E-Squared:  The 10-year anniversary edition (with a Manifesting Scavenger Hunt!!) GET IT HERE

“Let there be work, bread, water and salt for all.”—Nelson Mandela

“Man’s goodness is a flame that can be hidden but never extinguished.” Nelson, My Hero, Mandela

Two years ago, when visiting Robben Island in South Africa, I bought a replica of Nelson Mandela’s prison bracelet. Engraved with 46664, the number he was assigned during his 27 years of prison there, this bracelet that I wear nearly every day reminds me that no matter how it might look on the outside, there is always a greater story going on.

I loved Madiba. And I think of South Africa often whenever I get discouraged that things never change. Or wonder what I, one person from Kansas, can do to affect that change?

It wasn’t that long ago that ending apartheid in South Africa seemed impossible, much like it seems impossible to fix all the rifts on our planet today.

But during my lifetime, it went from impossible to possible. Almost overnight.

Which reminds me that holding a vision, which Mandela did during those long years of hard labor, is everything. And to never give up, never lose your sense of humor and never forget to dance.

Enjoy this tribute to the great man who will always dance in my heart.

Pam Grout is the author of 16 books including E-Squared: 9 Do-it-Yourself Energy Experiments that Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality.

Today’s weather forecast: an ongoing avalanche of miracles and blessings

“Are you the kind that sees signs, that sees miracles? Or, look at the question this way: Is it possible that there are no coincidences?”
― M. Night Shyamalan

I’ve heard we teach what we want to know. Well, I’d hardly call myself a teacher. More like a never-ending student who likes to share her toys with others

But one thing I’m learning is that magic (or what we like to think of as magic) shows up as consistently as the postman once we’re open enough to let it in.

And while I’ve known that precious piece of info for some time, I get confirmation day after day as people send me their stories of doing the experiments in E-Squared. Here’s one I love that showed up last week:

Leslie Strom, who gave me permission to share this, was trying the Dude Abides Experiment, the one where you ask the Big Guy for a clear, unmistakable sign.

Here’s her lab report sheet—straight from the email she sent me:

Hour 12/48: Sunday morning, drove to Starbucks downtown Tacoma. Every stall was full of museum-goers’ cars. A car pulled out, I pulled in, and it was exactly in front of the door. Could not have been more perfect. I took it as a sign, and then requested another gift, something bigger.

Hour 39/48: Monday morning, drove to Starbucks Old Town Tacoma. Before I got out of the car, I checked my email on my phone. A company wants me to do all their HR forms exclusively. Our sales guy doesn’t know where the lead came from. I phone them. It’s a giant bucket of potential work. New business isn’t unexpected and potential isn’t a gift, really. So I asked for another gift, even more unmistakable.

Hour 42/48: Went home via 6th Avenue. Passed the Artco store, thought I’d run in to see if they carry watercolor postcard paper. Looking for art supplies, I stop cold. In the wall decorations section of the store, on an end cap, is a whimsical large sign in a vintage script that said:


Imagine standing in a crafts store full of purple glittery holiday stuff, thinking, “I still want another sign since I’m not sure those other things were actual signs,” and seeing this:

Exp 1 sign

Pam Grout is the author of 16 books including E-Squared: 9 Do-it-Yourself Energy Experiments that Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality.

Why I’m the luckiest person on the planet, Part Six.

“We can only be said to be alive in those moments when our hearts are conscious of our treasures.”
― Thornton Wilder

Some mornings when I’m running to pickleball (no need to be impressed. It’s a mere one block away), I repeat over and over in my head, “Thank you, God. Thank you, God. Thank you, God.”

And I feel so joyful, so lucky. I’ve found that the more I focus on my blessings, the more blessings knock on my door. It’s like Halloween night when so many adorable ballerinas, princesses and even miniature zombies show up to delight me. And all I have to do is provide a bowl of candy.

Yesterday, one of those blessings showed up in the form of Kris Carr, the bestselling author of Crazy Sexy Diet, Crazy Sexy Kitchen and lots of other yummy books.

She’s a former New York dancer, actress and photographer (all things that impress the heck out of little old Kansas me) who overcame cancer by changing her diet, boosting her immune system and focusing on the body’s natural healing power.

Yesterday, in a complete surprise to me, she wrote about E-Squared on her blog. Now, this is a celebrity who has been on Oprah. And because she was kind enough to mention her experience with the Dude Abides, the first experiment in my book, she introduced her millions of fans to little ole me.

Here’s a link if anyone cares to check it out.

So, thank you, Kris Carr, thank you, “Dude” and thank you to everyone who makes my morning affirmation “Something amazingly awesome is going to happen to me today” come true day after day.

In honor of Thanksgiving, tell me in the comments section below why you’re the luckiest person on the planet.

Pam Grout is the author of 16 books including E-Squared: 9 Do-it-Yourself Energy Experiments that Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality.

Abundance, hoarders and why I’m a whole lot richer than Donald Trump

“I wanna be on the cover of Forbes magazine
Smiling next to Oprah and the Queen.”—Travie McCoy and Bruno Mars

I didn’t make Forbes’ list of billionaires in 2013. Unlikely, I’ll make it next year either. But I do know a secret that makes me deserving of the list.

I know with complete certainty that the world is limitless, abundant and strangely-accommodating. I also know that anything I could ever need or want is as easy to manifest as plugging in the toaster.

Take the last couple months, for example. I’ve spent the night in a Sultan’s Palace in Istanbul, the same palace that hosted Oprah, Madonna and Kobe Bryant. I’ve been on safari in Namibia, walked the beaches of Florida’s Anna Maria Islands.

Those billionaires? I doubt they could spare the time.

