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On behalf of love

“Love intentionally, extravagantly, unconditionally. The broken world waits in darkness for the light that is you.”–L.R Knostonly-love-quotes-8

Car radios have buttons to pre-set favorite stations, making it easy to find, say KKFI and KPRS. Our minds work the same way. We program in certain “experiences” on our pre-set buttons and then we forget (or don’t allow) anything else.

I’ve talked a lot on this blog about the concept “God” being stuck on one of those pre-set buttons.

But if God is love and will is thought, then the real meaning of God’s will is thinking with love.

That’s what ACIM Lesson 115 asks us to do. To think with love. To do everything on behalf of love. Instead of thinking “What can I accomplish?” or “What can I manifest?” today, I ask only to accomplish and manifest on behalf of love.

Also want to mention that the Hay House World Summit (where I’ll be speaking) starts May 5. It’s completely free and if you sign up at this link, you can listen to more than 100 interviews with such amazing lights as Jack Canfield, Dr. Joe Dispenza, Deepak, Marianne Williamson, Matt Kahn, Suze Orman and many more.

Hope to see you there.

Pam Grout is the author of 19 books including E-Squared, E-Cubed, Thank & Grow Rich and her new book, Art & Soul,Reloaded: A Year-Long Apprenticeship to Summon the Muses and Ignite Your Daring, Audacious, Creative Side.

10 Responses

  1. Pam, when you’re at Hay House will you please ask them to put your latest book on CD. Or maybe they have done that. I haven’t gotten any emails or facebook from them in several years. I have you Squared and Cubed on CDs and I have a lot from Wayne Dyer from them, I think, on CDs. And I’d like Gregg Braden’s Human by Design on CD, too. Thanks so much! Ginnie Gottshall


  2. Grateful for the yearly Summit. Talk about sharing the love with Hay Houses free offerings💗
    The pure love of myself and others is my mission. To truly be present to these precious moments we have been given. A hug to you Pam ..

  3. You always hit just the right spot. “I ask only to accomplish and manifest on behalf of love.” That says a whole lot that I never thought about in just that way before. Thank you and I signed up for the online summit. Always wanted to go to a real one but virtual is better than nothing.

  4. “I ask only to accomplish and manifest on behalf of love.” A lesson I’m happy to learn. I also learned about ‘Art and Soul, Reloaded’. And was able to download it from Audible. So, double thanks in order!

  5. Thankyou Pam. I love the quote from Knost, and the lesson and your interpretation of it is excellent. If all I remember to do is to think (& act) on behalf of love then I think that pretty much covers everything! Amen! 😊

  6. Regarding “My function here is to forgive the world for all the errors
    I have made.” This reminds me of Hoʻoponopono which I practice daily.

    Thank you for the invitation to the Hay House Summit. I’m excited to hear your speech.

    Thank you for connecting with us daily with your interpretation of ACIM. I’m loving it!

  7. Thank you for the wonderful gifts you share. Going though a “dark night” lately with a break up that was both expected, caused by my actions, and yet a shock and slap in the ego, and gut. I’ve been reaching into what I call “TROTI) or , the rest of the internet. Exploring healing, forgivness, and general “GAA ! What NOW?” feelings. Your posts have been a big help. Thanks again.

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