E-Squared:  The 10-year anniversary edition (with a Manifesting Scavenger Hunt!!) GET IT HERE

“What’s possible” is far more important than “what is”

 “Without leaps of imagination or dreaming, we lose the excitement of possibilities. Dreaming, after all is a form of planning.” ― Gloria Steinem newspaper

I love Michael Beckwith’s recent description of the mass media. He called it a “weapon of mass deception.”

He also said that instead of calling it news, we should call it “olds” because it tells a dying story, an antiquated anomaly that only exists because we continue to place our attention upon it.

What if instead we woke up every morning to different stories? Stories about all the spontaneous healings from the last 24 hours, stories about all the relationships that have recently been reunited, about philanthropic acts, about new innovations and creativity, about all the good that is taking place on the planet.

If we were bombarded with stories like this instead of stories about the lowest common denominator, our awareness would expand. We’d literally re-engineer, as Beckwith called it, our imaginations. We’d come to expect ever more good, more cooperation, more compassion.

The current news media wires our nervous systems for worse case scenarios. We actually believe and expect bad things to happen. We think that’s normal.

It’s not.

As always, we have a choice. We can place our attention on the news (AKA the “olds”) or we can dream of what can be. By placing our attention on new possibilities, we animate a completely different future.

Here are the headlines I’m envisioning for today:

New Zika cases around the world fall to zero

U.S. Democrats and Republicans hug it out on the Senate floor

The Middle East celebrate 10 years of peaceful coexistence

Snows return to Kilimanjaro

Pam Grout appears on Super Soul Sunday

Tell me in the comments section below: What’s your new headline?

Pam Grout is the author of 18 books including E-Squared: 9 Do-it-Yourself Energy Experiments that Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality and the about to be released, Thank and Grow Rich: a 30-day Experiment in Shameless Gratitude and Unabashed Joy

70 Responses

  1. Health Care for All Fully Funded!
    Education for All Public Schools and Colleges Fully Funded!
    Hunger Is Wiped Out!
    Polio, Aids, Ebola and Zike Cases Zero!
    Handguns and Attack-guns Are Illegal!

  2. Hi Pam,
    Have you heard about the young man in Memphis area named Chauncy that was helped out by another gentleman?! Is it such an inspiring story filled with pure love and joy!!
    check out the FB page-Chauncy’s chance.

  3. Oh, you are beautiful, Pam. I laugh out loud every time I read your words. See you on Super Soul Sunday….no kidding! Just let us know the date you will be on the air.

  4. “New Eco-friendly vehicles run on H20 with oxygen as the only waste product!”

    “Hemp oil is the new bio-diesel of the future, free retro-fit kits for all existing vehicles all you have to do is grow hemp in your backyard!”

    “Science proves that love really is the answer”

    “Trump has enlightenment experience and apologizes publicly for previous ignorance.”

    Those are the headlines I’m looking forward to seeing.

  5. Try http://www.goodnewsnetwork.org — there are actual stories entitled “Philippine Teen Discovers Powerful Natural Poison Against Zika Bugs”, and “Man’s Cancer is Healed After Doing Random Acts of Kindness for a Year”, among other great, uplifting stuff…

  6. Native Americans are granted complete freedom and return of thousands of acres of their lands. Many return to their old ways amid jubilation of tribal resurrection.

  7. Best selling author pam grout releases audiobook version of
    “Thank and grow Rich ”
    BEFORE her Oprah appearance

  8. Head of the terrorists origination lay down arm’s…. I got a mail saying my car is fully paid for

  9. All unemployed people given a program to help them find work they truly want to do

  10. Agree with all the great ideas above! Would like to see as a headline: WORLD PEACE
    – FOR REAL!!!!! Health care for all FREE!

  11. I have said this for years!!! Can you imagine what could be done if the news and everyone who focus’s on it was only talking about the good in our world, which we all know far outnumbers the bad events! Let’s spread this post far and wide! Thank you Pam and I hope you really are on Super Soul Sunday…I’m off to check the listings now!!!

  12. “The Way of Mastery” is required reading in all high schools. Hoo-boy, would that shake things up a bit! Great post, Pam. Thanks for always getting to the heart of things. Much love to you!

  13. “How to love and accept yourself ” compulsory in every school starting from kindergarden!

  14. Pam Grout for President, indeed!!! LOL–this is sooooo refreshing!! My acupuncturist has given me the homework of, “NO NEWS.” It is the best medicine–but this is even better!!! Love you, Pam!!!

  15. The Real Estate Broker, REMAX owner and Real Estate Salesman have been found as frauding the public and me. They have let me out of the illegal listing contract and I have buyers for my homes. Yippee!

  16. I stopped watching the news years ago or listening to it or reading it! It was 2 weeks before I knew Jim Jones had talked all those people into mass suicide. I am much more peaceful this way!

  17. The Unity movement is no longer the world’s best kept secret! Hundreds of thousands of new congregants touched by Unity’s moving message…

    People around the world feel inspired to live from their deepest values. The Earth thrives as does every individual!

