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The F word for beginners

“I used to think the human brain was the most wonderful organ in the body. But then I realized who told me this.”—Emo Philips

The human brain, as cool as it is, is designed to be efficient, not accurate. It’s designed to notice things that jive with past experiences. It works by interpreting things to cohere with what we already know.

So for me to judge or think I know best in nearly any situation can only get me in trouble.

Forgiveness, which ACIM Lesson 81 reminds me is my function, is a simple matter of saying “Maybe I’m wrong. Maybe I don’t know.”

Maybe my brain is seeing this person as a caricature of the way I believe he is. Maybe, instead of seeing the light in him, I’m seeing my brain’s filter, my brain’s interpretation.

So today instead of assuming I know anything, I’m going to thank my brain for sharing and ask J.C. and the Holy S to run the show.

Pam Grout is the author of 19 books including E-Squared, E-Cubed, Thank & Grow Rich and her new book, Art & Soul,Reloaded: A Year-Long Apprenticeship to Summon the Muses and Ignite Your Daring, Audacious, Creative Side.

19 Responses

  1. Thanks Pam,

    Since I already did my daily ACIM studies along with my journal entries, gratitude, I love your short and love infused interpretation of todays message. I was already enveloped by peace and you seem to spread likewise.

    Michael Stilinovich

  2. Thank you so much Pam, i have hoked out my ACIM workbook and am now understanding the message because of your commitment to help us see! I understand your books better now too!! Thank you Thank you Thank you!! Not sure if you saw but the last lesson you shared was 79 – the next one 80 – yall have missed out! Probably the best one!! Peace at last!! I read it and fell asleep from relief 🙂 Oh i understand now, theres only one problem, oh how good that feels! And i have the answer! Its my soul, its god, its the divine, talking to me through my intuition and signs and omens all around! Oh that feels good!! HIP HIP HOORAY!!!!!!!! HALLELUJAH!!!!! (I get why folks say that out loud!!!)


  3. It was cold when I got up this morning and I was thinking of skipping yoga as I wanted to just stay in bed. Our yoga teacher told us first thing that she had skipped the 2 hours walking her dog and her morning yoga practice to sleep longer, so we dd her morning yoga practice which was exactly what I needed for the day. Before the yoga, she shared a written meditation about thankfulness and tears rolled down my face and I felt the love all through the hour yoga practice.

    I’m so thankful for all the miracles each day and one of them is getting to read your blog! Thank you!

  4. Thanks Pam. Clear and simple- but not necessarily easy. However today I’m going to believe that it IS easy to see the light in others instead of my brain’s interpretation of what I think I’m seeing. And to remember we are ALL light, including me 😊

  5. Gathering you had a good travel day yesterday since you are back with us today. Thanks for taking the time you could be enjoying to bring us up to speed on this one. It’s never an easy one as my brain is always saying something is wrong with this world when so many crazies are running countries and hurting so many people but I don’t see the broader picture most of the time. It’s there but my filter is on the fritz to see it clearly. Of course, I’m not in charge of the bigger picture so I should stop looking at what’s happening and just see it as moving in the right direction to somewhere I don’t know yet. We are so accustomed to trying to fix everything we think is broken. Thanks for taking the time to do this one and have a great time where you are. Marlene Herself

    1. I’m learning a lot about the Course, soaking it all in. Thanks for your constant attention, love and commentary. It means so much!!

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