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Wouldn’t it be cool if_________!!!

“To know yourself as the Being underneath the thinker is freedom.”–Eckhart Tolle
Psst! All you Course in Miracles fans. I had a revelation today. I realized that the reason the big, blue doorstop never gets read is because readers get stuck on all the words and throw the proverbial baby out with the dishwater.

Today’s lesson, ACIM 199 is one of those WTF lessons. It immediately triggers a reaction.

What do you mean I’m not a body? I have mirrors. I see the wrinkles, the cellulite. This books is utterly ridiculous!

And down it goes!

This lesson happens to be the one that’s repeated most often so I decided I’d better point out what it really means.

My body is sorta cool and all. It’s very useful when taking selfies. It’s kinda fun to dress it up, match it with shoes and earrings.  But it’s more like a cage than a real thing.

So forget that part of this lesson. Focus on the “I am free” part of it.

For example, I am free to pick a different reality today.

I am free to let go of all those made-up rules I learned as I was growing up.

I am free to create my life at will.

I am free, especially from the limitations of my body.

The body, for the most part, represents the egoic mind, the part that believes you can only be one place at a time, the part that believes your thoughts are private, the part that believes everybody (or at least the everybodies that aren’t in you contacts)  is out to get you.

When you claim your freedom, there is really only one question to pose: “Wouldn’t it be cool if__________!!!

Whatever follows that declaration is what you’re creating. You can continue to look at the world you see now OR you can create a new one. The one we see now is old news, it’s what we created over the past few decades. It’s one of many superpositions in the quantum field. It’s no more permanent than a peach.

We can create a new reality. But first we have to realize that we are free to do that. We have to quit staring at what appears to be. We have to start imagining.

Wouldn’t it be cool if we all realize how much we really love each other?

Wouldn’t it be cool if we spent our days expressing our creativity?

Wouldn’t it be cool if every person was housed and fed and aware of his freedom?

I love you guys so much. Thanks for joining me on this journey. I’d love to hear your “Wouldn’t it be cool if_____’s!!! in the comments section below.

Life is supposed to be extraordinarily epic! As we begin to recognize that truth, the same ole, same ole will wither and die from lack of use, from lack of attention.

Pam Grout is the author of 19 books including E-Squared, E-Cubed, Thank & Grow Rich and her latest book, Art & Soul,Reloaded: A Year-Long Apprenticeship to Summon the Muses and Ignite Your Daring, Audacious, Creative Side.