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Finally! A year of unremitting miracles

“If I have a problem I cannot seem to walk away from, there is a belief or thought, an obstruction of flow to the Presence of Truth.”—Michele Longo-O’Donnell
Rapturous New Year, my friends!!!

When I wrote E-Cubed, I begged Hay House to print it upside down. I requested this unconventional layout to make the point that everything we know is backwards, wrong side up. To avoid confusion, Hay House allowed one upside down page.

In a nutshell, that’s the first 50 lessons of a Course in Miracles. What we have learned about the world is the exact opposite of how it really is. We’ve been taught that possibilities are finite, that life is scary, that we need to protect ourselves. The Course is designed to undo and retrain our mind.

Here’s why I’ve stuck with it year after year:

1. It requires no effort on my part. In fact, the more I give up to the F.P. (the Course uses God terminology, but, as I pointed out in E-Squared, that word has more baggage than the Chicago airport at Thanksgiving), the more effective it becomes.

2. It can be practiced anywhere. I’ve worked the Course lessons on airplanes, in an African safari tent and in a Filipino hot springs.

3. When I started following this big, fat book in earnest, my life began to change. When I asked J.C. and the Holy S. (as I like to call them) for assistance, all sorts of miracles were orchestrated on my behalf.

So let’s review. I don’t have to do anything. It’s geographically flexible. Miracles appear before my eyes.

So shall we begin:

Lesson 1: Nothing I see means anything.

For one measly minute, you simply look around the room, out the window, whatever happens to be in your line of sight and say: this lamp doesn’t mean anything, this TV doesn’t mean anything, this computer doesn’t mean anything.

That’s it. As the Course says, you don’t have to believe it. You don’t even have to like it. Just follow the damned instructions.

And for those who fear I will no longer share miracles from readers, here’s a fun one I found in yesterday’s inbox:

“I just finished the first experiment. My results were beyond my wildest expectations. Within 24 hours I had received a call from a new riding student. Within 72 hours I won a contest that I entered the day after starting the experiment, with a local radio station, worth over $1,000 in prizes. Within that 72 hours I also received a $25 gift card for Safeway from my office as well as a second call from another new riding student. I’m not sure I’ve ever smiled, laughed and cried that much in 72 hours.”

Have a great day, my friends!

Pam Grout is the author of 19 books including E-Squared: 9 Do-it-Yourself Energy Experiments that Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality and the just-released, Art & Soul,Reloaded: A Year-Long Apprenticeship to Summon the Muses and Ignite Your Daring, Audacious, Creative Side.

40 Responses

  1. Just sharing this email from Pam. Nice way to start the year. Call anytime. I have done my thinking and am just enjoying my lounge lizardry. Love Moi

    Sent from my iPad


  2. Pam Enjoy your books and the power of positive thinking. Reading today what you wrote about the things we see mean nothing, and yet are not we to be grateful for every little thing? Seems like contradiction, can you clarify?jEnjoy and grateful for all you give. Charlene

    1. As you’ll see further in on the Course, everything we “see” is given meaning by us. It doesn’t mean anything other than what we think it means. That’s why I give gratitude for EVERYTHING!!! Hope this helps a little. The big thing is just to do the lessons and let the magic do its work.

  3. Oh Pam. I meant to forward this to my sister. So my message will make no sense to you whatsoever. But we love doing your experiments! I live in Ontario and she lives in Sarasota. We communicate everyday and you have been a big part of our spiritual growth. Thank you so much and have a wonderful 2018. Oh and you can call me anytime too! Lol. 519 608-4217. Vonnie Snyder

    Sent from my iPad


  4. Nice, I’m really looking forward to this. Bill Martin, he’s two books I really love called The Parents Tao Te Ching and a relationship book called The Couple’s Tao Te Ching, did this with the Tao last year. He sent out daily emails Day by Day with the Tao. He finished up in October.

    I’m on 225 in ACIM , and looking to finish it for the first time.

  5. Dear Pam,

    My beloved husband Tommy passed away on September 26, five days before my 60th birthday. He was a bright and shining light, full of love and joy. He really lived in the moment, loved and appreciated everyone and everything. He loved to cook, laugh, joke, hug, and make music. He was a very talented blues guitarist and played his guitar here at home every day. He always saw everyone in their highest light and was such an inspiration. We never lost our connection, always kissed and hugged and held hands. I miss him so much.

    I am finding it very hard to go on without him. I have become afraid of everything, especially living in our little house (worried about break-ins, things breaking and me not knowing how to fix them). Before we met I was very independent and strong, now I feel lost and alone, and like a big wimp. I don’t now who I am without him or what the rest of my life should be. All my future plans were about us. I know I have to go on and eventually I will figure it out. Is there anything you can say to me to help me get back on track?

    What version of Course in Miracles do you study?

    I know what I should do, intellectually, but I have not been able to move forward.

    Thanks Pam.

    Love, Lorrie

    1. Hello Lorrie…sorry, not Pam here but Elaine. I am “late to the party” of ACIM and was reading through these posts and saw yours. From my heart to yours, I hope you are finding your way. Elaine

  6. Thank you, dear Soul!  Thank you!!!!  You have spurred me on to begin the ACIM workbook again.  I’m surprised at my feelings, this time.  I like it! Thank you!!!! Diana

    “What lies behind us, and what lies before us are but tiny matters comparedto what lies within us.”  ….Ralph WaldoEmerson  

    From: Pam Grout To: d_hartje@yahoo.com Sent: Monday, January 1, 2018 11:19 AM Subject: [New post] Finally! A year of unremitting miracles #yiv7299265351 a:hover {color:red;}#yiv7299265351 a {text-decoration:none;color:#0088cc;}#yiv7299265351 a.yiv7299265351primaryactionlink:link, #yiv7299265351 a.yiv7299265351primaryactionlink:visited {background-color:#2585B2;color:#fff;}#yiv7299265351 a.yiv7299265351primaryactionlink:hover, #yiv7299265351 a.yiv7299265351primaryactionlink:active {background-color:#11729E;color:#fff;}#yiv7299265351 WordPress.com | psgrout posted: ““If I have a problem I cannot seem to walk away from, there is a belief or thought, an obstruction of flow to the Presence of Truth.”—Michele Longo-O’Donnell Rapturous New Year, my friends!!!When I wrote E-Cubed, I begged Hay House to print it upside” | |

  7. Happy New Year Pam. Two days ago I subscribed to receive ACIM audio lessons from Marianne Williamson starting today for the whole year. Listened to my first one this morning. Just checked my email and found this jewel from you. How synchronistic is that? If I had any doubts about this path I’m on, I certainly don’t now. I’m so excited about all the possibilities. Much love to you.

  8. One more thing. I forgot to mention I am recommitting to Art and Soul Reloaded starting this week. I am an artist and I find your book to be so inspiring. My theme for 2018 is Health including my Creative Health and following your week by week is part of my plan to improve my Creative Health. My Facebook page is Heart Home Creativity if you would like to have a look. https://www.facebook.com/hearthomecreativity/

    Again have a great 2018! Vonnie

    Sent from my iPad


  9. Great New Year to you, Pam. I am knee deep in you new book Art & Soul Reloaded and loving it! Patricia

  10. Its funny. I have not done the lessons to A Course In Miracles in a long time but yesterday
    sometime made me think about them and I decide to do time again this year. To begin a New Year. I turned on my you e-mail this morning there you were with your blog. Thank
    you very much for your books and for being alive.

  11. Hello Pam,
    thanks for your newsletter, which keeps inspiring me and reminds me of what to focus on.
    Now I have this huge blue book sitting here in front of me – A Course In Miracles – and the plan is to start today with Day 1. But there are about 700 pages which go before Day 1 and after about 30 I decided I wasn’t going to make it. So I skipped 670 pages and started today: this laptop doesn’t mean anything. Is that an ok way of going about it? Should I take the time to read the rest of the book parallel to the daily readings: What do you think?
    I hope 2018 does exactly what you want it to do, and what I want it to do and everyone else too

  12. Oh man I’m looking forward to this!
    I just opened your post and realised what we’re going to be doing! I’m so ready and have also just started a year of Art and Soul (started when I turned 50 late December… my gift to myself.) So more gifts! Bring it on!
    Thanks again, Pam… More sparkles to you..

  13. I just started ACIM (again after almost 20 years) and am on Lesson 55, so your summary of the first 50 was right on (of course it was!). I love everything about your posts Pam – worthwhile reading, uplifting, engaging, funny! and wonderful. For this new year I unsubscribed from almost every email list. But not yours. No, you are Alive in the Divine, and you write and flow from the heart beat of that sacred space. Thank you for the work you do internally to shine out so bright and warm. I greatly appreciate you!

  14. A perfect way to start the new year. I’m expecting lots and lots of miracles. 🙂 Wanted to have someone to do this with that fully grasped it. Deep gratitude here for you now.

  15. i didn’t know there was a book called a course in miracles? i read someone’s post here that its color (of the book) is blue?

  16. Awesome post Pam!! I’m looking forward to the next lesson!!!! Thank you so much for all that you do! Happy New Year, my friend

  17. I have been sitting here waiting for somebody to give me some simple Course In Miracles guide. BAM! Love this and will be patiently waiting for #2. Thank you, Pam!

  18. Day 1 of the Course. Day 1 of 2018. Day 1 of the rest of my life!! Thank you being part of this journey. Much love!

  19. I have read so much about the Law of Attraction. Have read E2, and have tried the experiments. Nothing works for me, and I know it’s because I can’t let go of my rational egoic mindset. I am broke, have a fractious, argumentative relationship with my teenage daughter, and have a health condition that’s remained undiagnosed for three years. I am very tired of living this way, and very tired of trying. I want loving people around me, prosperity in all my affairs, and a strong healthy body. I know this is possible. How can I press the reset button?

    With love and appreciation, Della

  20. Thank you, so much, Pam. I love this: “It requires no effort on my part. In fact, the more I give up to the F.P. (the Course uses God terminology… the more effective it becomes.” What does F.P. stand for, please?

    1. As a former proofreader, I have to ask: was my comment above “edited?” A comma was added where it doesn’t belong. (Either that or I inadvertently put it there.)

  21. Hi Natasha, I don’t edit the comments in any way! Not sure how the comma manifested itself, but hey, we can celebrate an abundance of commas!

  22. Happy New Year Pam!!! …. And thanks for all your continued inspiration. 2018 is gonna be epic!!! Love Lucy xx(From a tiny village in Northamptonshire, England)

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