E-Squared:  The 10-year anniversary edition (with a Manifesting Scavenger Hunt!!) GET IT HERE

Running with the stars

“I’m writing a book. I have the page numbers done. Now, I just need to fill in the rest.” –Stephen Wright stars

Happy Friday, my friends. Before this day gets away, I want to send a quick update. I’m in Ajijic, Mexico, hanging out with James Twyman and his wonderful Namaste community.  You might remember I was here in early 2018.

Every morning, the lesson from A Course in Miracles is written on a big blackboard and we gather for an hour of singing and hugging and talking Truth.

Today’s ACIM Lesson (“I can be free of suffering today”) is a perfect reminder that we get to choose. At any time, we can step into joy and freedom, be released from the illusion that something is wrong, that something is other than it should be. Our perception (which is really another word for deception) doesn’t begin to show us everything. It only shows us what we’ve decided is true.

As James pointed out this morning, the only thing that keeps us stuck in our current illusion is our fear of letting go and expanding into everything. That’s what the Course promises.

If you’ve been hanging out on this blog for awhile, you likely know my take on A Course in Miracles–the book you guys practically forced me to write–is about to drop.

Hay House is putting together a landing page where anybody who preorders can get a couple extra free books that I also wrote to go along with it.

For those who are ahead of the curve and have already ordered, here’s a big shout out. And know that you can claim your free books ASAP by simply sending an email to Cathy Veloskey at cveloskey@hayhouse.com.

Hay House also wants me to tell you that Art & Soul, Reloaded, the eBook version, is on sale for $1.99 during the month of December. That’s less than a cup of coffee. And worth a whole lot more—especially if you’re feeling the pull to create. It’s available on Amazon, Nook and iBooks.

In other news, I’m actively fielding pitches for the upcoming 222 Foundation award. If you’ve got a great idea to move the needle,  an idea for changing perceptions and therefore changing the world, by all means, send your proposal here.  The deadline is December 31.

In closing, I’d like to end with this wonderful thought from the poet David Whyte. He says the ultimate touchstone of friendship is the privilege of having been seen by someone. You guys have definitely seen me, been here for me, walked with me, believed in me and accompanied me on a journey impossible to accomplish alone.

Thank you SO MUCH, my friends.

All of us. Together. Forever.

Pam Grout is the author of 20 books including E-Squared, E-Cubed, Thank & Grow Rich and her latest book, The Course in Miracles Experiment: A Starter Kit for Rewiring Your Mind (And Therefore Your World).

Fierce love, will travel

“In order to keep us going, it is enough to be grateful for the next breath, because it’s not to be taken for granted that I can take another breath.”–David Steindl-Rasttazmosk

Some 25 years ago, I was invited to a small gathering with a psychic who had flown into Connecticut from California. I went along, not because I’d ever heard of this psychic (in fact, I can’t remember her name) but because my friend invited me and because, well, turning down an adventure is not my style.

The psychic went around the room, revealing to each person what she saw for their future.

When she came to me, she said, “Well, this is interesting.”

I waited with great anticipation. After all, I’d just finished a six-month training in rebirthing and was not exactly sure whether to continue traveling, whether to write a book, where I should go next to set up my mobile writing office.

Instead of answering any of those burning questions, she pronounced with great certainty, “Your next purpose in life is motherhood.”

I nearly fell off the chair. When we left the small home gathering, before we even got in the car, I said to my friend, “Well, that psychic was full of dookie. I’m 36. I’m not married. What a load.”

Not three weeks later, I discovered that indeed I was pregnant.

My daughter, Tasman McKay Grout, was born October 8, 1993 with wild light running through every cell. She landed here on planet earth with indiscriminate and generous love. For the past 25 years, she has been my world–my heart, my reason, my best friend. And as proud as I am of writing a bestseller, being Taz’s mom is by far the best thing I’ve ever done.

Paraphrasing the old “God never gives you more than you can handle,” I used to say “God had little faith in me because he gave me the perfect child.” She was beautiful, brilliant. Goodness for her came naturally. She gave 100 percent every day. I dedicated my last book, Art and Soul, Reloaded, to “Taz, the most creative person I know.”

