E-Squared:  The 10-year anniversary edition (with a Manifesting Scavenger Hunt!!) GET IT HERE

Sign, sign, everywhere a sign

“Closure is a perfectly good word for real estate and business deals, but it’s a terrible word in human relationships. Once you’ve become attached to somebody, love somebody, you cannot cut it off. It is part of your being. It’s a part of who you are.”–—Pauline Boss

Since writing E-Squared and hearing from so many readers around the world, I’ve noticed a trend. Many of my blog posts tell stories about signs–signs that the universe has our back, signs that miracles are freakin’ everywhere waiting for us to pay attention, signs that something infinitely greater than we are is running the show.

Lately, I’ve been getting my own signs from Taz and signs from many of you that involve 222. Like being reminded of the Emmy-award winning TV show Room 222 that ran for five years in the early 70’s. Set at the fictional Walt Whitman High School, this popular show delivered gentle message about tolerance and understanding, which was Taz’s M.O. and the purpose of the 222 Foundation.

When I was in India, I got a very clear sign at the Taj Mahal–thank you Taz for the goosebumps. Mary and I almost didn’t go there, figuring it would be a too-busy and potentially cheesy tourist attraction. Au contraire!

Taj Mahal is a magical, spiritual place that, as our Spanish-speaking guide informed us, took 22 years to build and involved 20,000 craftspeople. Commissioned in 1632, its 42 acres were designed as a tribute to love and to Moghul Shah Jahan’s favorite wife who happens to be named, Taj Mahal. Taz McKay made it very clear that part of her ashes should be memorialized there, as well.

Back home, I hear songs, see our special number and, because I can never get enough, I ask (beg, more like it) for indisputable proof that she’s still here and that we can still communicate.

The other day, a soap bubble appeared out of nowhere and began bouncing around my kitchen. It soared up. It soared down. It danced around the room for a good 10 minutes. Had I not been so stunned about this rainbow-hued soap bubble, I might have noticed if it was writing out words.

For now, I’m just happy knowing my beloved daughter is very much still with me only now, as the Red Hot Chili Peppers sing, she is “everywhere just like the sky.”

Pam Grout is the author of 19 books including E-Squared, E-Cubed, Thank & Grow Rich and her latest book, Art & Soul,Reloaded: A Year-Long Apprenticeship to Summon the Muses and Ignite Your Daring, Audacious, Creative Side.

55 Responses

  1. thank you—just what i needed to read today. here’s to “everywhere just like the sky”……… with love and tenderness and ginormous hugs of gratitude & joy, laury


    1. May your daughter’s “bubbles” always surround you. You are a very brave and wonderfilled woman…thank you for sharing your grief and joy in her reincarnations. I am more grounded by your willingness to be with what is and your letting what is, be…in its all so many forms. My heart is with you sistah, my heart is with you….

  2. Hello my friend,
    I like many of your readers would take away your burden if we just……for it is a burden you must bear and in the light you may realize it is the gift of love after all….

    Bless you Pam Grout

    Oh and just wondering if you have read “My Grandfather’s Blessings: Stories of Strength, Refuge, and Belonging” by Rachel Naomi Remen. If not it’s a very good read.

    Michael Stilinovich

  3. I didnt realize what had happened. Sending the utmost love and gratitude to you. I salute the devine in you for being able to share with us your most intimate of situations. If only we could give you the support you give to us through your blog, emails and writings.

    There is great love for you out here in the universe. Thsnk you for continuing on…with us.
    Love devine sister

  4. My dear friend who I have never met,  I wanted to share something that might help ease your pain. Two years ago my adopted little sister was about to turn 25. She was vibrant, full of life and always shining. We spoke nearly every day. I got a text from her saying, “I love you.” That was all it said. It felt odd to me, as if some part of me knew something was wrong.  But since I was getting over pneumonia and a Lupus flare, I thought it was just me being strange. I called her. No answer. I left her a message and passed on on the couch with a fever.  I never got to see her again. Her husband killed her and then himself. 

    I slogged through her funeral and went on living, even though by this time my body was going downhill fast. I did not care. I was heartsick and just hanging on. My dad passed away right after she did. After getting out of the hopstial (again), I had just about given up.  was utterly done. (Or so I thought.) One day, when I was on the mend and tottering around my mom’s house, I ran straight into Caroline in the kitchen. One moment I was reaching for something, and the next, I was standing in a big ball of light. It was her. I could feel her. There was no mistake. It was as real as anything I have ever experienced in my life. And it was unmistakably her. I cannot explain that, except to say it was the core of her soul and bubbly, incredibly loving  personality. She was laughing her familiar laugh. She radiated what can only be described as the very the essence of joy.  I stood there, wanting to linger in that moment forever, but just as soon as it happened- it ended. Except I knew then, as I know now, she is still with me. I do not know if this will comfort you, but I wanted to share it. You are not alone. Your precious daughter is still near.  I wish you peace dear one, and hope that you too get a lovely visit from Taz, just as I did from Caroline.  Namaste.   Victoria Cayce      

    1. This is awesome ! This kind of thing never happened to me, but I firmly believe they are real. The nearest thing I got to experience is my father appearing in my dreams several times soon after his passing. They were very strange dreams, with a strong feeling of “visits” from him, way more than ordinary dreams. He stayed with me a little while, and then went away and didn’t come back. But I know he would come back if I really needed him to. Nobody is separated from anyone, this I know.

  5. Pam, I think of you so often since learning of your beloved Taz’s passing. Never having been a parent to a child, I can’t say that I know the depth of your grief. Since losing my beloved sister Jean in 2005 (I was laying beside her when she took her last breath), I too have begged for signs that she is still near, still guiding me. And, like you – the signs come, even after all these years. I am certain as well, that these signs will continue throughout my life until we are together again. May God bless you and keep you. With love, Liz DeLaRossa

  6. …Love is all there is :-)Here, there, everywhere 🙂 It keeps us connected through the Universe:-) Filled with love and gratitude:-) Loads of love and light to you, dear Pam 🙂 Mag’ic

  7. Yes…mmmm, those signs,
    I had an amazing sign clobbered me over the head a few days ago. One I’m not likely to forget. My family (two grown children who never really got along well) and I were thrown together in a very dysfunctional moment where things escalated to a point where one was doing harm to himself and the environment to show the other one how hurt he was. While the other just kept pushing the buttons. I just tried to step in between and calm everything down a bit. In my head, I was amazingly calm because I knew everything always works out in the end anyway. The argument had stemmed from some glass that had been given to me by a friend and it was against the side of the house and had blown over, broken, onto the neighbor’s yard. After the fireworks had subsided, like within seconds who pulls up? The friend who had given me the glass. I had not seen him for months. He had wanted some of the glass back and I had left it there for him. When he found out that some of it had broken he offered to clean it up and take the rest of it out of there. The fact that he showed up in that exact moment is the amazing, magical gift for me. I love the way the universe choreographs these moments for maximum effect!

  8. Hello Darling Pam,

    Forgive me, I’m just catching up to the events of your life recently. First of all let me say that this perfect stranger that is currently writing to you, will be holding you in the best and warmest of thoughts. that may sound odd, however after reading your work these past few years, you are like a friend I haven’t met yet. I have the opportunity to meet many beautiful souls from your hometown, and I always mention that one of my favorite writers is from there.
    The changes that come to our lovely ordered life can at times take our breath. I’ve been a student of the “Course” for many years, and I fully am grateful because it helped me be in a mind space to deal with my daughter’s illness and passing that I never would have had. Not to say it’s easy in the least, but the tools we’ve acquired through study are priceless.
    One of my most favorite signs from my daughter was having at least 50 dragonflies fly in an infinity pattern right in front of me for a good solid ten minutes. I stood in complete and total awe. I couldn’t even remember seeing dragonflies on my property, let alone 50 of them!!
    I’ll be keeping thoughts of you in perfect light, joy and peace.

  9. Every where just like the sky….xxxxxxxx Think of you and your beautiful 222 daughter daily! See the two of you adventuring in your worlds as they meet.
    Great Love from Carmel by the Sea Ca.

  10. Dear Pam, I feel like bubbles could very well become a recurrent sign from Taz just like the 222 ! (“With love, from me to you”…) Will you tell us if she sends more of them ?

