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Lasering love with the Holy S

“Call everyone to your table of kindness.”–Majayablast

I’m on travel assignment this week in Quebec, Canada. I’ll be skiing, dog sledding, wolf-watching, ice fishing and lasering love to every person I see.

One of the things I love most about the Course is I can do it anywhere. The trick is to not get hung up on doing it right, on having to meet every fool deadline.

The only requirement is to remember the truth about who I am: a powerful love lasering machine.

Lesson 36 is: My holiness envelops everything I see.

So today, I will remember that I affect everything with the energy I emit. My job is to  ramp up the love and know unseen forces are taking care of everything else.

Pam Grout is the author of 19 books including E-Squared, E-Cubed, Thank & Grow Rich and her new book, Art & Soul,Reloaded: A Year-Long Apprenticeship to Summon the Muses and Ignite Your Daring, Audacious, Creative Side.

18 Responses

  1. This Canadian girl loves to read your blogs and books. Hope you enjoy your stay in this amazing country.

    1. I’m a kiwi wondering when you will publish your version of A Course in Miracles? So I can buy it for myself and my partner who Im currently introducing to you and the ‘New Thought Gang’. I thought your version would be an orsum platform for us to step off from.
      Your E squared/cubed books are a simple straight forward guide to being present, joy, love, peace, harmony for me.

      Thank you

  2. Hey Pam, another wonderful read <3 On my bucket list to read ACIM. As you know I spread love everywhere everyday with What my Coffee says to me daily series. I love it when people discover that love is everywhere 🙂 p.s. you will soon be in Quebec, my province, if you will love it here! Ciao for Meow Jennifer

  3. I am in Quebec city and can feel your lasered love! Thanks Pam! So glad to listen to you in my every commute to work!

  4. Welcome to Canada Pam. It is a wonderful place to be! I am in Ontario but Quebec City is a fantastic place. Hope you get some time there. Love your blogs and books.

  5. I can’t tell you how much these posts are helping me with ACIM and the art of allowing combined! I listen to Abe and I read your posts and everything makes sense more than ever! I have a suggestion for your next book, one that explains these two subjects together! It would be so good!! Much love lasered your way ❤️

  6. Hi Pam,
    Welcome to Québec! I live near Montréal but this morning I am going to Québec city to spend the week with my 85 years old mother who lives in this beautiful city.

    It would be really amazing to meet you ” par hasard “!

    I’m sure you will enjoy the winter Carnaval of Québec with all its activities. Have great fun! 😊


  7. More pearls of wisdom – I love it! Thank you so much, Pam, for continuing your blogs while on assignment.

  8. Thanks so much for staying with us and ACIM even while you are on travel assignment ! Have a fantastic time, it sounds so fun!!! Love this post of blasting everyone with love and remembering who we truly are!

  9. It’s perfect as far as I’m concerned. I’m sure you are having the greatest time. Love Canada. Forgot about that song but it’s another one to add to my list of happy songs. Thanks.

  10. Oh Pam that is one of my all time favourite James Taylor songs. It’s so beautiful and perfect for today’s post. So, I’m ready to begin lazering, blasting and showering everyone with love today. Amen! And as Michael said in an earlier comment “God, how I love you!” Thanks for your magic Pam ⭐️💛🦋

  11. Thank you Pam for continuing to bring us the course, even while travelling! You are indeed showering the world with love!

  12. Hello Pam! Happy day to you. Still here rewiring my thought process.
    An observation regarding daily lessons use of “him”, “he” omitting feminine verbiage. I changed wording for my daily “lesson”.
    I enjoy the mental revamp. Thank you for your daily interpretation.

  13. Welcome back to Canada… right during the Arctic blast. Bring your lovin’ warmth and we’ll be very happy to return it. The warmth and welcome of the Quebec Winter Carnivale is legendary!

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