E-Squared:  The 10-year anniversary edition (with a Manifesting Scavenger Hunt!!) GET IT HERE

Why I’m the luckiest person on the planet, Part Six.

“We can only be said to be alive in those moments when our hearts are conscious of our treasures.”
― Thornton Wilder

Some mornings when I’m running to pickleball (no need to be impressed. It’s a mere one block away), I repeat over and over in my head, “Thank you, God. Thank you, God. Thank you, God.”

And I feel so joyful, so lucky. I’ve found that the more I focus on my blessings, the more blessings knock on my door. It’s like Halloween night when so many adorable ballerinas, princesses and even miniature zombies show up to delight me. And all I have to do is provide a bowl of candy.

Yesterday, one of those blessings showed up in the form of Kris Carr, the bestselling author of Crazy Sexy Diet, Crazy Sexy Kitchen and lots of other yummy books.

She’s a former New York dancer, actress and photographer (all things that impress the heck out of little old Kansas me) who overcame cancer by changing her diet, boosting her immune system and focusing on the body’s natural healing power.

Yesterday, in a complete surprise to me, she wrote about E-Squared on her blog. Now, this is a celebrity who has been on Oprah. And because she was kind enough to mention her experience with the Dude Abides, the first experiment in my book, she introduced her millions of fans to little ole me.

Here’s a link if anyone cares to check it out.

So, thank you, Kris Carr, thank you, “Dude” and thank you to everyone who makes my morning affirmation “Something amazingly awesome is going to happen to me today” come true day after day.

In honor of Thanksgiving, tell me in the comments section below why you’re the luckiest person on the planet.

Pam Grout is the author of 16 books including E-Squared: 9 Do-it-Yourself Energy Experiments that Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality.

60 Responses

  1. because in the midst of everything,this past year I’ve been blessed enough to totally focus on growing spiritually and exploring “new to me” authors who have been wonderful guides. In addition,I’ve wound up writing a monthly column on Banjitar (6 string banjo) on the Banjo Hangout e zine. I’ve been able to realize I want to be a 5 string banjo teacher & performer and just set up a website for that. And most of all to know I am choosing not to work anymore “jobs” as they have proven to be nothing but economic enslavement to me,so I am opening myself to the Universe to have my monetary needs met by my own efforts.

  2. I am healthy, live in a beautiful place , I love and am loved . I can sing & dance and laugh……This is why I am the luckiest person on the Planet…Thank You Pam

  3. In the past year I have discovered you and Abraham Hicks, among others. The shift in how I feel has been significant. I’m still a work-in-progress but that’s half the fun, yes? Beyond grateful.

  4. I’m the luckiest person on the planet because 15 years ago, the love of my life landed (literally) and began sharing life with me! He came from the other side of the world and our meeting seemed totally random, but we know it wasn’t! Amazing stuff, this Universe…if we pay attention! Thanks Pam!

  5. Love your book, Pam! I recently purchased another copy and gave it to my nephew for his birthday. And you are right that Kris Carr is amazing. Been following her for years now. Thank you for all your positive messages!!

  6. I am the luckiest guy to be alive today celebrating living in America’s Showcase City “San Diego, California” enjoying the friends in my life and I say Good Morning God every day and also ask him to Take Away my Difficulties that victory over them may bear witness to HIS Power, Love and Way of Life!!!
    Thanks and Blessings to you
    Dennis Dooley
    San Diego, California 92101

  7. I am the luckiest person on the planet because on October 14th, in a complete surprise to me, YOU wrote about ME on YOUR blog. Now, you are a celebrity who writes for People Magazine! And because you were kind enough to mention your experience with our master mind group, you introduced your Billions of fans to little ole me. How bout that?!

  8. I am so lucky because I just am! I’m able to express gratitude, forgiveness, compassion, love and I live in the beautiful sunny, beach-filled state of Florida surrounded by God’s glorious abundance. I have the most fantastic family and friends presented to me as a gift from Him. Thank you for sharing lessons of gratitude with me!

  9. I am the luckiest person alive as I am healthy, have a roof over my head and food everyday. There are people who don’t even have running water. Anything else I get in life is a bonus. For this I say thank you every morning and every night before I go to bed.

  10. I don’t usually recommend books (certainly not self help genre books) but I have bought copies of E2 for my daughter, my boss and my friends. I own a Ebook version myself but I get such a thrill out of handing people the hard copy! I don’t know why it makes me so happy to give people E2, but it does.
    Thank you.

  11. I woke up today, took a deep breath and knew I had another day to go out in the world and BE me! I look around me and feel the safety and warmth in my precious home with a roof over my head, I sigh a big thank u and feel blessed. I awaken to my parrot, Elliotte, saying “Good morning” and the purr of my cat laying beside me……I breathe in gratitude and breathe out a thank u. I just completed. Six week class of E Squared at Unity Fort Worth and have been asked to do a 9 week class at Unity Arlington beginning in January 2014………Living my life to the fullest and Out Loud!!!!!! Many Thanks and Blessings ~

  12. So wild i just started reading your book, and this morning I ALSO tweeted to Kris Carr because she mentioned manifesting and that was what i was doing my online radio/webcast about today! So there it is – I’m grateful to have picked up your book and found all these lovely tie-ins to doing what I love! Thank you!

  13. I am so grateful for my amazing husband and beautiful daughters.!
    I am grateful for finding E Square. It is truly an amazing book and for Pam’s blog that continues to remind me and inspire me to live joyfully and be grateful everyday. Thank you!

  14. I’m the luckiest person because, because I’m 54 been doing the same job since I left school,Briclayer and I still love it

  15. I read Kris Carr’s post yesterday and I immediately ran out and bought your book! I love it! Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom! I am thankful for my eyes beginning to open to the possibilities of the universe!

  16. I am the luckiest person on the planet because laughter and love just oooze out of me. Sometimes it even surprises me! I can see wonder in the smallest thing or occurrence, and am constantly delighted with life!

  17. I am the luckiest person on the planet because I have such a wonderful life , great family , great friends great community. Inspiring career, and so much love. Since reading your book, my friends and I have started our own manifesting group. It has been wonderful talking and sharing about manifesting and gratitude. Thank you for helping us on our journey.

  18. I am the luckiest person on the planet because I have these amazing Macaws and a Cockatoo that teaches me so much about life and love. I get to live in Hawaii. I have a great job at a school with wonderful people, and I know that a home is in our future.

  19. Happy Thanksgiving, Pam. I am the luckiest person on the planet because the Universe keeps leading me to teachers (such as yourself) and books (such as E-Squared) that remind me of my soul’s true purpose and abilities. This gift allows me to fully experience other such gifts – such as my amazing 3 y/o daughter, Quinlan; my inspirational husband, Vincent; my family; my friends; my doxies (Rollie and Chloe), and life. From one Midwestern gal to another, many thanks! Namaste.

  20. I am lucky to have found E-Squared, which led to finding this blog. I’m always so excited to see “Pam Grout” in my inbox, really makes my day. Someone mentioned Christmas, and duh! I now know what I’m going to give as gifts this year – E-Squared. Thank you, Pam, you helped me get off my knees…

  21. I’m the luckiest person in the world because I am 16 years cancer free after being treated 3 times for breast cancer! And I won a trip with Oprah as one of 60 women out of 65,000 entries. She….along with Dr. Oz, John Kabat-Zinn and other greats……treated us to nearly a week of pampering at a private resort.

  22. I am the luckiest; because I just read this post after receiving news that my expected Thanksgiving and daughter’s birthday (Nov 29) funds will not arrive until Dec 2! A reminder that “the Dude” abides!

