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Practicing alchemy, spreading light

“Come to God dressed for dancing.”–Rumi

There’s a line in the movie The Ten Commandments where Moses asks to be forgiven for his weak use of “God’s great power.”

I can relate. I have the means (as do you and all humans) to heal, to spread love, to literally command matter and what do I so often do? I stare at what appears to be.

What appears to be is a big fat illusion, showing the content of my egoic mind, covering up the Truth that joy is my ultimate nature and that everything is working out perfectly.

Right now, without taking another class or reading another book or doing anything but removing the blinders, I can rest unshaken by the world’s appearance.

There is no suffering this power cannot heal, no illusion that will not return to truth once I let go and chill. Today’s Course lesson says this is a day of infinite peace.

Furthermore, (and I love this part) every time I stop and repeat my Course lesson (I rest in the timelessness of truth), a thousand of my brothers (and sisters) all across the globe will also come to realize there’s no reason for anxiety or pain or fear of the future.

So today, I sink into stillness and remember the only two things I ever need to know: The universe has my back and everything is going to be okay. #222 Forever

Pam Grout is the author of 20 books including E-Squared, E-Cubed, Thank & Grow Rich and her latest book, The Course in Miracles Experiment: A Starter Kit for Rewiring Your Mind (And Therefore Your World) that has just been turned into an app. Badass ACIM (badass-acim.com)