  11. There are signs and it sounds like your bubbly girl has found a sign for you. This makes me smile so big. I know those we love never go away. We can disconnect from someone if we want that but they are still there. I’m happy you are finding so many ways to stay connected.

  12. Pam, I can’t recount how many times I have thought of you and your gorgeous, lit-from-within daughter, Taz, since learning of her passing. There are so many of us sending you love. Absolutely giddy hearing about the soap bubble and the Taj Mahal. Please know we are sending you love, encircling you with hugs, keeping you close.

  13. This morning feeling tired and flat thought I’m again slipping into negative territory, as it happens without your timely reminders.

    Well today with your perfectly timed post, you have proved to me yet again, the universe is here for me and so it is for you.


  14. Oh I just love the bubble story! And I also love that beautiful, powerful quote from Liam Neeson. It’s so true. It’s the absence of love that hurts, not love itself. And the losing of someone you love, not the fact you love them. And what a beautiful image – that Taz is now “everywhere just like the sky” and that you know she is with you wherever you are. Thankyou for sharing these stories with us. I am so grateful for you Pam. You inspire, encourage, remind and teach us that love is the most important, special and wonderful gift, and that it’s always here in our hearts, no matter where our loved ones may be. Blessings and love to you from Jenny Louise 🌷⭐️💗

  15. Love you Pam. Thank you for all you do, and I now find the 222 appearing here and there. I had forgotten how it all started in E3. I typed “Pam Grout 222” in my search engine, and came across this little beauty. https://calvinayre.com/2015/12/03/poker/confessions-of-a-poker-writer-the-magic-of-number-222/ [https://calvinayre.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/confessions-of-a-poker-writer.jpg]

    Confessions of a Poker Writer: The Magic of Number ‘222.’ The confessions of a poker writer series continues with a tale about the number 222 & why believing in magic is a much better idea than not. calvinayre.com

    Brenda ________________________________

  16. Chills upon chills reading this! I too have had signs from my lost loved ones. I love hearing about yours and the beautiful bouncy soap bubble is an amazing testament to the power of love and that those signs are here for any of us if we pay attention. Love and light to you!

  17. Pam, I arrived at the airport early today for a trip to London to visit my son for the holidays. I had not Connected with you for awhile but while sitting here waiting, I had this strong desire to get my “PAM” on and be reminded that today is a great day to have a great day and miracles are mine. I read your post and did a double take. One Google search later, I understood. As a mom, my heart aches for your loss and I have no other words. Thank you for sharing Taz with us – she was and is, obviously, an amazing soul.

  18. I just wanted to send you 💘❤❤❤❤❤💕💕💞💞💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗 going to the end of this year right into 2019!!! U continue to inspire me.


    Radical non conformist Spiritual Rockstar!!!✌

  19. Immensely beautiful post. I see, notice and for the most part understand the signs I get all the time. Challenging part is trying to explain or teach others that are in awe of all the messages I receive. My Sponsor is always telling me that I have one of the best relationships with Spirit that she has seen someone have other than her Sponsor. For whatever reason people have such a hard time just letting go after they ask the question and just paying attention to what is going on in their World to hear the message. Loved the thought of a dancing soap bubble.

  20. Your stories have really touched a chord. A very dear and special friend of mine left this physical life recently. She will be missed by so many. One of the roles she played in my life was that of cheerleader, always helping me to be my best and truest self. And perhaps more than anyone, she cheered me on about my Reiki, seeing that it was my path, wanting me to get out into the world and share this gift.

    I wrote this to her soon after she passed…

    As I woke this morning and let the gentle Reiki energy surround me,
    I looked up into the sky and felt you there
    as one by one there were hearts in the clouds,
    and in the spaces between.
    I knew you were there, smiling down on me.
    I feel you most now in the spaces between.

    (I wish I could post a picture, because I have one of the hearts in the sky between the clouds.)