  23. Thanks for the gem that you are, for your many contributions to humanity & for being an inspiration Pam!! Many years ago life was fearful, angry & so toxic that I created an 11 lb cyst in my physical temple. I am the luckiest person on the planet because I am blessed to call a happy, healthy body, mind & soul my home. Today, I sit in daily reflection & gratitude for Spirit guiding me to write a book- Soul Ingredients: Creating Life’s Potential Today & coach others into their wellness & beautifully empowered selves.. The Universe continues to manifest amazingly profound people & opportunities into my life.. The blessings & awareness in my life continually take my breath away… Pagona

  24. i am so grateful for all the opportunities that pop up in my life and that i SEE, I recently purchased your awesome book E-squared, which is one of the things i am so grateful to have discovered, i wanted to share my experience with the 1st exercise, i had been having some challenges with our 14yr old son, he was choosing the path travelled to destruction, anyway to cut a long story short, with love and belief in his true light that shines within him and which i can always see, has kept me moving forward, i had been told about that 1st experiment in E-squared before i got your book, of Pam’s awesome and now i have it I’m actually getting a copy for each of my 5 children, anyway, i had intended to purchase the book, though did the 1st experiment going by what i had been told, before getting the book, i proclaimed to the Universe i wanted a sign to show from them to show they were there and real, as the book says, i gave it 48hrs, at the 47hr i went to a book store I’m not familiar with, to purchase e-squared, i walked right over to the self help section, although i didn’t have any clue as to where it may be, so i was guided you may say, the 1st thing that caught my eye was a book which cover was facing me and i read the title, “HE’LL BE OK” which where in capitals and then under that it said “growing gorgeous boys into good men” i was touched within my heart, I KNEW BEYOND ALL DOUBT that this was the sign from the UNIVERSE for me and about my boy, he had been on my mind and of course i was working on guiding him in back to the right path, it gave me hope, but even more, it gave me THE KNOWING that all will be well, i was so grateful, that experience brought me to tears, i love thinking about that, and yes i went to purchase e-squared which i found right after, and close by, I purchased both the books, i love this beautiful Universe and all the teachers that have guided me, you now are one of them, i love your work you are so frigin entertaining in your writing, thank you for providing such wonderful value that anyone can learn and understand from, E-squared is really entertaining, i haven’t been thru it all yet, only got it recently and i can hardly wait to share it with my family. I shared this story on Kris blog too, after you mentioned she had shared on her blog about her e-squared experiment experience, SO THANK YOU grateful for people like yourself and me who are surfacing and changing the world with their positive input, YOU ROCK PAM

  25. i am so grateful for all the opportunities that pop up in my life and that i SEE, I recently purchased your awesome book E-squared, which is one of the things i am so grateful to have discovered, i wanted to share my experience with the 1st exercise, i had been having some challenges with our 14yr old son, he was choosing the path travelled to destruction, anyway to cut a long story short, with love and belief in his true light that shines within him and which i can always see, has kept me moving forward, i had been told about that 1st experiment in E-squared before i got your book, of Pam’s awesome and now i have it I’m actually getting a copy for each of my 5 children, anyway, i had intended to purchase the book, though did the 1st experiment going by what i had been told, before getting the book, i proclaimed to the Universe i wanted a sign to show from them to show they were there and real, as the book says, i gave it 48hrs, at the 47hr i went to a book store I’m not familiar with, to purchase e-squared, i walked right over to the self help section, although i didn’t have any clue as to where it may be, so i was guided you may say, the 1st thing that caught my eye was a book which cover was facing me and i read the title, “HE’LL BE OK” which where in capitals and then under that it said “growing gorgeous boys into good men” i was touched within my heart, I KNEW BEYOND ALL DOUBT that this was the sign from the UNIVERSE for me and about my boy, he had been on my mind and of course i was working on guiding him in back to the right path, it gave me hope, but even more, it gave me THE KNOWING that all will be well, i was so grateful, that experience brought me to tears, i love thinking about that, and yes i went to purchase e-squared which i found right after, and close by, I purchased both the books, i love this beautiful Universe and all the teachers that have guided me, you now are one of them, i love your work you are so frigin entertaining in your writing, thank you for providing such wonderful value that anyone can learn and understand from, E-squared is really entertaining, i haven’t been thru it all yet, only got it recently and i can hardly wait to share it with my family. I shared this story on Kris blog too, after you mentioned she had shared on her blog about her e-squared experiment experience, SO THANK YOU grateful for people like yourself and me who are surfacing and changing the world with their positive input, YOU ROCK PAM

