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How to Experience the Incredible Energy of Authentic Optimism by Greg Kuhn

“Dumb suffering is the kind of suffering you’re compulsively drawn back to over and over again out of habit. It’s familiar, and thus perversely comfortable. Smart suffering is the kind of pain that surprises you with valuable teachings and inspires you to see the world with new eyes.”—Rob Brezsny

Happy Hump Day. Or that’s what I used to call it back when I was just out of college, working my first job and looking for any excuse for a night out with friends.

Speaking of friends, all you regulars to this blog know that I’ve made a lot of them through the remarkable ethers of the internet. One of these friends, Greg Kuhn, has graced this blog with his wisdom on many an occasion.

I even included an experiment of his in my new book, E-Cubed, that debuts in September. One early adopter of this experiment recently wrote to tell me about a mysterious check that came in for $10,730.58! Out of the blue. You can read about it here.

But in the meantime, here’s another fabulous post from my pal, Greg Kuhn. You’re welcome.

Take it away, Greg:

Whenever you think about your future, all you’re doing is telling yourself a story. It’s either a feel-good story, a feel-bad story, or something in-between. But it’s not real, it’s just a fantasy you’re creating.

You’re telling yourself a bed-time story or writing a movie script. The future is actually no more real than Little Red Riding Hood.

In fact, the future is truly the living embodiment of infinite possibility. Literally. The unformed potential of the quantum field contains the inherent potential to become absolutely anything in your own, unique, individual universe.

Although I heartily discourage spending your energy thinking about the future (or the past), we all do it. We habitually conjure up tales of fear-inducing horror and ecstasy-inducing happiness about our future. And we’re all merely crafting fables when we do it.

And in that regard I want to ask you two questions:

1. Why is it, when you tell yourself a story of a bad future, you’re all too quick to believe it?

2. Why is it, when you try to tell yourself a story of future success and happiness, you’re often quick to poo-poo that as if you’re not allowed to believe it?

After all, in both of those scenarios you’re only imagining a narrative about what will happen in your unknown future of infinite possibilities. In both those scenarios you’re simply writing a fictional novel about your future life.

Is it any wonder that we often ask ourselves, “What’s the worst that can happen?”

I encourage you not to dwell on the future. It’s an illusion – one where you’re projecting the current iteration of “you” into a time-space which will never actually exist. Because when you are occupying that time space, it will be the present moment.

And the present moment is the only thing real in our universe.

Yet, since we all think about the future from time to time, I’m challenging you to try the What’s the Best that Can Happen Experiment by asking yourself, “What’s the best that can happen?” instead.

Who made up the rule that you’re not allowed to ask yourself that question? Try it. In fact, dive in and see what happens.

And, when you hear those old limiting beliefs tell you you’re not allowed to ask “What’s the best that can happen?”, gently tell your subconscious brain, “Greg Kuhn told us it’s okay. In fact, the Law of Attraction Science Guy told us that we’re supposed to try it.”

It’s a fun experiment and one that infuses your game of “Grow a Greater You” with authentic, believable optimism.

Greg Kuhn, the Law of Attraction Science Guy, is the best-selling author of the popular Why Quantum Physicists… book series. His newest book, Why Quantum Physicists Play “Grow a Greater You”, a veritable blueprint for deliberate creators, will be released in July, 2014. His Penny Experiment will also be included in Pam Grout’s new book. Greg can be reached at his website, http://www.whyquantumphysicists.com

13 Responses

  1. All day I read Greg’s book about beliefs and – coincidence? – Greg’s the author of your blog post today… I fully enjoyed his Grow of Greater You method and took away a lot of teachings from it. Thank you, Pam for today’s post!

  2. Love this! I did something similar during my “Birthday Appreciation Month” this year. I posted on FB something that I appreciated each day…that happened that day. It was the BEST month I can remember and each day only got better! Thank you for the reminder and challenge of asking “what’s the best thing that can happen” 🙂

  3. Hi Pam. I love you and your post so much. I am writing to you as a surrogate for the Universe. I am looking to manifest an artist who can transform my Beloved 100 year old Maple Tree into an 8 ft. Tall sculpture of The Blessed Mother. I know She’s in the Tree. There’s already an Angel on her bark where I’m sure the back of her robe flows. I promise. I can send you a picture……..I am looking for an artist who would accept a monetary payment plan, and I’m sure that Mary’s physical manifestation on my busy street would Bless and inspire all those who travel down my busy street on their way to the freeway in Euclid, Ohio. I’m so excited. I can hardly wait to see Her. Thank you. I just know the perfect artist will come at the perfect time and reveal Her image from within the Tree, perfectly. Thank You. Bless You. Mary Messenger739@roadrunner.com

  4. Hi Pam 🙂 I had just finished reading the penny experiment & was headed to the bank
    What a good place to look around for pennies I thought as I walked inside & told myself I WAS going to find a penny or two
    As my turn came to go up the teller window a bank employee walked up the my teller & sat down two boxes of pennies !!!
    I did NOT crawl across the counter to pick them up but I think its okay to qualify that as finding pennies :):))

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