Last Sunday, six days after her 25th birthday, Taz and I were texting back and forth about going to see “A Star is Born.” We had returned the day before from my mother’s funeral and because I had to be gone on her birthday (to make arrangements for mom), we had every intention of making up for lost time.

It had been 30 minutes since her last text, so I called her, just a casual “The movie’s at 1 and 3. Let’s go to breakfast first.”

Next thing I know, a Lawrence policeman was at my door. Taz, he said, is at the emergency room. Paramedics are getting ready to life flight her to Kansas City.

For the past week, I’ve been with her body at KU Med, learning about aneurisms, learning about organ donation (no surprise she’d checked the box at DMV), experiencing the insane kindness of total strangers.

As you can imagine, I’m still processing all of this, trying to focus on the love we shared and the amazing 25 years we did have. But I won’t lie. This last week has sucked. Even though I know Taz is not a body (yes, an old Course in Miracles standard) I’m still reeling with grief.

The other thing that psychic told me is that Taz would become a great spiritual leader. The list of lives she has already affected in her short two and a half decades is immense.

The t-shirt the paramedics cut off her body to start CPR was emblazoned with giant letters “V-O-T-E.” In her career, she worked as a match specialist with the Spanish-speaking families in Big Brothers/Big Sisters. Everything she did was some variation of this theme: love fiercely and do quiet, kind things for the underdog.

And while I’m not totally sure what’s coming next for me, someone pointed out at the hospital, that the Course in Miracles book I’m writing (now with Taz’s help) happens to be my 20th book and it’s coming out in 2020. That’s 222, the sacred number Taz and I shared.

I’ll close for now. But please know that I love you all. Taz loves you all. And you haven’t heard the last from either of us.

Pam Grout is the author of 19 books including E-Squared, E-Cubed, Thank & Grow Rich and her latest book, Art & Soul,Reloaded: A Year-Long Apprenticeship to Summon the Muses and Ignite Your Daring, Audacious, Creative Side.

Let’s build a brand new table

“You are a creative genius who came here to express yourself.”—Esther Hicks


I mentioned in yesterday’s blog my intention for everyone (no exceptions) to get a seat at the table.

But I decided an even better intention is to build a whole new table. Which sorta leads to Lesson 21: I am determined to see things differently.

The old table is like that old gum I also mentioned yesterday. It’s old news. Its juice has been sucked out, it’s basically been-there-done-that-no-thanks.

The old table is reductionist, judgmental, a know-it-all. And it’s likely to have the same number of seats, just different players.

At the new table, we attend to the bigger, non-visible world. We trust that it’s every bit as alive as the material world. We have faith that the new story, the inclusive, everyone belongs story is really just a matter of re-engineering reality.

And we know that we have the power to do it. We know we can envision a different reality.

It doesn’t even have to be hard. Unless we choose to see it that way.

I herby resolve to quit staring at the old reality, to quit treating it as if it’s a circus freak show.

It’s only there because I and a lot of other people on Planet Earth have put our attention upon it. When we resist and oppose and throw our hands in the air, we basically give our energy to the old gum. We say to the universe “more please.”

I want my new table to be expansive, to recognize unlimited possibilities and ongoing creation.

We are here, you guys, to expand, to create. Not just art, but all the time. In all ways. As the subtitle on my latest book suggests, we are here to ignite our daring, audacious, creative side.

Today, as we are determined to see things differently, let us know that true creation, new creation is why we’re here.

P.S. Whoever drew this cute little illustration of E-Squared, thank you–I absolutely LOVE IT!!!

Pam Grout is the author of 19 books including E-Squared, E-Cubed, Thank & Grow Rich and her new book, Art & Soul,Reloaded: A Year-Long Apprenticeship to Summon the Muses and Ignite Your Daring, Audacious, Creative Side.

Create like a kid with a pail of Legos

“Children see magic because they look for it.” ―Christopher Moore
When it comes to creativity, all you have to do is channel your inner four-year-old.

Preschoolers don’t sit in front of a pail of legos thinking, “Nah! Not feeling it today.” They don’t wonder if they’re talented enough. They don’t question their ability, worry what someone will think.

