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Dissolving blocks with the old gratitude 1-2

“We need radical curiosity and reverent pranks, voracious listening and ferocious thanks.”–Rob Brezsny
I’m the kind of person that replies to comments on my blog with exclamation points. I get unreasonably excited about silly things. Like my recent stare-down with a blue heron or my front yard’s crepe myrtles that are really showing off right now.

Ferocious gratitude, as I wrote about in my last book, is causative energy. It literally brings things to life. Knowing and acknowledging that you live a blessed life makes things happen. It draws in even more blessings.

In other words, gratitude is the foundation for all manifestation.

There are two steps for using it most effectively.

First, give thanks that whatever reality appears to be true right now is one of a gazillion possibilities. Struggling to pay your bills or flying solo may seem rock solid and an absolute fact, but it’s not. Not even close. It’s literally one tiny superposition in the quantum field.

And we must start by celebrating the infinite (that’s so huge we can’t even get our minds around it) number of other potentialities that exist. Already. Right now. When we get really jazzed that whatever we have now is far from the final answer, the new can come quicker. Many people forget this first step. They build an altar to the reality they have now. They actually forget that it’s no more true than any other option.

I say throw a party for the countless options available to you. Get out of problem state. Dive into possibility state.

The last step, you already know. Say thanks for whatever new cool thing you plan to draw into your life. Say yes that it’s barreling your way. Jump for joy. Throw streamers.

As the Course in Miracles reminds us, the gratitude way of life is not difficult. It’s just very, very different than how we’re used to doing it.

Have an extraordinarily epic week, my friends.

Pam Grout is the author of 18 books including E-Squared: 9 Do-it-Yourself Energy Experiments that Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality and the just-released, Art & Soul,Reloaded: A Year-Long Apprenticeship to Summon the Muses and Ignite Your Daring, Audacious, Creative Side.

18 Responses

  1. Pam, I played pb at a tournament in Estes, learned a lot what to do and what not to do during tournament play. I played 3.5. I love pb!! It is my happy sport and I am so grateful to play. 👏👏


  2. EXACTLY what I needed to hear today~!!~!~! Proof the Universe/FP is providing me with infinite possibilities. :)) I celebrate the synchronicities as I acknowledge them and anticipate more.
    Thank you for this reminder!

  3. And I am unreasonably excited about your stare down with the great blue heron!!!!! Good spotting, my friend and awesome post!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Pam,
    I love you. You rock with simple reminders and so I always look forward to them. Thank you.
    I have been expecting miracles from last week (that miracle blog) and man are they all over the place. Can not keep up with them. Can’t get enough gratitude in either. I could be in a bad spot financially but all my needs are met without effort on my part. Thank you for shining your light.

  5. Thank you Pam. I am jumping with joy & remembering to thank those who have nudged me along this life of infinite posibilities.

  6. I just incurred a $4.60 fine on my library account. I could curse this fine and my carelessness in being late with the materials. I choose instead to thank the Universe for this money that will increase the Library coffers and create a larger cache for its after-school programmes!

  7. “Building an altar”!!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣
    Pam, you rock as always
    Love, love, love

  8. Right now as I sit here at my computer running to the rest room because I am very sic to my stomach, it is difficult to see that is not the only possible way of things. I am trying. I am working toward something better. I will try hard to be thankful for what is happening right now as well as celebrate the new to come. It is difficult, but not impossible.

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