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Why I’m the luckiest person on the planet, Episode 87

“It’s not denial. I’m just selective about the reality I accept.”—Calvin & Hobbes

goat2So happy to be back here on the blog after an extraordinarily epic girlfriend’s road trip.

For those who follow me on Facebook, you might have noticed I sang praises at a beautiful Buddhist stupa in the wilds of Colorado, visited an earthship, practiced goat yoga (yes, we did downward facing goat), hiked and had tea in a mountain castle.

My travels always bring extraordinary gratitude into focus. I live such a blessed life. And here’s the thing. A blessed life is what all of us are meant to be living. All of the time.

That’s the running thread of a Course in Miracles, the only lesson that’s really important. Lesson 214 stresses this radical idea. I am freed from all past ideas and only good can come to me.

Once I drop all the rules, ideas, evidence and grievances that I’ve used to form my life around, only good can come to me.

That’s an affirmation worth running in a loop. Only good can come to me. Only good. Only good. Only good.

Stay tuned for big, big news on the new book.

And also, if anyone is anywhere near Denver in the next two weeks, please stop by my workshop (playshop, more like it) at the Halycon Hotel in Denver.

I love you to the moon and back.

Pam Grout is the author of 19 books including E-Squared, E-Cubed, Thank & Grow Rich and her latest book, Art & Soul,Reloaded: A Year-Long Apprenticeship to Summon the Muses and Ignite Your Daring, Audacious, Creative Side.

28 Responses

  1. Welcome back on the site Pam,
    I must say I love Calvin and Hobbes, in fact I was thinking about my favoritwe comics this morning and of course C&H are on the top of the list. But what is much more meaningful to me as I’m trying to follow my thoughts form day to day living to the best of my ability and am noticing the correlation of how the actions of the universe, God, clearly correspond to such.

    Thanks for all you do,
    Mike Stilinovich

    1. Now, that’s a great realization to arrive at. Congratulations for noticing the correlation! Once you do, you can’t undrink the Koolaid!

  2. Thank you Pam, I really needed this today. I have found myself to be in a bit of a funk lately, not my usual state of being. I keep reminding myself of how blessed I am to be living on this beautiful planet, to have my health, my family and everything I need. So, I really have no reason to feel anything but grateful. Your post today has helped lift my spirits and remind me that only good can come to me and I won’t accept anything less!
    Thank you again for being you!

  3. Love this Carol! So true. Thanks you Pam. As always you hit the nail on the head with perfect timing. God Bless You.

  4. Love that you are back and the picture of you in goat/tree pose 🤗
    I got to hang out with a beautiful giraffe with my grand daughter this week💕looking forward to hearing about the new book Pam.. love love love this connection we all have!!

  5. I was delightfully surprised to find you “in my inbox” this morning. I figured you’d be gone way longer so I wasn’t hanging out waiting and hoping for you to be back so it didn’t seem so long that you were away! Anyway thanks for the timely reminder. Only good. Only good, even when it doesn’t look like good. Only good can come to me. Amen. 😁🌸
    PS I wonder what the goats think about goat yoga?! Or maybe, for them, it’s human yoga! Ha! 😁

    1. The goats seemed to love it–but then, the teacher’s husband was depositing food on our plank positions and they eagerly climbed aboard.

  6. Goat yoga! Only good can come to me, you and the goat! God bless you, Pam, and welcome home!

  7. I was thinking this same thing today! I got up at 9AM did some weed whacking, worked on two of my acrylic paintings, went swimming and cleaned the pool at the same time. did 2 loads of laundry, did some research for my book, finally got the Bose speaker to connect to my Samsung phone and started listening to iHeart radio, indulged in a couple hits and sent a rally cry to the girls to see if anyone was interested in attending Pam’s event in CO on August 16th. I planned on making a trip to Colorado anyway is it just coincidence – I don’t think so!

  8. Happy you are back Pam!! lI really enjoy reading your posts!! And I feel like you do, so very BLESSED!!! Thanks again!!!!!!!!!!💙🧚🏼‍♂️💎🤸‍♀️🦋✨💫🙏🌙💛💫✨🤩🌟

  9. You are the luckiest person on the planet and I’d love to fly to Denver and sit in on your playshop. Sounds like fun. Even yoga with goats sounds fun. Have a great time and I’m excited to hear about the new CIM book.

  10. Hi Pam! I just love your work and every time you blog it’s like Christmas in my inbox. I have a question for you, I’ve been following you for years and love Esquared and Ecubed especially. As a new writer myself, any recommendations on creating awareness for my published book?

    Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone

    1. Hi Heather,

      I read somewhere, perhaps on one of the past blogs, that she originally wrote E-Squared
      about a decade earlier under a different name, something like “God Doesn’t Have Bad Hair Days.” Then at the latter date she dusted it off and while on vacation off the Gulf Coast one evening she wrote her intention in the sand on the beach that it will be a NYT #1 bestseller or something to that effect. But from what I feel is that she put her intention out in the universe to give us only good she patiently sat back and waited for the results.
      And the rest you could say is history.

      Good luck and blessings to you,
      Michael S.

    2. Boy, Heather, that’s the rub, right? Getting the awareness. With E-Squared, I literally gave it up to the universe. I did all I know how to do–write a totally epic book–and then I surrendered, informed the universe that it was up to it to make things happen. Hope this is helpful.

  11. I love you to the moon and back too. I am released from the past and only good will come from me

  12. August 2 was a very special day. it was the day I arrived in Italy to pick up my giant schnauzer puppy that I had been looking for for 3 years. I was so lucky that the plane broke down on July 31 and had to stay in a motel room in Charlotte as I was able to get 2 extra days in Italy to get to know my puppy before we flew back. Everything works out to my advantage. For a few hours on July 31, I was very confused as to why everything seemed to be so mixed up…but it was all for my advantage. Things always work out for me.

    And, Pam Grout, I love you to the moon and back.

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