They plunge in, unhindered, free, happy.

My friend Carla told a wonderful story about her granddaughter who was dancing with great abandon. A well-meaning adult who was watching said, “Wow! I’m impressed. Are you going to be a dancer someday?”

Carla’s granddaughter, without missing a beat, retorted, “I already am!”

All of us–even squeamish, frightened grownups–already are dancers, painters and writers.

Shall we begin?

Pam Grout is the author of 19 books including E-Squared: 9 Do-it-Yourself Energy Experiments that Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality and the just-released, Art & Soul,Reloaded: A Year-Long Apprenticeship to Summon the Muses and Ignite Your Daring, Audacious, Creative Side.

Is your spiritual catcher’s mitt on?

“Art and music are two of the most powerful healing forces in the universe. I mean, have you ever gone to a museum and stood in front of a Vermeer and just had tears roll down your cheeks? That doesn’t happen when people stand in front of First National Bank.”—Rosanne Cash

quotes-creativity-robert-bresson-949x534Readers who love my law of attraction books seem surprised. Why are you writing about creativity?

Here’s the short answer. To practice creativity is to tap into the energy that underpins the entire world. There’s something mystical at the center of art.

Roseanne Cash once told an interviewer that she doesn’t write songs so much as she catches them. She even joked that if she didn’t have her catcher’s mitt ready, Lucinda Williams, another amazing songwriter, might just snag one of her songs.

And that’s really what my new book, Art & Soul, Reloaded, is about. It’s about getting ourselves ready to field the Divine. About listening for songs, stories and inspiration that will right the listing ship.

I’m uninterested in catching material stuff. I have more than I could ever need. Instead, I want to catch big, generous, buoyant ideas.

And that’s why I’m currently blogging every day. I’m out here in left field with my catcher’s mitt on, snagging ideas.

I’m faithfully here, looking towards the light, waiting for my next assignment.

I also want to share a couple photos from people who have taken to heart my Zumba for the Soul assignment to find an outrageous outfit at a thrift store.

It’s becoming a thing.



I’d love to see your photos. Post them here or on FB or Instagram.

It’s an effective rehearsal for Life Rule #62: Quit taking yourself so seriously.

Pam Grout is the author of 19 books including E-Squared: 9 Do-it-Yourself Energy Experiments that Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality and the just-released, Art & Soul,Reloaded: A Year-Long Apprenticeship to Summon the Muses and Ignite Your Daring, Audacious, Creative Side.

It’s impossible to fall short of the glory of God

“We are players, actors on many stages. We yearn to wonder, we long to be amazed, to be enthusiastic, to be expressive. In short to be alive. Creativity keeps us creating the life we wish to live.” Matthew Fox

Although the term “fake news” is nearly as popular as Despacito, it recently hit me that the first purveyor of vicious falsehoods was probably the fundamentalist church. It created its entire doctrine around the idea that “all men have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.” Think about it. The first thing a young child learns sitting in the pew is that he (or she) was born into original sin.

My message, the same one that J.C. and the Holy S came to spread, is that every one of us, without exception, was born into original blessing. Every one of us is entitled to the infinite outpouring of the Divine, of the indwelling spirit that continuously bestows miracles and grace. This flow never stops. It can’t. It’s impossible for it not to love, to bless, to comfort, to pass out miracles. Sin, in fact, is nothing but a mistaken identity, an oft-repeated item of fake news.

As regulars to this blog know, I consider it one of my jobs to document the many miracles that so many of us pass over and call coincidence. That’s why I often share stories readers send my way. Today, for example, I heard from a reader whose hospital bill was unexpectedly paid off by an unknown guardian angel. Another reader told me about landing the exact home on the exact street she’d been visualizing complete with roses and honeysuckle around the door.

But today, I want to share a blessing that happened to me.

My new book is out and, well, it hasn’t exactly been tearing up the charts. I’ve even seen a few reviews comparing it unfavorably to E-Squared, the book that will probably always be my “Jack and Diane.”

