E-Squared:  The 10-year anniversary edition (with a Manifesting Scavenger Hunt!!) GET IT HERE

Becoming the Warren Buffet of Happiness

“I made the decision to never have another bad day in my life. I dove into a endless sea of gratitude from which I’ve never emerged.”–Patch Adams  goldencat_motion

Somebody asked me about the waving cat on the cover of the new book. Maneki-neko, as the ubiquitous cat is known in Japan, is a lucky charm that waves in good fortune. I have one in the window above the rock that a Cook Islands medicine man gave me a few years ago, about the time E-Squared came out. He told me if I put it in the north corner of my living room, I would become a millionaire. Here’s the piece I wrote about this magical place.

Although the title of the new book is Thank and Grow Rich, it’s not really about financial capital.  It’s about amassing five far more important kinds of capital: adventure capital, spiritual capital, alchemic capital, creative capital and social capital.

That being said, I got an email this morning from a woman in Montreal who told me she shared my book, E-Squared, with her hairdresser and “everybody else.”

Her hairdresser just called to thank her for the reading suggestion because, after 25 years of buying lottery tickets, she and her staff, after doing the Dude Abides experiment, won a million dollar lottery.

So you never know.

Here are a couple other fun stories that recently came my way:

“Since the story I sent you below, amazing miracles keep happening to me. I won a Staycation at the Epic Resort in Miami a few weeks after the concert tickets. Then at a conference, I won an American Express $100.00 gift card. This month of July has been great too. During the 4th of July weekend, I wrote in the sand on the beach, LOVE, HEALTH AND WEALTH and threw the shell I wrote with into the ocean proclaiming it! Two days later, I was walking out of the ocean after my swim and a $50.00 bill floated right in front of me! I was so happy! This week, I was in a work meeting and received a call out of the blue that I won Dave Matthews tickets for this Friday night. God is great!!! Now I am on the lookout for the millions just waiting for me to connect to its higher vibration!

(And here’s the story she sent me below)

“I just love you and all you are doing for positive changes to our world. I am so excited that I have to share this manifestation story. I have been on this thoughts become things for a few years and have been teaching my daughter Chloe the principals and practices of this amazing gift all of us have been blessed with. We have had some pretty amazing things happen to us since we have been focusing our thoughts, words and action on good things. Well this week Chloe and 4 friends won a Penthouse Studio VIP Party with pop star Austin Mahone and she found out that the radio station was also giving away concert tickets for another pop star this weekend. I told her since she is riding high on this happy gratitude energy vibration that she has a great chance to win those tickets. She started make-believing that she won those tickets since that is the fastest way to believing… and believing is the fastest way to receiving! WELL CHLOE JUST WON CONCERT TICKETS FOR ARIANA GRANDE concert in Ft Lauderdale for Sat night!!! This happened so amazingly fast since we just started make believing and praying a few days ago! Thank you so much oh gracious God! We certainly have been given the power and tools to change our energy field and live in the world of the wondrous where there is heaven on earth! Have a great weekend Pam, I know I will!”

Story #2:

“I have read your book E2 twice now and I have to say I’ve manifested some pretty incredible things – the first one being a Shark Dive in the Neptune Islands (SA, Australia) which I initially could not afford, but asked for as my unexpected gift from the FP. The second thing I focused on manifesting was a pay rise!! It materialized in 30 hours. Thank you FP!

I’ve done most of the experiments and they’ve blown my mind. Ecstatic to say I’m now plugged into the FP like my toaster is to the electric panel on my wall.  Thank you, thank you, thank you for equipping me with these tools and for opening my eyes and mind.”

Here’s to all of us being equipped to open our eyes and minds.

Pam Grout is the author of 18 books including E-Squared: 9 Do-it-Yourself Energy Experiments that Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality and the about to be released, Thank and Grow Rich: a 30-day Experiment in Shameless Gratitude and Unabashed Joy.