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Manna, pennies and umbrellas from heaven

“Our bodies resonate with the love and power of creative cosmic rhythms dancing through every cell in our beautiful beingness. “—Ramon Ravenswood


Pete Holmes, one of my favorite comedians, created and stars in the HBO comedy, Crashing. I discovered him through my friend, Jessica Ortner, who interviewed him on her podcast, “Adventures in Happiness.” Holmes also produces a podcast (it’s called “You Made it Weird”), pens cartoons for The New Yorker and provides the voice for the E-Trade baby.

During the production of Crashing, a widely-praised comedy on HBO, Holmes noticed things like umbrellas showing up out of nowhere. If it started raining–poof!—an umbrella would miraculously appear. Whatever he needed—be it a set piece or a costume change or a yellow vase for a bouquet of roses—it showed up, almost magically. “I didn’t even have to ask for it,” Holmes says.

In his case, it was his crew that worked the magic. But it’s the perfect metaphor for ACIM Lesson 50—I am sustained by the love of God.

What I’ve noticed is that once we rid ourselves of the old “life sucks” paradigm, once we get it that the universe has our back, really cool things begin appearing in our lives. As you know, I get stories all the time from readers of my books who are miraculously bequeathed things like blue squirrels, Mercedes C300’s, 50 pounds of pork (these are just a few recent examples from my inbox).

I call it manna—gifts from the universe—that literally fall from the sky when we really, really let go of this idea that we need to be fearful, that we need to worry.

My dear friend, Annola, laminated a sign for me and everyone else in my possibility posse. When laid on the dashboard of my car, it reflects this sentiment in my front window: “Everything always works out for me.”

It’s my motto and today I repeat again and again, “I am sustained. I am sustained. I am sustained.”

Pam Grout is the author of 19 books including E-Squared, E-Cubed, Thank & Grow Rich and her new book, Art & Soul,Reloaded: A Year-Long Apprenticeship to Summon the Muses and Ignite Your Daring, Audacious, Creative Side.

18 Responses

  1. What about the mass killings happening in our schools?

    Love does sustain me. And, action to protect our children is needed.

    Saying “God sustains me” is not all there is to this.

    If I do nothing when I could have done something is not love. It is fear that I have no power to do something good. It is fear that I am not good enough to make a difference. It is fear that I can’t make a difference…

    Even Christ did something.

    I love your work Pam. Thank you for all that you are being and doing.

    May your day be filled with unexpected blessings,

    Linda LeClaire


    612-269-1860 48 Sedge Fern Drive Hilton Head Island, SC 29926

    Energy Coach Mental Coach

  2. Yes!! That is my Mantra also. Right after I say “everything is always working out for me” I also say “and the evidence abounds”. Which leads to immediate thoughts of my most recent proof. Sometimes it’s just a silly wink from the Universe and others it’s a major provision…either way, my mood is lightened.

  3. Thankyou Pam. I love your work and I am sustained by the love of God that comes to me in the shape of Pam Grout 😁 Have a wondrous and delightful day 🦋⭐️💖

  4. I like this one too. I’m going to write these on cards and put them where I can see them. I have a phrase I use a lot when say that God is my source and supply. May have found it in the Course or somewhere else. This almost speaks the same kind of thought.

  5. hahahaha I have that same saying on my dash reflecting in my windshield as I drive. I also put it on the frame of my computer monitors. 🙂 Love it.

  6. Today my cue for happiness is ‘bouncy castles’. In my reflective meditation this evening before coming to work I was given the vision of playing in a bouncy castle. I always loved taking my kids to those and lived it even more when I got to play too! Remembering that joy filled me with the possibility of more joy💕 Thanks for your writing, Pam

  7. Today my cue for happiness is ‘bouncy castles’. In my reflective meditation this evening before coming to work I was given the vision of playing in a bouncy castle. I always loved taking my kids to those and lived it even more when I got to play too! Remembering that joy filled me with the possibility of more joy💕 Thanks for your writing, Pam

  8. I love the quote from Ramon Ravenswood..I always get this feeling in my yoga classes. This quote makes me realize I can bring it into my everyday moments.

  9. I’m a member of a prayer team and had a request for a man who was in critical condition from a motorcycle accident. He was airlifted from the scene to a hospital in St. Louis from Quincy IL. Some months later we got an update on Paul. He was home & healing. He had an appointment with his own doctor and his doctor gave him a hug and said, “Someone was looking out for you. You should have died but your bones broke in such a way that they protected you organs from being punctured or any damage.” I thought, WOW! Thank you Super God.

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