  26. Hi Pam Part Six?? Wow where did the other five go too? Okay so maybe I signed up a little too late. Is there a way/chance/hope that I could get the first five newsletters/lessons. I’m in need of this information. I have your book E2 and just started ready it. Lesson two is not complying with my wishes. lol I notice that you mention ACIM , I just got this book and find it totally confusing. Do you ever have lesson that explain it? I need to heal my body and would love any insight if you have the time to spare. I love your humor. Thanks kindly for your time and I’m going to intend that I get the previous 5 newsletters soon…. tomorrow. Cheerfully Lilac

  27. I’m so grateful because not too long ago I made the conscious attribute to notice that I’m blessed with such a healthy, beautiful, loving body.

    Well, very recently while I was about to order my coffee a cute young girl selling coffee at my local Starbucks from out of nowhere says to me: “Has anybody ever told you you look like a celebrity.” I was caught by surprise but intrigued to where she was going with this so I said, “No, not really.”

    She then says, “You ever heard of the show ER?” I said, “Yeah, of course.” “Well that’s what you look like… George Clooney! When he was younger during that show.” She points at her male co-worker and says “I even said to my friend: Hey doesn’t he look like George Clooney? And he was like -‘oh yeah, huh?”

    Needless to say this was in public, with a line of people behind me looking at me trying to see if I did indeed look like George Clooney. I was delighted and embarrassed at the same time. All I did in light of what transpired before me was smile and say. “Thank you for the compliment.” I paid for my coffee and went about my business. Now every time I see that girl at Starbucks, she shamelessly says, “Hi George Clooney.”

    Talk about transformation and how people see you, which is not exactly how you may see yourself. All I started to do was begin to be more thoughtful of my own beauty, power and confidence as appose to the opposite. And if you could at least think the word (beauty, health or love as being you) as you inhale (Not some celebrities name of course cause it doesn’t work exactly that way) and then do same as you exhale, at least once in the morning, once in the afternoon, and then at least once right before bed. (Do this freely, more often if you can of course) and watch out cause very soon, out of nowhere someone may ask you, “Has anybody ever told you how attractive you are?”

    xoxo To all you beautiful inspiring women, including Pam Grout.

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  28. I was very intrigued by the post about E-Squared “school”. Where is it and how can I score an all-expenses paid scholarship to ES2U? Efffff-peeeee, you hear me?! (Yours in abidance…)

  29. I Am the luckiest person alive because I have good health and my eyesight that allows me to read such inspiring books such as yours and Greg Kuhn’s amongst others that gives me the wisdom and allows me the opportunity to grow a better me everyday and I can appreciate your feeling of being mentioned in Kris Carr’s blog because when Greg Kuhn made a comment on my blog and retweeted a post I felt ecstatic that someone that I Am in awe of (as I Am of you Pam) took the time to communicate etc with me. I even took a screen shot of the retweet on his wall to remind myself it had happened. That’s another reason I Am ONE of the luckiest people in the world – Happy Thanks Giving to you Pam and to everyone else everywhere !!

