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Why I love gratitude so much

“This idea that there is a problem . . . that’s the wild hair in the ass of humanity.”— Adyashanti

1 danceIf you’ve been hanging out at the party disguised as this blog, you already know my favorite practice in all the world is gratitude. I practice it non-stop. Or at least try to.

I notice that when I don’t, when I start to think something’s going wrong, that some person doesn’t love me enough or that I’m not worthy of this or that, my thoughts take a big dip towards darkness.

ACIM Lesson 90 (the last in the review for a while) lays it all out. The only problem I can ever have is forgetting to be grateful. The Course calls it a grievance.

Here at the community in Mexico, I’m learning to become more aware of little tiny grievances, those subtle messages that still run very quietly in the background. As I let each one go and return to gratitude, I’m getting closer and closer to that secret I always talk about.

You’ve heard me say it here or in my books: the biggest secret in the world is we all really love each other.

And I feel this more and more as each grievance is let go. Last night, when I was dancing on the roof with my beautiful friends at the community, looking out over the stunning Lake Chapala landscape, I was so in love, so happy, so who I really AM.

And that’s why I keep getting up every morning, making my intention for an extraordinarily epic day and counting my blessings. Grievances don’t stand a chance.

Pam Grout is the author of 19 books including E-Squared, E-Cubed, Thank & Grow Rich and her new book, Art & Soul,Reloaded: A Year-Long Apprenticeship to Summon the Muses and Ignite Your Daring, Audacious, Creative Side.