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The one who will catch me

“Let me fall if I must fall. The one I am becoming will catch me.”–Baal Shem Tov1 d

Many years before Garry Shandling made his transition, he had a NEAR transition, commonly called an NDE. In 1977, he was in a car accident, in critical condition and in a hospital for two weeks with a ruptured spleen. He remembers a voice and a very clear choice: “Do you want to stay and continue being Garry Shandling?”

Lately, I’ve been asking myself a similar question. Thankfully, mine doesn’t involve wrecks or death or crushed spleens, but I’ve been wondering what I want to do with this collection of molecules named Pam Grout.

The current arrangement seems rather static, wooden, even a bit boring. Maybe it’s my dad’s death. Maybe it’s because I’m not currently writing a book. My thoughts are restless, ready for a change.

At the same time, as I observe my thoughts and notice there is disappointment, sadness, lack of clarity, I also know there is a bigger part of me woven into the despair. This other part is much wiser, much more loving. It’s working behind the scenes with this message: “Relax. I got this. Just fall into my arms.”

That’s what ACIM Lesson 134 is trying to tell me.

I am not my thoughts.

To forgive is recognizing my thoughts are not the rock solid truths I believe them to be. To forgive is to recognize their flimsiness, to simply watch them as they disappear into the native nothingness from which they came.

This lesson also emphasizes that I don’t have to fight to save myself or kill dragons or erect heavy walls to make myself safe.

All I have to do is rest in the loving arms of “the one I am becoming” who is already here, probably with a big net, ready to catch me.

Pam Grout is the author of 19 books including E-Squared, E-Cubed, Thank & Grow Rich and her new book, Art & Soul,Reloaded: A Year-Long Apprenticeship to Summon

42 Responses

  1. Wow! Perfect timing, as always! I get it, loud and clear! You often confirm/clarify my “lesson” of the day and I am beyond grateful! Thanks, you’re amazing, I love you for continually showing me we are all one, all the same beautiful soul finding our way back home! Yahoo…
    Enjoy the trip!

  2. Thanks. I was hoping you would clarify this lesson. I love that quote! Beautiful! After losing my son, my best friend, and going through a horrible divorce in the last 4 years I felt the way your describing often. I’ve learned to pull back and observe those thoughts/feelings knowing they are not Me. Not my true essence. I got a great gift on mother’s day from my son in the formless realm. I’ll email it. Its completely amazing! My son in form gave me some nice gifts too! 🤗

    1. Pam, ditto what Michael (above) expressed. Today your message really reasonated. Thank you for sharing this and for all the meaningfull work you do.

  3. Thank you Pam, I find myself in the same ordeal lately and your message came at exactly the right moment as I asked the divine for guidance this morning. Thank you so much for inspiring us every day!

  4. Pam, you could be writing about my current life situation. I’m at a cross roads, don’t know where it will lead, but can feel myself moving out of the old life and into a new, more exciting and fulfilling one. We really are all connected. Saturday I came across an Abraham track on YouTube. The message was, tell yourself to have FUN every day for a week and see how that changes your life. I’ve started doing that and feel better already. Thanks so much for your posts. I look forward to them every day.

  5. So timely Pam. I can’t believe how this so resonated with me! I can fall back now…

    Love you


  6. Wow, Pam, thanks for your honesty in talking about how you’re feeling right now, and also the beautiful image of falling into the arms of the one you’re becoming. I love it! Wishing you all good things, my friend. 🙂

  7. Thank you for sharing that. Again, I really needed to hear that, and I get it.

    Just wanted to share something, I manifested my studio apartment in Santa Monica, CA, where I wanted to be. I took a leap of faith, packed up and stored all my belongings, got my cat, packed up the car with what was important to me, and headed to LA. As I was driving down 101, I was enjoying the sky, breeze, ocean…. and so happy.

    Most importantly, is living life from the heart. Doing everything with appreciation, awe, wonder, joy and a sense of making others and myself happy through the process. I have only just begun.

    Thank you, thank you, thank you.

    You ROCK, always!!!!

    Have an amazing day!!!! My best, Vilma


  8. Welcome my friend Pam to a time of reinvention. When people we love make their transition and there is no compelling path we must fall into faith and belief that the best is yet to come. Something amazing epic is on its way.

  9. you are a miracle and you are helping others- that’s anything but boring! what did your dad’s transition teach you today? love a fan

    Sent from my iPhone


  10. Beautiful. Perfect. I must print this out to have available as needed…! Thank You Pam – you hit a home run.

  11. Thank you, Pam. I was struggling with this lesson. It was just what I needed to hear. Thank you!

  12. Perspective is a funny thing. Hard to believe you could feel bored or static, since from here, it appears that you are living in the most exciting and non-static way possible. But if this guides you to something new and/or different, I will enjoy seeing what the Universe has up it’s sleeve for you. I hope you will continue to take us along on your journey – but only if that works for you!
    Thank you again and again and again for all your inspiration!
    Pamela Joy

  13. Hello Pam, there is a quote that I found a good twenty years ago, on a christian postcard, that said “We cannot fall deeper than in God’s Hand” I think about it often. Sometimes, when I’m about to fall asleep, I imagine myself curling up in His palm, and covered by His other hand, so that I can sleep calm and safe. It’s a truly wonderful feeling. Your post today reminded me of that and I wanted to share it with you. I know that you know everything is going to be okay, so I don’t have to tell you, right ? 😉
    Thank you for your posts, espacially in such challenging times. Just like you still love your Dad, he still loves you, and I’m sure he’ll find awesome ways to show you his love from the other side. Will you tell us ? My dad sometimes (rarely) appears in my dreams, in his silent way…

    1. I have been telling myself often lately that “God has me in the palm of His Hand”. It always brings me comfort. The position I have held for the last 27 years is being eliminated at work, and when I allow myself, there is great fear. I’ve been trying hard to remember I have nothing to fear though, because I am safe in His Hands. I loved what you shared, thank you for this reminder, and wonderful image that comes with it.