    ****Love always will find a way to come through.

  21. God Bless you Pam. I was shocked when you started talking about the 222 being your sign and connection with your daughter. You are my favorite author and I’ve always felt a connection with you. I’ve often been amazed that the very question/issue I’m pondering, you speak to in your blog or the next paragraph of your book in the moment, on the exact day, at the exact time I needed it. Years ago I started seeing 222 everywhere. It was so prominent I couldn’t look at a clock or licence plate or a bill board or a phone number without it being present. I asked the universe what it meant. I had a dream that wasn’t at all normal. The meaning was explained to me in depth and with far more clarity than I could recall when I woke up. The brief synopsis/explanation that I recalled from this weird dream was this….every time I see the number 222 it is a sign that I’m on the right track. That’s my sign from my spirit guide or a source, not from this realm. I got goose bumps when I read about my number being your sign and number too that you shared with Taz. I knew I had a special connection with you, but this gave me goose bumps. BTW I know Taz and her beautiful energy still surrounds you, but you didn’t need me to tell you that. God Bless ❤

  22. I cant begin to tell you how often I think of you and Taz, funny how connected you can feel without ever meeting someone. I’m a puddle of smiles and tears after reading todays blog. And for 1 week I kept seeing 222 I had been so focused on you both. Blessings and love to you both! xo

    1. Dear Pam
      I’m so happy that Taz is coming to you as knew she would. I love the bubble story. I love how it is so fun filled and creative. A one of a kind way to show she is with you! Next time you’ll read the message 👍🏽 But it’s enough to recognize the sign. Sal, my son comes to me in the most funny ways. I’ve so many stories to share with you my friend. I’ve also gotten more 222’s. I wouldn’t be surprised if Sal is up there with Taz showing her the ropes of the formless realm and they are conjuring up creative ways to show their moms they are still here with us❣️
      LOVE LOVE LOVE. You’re doing great Pam. Sending love and light your way. Cuz I know it’s still hard as hell.

  23. Yes for sure Taz will be communicating with you forever. There was a time when I questioned that but I was given an unmissable message that the “departed” are always with us!
    I had a close friend named Raymond who died suddenly. Shortly after, my son’s very close friend Caitlin died from leukemia, after a bone marrow transplant (we were all tested as donors). I got into the habit of silently asking Ray and Cait to watch over my son, who was a very outgoing, partying high school student. One day I decided I was probably talking to myself… or if not, if Ray & Cait were listening, they were probably ready to say “He’s YOUR son, you watch him! We’d like to rest in peace!”
    But the day he decided to drive back to college – an 8-hour drive – with a friend and her father, I said to Cait & Ray – Just one more time, please look out for Danny. I promise I won’t ask again!
    On the way up, as their overloaded jeep was in a convoy of trucks and going 80 mph – much faster than they wanted to go – their tire blew out. They careened across several lanes of large trucks before the driver got control of the car and they got off the side. After the tire was fixed my son said that even getting safely back on the throughway without an entrance ramp was a miracle.
    The very next morning I awoke to multiple phone and text messages – I was a bone marrow match, and the agency was requesting my medical records ASAP. As I faxed them in I noticed that the name of the bone marrow clearing house was…. Caitlin Raymond Foundation.
    When I looked them up, I learned that Caitlin Raymond was a Korean baby adopted by an American family… just like my son is.

    I think Cait & Ray were saying…. YES we will be here for you… forever!

    Sending you love and prayers,


  24. Thank-you Pam
    You are helping many of us write a beautiful story about transcending.
    We are not a body. Thank-you
    We are spirit. Thank-you
    with love and respect

  25. It’s always feels good to read your post(s) as you continue to include us along in your personal journey. Your latest post is the first one that left me smiling more than crying…. I absolutely adore your bubble experience with Taz! Bubbles (to me anyway) represent; light, airy and absolute fun, so what better way for your beautiful daughter to communicate with you then that?! I have an artist friend of mine already scheduled to paint translucent bubbles in my laundry room. Now I feel inspired just to have them randomly painted throughout the house! This is a tough road Pam. No doubt about it. Thank you for sharing your personal journey so the mass positive energy you inspire…can continue to “lift” us all.
    Sending much healing love,

  26. I had a spiritual experience/ vision years ago where I “saw” our spirits! They were spherical , phosphorescent, moving, changing, almost like soap bubbles!

