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Still waiting for your dreams to come true? Don’t blame the universe. Perchance it’s your convoluted thoughts?

“There are certain laws which govern the process of acquiring riches, and once these laws are learned and obeyed, riches will come with mathematical certainty.” –Wallace D. Wattles

You’ve probably heard the proverb, “Do not judge a man until you walk two moons (or a mile) in their moccasins.”

So today, I’d like to give you a little taste of what it’s like to walk in the moccasins of the Field of Potentiality–or the universe, God, Cosmo Kramer, take your pick of descriptions.

Here’s a small sample of what the F.P. gets on a daily basis:

You: “I really want to travel.”

F.P.: “Great! I’d love to set that up for you, but it would be helpful to know where you want to go?”

You: “Ummm, well, maybe Paris. Or wait. No, I really want to go to the Caribbean. Except, no, I always wanted to learn to tango in Buenos Aires. But wait, can I really afford it?”

These are the kind of messages the F.P. gets all day, every day.

On one hand, we want a new car, but on the other, won’t that mean higher payments? We hope for a positive outcome, but isn’t optimism a bunch of baloney? We want to be committed to so-and-so, but what if she leaves?

Every thought, feeling and vibration influences the F.P. And the ONLY reason we don’t turn water into wine and heal illness with one touch is because our thoughts are scattered all over the place. Instead of being one, constant, well-aimed tuning fork, our thoughts are like a junior high band of trumpet players.

The force is literally bouncing off walls. Got this way. No, wait: go that way. It’s knocking around like a lightning bug in a Mason jar. This amazing all-powerful force that works with the certainty of mathematics is is being dissipated because we have no clear bead on what we really want.

It’s not that the F.P. isn’t handing over your intentions. It’s just that you’re confusing it by intending way too many, completely opposite things.

So give the F.P. a break. And remember, that it’s your thoughts that need fine-tuning, not the F.P.

Pam Grout is the author of E-Squared: 9 Do-it-Yourself Energy Experiments that Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality.