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“We, the greatest of all creators, with capabilities to build cities and inspire nations, are squandering our time watching reruns of The Office. We have forgotten that whole galaxies exist within our grasp”

Pam Grout

#1 New York Times Bestselling Author

“We, the greatest of all creators, with capabilities to build cities and inspire nations, are squandering our time watching reruns of The Office. We have forgotten that whole galaxies exist within our grasp”
Pam Grout
#1 New York Times Bestselling Author

Hi! Welcome to the internet home of Pam Grout.

I am the author of 20 books, two screenplays, a live soap opera, a TV series and enough magazine articles that I haven’t starved in 25 years without a 9-5 job. On this site, you’ll find all sorts of information about my books and about my career as a freelance magazine and travel writer.

If you’re an editor, you can easily click on Portfolio to view writing samples from my illustrious magazine and newspaper career.

If you’re looking for a speaker, you can contact my agent at CAA (Creative Artists Agency) here.

And if you’re a reader of my books, you can find out more about me, read excerpts and take quizzes to see if you’re qualified as an artist, a manifester or a P.L.B. (that’s person who lives big for those who haven’t yet read Living Big!) And if you’re really jazzed, simply click here or on that orange RSS feed icon in the top right corner and subscribe to my free blog.


Pamela Sue Grout

Join the E-Squared Revolution!

TheTaz Grout

222 Foundation

The Taz Grout 222 Foundation was launched to honor Tasman McKay Grout who spent 25 short years on the planet inspiring everyone who knew her to live and love better. Everything she stood for was some variation of this theme: create relentlessly, love fiercely and do quiet, kind things for the underdog.

Each year on February 22, the 222 Foundation awards a $12,222 grant to an innovative project or person with a big idea to change consciousness and therefore change the world.

We look for projects that support the following ideas:

1. A change in perspective is our greatest need. We believe all people (no exceptions) long to be generous and create beautiful things.

2. Today’s hopelessness is based on false premises. We look to defy the old story of scarcity, lack and the need to fight for resources. We aim to prove that the universe, once liberated from no-longer-working paradigms of scarcity, is generative and endlessly abundant.

3. The us against them model is kaput. We believe all humans are interconnected and that even tiny actions have great significance



Something amazingly awesome is going to happen to you today

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The two words to avoid whenever possible

“Let go all the trivial things that churn and bubble on the surface of your mind.”—A Course in Miracles
I’ve talked about the most dangerous four-letter word in the English language. And I’ve shared the two magic words I use when I’m feeling off.

Today I’d like to share two words that, spoken together, tend to put a curse on all that’s possible.

These words sound innocuous enough. But when we say them and/or believe them, we slam shut the door of further investigation. We put an arm lock on the field of infinite potentiality.

The words are “I know……”

These two words are sneaky, because isn’t that what we’re sent to school for? Isn’t that what we spend our lives trying to accomplish? Aren’t we supposed to know.

But here’s what’s critical to remember. There are more sides to every story.

When “I know,” I basically put this unbelievably powerful force into a tiny box.

When I’m convinced and therefore attached to such stories as “I’m just not good at______________(insert your own personal nightmare)” or  “The world is skidding to disaster” or “So and so is such an a-hole,” I’ve basically thwarted the field of infinite potentiality in its hell-raising-anything-goes tracks.

I’ve basically decided that this is as good as its going to get.

ACIM Lesson 47 (God is the strength in which I trust)  asks me not to put the F.P. in handcuffs. It tells me that whatever “I know” pales in comparison to what’s really possible.

So today, I’m overjoyed to admit that I’m not nearly as smart as Infinite Intelligence and I gladly bow to all the really groovy things it has in store for me.

To summarize: Yo universe, bring it!!!

Pam Grout is the author of 19 books including E-Squared, E-Cubed, Thank & Grow Rich and her new book, Art & Soul,Reloaded: A Year-Long Apprenticeship to Summon the Muses and Ignite Your Daring, Audacious, Creative Side.

Be crazy with love. Love when it makes no sense

“We all long for love. Everything else is just killing time.”–Kenny Loggins
1 dog

Happy Valentine’s Day, my friends!

Here’s my favorite post for this most auspicious day. Enjoy!

