adventure possible.”

I can’t thank you enough, guys, for continuing to bless me with your miracle stories.

I will be announcing the recipients of this year’s 222 grant on……2/22. Stay tuned, my friends.

Pam Grout is the author of 20 books including E-Squared, E-Cubed, Thank & Grow Rich and her latest book, The Course in Miracles Experiment: A Starter Kit for Rewiring Your Mind (And Therefore Your World).

7 Responses

  1. Those sorts of incidents – both big and small – occur for me, all the time! Well, of course they do (they happen to everyone!)…but I have long been a noticer of the magic, the synchronicities, etc…
    And the past few years, with your books and blog posts, have brought me into even greater awareness. Even how I stumbled across you and E2 was a magical, mystical incident, on a travel day that had some awesome twists and turns.
    Thank you Pam, for all of the goodness you have brought into, and helped me to uncover, in my beautiful, magical life!

  2. My life has also changed for the better as a result of your books! I re-read them on a regular basis and have gifted copies to family and friends… I just want to spread the word!
    I have experienced many amazing inexplicable ‘miracles’, too many to list. I’ve learned to allow the Universe to call the shots, then step out of the way. It works every time!
    Many thanks and much love!

  3. Hey Pam, just to let you know, I watched your interview with Peter Woodbury (Edgar Cayce) Reflections. I had to do a double take on the number of Views 2,222. Aren’t synchronicities the most amazing phenomenon. Ph

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