E-Squared:  The 10-year anniversary edition (with a Manifesting Scavenger Hunt!!) GET IT HERE

The best parenting advice ever.

“Love gives us some pretty darn cool quantum powers.”—Greg Kuhn

My new favorite pastime while flying (at least when seatmates make it abundantly clear they don’t want to chat) is reading the New Yorker. Last week I read about a seven minute workout, custom cookie cutters made from a 3D printer and a 27-year old genius named Emerson Spartz who has already launched dozens of highly-successful websites.

His first, when he was 12, was Muggle.net, the most popular Harry Potter fan site in the world. It landed him on CNN and Fox News and J.K. Rowling even invited him to her estate in Scotland. Today, he has nearly 50 employees and raises millions in ad revenue every year. Did I mention he’s 27?

The thing about Emerson that most interested me was something his parents insisted upon when he was a kid. I have no idea if they made him pick up his room or eat vegetables. But there was one thing that was non-negotiable. He was required to read four short biographies of very successful people. Every single day.

In other words, his parents made it compulsory that he fill his mind with possibility, that he focus on success, that he learn about what a little creativity and vision can accomplish.

It’s like I always say: We animate into our lives whatever we place our attention upon.

Tell me in the comment section below what you’re going to place your attention upon this week.

And, just so you know, the E-Cubed Selfie Challenge will end on February 17, my birthday. So one thing on which to place your attention this week is the vision you want to create in your E-Cubed Selfie. If you’re new to the party, you can read about it here.

Make this week shine, my friends.

Pam Grout is the author of 17 books including E-Squared: 9 Do-it-Yourself Energy Experiments that Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality and the just-released sequel, E-Cubed, 9 More Experiments that Prove Mirth, Magic and Merriment is your Full-time Gig.

“Death ends a life, not a relationship.” ― Mitch Albom

“To the well-organized mind, death is but the next great adventure.”
― J.K. Rowling


Death has a bad reputation. But I agree with J.K. Rowling.

We’re thrilled for our friends when they’re heading to say, Hawaii or the Caribbean. I posit that we can also be happy for our loved ones who are now able to be everywhere at once, who now know ONLY love.

I’m not suggesting it’s easy for those of still here on this limited physical plane to let go. I recently lost my precious step-daughter to H1N1 flu and not having her here to laugh (she had the BEST laugh) and to make her wicked funny jokes (I always thought she’d make a fabulous comedy writer) wouldn’t have been my first choice.

But I happen to know she’s still with us. It’s just that she’s now on a different frequency. And I had a fabulous reminder of this from my new friend, Melissa Murphy.

Her beautiful, beautiful daughter Dannica died in a car accident 18 months ago. We traded a couple emails and I shared my belief that our spirits never die and that I think we can still be in contact.

I also mentioned I believe in a much bigger story and that while our consciousness does indeed create reality, it’s also guided by a bigger, more loving part of ourselves that doesn’t always make sense in this limited time-space reality. Lastly, I told her I’d say a prayer that very night that she’d feel some kind of connection with Dannica.

Here’s what her next email said (and she gave me permission to share):

“Like you, I believe our spirits live on and like a good little human being, I seem to need constant validation of that belief even in the presence of miracles!

“I took these photos this afternoon as I was on my way into town to meet a friend. I pulled over several times to take more. The image just lingered and lingered and lingered for the longest time. To me, the first one looks like an angel with wings and a rainbow where her heart is. As you can see, the rainbow actually turns into a heart!

“I’m generally a very private person, but some things make a human being feel like screaming from the rooftops; love, grief, and miracles are certainly among them. Sharing my thoughts, feelings, and experiences with others is my introverted way of screaming from rooftops. I scream for a while, cry a bit, and scream some more. It feels so good to be screaming, “Dannica’s not dead!!! She’s right here! See?!




Think how much closer we’d be if, instead of talking about our dysfunctions, we got together to share our creations.

“I could show and tell your students things they could gain from no other wizards.” –J.K. Rowling

Woot! Woot! It’s Show and Tell Day!

Yep, we adults need show and tell. Probably more than kindergarteners. Think how much closer we’d all be if, instead of getting together to talk about our dysfunctions, we got together to look at each other’s creations.

Why isn’t this a normal thing? Every week or so we should get together with families and friends and show them something we really like, something unique about us. We should bring in some doodle we made on the side of a Visa bill or something we thought up while waiting at the dry cleaners. Adults still think things up. We just don’t tell anyone. We don’t think it’s important. Not with lawns that need mowing and mufflers that need fixing.

So with that thought in mind, I’ve got three things to share, all sent by friends and readers of E-Squared:

This first picture is from the beautiful Maria Venardis who, while doing Experiment #2 that proves “You Impact the Field and Draw from It According to your Beliefs and Expectations,” made the intention to see a blue feather. She’d more or less forgotten about it, was out walking with a friend at the park and voila! look what showed up:


Second item for today’s Show and Tell is from a doctor friend of mine who was also doing the Volkswagen Jetta experiment.

Here’s what he said:

“I counted 80+ beige colored cars driving down Mass Street. Finally got tired of counting them. Decided to look for yellow butterflies a few days later. Can you appreciate my jaw-dropping moment when I went in to see an elderly female patient with hip pain.”

Here’s what she was wearing on the lapel of her sweater:


Last story is from another reader (sorry no pictures with this one)

“I have to tell you about the Abracadabra Principle (That’s the one that proves, “Whatever you Focus on Expands). I asked for flowers. Something I never get. I had to receive them by 9:20 this morning. I never thought I wouldn’t get them, I knew some how I would. Around 7:30 this morning one of the women I work with handed me a large strip of white paper and said, “here’s a bouquet of flowers for you.” Something she has never done and she said she doesn’t know why she did it. I laughed and then told her on break why it was so funny. Beautiful white flowers, how cool.”

And lastly, remember that wonderful “Ode to Money” written last week by Felicia Spahr at www.FelsGotSwag.com?

Well, today, she’s featuring a blog post from me, an excerpt I guess you could say, from my upcoming project. Check it out here:

And this picture, that I failed to run last Monday, is the incomparable Fel of said named blog in the flesh. Isn’t she gorgeous?

Thanks everybody for your amazing emails and stories and pictures. I love you all and am so glad we’re connected.

Pam Grout is the author of E-Squared: 9 Do-it-Yourself Energy Experiments that Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality.

Never give up on your dreams.

“Five years ago I was still waiting tables in New York City.”
–Lady GaGa

Six years ago, Justin Bieber was a school kid from Canada. Jacki Weaver, 66, who’s up for an Oscar for best actress, was an unknown from Down Under.

The point I’m trying to make is “Don’t ever give up on your dreams.”

As the manager of “The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel,” repeated often: “In India, we have a saying; everything will be all right in the end. So if it is not all right, it is not yet the end.”

One of the dreams I’ve never given up on is having a platform to inspire and uplift the world. Today, that dream is coming true.

I’m featured today as the Inspirational Luminary on InspireMeToday.com. I’m hanging with some pretty good company. Other luminaries who have dispensed their wisdom include Sir Richard Branson, Guy Laliberte, Seth Godin, Neale Donald Walsch and Marci Shimoff. I’m honored to be with such esteemed company!

Please visit the site and help me inspire the world. If my traffic and comments break records, InspireMeToday.com will share my content with millions of additional people too! I hope you’ll check it out, leave a comment and share it with your friends.

And whatever you do, know that you should never, never ever give up on your dreams!