E-Squared:  The 10-year anniversary edition (with a Manifesting Scavenger Hunt!!) GET IT HERE

Do something wonderful today

“Do something wonderful, people may imitate it.”–Albert Schweitzer larvae1

Hey party people, I’ve missed you.

I’ve been in Ojai, California away from digital stimulation. While I happily wait for my flight to Orlando and the sure-to-be-magical Soulapalooza, thought I’d offer up a quick blog post.

Anytime I’m in California, I think of Stan. Remember the guy I met at Esalen? The one I talked about in the opening of E-Squared? How we huddled together in the massage room to stay warm only to realize the next morning there was a space heater we could have been using all along?

I’m happy to report that Stan and I are still friends. And I want to share this magical story he recently posted on Facebook along with a picture of a big juicy monarch caterpillar.

Take it away, Stan:

“In 1997, 120,000 monarch butterflies wintered over in Santa Cruz. That number dropped to 1,300 by 2009 and has never recovered. The loss of milkweed, an important food source, is the main reason for the population collapse. So, I planted milkweed in my garden this year and there will be at least one more monarch butterfly as a result. This monarch caterpillar enjoying the milkweed looks healthy as can be.”

Stan’s small action (planting milkweed in his own garden) is a beautiful reminder of the new world we’re calling forth. It’s a reminder that we’re not powerless. It’s an antidote for those days when we think the world is going to you-know-where in a you-know-what.

Any act of love, even a small one like planting milkweed in your backyard, radios a certain frequency out across the universe. Every thought, every action, emits invisible subterranean threads.

All of us wildly underestimate the impact we have on each other. We discount the tremendous effect even the smallest act has on all of humanity.

Everything I do affects everything else.

Anytime I love myself more, I send love out into the bigger whole. Anytime I forgive someone who allegedly “wronged” me, I help heal the planet. The small invisible things that many don’t validate or think important have great healing power. You grabbing the shopping bags of the 82-year-old widow at the grocery store may never go viral on Facebook, but, on some level, it’s going out, making waves in the invisible energy field that forms the blueprint for the material world.

How cool is that that by believing in oneness, by choosing to add energy to the resonant field of possibility, you can fundamentally change the world.

Looking for possibilities is good for the planet. And contributing your small piece stands up for all of humanity.

What little thing are you going to do today to change the old story?

Pam Grout is the author of 18 books including E-Squared: 9 Do-it-Yourself Energy Experiments that Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality and the just released, Thank and Grow Rich: a 30-day Experiment in Shameless Gratitude and Unabashed Joy.