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Do you confine the Divine? Let me count the ways!

“Love is a really wild energy and like any force field, the more you send out, the bigger the boomerang.”—Joy Sullivan

Happy Thursday, peeps!

While I’d love to claim authorship of the phrase from the above headline, the truth is I picked it up from Father Greg Boyle.

Boyle, the recent recipient of a Presidential Medal of Freedom, is a Catholic priest and the founder of Homeboy Industries, a gang intervention and rehabilitation program in Los Angeles.

Besides being a fantastic wordsmith, Boyle is a master at seeing the innate goodness in everyone. He talks about radical kinship, about how we’re all loved without measure.

Because we don’t really know this, we have a tendency to, as he says, confine the Divine. So I started thinking about the countless ways we neuter the very force that sustains us.

For example:

1. We don’t really believe it exists. I mean how do you count on something that’s, well invisible? We think we’re out here, all alone, without resources. We think we have to do everything ourselves.

2. We don’t allow it to nourish us. Even those who give lip service to this higher energetic field don’t allow themselves to enjoy its unbounded, unfettered nature. Gotta keep everything in check, after all.

3. We don’t give it room to do its job. Each of us is here as a Divine expression of love. Rather than let go and depend on this this radiant field of love, we stiffen up and tune instead to a made-up vibration of lack, limitation and separation. And as long as we keep dialing into that particular reality, we keep that reality alive.

4. We don’t fully trust it. We think it judges us, that it expects something from us. We don’t dare surrender to love, because well, it might backfire and judge us or scold us for not being perfect.

Right now, as old structures crumble around us (this, by the way, is cause for celebration), let’s open wide and invite Divine Love to emerge. In us. Through us. As us.

And as the new world is being birthed, we just need to breathe, to trust and to catch it when it comes out the other side.

I also really dug this video:

Love to all.

#222 Forever!

Pam Grout is the author of 20 books including E-Squared, E-Cubed, Thank & Grow Rich and her latest book, The Course in Miracles Experiment: A Starter Kit for Rewiring Your Mind (And Therefore Your World)

11 Responses

  1. Wonderful! Yes! Thank you Pam for always finding ways to inspire, encourage and remind us that life truly is amazing, that we are loved beyond measure, and that when we trust in that Divine Love, all things – and more – are possible. Amen! 🥳💖
    And thank you for sharing that wonderful Ted talk presentation! So much fabulous stuff happening in our world we don’t hear about. Here’s to the new world being birthed around us, through us and in us all right now. What exciting times to be living in! Yeeehaaah! 😄🎉🌏⭐️💙

  2. What is so positive about “re-wilding” farm land? The land that’s being returned to nature isn’t owned by large corporate conglomerates. It was owned by small, independent family farms. Where do people think food comes from? Decreasing food production leads to higher prices and decreased food security. If you want to know what is happening to America’s farmers, watch Yanasa TV on YouTube. They’re fighting to save American farms

  3. I watched the video, which was initially positive until he mentioned what is happening to farms. What is so positive about “re-wilding” farm land? The land that’s being returned to nature isn’t owned by large corporate conglomerates. It was owned by the small, independent family farms. Where do people think food comes from? Decreased farming leads to a reduced food production, higher prices and decreased food security.
    If you want to understand what is happening to America’s farmers, watch Yanasa TV on YouTube. They’re fighting to save American farms

  4. It is hard to believe we are just loved unconditionally. Why would that be ? Are we that good ? The Devine is not an inert thing. It is a much superior intelligence and understands far more than we can imagine. Believing that we are loved no matter what we do is not done.

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