    Jane Simmon’s new book takes off like wildfire. Jane and her husband Gary travel around the world, making the difference!

    My coaching practice “Inspired Visioning and Infinite Possibilities” lights up the world and inspires people around the globe to live meaningful and purposeful lives…

    Elise absolutely transforms lives through her deep neurofeedback work with KC Brain Train. She throws a fantabulous party and then takes a cruise around the world with her family, plus Deb and Dawn.

  18. My headline is “Rachel did amazingly on her GREs and got accepted into every PA school she applied to”

    Really needed this today Pam! You always continue to inspire me! Remember you are not one drop in the ocean you are the entire ocean in one drop!

  19. The planet celebrates world peace, poverty ends today and mental health improves for all!!!

  20. World Peace is totally achieved! It is Universal! There is now Peace on Earth and good Will to all men all over the whole World!

  21. My headline would read all humans that do harm to their fellow humans, animals and our beloved planet have a Christmas Carol Dream , so all have changed in the blink of an eye, Love, Peace, Joy, and the Golden Rule is the new way of life for all Eternity! And Susie gets her pinto horse 😊

  22. I just joined; I see good news on Facebook regularly and love it. Republican and Democrats hugging on the Senate floor is a hilarious picture but I heard it came close to that after 9/11 when they all sang the Star Spangled Banner together. Would love to see Pam on Super Soul Sunday. Looking forward to seeing more of Pam’s emails. Thank you, so grateful for people like you.

  23. Great post Pam, the last sentence gave me a good laugh, see you on SuperSoul Sunday very soon, tell Oprah I said hi. 😘

  24. Pam Grout Nails it on SuperSoul Sunday
    Meanwhile Oprah ditches Weight Watchers and embraces her curves and bodacious body- Girls everywhere sing her praise and love their own unique bodies

    Worldwide awakening opens up a massive vortex of love
    Poverty is eradicated/ NO more wars/Money is useless
    Hearts are open

    Man, is this fun!!!
    Finally, Molly becomes a best-selling author and world-class travel writer.

  25. Humanity is learning to manifest new and better realities in their lives and together we are building a wonderful new collective reality bravo¡¡

  26. Rev Janet Ellis talks to the masses and they awaken to their truth of their Authntic selves, learn to love themselves which in turn wants them to love, come together and serve one another! They fully understand that we are all one and Love is all we need to be! Teaching and sharing knowledge, wisdom and tools to help them truly know they are needed and they each have a gift to be in this world………..

    The mass shootings have stopped, the guns have been laid down and traded in for ways to really know themselves and to fall in love with who they are.

    I am always in the present moment, aware, awake and enthusiastic about life, fully loving what I do, being abundantly paid and financially free – walking my talk to the point that people come to me and say “I want what you have”, because they can see the love in my actions with everyone and every thing – the love in my eyes and the love in my life as I speak my truth!
    So it is – Amen!!!

  27. Le peuple français se réveille et voit la vie sous un angle positif.
    La Syrie cesse ses hostilités
    Cheminement vers une prise de conscience mondiale amenant à la Paix
    Le système climatique s’apaise et les catastrophes sont en voie de disparition

  28. As years go by, more and more adults are laughing and smiling, leading to decreased illnesses and longer life spans. Multiple studies also show that conflicts are decreasing in frequency and potency too

  29. “Finally a Movie that deeply touches your Heart and your Soul & makes you profoundly happy! Cinema at its best! Ann-Kristin Leo´s part is marvelous.”

    Thank You, Pam & all my best to you!

  30. Human beings have become so fulfilled and happy with their lives that they no longer are using drugs and violent crime has dropped to zero all over the world.

    Suddenly, all creatures on earth began to live in harmony with each other and the Earth.

    Humans all over the world have spontaneously developed the ability to understand both animals and plants.

  31. Pam I have been following you for years and this is the best post ever!!! My headline to wake up to is “Today There IS Peace on Earth”

  32. my headline….my adult single mom daughter lands a job sufficient to support and provide for herself and her daughter….anticipating abundance in every way for my daughter and granddaughter

  33. One website that follows this philosophy is DailyGood. Each day you get beautiful, uplifting news that is inspiring.

  34. Chicago PD hosts DISARM BQ.  Citizens trade weapons for ribs, brats and ice cream — rival gang menbers dance til dawn!

    Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE smartphone

  35. Chicago PD hosts DISARM BQ. Citizens trade fire arms for ribs, chicken and ice cream. Rival gang members dance til dawn!

  36. The headline I see is “Mind blowing report: how the philosophy ‘less is more’s has changed our lives over the last seven years”

  37. A new form of Goverance is in the White House, The President, staff and council are heart centered receiving guidance directly from their Higher Self. Grassroots people are heard and responded to, our nation is a co creator with all other nations creating a New Earth of Abundance, Prosperity. And Peace.

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