E-Squared:  The 10-year anniversary edition (with a Manifesting Scavenger Hunt!!) GET IT HERE

Why I’m the luckiest person on the planet, Part 10

“I always knew I was a hit record just waiting to happen.”—Oprah Winfrey

One of the great privileges of being a writer is people want to talk to you. They want to interview you, ask your opinion about things.

While I don’t consider myself an expert (I nearly fell off my chair when I read the article in a London paper calling me a single mom turned spiritual guru), I love sharing ideas with others.

Yesterday, I was interviewed by a radio station for “folks who weren’t born yesterday” (their words, not mine) and for a podcast with a couple college students just preparing to launch their love and inspiration into the world.

This morning, before I began writing, I got the chance to talk with Colette Baron-Reid, the famous radio personality, author and spiritual intuitive who used to open for Sylvia Browne. While all those titles (and she has even more) are great, the thing I love about Colette is she’s really fun. She knows better than to take anything too seriously. She just blissfully goes around spreading her love and joy and magic. This was our second interview and both times, we really connected, really had a great time. Don’t be surprised to see us giving a workshop together sometime soon.

Anyway, we talked today about a lot of stuff (our hour interview turned into two, much of it off microphone), but one of the themes was the magic of now which is one of the ideas in the new book, E-Cubed. You’ve heard of the Power of Now, of course, but the magic of now is the atomic force available in every throbbing, pulsing moment. It’s where miracles happen. It’s when we leave our old programming and tapes behind opening a potent opportunity for something new and magical.

Colette also shared a fabulous E-Squared story. For her sign, she asked to see a blue dragonfly. She’d recently had a motorcycle accident that caused her to spend, as she says, “the summer in bed.” Her friends encouraged her to stay off motorcycles, but she refused to live in fear.

Every time, she got on her motorcycle for the next week after asking for her sign, a red dragonfly flew right along beside her. Puff, the Magic Dragonfly literally accompanied her for the whole ride and then flew away the minute she safely embarked.

“I ordered blue,” she said, “but what I came to realize is that the Dude had something even better.”

Yes, Colette, red dragonflies are native to parts of Europe, Sri Lanka, Mongolia and the Canary Islands. Her blessing and sign was a rare and showy dragonfly that came all the way from the other side of the planet to remind her that she was protected and loved. In other words, magic!!

Tell me in the comment sections below something magical that happened to you and why you’re the luckiest person on the planet.

Pam Grout is the author of 16 books including E-Squared: 9 Do-it-Yourself Energy Experiments that Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality

22 Responses

  1. I lost my condo in a foreclosure and it turned out to be one of the best things that could ever happen to me.

    In that loss, I was forced to released old friends, old relationships and old beliefs that were no longer working for me. Well, the truth is, they were never working for me anyway. Losing my condo was a stepping stone in my life, because it lead me to discover the Law of Attraction, the power of meditation, and so much more.

    This path has lead me to my soul awakening, and now I have embraced my intuitive gifts and use them to help others. I grew up in a religious family that taught me to fear Spirit, but I have learned that there is nothing to fear. Spirit is warm, inviting, loving and lives within all of us.

    I’m so thankful that I was pulled out of that old mindset, because now I see the magic in life. I have a wonderful boyfriend, I live in a nice house, I’m a proud dog mommy, I have great friends, and I get go connect with amazing people like you.

    Everyday is magical, and that’s why I’m the luckiest person in the word. 🙂

  2. It was mid-winter and I had to drive across a mountain pass to get home. I left early enough to get across in the daylight. However, another car accident caused me to be delayed on the pass for two hours. Nearing my exit it was snowing and getting dark. I turned on my headlights only to discover the low beams were gone. I had only high beams and when it is snowing hard it is blinding. But it was that or nothing. As I exited to get home (another 50 miles to go) a pickup truck appeared in front of me. His red tail lights gave me something to follow and stay on the road. But with my high beams on in his rearview mirror, I just knew he would get very angry. The speed limit was 60 and cars and trucks were whizzing by as this pickup truck kept our speed at 40. He led me safely over that pass and as we came down the other side the snow was gone, he took the very next exit and I never saw him again. As sure as I write this I know he was an angel sent to guide me through that snow storm.

  3. Pam, great post, and thank you! I’m the luckiest person on the planet because I’m surrounded by people who love me and I know the Universe is taking care of me!

    Last night, I had a meeting with an acquaintance to talk about business, and we discovered that we went to the same acting conservatory. Then we discovered that she had been room mates with my best friend – AND she has strong family ties back to my home town in Colorado. It was so fun and weird!

    I just love these little “coincidences” (that aren’t really coincidences!). I can’t wait for E-Cubed. I’m a huge fan of your work and share it with all my friends!

  4. Diana – Similar thing happened to me when I had to make an early morning trip to the ER to have a bartolyn cyst lanced. I left the house at 4:00 am knowing I’d have ample time to return home around 7:00 am when my kids would need to get up for school. In great pain I drove the long (and safer) way to the hospital. It was very foggy, but the street lights are plentiful along that route. My hospital visit took longer than planned. When I got out to my car it was 6:45 am. I knew I would have to take the shorter route home in order to make it back when my kids would be waking up. The short route is on a two lane highway with no shoulder that winds through several hills…no street lights illuminate it and it is “out in the boondocks.” As I pulled out of the hospital onto the road, I spoke aloud to my angels. Telling them I needed them to help me. Out of nowhere a truck came up behind me. There was ample room for me to allow him to pass. I hit the gas and followed him all the way to my street! Amazing! I was home at 7:05 am just as my children were waking up.

  5. After reading E-Squared last fall I began with “The Dude Abides” principal, by simply asking for a blessing (as proof – although I knew in my heart I didn’t need proof). It came in the form of an amazing come-from-behind-win by the Detroit Tigers. I am a huge Tigers fan and although they had a great season in 2013 – on this particular night they were stumbling badly. Going into the bottom of the 9th inning they were trailing the Chicago White Sox by a score of 6 to 1. As I watched in astonishment – the Tigers came roaring back (pardon the pun) and tied the game – forcing it to go into extra innings. The Tigers won in 12 innings by a score of 7 to 6. I remain convinced that that was my blessing! There has been other instances as well with the other principals outlined in the book. What I’ve discovered on this rollercoaster ride I’ve been on (professionally) since last June, is when I stay in that zone (of belief and intention) all goes well. When I slip out of that zone and look at my checkbook for example and see what isn’t there – well, you know the rest. At some point we all have to decide if we are going to stay in the zone and trust all the miracles that are within our reach every second or remain outside, fretting and worrying about what we perceive to be missing. Thank you so much Pam, for reminding us!

  6. One of my many magic moments was the birth of our children. I had tried for years to get pregnant and nada was happening and lucky for me, I’m a lesbian so there was another uterus involved. Lisa, my wife, agreed with a “Fine, I’ll be Plan B.”
    She got pregnant and we had a beautiful daughter. We had said that we wanted her to have a sibling and I said that I would love to have three children (easy for me to say since I wasn’t doing the heavy lifting :-)). Lisa allowed as to how she was willing to be pregnant twice and she had already delivered one.

    Well didn’t we get twins the next go round.

    Next life I may mention to the Universe to spread them out a little further than three under the age of two. 🙂

    I’m a Magic and Miracle Mama!

  7. When I first read Pam’s book E2 I was snowed in which I love because I think snow is white glittery magic. I chose to look for yellow butterflies and sunset biege cars as my sign. The cars were easy there are two in my driveway. However I did not realize that I did not have to leave my bedroom to find four different illustrations of yellow butterflies. 🙂

  8. I think we’re all the luckiest people on the planet because we get to share our miracle stories with each other. The fact that we’ve connected with each other is a miracle in itself. Thank you, Pam!

  9. I just started reading e squared. I had asked in 48 hours to be lead to a yoga class. I have been looking for a few months and there aren’t alot of classes offered where I lived. Tonight a friend texted me wanting to know if my daughter would be interested in babysitting for her YOGA instructor…. I am really enjoying the book and all the experiments!

  10. I have only done the first 2 experiments from E2 so far. On the first one asking for proof ….. 6 hours after asking I got a phone call from my daughter who had moved to Mexico 2 months prior that she was leaving that job and coming back and would be here in 3 days for a visit. I did not expect to see her for a very long time! Experiment #2…..I asked to see red cars and upon arriving at the gym that morning there were 6 red cars lined up in the parking lot and by the time I got home I had counted 24! At this time of year if I saw one butterfly it would be a miracle so I asked for butterflies of any color at all. Working on the computer that morning I was on a website I don’t usually see and as I scrolled down there was a picture of the most colorful butterfly I had ever seen. Later in the day at a drugstore looking for a birthday card, the first one that caught my eye was a big beautiful orange butterfly!! Yup, this stuff seems to work!! Love it!

  11. Manifesting Maya
    06/24/20131 Comment

    We manifest our thoughts all the time, but since we rarely expect the results, we often miss the link between ourselves and future events in our lives.

    One of my most fun examples of this method of creation is my cat, Maya. About four years ago, after moving into a condo, I found myself missing the company of animals, especially the felines which are my namesake. Unconsciously, this thought and strong feeling of desire for their companionship took place on a fairly regular basis, especially when I opened the door of my refrigerator. Let me explain. There is a plastic magnetized bill holder located on the top right side of the door and it has a picture of a sleeping cat on it. Every time I would see the photograph, I would think about how much I loved cats and wished I had one again. I would normally follow that thought with one which reflected that it would not be fair to the cat since it would not have access to the outdoors given the high density of vehicle traffic on the street.

    A few months went by until I received a phone call about a kitten found motherless in a local warehouse. At first, I refused to take it in hoping someone else would come forth with a more appropriate home. The next day, when neither its mother or another human claimed this miniature starving and very loud bundle of fur, I agreed to take it in and raise it to the best of my ability.