      1. You are very welcome ! 🙂 I just had another image crossing my mind, about your position being eliminated, and I felt like I had to tell you : it was like the training wheels being removed from a bicycle, and I’ve seen you, afraid because you don’t know how it will feel to ride without them, but at the same time eagerly anticipating the feeling of a free wild ride… It’ll be bumpy, no doubt, and you might even scrape your knees, but it will be worth it ! I’m sure you will have an epically awesome ride on your new bike !! 🙂 Have a nice day !

  14. I like this passage from ACIM Chapter 8:

    “…all loss comes only from your own misunderstanding. Loss of any kind is impossible.”

  15. This was one of your best writings. So raw, real and motivating in a completely different way. I love this! It shows a different side to you. Thank you!

    Sent from my iPhone


  16. Boy, have I ever BT/DT!! A rash of transitions by close friends in very recent years has left me feeling frequently as boring as Leviticus and as wooden as George Brett’s bat (sans pine tar), And by rash, I mean a butt load. Questioning everything and everyone, especially myself and my purpose for whatever time I have left. I leap to my feet and applaud your honesty and vulnerability, your willingness to hang it all out there like so much laundry on the line. Grief does all sorts of dipsy-doodles with my outlook and equilibrium and, new book in the works or no new book in the works, I KNOW from all your previous works that you’re gonna be just fine. We shall dance, but sometimes it’s a slow dance. We shall sing, even if it be a dirge.

    Thanks for being the precise arrangement of highly groovy molecules that you are. Without your recent books, I wouldn’t have survived with nearly as much of my sanity intact as I have.

  17. Although the current Pam is amazing, we are always changing. Elkhart Tolle likes to remind us when we are feeling down that we remember “This, too, shall pass.” You are obviously gearing up for the next incredible iteration of you and we all look forward to it.

  18. Dear Pam, I’m sorry you’re going through a rough patch. I can’t imagine anyone describing you as boring! For me you are vibrantly inspirational, hilariously encouraging, original and wise. Your brand of spirituality is so accessible and fun and never boring to me at all. I hope you find the way to peace and joy again whether you write a book or go skinny dipping in the Atlantic! 😁 Thankyou for sharing how you’re feeling – it’s just so encouraging to us “ordinary” humans who don’t write blogs or who feel they haven’t got this “spiritual thing” down pat as yet to know that amazing teachers like yourself still struggle with disappointment, lack of clarity and sadness at life’s losses. I just love that quote you shared too – “…..the one I am becoming will catch me.” Beautiful. Thankyou. Blessings and hugs across the oceans between us and much gratitude for all you are, all you share and all you encourage us to be. I love you Pam! 😊💖🌷💗🦋

  19. Hey Pam, come to Hilton Head. You can fall into our arms. We’re kindly folks down here with a blue ton of things to do – highly rated too. Do I sound Southern? I’m actually a happily transplanted Texan.

  20. Falling into the arms of the one I am becoming who will catch me, or whatever way one chooses to say it, it resonates with me today. Thank you for your wisdom on ACIM 134. I watched the video, too and can’t say that I’m yet dancing since I still use the cane when I go out. (You know, dratted curbs and steps, etc), but I can still keep time and now tap my right foot!.Excelsior!

  21. Just want you to know how much your emails help me to understand the lessons. I also really enjoy your books. You do make a big difference in my estimation, and I just wanted to say thank you!

    Sent from my iPhone


  22. Wow!!! I know those feelings. Had them when my mother passed and I didn’t understand them. We knew it was coming and mom and I had a “tenuous” relationship most of my life. I was stunned at how profoundly I was affected by the loss. But through it, I became someone different. A process. You explained it so well. Resting in the arms of the one you are becoming. Loved the little video song too. Saving that one for repeats. 🙂 Thank you for this.

  23. Judging by everyones comments we all needed to hear this today ( me especially !)
    You certainly nailed this one Pam!

  24. Thank you, Pam, for your wonderful way with words, and the courage to share them with us all. Love and hugs to you. 💜

  25. So much love in this community💖
    Let us keep encouraging one another through our life transitions!

  26. Hi sister Pam (Shanti here from Hutch) — Always, always, always love to read you write about going all out for fun and dancing on rooftops with amazing people. But sometimes that level of happiness seems totally out of reach for serious ole me. So while I am sorry you are sitting at the side of dance floor right now, I’m also bit relieved. Nice to know that even dancing fools are allowed to sit some out. And toes can still tap even when our butts are glued to a chair. love and peace

  27. Another wonderful lesson! Your sharing of your feelings is helpful as I go through these same feelings from time to time. I have come to the conclusion that it’s just part of the game as I came here to experience everything, the ups and the downs. May I remind you that you are writing a book, this one about the Course of Miracles.

    And my guides always remind me to dance. I’m here to dance. It’s the dance that creates everything! Dancing with the Dark and the Light. https://youtu.be/qUfWRBGQkz0 (0:45 / 1:50

    Maria and the Captain dance the Laendler from The Sound of Music

  28. Just gotta say: When you wrote “… I’m not currently writing a book…” my perception is YOU ARE! All your posts on the Course! I am so looking forward to this book, I see it coming to pass. 🙂 Many thanks for writing to us. <3 <3 <3

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