E-Squared:  The 10-year anniversary edition (with a Manifesting Scavenger Hunt!!) GET IT HERE

Newsflash: You’re already in possession of the best Christmas (or Hanukkah) present. You just need to turn it on.

“When you’re looking so hard to get on your path, you’re putting up resistance that keeps you from finding it.”—Esther Hicks

We’ve all read the books, heard the speakers, know the spiel. But how many of us actually use the unseen presence that fills all space, that animates all life, that constantly attempts to bestow joy and light.

Most of us thwart the Great Spirit (that’s what Native Americans call it, but there are at least 89 synonyms) by relying on feeble human effort.

We think we have to perform or meet some standard or jump through hoops to please this Spirit.

But here’s the thing we forget. It’s already ours. We don’t have to earn it.

It’s a gift we already have and nothing can ever change that. Nothing can ever take it away. No matter what we do.

Once we shed our outdated mental constructs, we can receive it fully, we can utilize its power.

All we have to do is enter into that expectation of light. Be still. Listen. Feel the love.

There’s a difference between potential energy and kinetic energy. Potential energy exists everywhere. It fills all space. That’s the gift. That’s your inheritance.

Kinetic energy, on the other hand, is able to light fires, pulsate beauty and goodness. Change the world.

And it can be easily accessed once you give up your old ideas and make a decision to let this Spirit have its way with you. You don’t have to do a damn thing. Except listen and let go.

Pam Grout is the author of 17 books including E-Squared: 9 Do-it-Yourself Energy Experiments that Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality and the just-released sequel, E-Cubed, 9 More Experiments that Prove Mirth, Magic and Merriment is your Full-time Gig.