    Fast forward six months later and Maya is now a playful adolescent cat. As she grew, I photographed her progress and marveled at my good “luck” in finding a perfect indoor cat. One day, I was placing her latest photo on my fridge when I suddenly realized that Maya had grown into a carbon copy of the cat in the photo on the bill holder.

    The Universe sent me a cat who hated being outdoors so that she would meet my specified requirements.

    How cool is that!

  12. Really looking forward to E-Cube Pam!

    For my Dude Abides I was published in not one but two books, completely out of the blue. First, a lovely woman contacted me to purchase a watercolor of mine to use as the cover illustration of her poetry book, and the next day a literary journal I was published in earlier this year notified me that they were including my short story in their best of anthology.

    I had been visualizing my name on the cover of a book, but I expected it to take years not two days! Incredible:)

  13. I asked for a bubble gum pink car and a monarch butterfly. I live in Vancouver Canada so the chances of a live Monarch butterfly in january is pretty unlikely. So I was open to any picture or likeness. Nothing. I got bubble pink busses, but I wanted a car – still waiting.
    I am patient. Went to a ‘spriirual’ store that I never go to, to get a book for a friend. The book I wanted was not there but there were two books with monarch butterflies on the cover. I thought, wow, that ‘s great, but I like things in threes, so I asked for one more. Nada. So I left the store and was crossing th street when I saw that the store I was in was directly across the street from the Monarch Bakery. Close enough for me! I had to laugh and let my partner in crime know. We adore the humour of the universe!

  14. My job came to an end last Friday, and I have been frantically looking for another position to keep my finances on track. Honestly, I was worrying way too much and had to remind myself that the Universe would support me… just need to trust and have faith, because by worrying I was doubting — and sending out negative energy — and not allowing the good to come in.

    So this morning I decided to check-in on your blog and, as I read this entry, I calmed down and made a conscious shift in my thoughts — from negative and worried to positive and grateful. I left the computer to do a couple of chores, and when I came back, there was an email from a company where I had submitted a resume about a month ago. I love the products they sell and what they are about, and it would be fun and fulfilling for me to work there every day. We will start with a phone interview tomorrow!

    Grateful to you!

    1. Hang in there Juanita, all is well.

      During divorce proceedings almost seven years ago, I also reapplied at a company who had no openings in my field 12 months before.

      You guessed it. Not only did they now have the exact job I was looking for, but I also started with a telephone interview, followed by two in person meetings. Within three weeks I was working for them and, now that I think about it, it was also at the beginning of a New Year and a new chapter in my life. All good.

      In Joy


  15. I feel lucky that the Dude speaks to me (not that he hasn’t in the past–I’ve just learned to listen better–thanks Pam!), and every time the Dude talks, I realize he’s got my back.

    Just this evening I picked up a friend from the airport, and as he told me about he and his wife’s retirement t life in Naples, FL–all the planning, and budgeting they had to do for forty years to stay at a comfortable lifestyle in their retired years–I began to think about my own financial future.

    Enter: panic.

    After I dropped him off, my mind kept chewing on the “I’ll never be able to afford to retire” mantra. This went on for probably 10 minutes. At that point, I found myself idling behind a van at a stoplight.

    Written on the van’s license plate protector was this:

    Don’t worry. God’s got it covered.

    Exit: panic. Release the death grip on the steering wheel.

    Seriously…the Dude rocks.

  16. Dear Pam, I just want to let you know that I wait for your posts with anticipation. I cant begin to tell you what my family is going through at the moment. My older sister is going through some marital problems. Suffice to say that she is doing it tough, hanging in their when I believe that he is only hurting her. I believe that she would be better off if he was to leave. After reading this post she called me in a highly emotional state and asked me to pray for her, I said I would always be there no matter what! After I finished the phone call, I said out loud repeatedly, send her a dragonfly Later the next day, I sat down and flicked on the TV and started watching a home design show, about new houses. The house was being built in the Northern Territory, Australia. I was distracted by my sister and her situation, when the camera cut away to rocky area on the property and sitting on top of the rock was a red dragonfly!! I couldnt believe it, I burst into tears. The next morning my sister rang me, I told her what had happened and she told me that she had had the best nights sleep she has had in along time! Her issues are still ongoing, but I ask the universe every day to give her peace.

    I look forward to your new book and I am working hard at the experiments. Liz

  17. Hello Pam,
    Thank you so much for your book E Squared. I have been studying the teachings of Abraham-Hicks and continually stay focused on what I desire. However, your experiments are truly MAGIC. I am amazed at how incredibly easy it is to ask and receive within a specific time period. You have put into focus for me that I really truely can have, be, do anything. Thank you so much. Now that I am a true believer I continue to do the experiments over and over again with incredible results. I will keep you posted. Thank you for this blessing.

  18. I keep seeing yellow butterflies ( sometimes just one , on most days about 5-8).. some of them fly right beside me – as if to get my attention and say hey here I am! I’ve had a beautiful butterfly come and sit on my fingers – in a crowded space ( it picked me!) I know these are messages and signs of magic – happening and for the magic waiting to unfold. E squared helps us feel the magic and most importantly demonstrates that you can create the life you want with the universe’s help. Thanks for this book..

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