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Why I believe in singing to the choir

“Let no sorrow abate your joy today, no fear disturb your peace. Bring happiness to everyone who looks on you and sees your happy face.”—A Course in Miracles
First, a hearty shout out to all of you who kindly objected to Adam Grant’s reporting that the average Joe believes Pollyannas are 14 percent less intelligent than those who criticize.

I’d like to point out that this well-known Wharton professor presented no research suggesting it was a fact. He simply made the observation that people erroneously BELIEVE people who criticize are smarter. But it’s an incorrect perception.

The Journal of Neuroscience, in fact, published a study proving just the opposite. When test subjects are on unhappy frequencies (the problem state our culture promotes), their visual cortexes—the part of the brain responsible for sight—doesn’t fully process information. According to research, happy, non-critical test subjects see 50 percent more than their unhappy counterparts.

Sadly, the dominant paradigm of our consumer-mad culture is a set-up. It encourages us to want more and more stuff, so instead of celebrating all we have, we obsess over what we don’t. We focus on what we still want.

When was the last time you celebrated the fact that your planet has trees that provide you with FREE oxygen and soil that grows yummy food.

If I had to distill my message down to what’s often referred to as an elevator speech, it would be this: We have a choice. We can live in problem state. Or we can live in possibility state.

Methinks, it’s only prudent to magnify the possibilities. To celebrate the gifts.

So, yes, some of those folks Adam Grant was referring to would likely accuse me of wasting my time. They’d tell me I was simply singing to the choir.

But I think singing together is important, because as I said in Thank & Grow Rich, the world is crying out for a team of “radio towers” who are beaming in the cosmic energy of infinite possibility. It needs a lot of human frequencies who believe in the invisible power of light and love.

And while I’ve got you on the line, Hay House asked me to mention that the Kindle, Nook and iBook version of Thank & Grow Rich is currently selling for a measly $1.99. So if you haven’t joined the choir, you can do it now for next to nothing.

So thanks again, my friends. Keep beaming that love and light.

Pam Grout is the author of 18 books including E-Squared: 9 Do-it-Yourself Energy Experiments that Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality and the recently released, Thank and Grow Rich: a 30-day Experiment in Shameless Gratitude and Unabashed Joy.