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Advice and why I never give it

“Only wonder leads to knowing.”—St. Gregory of Nyssa

I am frequently asked for advice. On writing. On marketing. On how to go on after losing the one person you can’t live without.

I find it rather humorous that anyone would think I have any kind of good answers. First off, I’m hopelessly unqualified. My mantra, you may remember, was pilfered from Sergeant Schultz, the fictional sergeant in the old TV series, Hogan Heroes, who regularly proclaimed to Wilhelm Klink, “I know nothing.”

It was only a month ago I found out bed linen tags are always on the bottom left side. I could have saved myself 50 years of guessing which side was the long side (and usually getting it wrong).

If anything, I’m a middleman who has made a career writing about where I — when and if I remember — go for answers.  

And it all boils down to this: I stop feeding my thoughts (man those guys are insatiable) and head to the Source. There’s a reason I appointed The Dude as the CEO of my career, why I let him handle all the details.

When I get into coherence, I find silence, peace, aliveness and maybe not ALL the answers, but at least guidance for what to do right now. When I stop, bring my attention back to this moment, it opens a portal.  

So no, I offer no formulas, no all-important guidelines, but I do know this. Living in this right-now moment, in bewilderment and wonder is a mighty fine place to start.

And just so you know, I DO plan to have a word with the Big Guy for waiting so long to fill me in on the sheet situation.

 Have the very best weekend of your life, my treasured friends. #222 Forever

Pam Grout is the author of 20 books including E-Squared, E-Cubed, Thank & Grow Rich and her latest book, The Course in Miracles Experiment: A Starter Kit for Rewiring Your Mind (And Therefore Your World) that has just been turned into an app. Badass ACIM (badass-acim.com)