  27. Pam, this blog really touched my heart and brought me peace. I have thought about you every day and been worried about what a difficult time are having and the pain you must feel in Taz’s physical passing. I know you have never suffered a loss greater than the one you are experiencing now. But in your blog today I can see you are mourning her physical being but transitioning and learning to communicate with her in a new way. Her spiritual being that will be with you always as you have so eloquently written about. Sending love and continuing to pray for you each day. Nixie

  28. Every time I get stressed and upset about silly things I think of you and how brave and positive you are being about your loss and it helps me put things in perspective. I still miss my husband every day but I take inspiration from your positivity about Taz. Bless you Pam x

  29. Hi Pam,

    I walked to my car and noticed the number plate (picture) attached and thought of you.

    This time of the year, we miss our loved ones, who have passed away, probably more than ever.

    Thinking of you this Christmas and sending you much love ❤

    Jacqui Sunshine Coast Qld Australia

  30. Hi Pam it’s so good to see another post from you . I wish you peace peace peace peace peace… Infinity peace this holiday season🙏🙏🙏🙏 I love your post or should I say repost of Liam’s understanding of love doesn’t hurt he’s so right . Love is the only thing that is right in this world love love love love love dot-dot. Thinking of you wishing you well

  31. Thank you, dear Pam, for more wonderful words. I’ve found myself talking to my loved ones that have passed away and feel their love all the time. I love the bubble! Our loved ones want us to be happy and laughing..

  32. Hi Pam

    I’ve never written, but I read (and re-read) your blog posts everyday. It’s my way of starting my day on the “Love” track – where I can be reminded how awesome my life is.

    Anyhow, I am writing to share this 222 story with you. The other day I was in Sprouts shopping for some groceries and I decided to start sending blessings to all the people around me. I didn’t think anything of it and felt joyful in the process. At check out my total was: 222.44! I was surprised and amazed and I knew that the FP was at work! Upon further inspection of the receipt, I just noticed that the time was also too 2:22! It’s hard to believe (not really) – I took a photo of the receipt and sent it (see attached).

    Hope you’re having an awesome amazing and joyful day! Thank you for all that you do! I have all your books and re-read them all the time.

    Love and blessings, Jill

    Sent from my iPhone


    1. Hi Pam, I have a synchronicity and white feather story.

      Last summer, I wrote to tell you a synchronicity story. I was on vacation in Dublin (I live in New York) and was sitting on a park bench reading your blog. My husband asked me what I was reading so I gave him a short description – the post was about synchronicity I believe. Then he asked me about some research I did that morning, and the woman sitting at the other end of the bench turned and looked at me and said, “You’re not Frances Christ, are you?” She was someone I had emailed 2 years earlier, asking the same research question. She lives and works 50 miles from Dublin, had taken the day off from work to bring her daughter to an event in the park. We talked, she had done the research but had forgotten to send it to me. I told her I was considering writing a book her research group had suggested I write, and she was super enthusiastic. She offered their support, help in finding a publisher, promised a launch party etc. On our way home through Dublin Airport we met a celebrity who has been friends with me for years and has been encouraging me for years to write this book. He loved the synchronicity story.

      So this summer, I was back in Dublin. My husband and I spent the day at an exhibit about a gun-running incident masterminded by one of my favorite heroes of the Irish uprising, Michael O’Rahilly. He worked closely at times with the subject of my book (yes, I’m writing it!). We walked to the spot where this man had died during the uprising. At dinner that night, before going to the theatre, I told my husband how much I liked to go to this restaurant because the subject of my book met there with O’Rahilly on a personal matter, the last time he saw him alive, right before the Uprising. As we crossed the street to the Abbey Theatre, a beautiful big white feather gently drifted down out of the sky… no birds flying over, I don’t know where it came from. At the theatre, we were moved up to much better seats, gratis. We got chatting to the woman next to us, she recommended something to me and jotted it down on paper, along with her name. O’Rahilly. Jokingly I asked “Any relation…” and excitedly she said, “Yes, he was my grandfather! I’m so excited when people know who he was!” It turns out she wrote a book… I bought it, loved it, reviewed it on Amazon… we have so much in common… hoping to get together next year in Dublin. And the next morning, there were hundreds of pure white feathers in the backyard of the house I was in. I have never seen any all-white birds in the yard. I’ll attach pictures. Something tells me O’Rahilly’s granddaughter and I will stay in touch 🙂 Sending you so much love and gratitude for all your wonderful books and blogs – you have shaped my life in such a positive way – All the very best, Fran Christ

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