E-Squared:  The 10-year anniversary edition (with a Manifesting Scavenger Hunt!!) GET IT HERE

Why cosmic curveballs only lead to home runs

“Love joins with everything. It doesn’t exclude the monster. It doesn’t avoid the nightmare–it looks forward to it.” –Byron Katie

When you think of everything as a miracle, even getting hit by a double decker bus, you’ll be led to a life most extraordinary. Melissa Joy Jonsson, president of Matrix Energetics, was a highly-successful pharmaceutical exec until she literally got smacked in London by a bus.

Most would judge this as unfortunate, but in reality (where only love is real) it led her to her life’s mission–teaching others how to access their authentic self. Getting hit by a bus was actually an act of grace.

Our job, of course, is to withdraw judgment from anything that happens, to remember that only good can come our way. This frees up the universe to begin pouring out blessings.

One of my great blessings is all the miracle stories that pop into my inbox each morning. Here’s one that came in yesterday:

“My name is Corey and I currently live in the Texas panhandle. I’m gonna try and make a long story short…

“A few years ago I was a commissioner in the wind industry. In 2009, jobs became scarce for my position. I fell deeply in debt and lost pretty much everything.

“Even before my trials and tribulations I was embarking on a spiritual journey. I was raised in church, but baffled by the wide variety of theologies. They all believed different things. So I began a search for truth.

“The crazy thing that really started my search was a television interview of Nick Cannon and he was talking about how he spoke into existence him marrying Mariah Carey. He talked about the power of words. This reached out and grabbed me by the arm and sucked me in!

“Over the last 3 years I’ve read every metaphysical book I could get my hands on. “Think and Grow Rich,” “Outwitting the Devil,” “Your Word is your Wand,” everything from Rhonda Byrne to Florence Scovel. Shinn. I’ve read them all.

“Last Monday I came across your book, “E Squared.” I finished the book Tuesday evening and meditated on the message in the book.

“Monday night, March 16th at 9:45 pm I made the demand that I needed a blessing. I needed a financial blessing, but like you said, let the FP decide the blessing first.

“I currently work the security gate at a local methanol plant that is in it’s commissioning stages of construction. I work part time and fill in any extra hours when I can. My hourly pay is way above average for this town, but two days a week doesn’t add up to much. I have been in this position for about two and half months.

“Tuesday morning the head boss over the entire plant passed through the gate and told me to meet him Wednesday in his office and that he needed to talk to me. My first thought was “Uh oh! I’m getting laid off!” However, I immediately corrected that thought and affirmed to myself that I’m blessed and no matter what only good can come my way.

“Wednesday afternoon I arrived for the meeting and my boss asked if I would be interested in working full time with the company. He then began to praise me over my positive attitude, my encouragement of others, and how well I did my job at the front gate. So, he offers me a position directly under him and I will be in charge of multiple aspects of the company. I literally went from last to first. On paper I am in no way qualified for the job but I have learned to shift my focus and people around me are taking notice! My blessing came with 4 hours left of the demanded time.

“After reading your book and applying your techniques with the other methods in the past books I’ve read, I now understand. I finally see the great potential we posses.

Thank you so much for writing this great tool! May it heal, bless, and inspire the people of our world!”

Thanks, Corey, for sharing.

And, as I like to say on Fridays, “Make this the best weekend of your life.”

Pam Grout is the author of 17 books including E-Squared: 9 Do-it-Yourself Energy Experiments that Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality and the recently-released sequel, E-Cubed, 9 More Experiments that Prove Mirth, Magic and Merriment is your Full-time Gig.

Challenge the limited human perception. Start today.

“I practice karate moves when I think nobody is watching. It’s all part of being a real American badass. Chicks dig it. I mean they would, if they ever looked and caught me in a moment of awesomeness.
― Jarod Kintz

Top of the Morning to you, this gorgeous St. Patty’s Day. I’m off to play pickleball after returning last night from an amazing weekend in Chicago with Matrix Energetics and wanted to share just a couple thoughts.

Don’t wait for the diagnosis, the breakup, the financial hit to start practicing the magical power of your thoughts.

Many of us pay lip service to the invincible universal law that “consciousness create reality.” But we don’t put it into practice UNTIL life slugs us in the face. For example, did you get up this morning and consciously create your day? Did you jump up and intentionally program in magic and miracles?

My point exactly.

One of the most gratifying things about E-Squared is all the groups that are forming, the people who are getting together regularly to practice this mind-blowing truth. Now. With little things.

That way, our magic-making muscles are in shape, our perceptions are opened wider and it just feels natural to make miracles. Of all kinds. Big and Small.

Have an amazingly awesome day!!

Pam Grout is the author of 17 books including E-Squared: 9 Do-it-Yourself Energy Experiments that Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality and the recently-released sequel, E-Cubed, 9 More Experiments that Prove Mirth, Magic and Merriment is your Full-time Gig.

“A magically whimsical universe is my favorite flavor of reality.”—Matrix Energetics practitioner

“It’s always a good idea to sit at the fun table.” –Esther Hicks

One of my favorite stories is about a four-year-old boy who kept pestering his parents for some “alone time” with his newborn baby sister.

His parents, avid readers of parenting books, weren’t convinced that was such a good idea.

“What if he pinches her?
” they discussed between themselves, reflecting the current strategies for minimizing sibling rivalry.

Even worse, they surmised: “What if he tries to smother her?”

But little Johnny was not to be deterred.

“We—her and me—have important business to discuss,” he insisted.

Finally, while they waited within earshot outside the door, Johnny’s parents allowed him into the nursery by himself.

He gazed lovingly at his young sister, leaned in over her crib and earnestly whispered, “Tell me about God. I’m starting to forget.”

I was reminded of that story this morning while having coffee with my friend, Joyce. As a scientist, she has had some “problems” with the word “God.” As I point out in several of my books, “that word, after years of religion, has taken on more baggage than the Chicago airport the Sunday after Thanksgiving.”

Yet, despite that, Joyce says she has never stopped longing for that connection with “something bigger.” She was excited today as she read from a translation of Psalms by Stephen Mitchell. As he says in the introduction, “As soon as we try to define God, we are a billion light years away.”

We both agreed that the “something bigger” wasn’t anything we could capably put into words. But we feel it…in those quiet moments when our thoughts let go, when we plug into that connection with the unnameable reality that causes everything to exist.

Mitchell, later in the intro, called it the “Radiant X.”

That definition, minus the baggage we humans heaped onto the Divine, certainly works for me.

Pam Grout is the author of E-Squared: 9 Do-it-Yourself Energy Experiments that Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality.