E-Squared:  The 10-year anniversary edition (with a Manifesting Scavenger Hunt!!) GET IT HERE

Turns out we ARE sitting on a pot of gold

“Being born’s a hell of a lottery”-David Mitchell
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Every year, at least $800 million in lottery prizes never get claimed. That’s a lot of serious cash that some lucky stiff could be enjoying right this very moment. Just imagine all the unaware ticket holders who, instead of sitting on a beach in Bora Bora, are bemoaning the fact they can’t pay their heating bill.

In other words, a lot of people are pretending to be poor when they’re so NOT.

That’s us, says ACIM Lesson 77. We are entitled to miracles–and it’s not just abundance to which we’re entitled. We’re entitled to the whole enchilada: joy, meaning, adventure, peace.

Miracles are your birthright, your destiny. Just like you can talk, clap and walk to the nearest Quicktrip, you can perform miracles.

This is a guarantee. This is ensured in your creation.

Today, I simply ask for what is rightfully mine. And to make it easier to remember, I’m going to play James Twyman’s beautiful song over and over until it’s an unshakeable fact in my mind.

Pam Grout is the author of 19 books including E-Squared, E-Cubed, Thank & Grow Rich and her new book, Art & Soul,Reloaded: A Year-Long Apprenticeship to Summon the Muses and Ignite Your Daring, Audacious, Creative Side.

10 Responses

  1. This post and song was like unwrapping a beautiful present under my Christmas tree. Thank you for the gift❤

  2. Oh my Pam!!!! I have learned from so many other authors over the last year about how we are not entitled at All! So here is a belief for me to change…is deep, yet will see how it goes! Any insight? Is there anything for us to not be entitled to? Or any clarifications? Thanks! Blessings to you!!!!💚😊

  3. This is an “aha” moment. I pushed back when I heard-I am entitled. I have never explored my belief of entitlement.
    But if the kingdom is within me and I am a child of the most high and God and I are one then,of course, I am entitled.
    So beginning now I have a new belief about myself.
    Thank you for sharing, Pam.

  4. I read your post and then go to YouTube to hear James’ ukulele playing. He changed it up today! You two are a power team. ACIM words, your easy to “get it” explanations, his music = Magic. TY, Lynne

  5. Why is this such a difficult concept to grasp fully. Long time programming??? I’m ready to reprogram and enjoy what life has to offer. Love the music. Quickest way to bypass the programming, I think.

  6. This is a truly spectacular concept! I am ENTITLED to miracles!! Wow! I wonder what delightfully amazing and totally way out miracle is going to manifest for me today?!! I’m on the lookout right now 😁 Thanks Pam
    (Actually I’ve already had a few special moments today like seeing a number plate with the letters A and J and the number 222 – remember that game from e-squared? In my version I’ve added the letters A and J. The letter A stands for Angel and J is for Jenny and is an extra bonus to the 222. So it tells me my angel is with me 😁 Groovy huh?!) Have a miraculous day 🦋🌷

  7. Thanks for this, Pam! My favorite is “Sittin’ on a Goldmine” by posi-music artist Daniel Nahmod, from his fabulous album, “One Power.” Here’s a fun story of synchronicity: I was in the middle owof what turned out to be a near-decade of gypsy-freedom living (others might call it homeless, LOL) and had been concerned about money. I decided to drive from AZ to LA to visit a girlfriend, primarily for the purpose of listening to 8 hours of nonstop positive stuff on the trip to bump up my vibration — I listened to mostly Abraham-Hicks CDs, but then I decided to pop “One Power” into the CD player…it played for a while, and just as this song started, as I was driving on I-10, I passed a sign for “Gold Nugget Rd” 😉 https://youtu.be/rg5BkzfTPdU

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