Most people hear the word “love” and immediately think of long white dresses, tuxes and diamond rings. Our tendency to associate love with romance is a gaping blind spot. Not only are there millions of people to love (forget your quest to zero in on Mr. or Ms. Right), but there are million of ideas, millions of causes, million of quests to fall in love with.

Take Dale Price, for example. This stay-at-home dad from American Fork, Utah, spent three years waving at his high school son’s bus dressed in weird costumes, a different one every day. It started the first day of his son’s sophomore year when he realized the bus, for the first time, would drive down their street. Price greeted the bus (and his embarrassed son) that first day wearing a football helmet. From there, his creativity grew. He has waved at the bus dressed as Elvis, Fred Flintstone, Santa Claus and, once, a lampshade. He and Rain, the red-faced son, ended up on Good Morning America and the resulting blog, Wave at the Bus, has received millions of hits and raised money for Rain’s college fund, although his dad is quick to admit it may also end up being used for therapy.

The point is, there are lots of ways to make people happy, lots of ways to love. Don’t sit around waiting for your soul mate. Be crazy with love. Love when it makes no sense.

ACIM Lesson 45 (God is the mind with which I think) echoes this sentiment: to think with God is to love in all its bewildering ways, shapes and styles.

Pam Grout is the author of 19 books including E-Squared, E-Cubed, Thank & Grow Rich and her new book, Art & Soul,Reloaded: A Year-Long Apprenticeship to Summon the Muses and Ignite Your Daring, Audacious, Creative Side.

Go towards the light

“There’s more joy than I ever knew.”—Mary Karr

I’m not psychic, but I’m pretty sure that 100 years from now (hopefully sooner), future generations are going to look back at our belief in separation and limits and wonder, “What were they thinking? How could they be so misinformed?”

They’ll scratch their heads at our refusal to live in the light, to celebrate our joy in much the same way we look back at the Roman Circuses.

“Are you kidding me?” we think, “How could thousands of people sit around drinking wine and being entertained by lions ripping gladiators apart?”

They’ll consider it a laughable curiosity that we treated ourselves this way, that we chose to suffer when right on the other side of the veil is everything we could possibly want.

And it’s all so easy and natural. It’s just that our beliefs have blocked the light that tries to stream to us at every moment.

ACIM lesson 44 (God is the light in which I see) basically tells us that it’s far more radical to live in the light than to live in despair.

The side effect of this ridiculous notion of despair and limitation is we live at half throttle. By not delighting in our inherent gifts, we actually live out the outdated Roman Circus-like notion that we are weak and incapable of creating our lives.

Future generations will also consider it freakishly odd that we felt so guilty and didn’t have the fun and joy we are entitled to. They just won’t understand why we didn’t relish in our creative powers. They’ll puzzle, “They had this amazing gift and they left it sitting in the corner, unwrapped.”

For what it’s worth, future generations, I’m doing my part now (even as we speak) to get up every day, pronounce that something amazingly awesome is going to happen to me today and to spend my day in unadulterated wonderment at all the world’s blessings and miracles.

Pam Grout is the author of 19 books including E-Squared, E-Cubed, Thank & Grow Rich and her new book, Art & Soul,Reloaded: A Year-Long Apprenticeship to Summon the Muses and Ignite Your Daring, Audacious, Creative Side

Super God to the rescue

“It didn’t really come up that much, the need to yodel.”—Elizabeth Berg

easyWhen George Eastman introduced the first commercially-available camera in 1888, he had a goal. He wanted to make photography “an everyday affair.” Or as his company Eastman-Kodak later rephrased it, to make it as “convenient as a pencil.” Their marketing slogan was: “You push the button, we do the rest.”

That’s sorta how I see A Course in Miracles. I don’t have to understand it. I don’t even have to like what it says. I just have to push the button.

ACIM Lesson 43 (God is my Source. I cannot see apart from Him) is one of those lessons I really don’t like all that much. It’s preachy and strikes me as not much fun.

So here’s what I do when I feel grumpy about one of the lessons.

1. I flip through the text and find one of the lines I’ve underlined, ones that I DO like. For example, today I opened to:

 Only you can deprive yourself of anything.

The laws of happiness were created for you.

