E-Squared:  The 10-year anniversary edition (with a Manifesting Scavenger Hunt!!) GET IT HERE

Something extraordinarily epic is going to happen to you today

“Celebrate the madness12 dance
The joy,
Of seeing God

A Course in Miracles is about developing a different operating system, about hooking into a powerful broadband frequency through which blessings can freely flow.

Today, according to ACIM Lesson 123, is a day to celebrate how far we’ve come. It’s a day devoted to my main jam: gratitude.

So to honor all the gifts, signs and blessings the universe is constantly trying to bestow, here are a couple recent stories from my trusty inbox:

1. “I love your books and was working with Experiment #2 in E-Squared – actively looking for something specific. I chose Unicorns because I say I live in a Rainbow, Puppy Dog and Unicorn World!

“As we were driving out of the restaurant parking lot, across from a Party City, a woman walks out of the store with a Pinata – a Unicorn Pinata!!!! Thank you Universe…

“This was actually a small (and huge) confirmation – I had already asked the Universe how I could get my kitchen remodeled…. and now we are in the middle of getting new countertops, tile floor and backsplash due to a “small” water leak in a cabinet next to our refrigerator – I’m excited to see how the universe includes new appliances in the package!”

2. “Just before Easter of this year I asked the Universe for a gift. I was at a somewhat low point and so didn’t ask as boldly as I might have; fortunately, the forces that be realized I needed a showstopper.

“As a child a wonderful woman who was a lifelong friend of my parents came from the northeast to visit a few times each year. From my rural southern vantage point, Patsy was the epitome of sophistication and beauty and she showered love and attention on this shy skinny kid. I saw her regularly until around 15 years ago when she became unable to travel. Patsy always gave lovely presents and one of the last times I saw her she gave me a pair of beautiful ceramic earrings made by an area artist and evocative of purple spring flowers. Through the transitions of the years they slipped away from my possession but I recently came across the exact same earrings, still in the original box with the artist information, at a second-hand store. It felt like Patsy had come for a visit and I was somehow unsurprised that the first thing I saw the next morning was a message from her son saying that she had died during the night.

“I am so thankful to Patsy for always staying close. The reminder that time and distance are meaningless in a universe where love travels without bounds is a gift of the greatest magnitude.”

Thanks, my friends, for sharing all your magnificent blessings. As I like to say, it’s the only conversation worth having.

If you haven’t already signed up for the free Hay House World Summit that starts in 2 days, you can do it here. There may be no such thing as a free lunch, but there is this FREE amazing Summit with 100 speakers (including me). Hope to see you there.

Pam Grout is the author of 19 books including E-Squared, E-Cubed, Thank & Grow Rich and her new book, Art & Soul,Reloaded: A Year-Long Apprenticeship to Summon the Muses and Ignite Your Daring, Audacious, Creative Side.