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GET OUT! Escaping the little house of horrors

“Love has befriended me so completely that it has turned to ash and freed me of every concept and image my mind has ever known.” –Hafiz
Some people collect salt and pepper shakers. Others, coins or cookie jars.

I’m a sucker for a good quote—probably because I’m a writer and adore words and ideas. I rarely write anything (except travel articles) without leading off with a quote.

ACIM Lesson 41 (God goes with me wherever I go) is chock full of worthy words of wisdom for my collection.

For example, “Leave appearances. Approach reality.”

What appears to be (in the news, in my litany of dislikes, fears and problems) is a hologram of my beliefs. As long as I continue to “invent cures” for my personal house of horrors, they will continue to star in my reality. But the minute I question their validity, they will literally disappear.

This is SO difficult to believe because we’ve invested our entire lives in the idea of problems. We think it’s our mission to eradicate all the things we do not like.

But what if they’re not even real?

Today, instead of believing in the heavy cloud of appearances, I will celebrate the fact that the Source of all Joy (or Super God, as someone delightfully called it) goes with me wherever I go.

And I will know that anything that might look like a problem is just me making up a story that will go “poof” the minute I withdraw my belief.

The problem, as this lesson stresses, is not real.

Pam Grout is the author of 19 books including E-Squared, E-Cubed, Thank & Grow Rich and her new book, Art & Soul,Reloaded: A Year-Long Apprenticeship to Summon the Muses and Ignite Your Daring, Audacious, Creative Side

19 Responses

  1. Pam, I am loving this exploration of ACIM lessons. Thank you so much. And I really love that line “Super God”. I am so grateful to be reminded that we can take the Source of Joy with us wherever we go.

  2. Hi Pam,
    I also collect quotes. You have shared so many. Thank you. The one I carry with me wherever I go is: God, Here I am in the midst of you who created me, may all my actions be yours. – Reverand Penny Donovan.

    This quote/prayer reminds me that whatever I do is right. It lets me go about my day knowing I can never make a mistake if all my actions belong to God (or The Universe) Ha. Life is sooooo good! Thank you Thank You Thank You!!! Blessings,


  3. I literally just asked for this question to be answered and there your email appears. Thank you.

    Kerry Levitt 🕉


  4. Pam im beginning to come to the same conclusion, although some days it disappears faster than other times. Thank you for your positive ups!

  5. I collect quotes too. Want to start using more of them. I like this one today. I tried to see a problem yesterday. Even wrote a big story in my head about what would happen and how devastating it would end up. I’m such a good writer of catastrophic problems. Then I sat down, wrote a note to my accountant, he sent one back quickly and in short order the way around the “problem” appeared and all was well. Spent the rest of the day saying thank you to all the energy that created the solution for the problem I created in my mind. 🙂 I’m starting to be more aware of (God goes with me wherever I go). Life is good.

  6. I’ve known of ACIM and read through it for mucho years. But this is a first for the workbook. All things in their own time I guess. Loving it! And got to say that the serendipity of going through it with you and everyone else is the best cherry on top imaginable of a miraculous experience. Thanks and Hugs 🙂

  7. Thanks Pam. I also love a good quote – and your posts are always full of them. That one from Hafiz is beautiful. And it’s just amazingly wonderful to think that we are never separated from God/The Dude/FP no matter where we are or where we go, even though we might forget this truth. Loving these daily lessons. Many thanks and blessings to you for them 😊🦋

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