  30. Surrounded by supportive people and friends is my daily reason for gratitude…but a big gift to me was recording a gratitude message on Hay House Radio for the work of John Holland, psychic medium .Then not only did I have a phone conversation with John, Hay House gifted me with free passes to the I Can do It Conference here in NYC for this yearAND next year when I will meet John in person! Grateful to Munir Syed for being my Fairy God Father that day. He had said he couldn’t get my gratitude email out of his mind and it was his actions that brought about all this abundance. Your book is going to be my gift to many people this holiday season! Also thrilled that not only was my gratitude letter aired, my whole conversation was aired and recoded as well. Was so excited, couldn’t sleep until 4:30 am after the phone call 😍

  31. I’m the luckiest woman alive because I own a used bookstore and I’m surrounded by amazing books all day and I have the greatest customers anyone could ever want to wander into their store. And through the internet I’ve discovered a most amazing and nurturing woman who is influencing me to rediscover the art within me that had been bottled-up way too long. It is so much fun to see what is coming out of me! I’m so appreciative and grateful for everything! Pam…so happy to have discovered you and your book.

  32. You deserve every bit of love Kris Carr showers you with, Pam. You are a beacon for me and so many others. I know what it’s like to see your desires materialize in a fashion so much greater than your dreams might have been just a short while ago. Thank you for sharing your version of “Grow a Greater Pam” with us!

  33. I am lucky to be in the ABM training, my fundraiser for my daughter is successful and I was given this book at the perfect time, since my mind is now more open and aware. Blessings upon blessings are unfolding with effortless ease in my life. My daughter is transforming and all is well.-Gratefully living my dream to be able to help others.

  34. I am the luckiest person on the planet because I have been able, with YOUR help, to serenely avoid the Black Friday shopping, the Thursday-Black-Friday shopping, the Wednesday-Sneak-Preview-Thursday-Black-Friday shopping…

  35. I am the luckiest person in the world because I feel GOOOOOOOD, am always cared for by the universe, can jump and know I will be caught, and I am LOVED and WANTED (by myself and by others…who are so fun to rub up against). All that goodness flows through and to me all the time. I also have so many WONDERFUL friends who make life worth living.

  36. I feel and know the Peace of God, the Love of God within my being. I hear clear, harken to, and heed the Voice of Love which calls continually from within. What else could there be that I could ever want or need?

  37. 2013 began by bringing me into the darkness that covers so completely the only thing allowed there is mere existence. And so i stayed…but i prayed..and i took myself outdoors everyday to connect; to feel. Energy heals in ways and places we couldn’t conceive. As the year is nearing its close i am now living every day in such gratefulness that it swells my heart and brings tears up…everyday! Your book was a necessary piece to affirm in me that my notions of unlimited possibility don’t need to be “fixed”…they need to be expanded and celebrated. I am now expanding and celebrating on a daily basis…and have never in my life been happier 😀

  38. Because the minute I start drifting back into self-centeredness and spiking mean thoughts, I bump right into a message from Pam or Greg Kuhn or someone and remember how lovely I really am. I love you, Pam!

    1. Thanks Vanessa! Doesn’t it feel great to be loved? And we are. Beyond our imaginations.

      Years ago I realized that, given the choice between believing (and feeling) I’m loved versus not believing (and feeling) I’m loved, why in the world would I choose the later?

  39. I am the luckiest person on Earth. My almost three year old son is over one year cancer free. My 5 1/2 year old manifests everything she desires including speaking English(our native tongue), Spanish(my vison).and Mandarin Chinese(her desire and vision). She also tells.people.she is Chinese. l her maybe another life. We have had all financial doors opened  to us to create the beautiful for these little souls.

  40. I’m only half way thru the book E2…I’m hooked. The work to be positive all the time is a challenge. ..stay focused n practice.

    1. Hang in there! You will receive signs, just maybe not when or where you expect them. Faith is tough, especially if you’re feeling kicked. Best regards.

    2. Speaking of signs: On Monday, I stuffed the $2.00 prize from a previous lotto ticket into the red bucket outside, commenting to the bell ringer that “maybe it’s a sign…”, thinking of the two Mega picks in my wallet. Tuesday’s horoscope was: “When you put money in the…kettle, don’t expect to get anything in return but the satisfaction of having done a good deed”. That’s not just a SIGN, that’s a chunk under the chin, I.e., be grateful for what you have!!

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