So I was feeling embarrassed that my “violin,” this time around, seemed to be out of tune and squeaking. Doubting the wisdom of asking readers to undertake weird and unfamiliar creative projects.

So the universe, who kinda has a thing for us humans, noticed I needed a little sign. It noticed that well, I was feeling a little blue. So it recruited this amazing man from Melbourne to send me the following email:

“I felt I had to send you photos of my Art and Soul amulet. I can’t tell you how much fun and the sort of release this bought.

“The thought of making something like this would have never crossed my mind before your book. The son of a talented artist who did not feel as though he received the “gift”, I was intimidated by the seeming ease with which my father seemed to be able to create things, that I felt as though that I had failed before I had begun, stunting any creativity.

“Making this gave me great pleasure because it freed me from my self judgement which crippled me from trying things. I now feel freer. You have given me the spark to write again and for this I am truly thankful.

“I have to admit that I was reticent to take part in you projects at first but I now see that they free from constraints I put on myself and allow to be in places I never expected to be.

“Once again, many thanks.”

And many thanks back to you, Graham, and to the universe for reminding me that even if only one person is comforted by my creative output, my efforts will not have been in vain.

I am so grateful for the unique opportunity to share my gifts with the world.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Pam Grout is the author of 19 books including E-Squared: 9 Do-it-Yourself Energy Experiments that Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality and the just-released, Art & Soul,Reloaded: A Year-Long Apprenticeship to Summon the Muses and Ignite Your Daring, Audacious, Creative Side.

Carpool Karaoke and Me

“Do you have the courage to grab the dreams that picked you?” –Prince Ea

I’ve missed you guys. I’ve been on travel assignment (in Sweden) and giving a workshop (at the London Ritz) and meeting amazing people (Stacey Sargison-Shawe and her JFDI FB group are really rockin’a possibility posse).

But, as Randy Quaid said in the movie Independence Day, and Jack Nicholson said in The Shining, “I’m back!”

I’ve got a quick favor to ask. I’m doing a Facebook Live on the Hay House FB page on August 21 at 12 EST (9 PST). It’s to kick off my new book, Art & Soul, Reloaded. I’m a bit nervous, having to go LIVE…all by myself for 30 whole minutes.

So I’m hoping you will post questions in the comments section below. What would you like to know? What would you like me to talk about? No question is off-limits. If you can think of one, I’ll attempt to answer it.

For sure I’ll be talking about the new book which is all about creativity and spirituality which, to my way of thinking, are essentially the same thing.

The muses, the angels, the bigger thing (call it what you will) are currently advertising for people like you, like me who are willing to be a satellite dish for the new story. The old story, as I’m sure you’ve noticed, isn’t working anymore. The old story of lack and competition and distrust is getting boring. It’s time to birth a new world.

And we artists are the ones who will do it. Not the politicians or the corporations. It’s us, together, sharing.

The best part is that it’s really fun. Despite what you may have heard, creativity doesn’t require a load of hard work. It requires some discipline, but what else would you really rather be doing? Living life with joie de vivre is the absolute best possible way to spend your life.

It turns everything into a party. Here’s one tiny example. When I was in Manila in February, my compatriots and I were stuck in lots of traffic jams. We literally couldn’t move. Normally, that’s not considered a desirable life event. But we decided to make the most of it. We decided to channel James Corden and record our own carpool karaoke.

We had a blast. The point is, creativity is possible in every single situation, even those we previously judged as horrible inconveniences. When we live our lives from the perspective of knowing we’re blessed, knowing that every single thing that happens is for our own betterment, we can all relax and have more fun.

So, I hope you’re interested in coming along on the yearlong apprenticeship offered in Art & Soul. Those who are willing to play will learn to summon their muses and reclaim their bold, audacious, creative side. Or at least that’s what the subtitle promises.

So, please, join me on August 21 for my very first solo Facebook Live and help me out by asking a question in the comments below.

I love you all so, so much.

Pam Grout is the author of 18 books including E-Squared: 9 Do-it-Yourself Energy Experiments that Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality and the about-to-be released, Art & Soul,Reloaded: A Year-Long Apprenticeship to Summon the Muses and Ignite Your Daring, Audacious, Creative Side.