Lack does not exist in the kingdom of God.

2. I replace the word God that, as I said in E-Squared, has more baggage than the Chicago airport with one of my trusty synonyms: the Divine Buzz, Source, the Universe. Here’s a big shout out to the person who suggested in the comments on this very blog a synonym that has become my current favorite: Super God.

3. I turn it over to the Holy Spirit. Relying on an unseen spirit that happens to be holy (and a badass at that) is kinda cool, much more fun than turning it over to that misogynist “guy” that some churches pontificate about.

4. Lastly, I remind myself that, in the end, none of it is really up to me. My only job is to push the button.

Pam Grout is the author of 19 books including E-Squared, E-Cubed, Thank & Grow Rich and her new book, Art & Soul,Reloaded: A Year-Long Apprenticeship to Summon the Muses and Ignite Your Daring, Audacious, Creative Side.

It’s all a gift

“We can be scared, we can be angry, we can be hopeful, we can be sad. We can be all these things and have company in it. –David Wilcox


I’m home from my magical trip to Canada and decided to read a few of the comments. One, that I felt compelled to answer immediately, seemed relevant for all of us.

Penelope (I’ve changed the name) asked a question about my post on being very precious. She said she didn’t feel worthy of that label and couldn’t seem to get over her anger. Here’s my answer:

Dear sweet, oh-so-worthy Penelope–I just opened my computer to write today’s lesson and thought I’d read a few of the comments. I just read yours and feel impelled to reply…right this very moment. First of all, it is perfectly okay to be angry. In fact, I call “it’s okay” the magic words that can change your life forever. Whatever it is you feel, whatever it is you think, it’s okay.

Second of all, I, too, am very flawed. VERY!!! And I am learning, slowly, slowly, to observe the voice that wants to tell me ‘it’s not okay. I’m not okay.” I think what happens when we ask to see things differently, as the Course suggests, we turn the light on those thoughts that cause us so much pain and, like cockroaches, they begin to scatter.

Nothing–anger, death, guilt, frustration–makes us less precious. We are precious because we are precious. Our thoughts (what the Course calls the ego) will try to tell us we’re not precious, that it’s not okay to feel certain things.

But it’s all okay, my precious, beautiful friend. If for today, you can simply separate yourself from your thoughts (just a little) and just observe them. The trick is not to take them as your identity.

As we learn to be gentle with ourselves (sometimes the hardest thing to do), we find that there’s no need to “find brighter Penelope” or “cut the anger from our psyche.” The Truth about ourselves is underneath it all. It can’t be changed by our anger. Our judgments. Those things are all just normal antics of the mind.

But for today, just breathe and know that whatever train of thoughts is plowing through your head is all okay.

Love, love, only love,


Lesson ACIM 42 (God is my Strength. Vision is his Gift.) says this:

Your passage through time and space is not at random.

You cannot fail in your efforts to achieve the goal of the course.

It’s a gift and you don’t have to do anything.

You can receive it any time anywhere, wherever you are, in whatever circumstances you find yourself.

Pam Grout is the author of 19 books including E-Squared, E-Cubed, Thank & Grow Rich and her new book, Art & Soul,Reloaded: A Year-Long Apprenticeship to Summon the Muses and Ignite Your Daring, Audacious, Creative Side.

What people are saying

“Pam combines a writing style as funny as Ellen DeGeneres with a wisdom as deep and profound as Deepak Chopra.”

-Jack Canfield

“Your book is beyond spectacular. It’s funny, uplifting, delightful and profound. I am ordering six copies for my daughters and their friends. You rock, the book rocks, and so, of course, does Cosmo K.”

-Dr. Christiane Northrup, Bestselling Author of Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom

“I called your publicity guy and told him that if a 47-year-old Midwestern guy found this perhaps the most insightful and on target book with regard to “how it works” then the best-seller list cannot be far behind. Your journey….message and honesty and humor about the human condition are nothing short of profound.”

-John St. Augustine, producer for Oprah and Friends

“Thank you for being a delight, and a helpfully subversive presence in the universe!”

-Michele Lisenbury Christensen, coach, consultant and speaker

“In the parlance of today’s youth–I think you are the bomb!”

—Nicole Seiffert, inspiring reader

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