In fact, the only difference between me and “The Donald” is I choose not to carry my riches around. It’s comforting to know that anything I could ever want to do is available to me, but why flaunt it or drag around a bunch of material baggage?

In fact, I’d like to argue that amassing $7 billion, the dollar amount Trump claims to be worth, is not that different than hoarding old newspapers, leaky buckets and all the other junk collecting in the homes of the dysfunctional folks we watch on the A&E show, “Hoarders.”

No, my role model is Peace Pilgrim who, when she was very young, made an important discovery: “Making money is easy.”

Which is why she could give up her earthly possessions and walk around the world with nothing but the clothes on her back. As she said about her 28-year-old journey, “Life is full. Life is good. I have a feeling of always being surrounded by all of the good things, like love and peace and joy. It’s like a protective surrounding.”

That’s all anyone really needs. To know with sure conviction that “the world is limitless, abundant and strangely accommodating.”

Seems like a pretty good Thanksgiving notion to me.

Pam Grout is the author of 16 books including E-Squared: 9 Do-it-Yourself Energy Experiments that Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality.

“Get yourself in alignment with the quantum field and you’ll beam like the sun.”—Russell Brand

“Be faithful to that which exists nowhere but in yourself and thus make yourself indispensable.”—Andrew Gide

It’s your lucky day, boos. Another great blog post from my buddy, Greg Kuhn. Take it away, Greg:

Why Being Useful Almost Always Guarantees You Success and Happiness

The energy of “you” (who you are) forms coherence with the energy of the quantum field. Becoming coherent with the energy of the quantum field means that like-energy from the quantum field becomes in-synch with “you”. And, once in-synch, the energy of the quantum field forms a material reality which matches (or is in alignment) with “you”.

A more common phrase we use for the energy of “you” is “your beliefs”. Your beliefs are who “you” are and they are the “you” that the quantum field becomes coherent with.

Furthermore, the vehicle with conveys the energy of your beliefs (or “you”) to the quantum field are your expectations. Your expectations are unconsciously formed by your beliefs and they act as the messengers between “you” and the quantum field.

And, thus, your material reality is formed every moment of every day you’re alive.
So it will continue to behoove you to intentionally create beliefs which are congruent with your desires. This is the missing secret instruction manual for the law of attraction; be what you want to manifest by aligning your beliefs with it.

In fact, it not merely behooves you to intentionally create beliefs aligned with your desires. In most respects, it is the ONLY thing you need to do. Because once your beliefs and desires are in alignment – that is precisely the point where the universe takes care of the rest. Because that’s exactly what the quantum field does!

And a fantastic, universal place to start creating aligned beliefs is by being useful or being of value. Why? Because when you focus on being useful, or of value, you are creating, or reinforcing, beliefs that feed into a paradigm of giving and receiving, of sharing freely. And this paradigm almost always helps you feel more worthy of receiving that which you truly wish to manifest.

Being useful, or of value, works for at least three reasons:

1. First, it is fun, inspiring, and uplifting to help people and, thus, vicariously succeed through them.

2. Second, you almost always abundantly receive that which you give; so, even though it won’t be your intention, you’ll usually wind up benefiting much more than those whom you’re helping.

3. And, third, the rule of reciprocity teaches that you cannot receive life’s gifts until there is “space” for them in your life – both literally and figuratively.

In other words, being useful is actually a supremely energizing method for your greater participation in life’s abundance. For your playing “Grow a Greater Me” at the highest levels.

And you get to help other people too! What a deal.

About the Author

Greg Kuhn is a professional educator and a futurist, specializing in framing new paradigms for 21st Century living. Devoted readers have dubbed him “The Law of Attraction Science Guy”.

Until 2012, he wrote primarily with his father, Dr. Clifford Kuhn, M.D., about health, wellness, and productivity.

Since 2012, Greg has been busy writing his acclaimed Why Quantum Physicists… series: Why Quantum Physicists Do Not Fail, Why Quantum Physicists Don’t Get Fat, Why Quantum Physicists Create More Abundance, and Why Quantum Physicists Do Not Suffer. His newest book, How Quantum Physicists Build New Beliefs, will be out in October 2013. All are available on Amazon.

Greg Kuhn lives in Louisville, KY with a wonderful wife and four fantastic sons (one by marriage) whom he couldn’t write without; you can read more at his website, http://www.whyquantumphysicists.com

“We have been dampened by low expectations for too long.”–Cory Booker

“Momma always said, ‘Jump at de sun.’ We might not land on the sun, but at least we will get off the ground.”–Zora Neale Hurston

Just when I was about to give up politics completely, I found Cory Booker. I’ve been aware of this freshman senator from New Jersey for some time, but I’d never really looked into his success.

Last weekend, when attending the wedding of the daughter of my best college buddy, I learned about the peace conference he held in Newark. And about a lesson he learned long before throwing his hat into the political ring.

Before considering a serious run, he was advised to go see Momma somebody or another from the projects. I heard this story second hand from my friend who attended the conference so forgive my lack of specifics. It’s the message that counts.

Evidently “Momma” wielded a lot of political pull. So being a sharp guy, a Rhodes scholar and a Yale lawyer, he, of course, chose to pay due diligence. He knocked on Momma’s door, sat down for a chat and soon enough, let her take his hand and tour him around the projects.

“Young man,” she asked. “Tell me what you see here.”

Not sure exactly how to answer, he began a list that most anyone would recite: “Well, there’s a lot of trash. Broken down cars, kids with no direction…..”

“Young man,” she stopped him right there. “As long as that’s all you can see, that’s all you’ll ever see.”

And he got it. He realized that it’s our vision, our ability to imagine a better future that brings a better future about.

So I’ll let Cory (or rather Cory’s quotes) take it from here:

“The world outside of you is a reflection of what you have inside of you. If you see hope every time you open your eyes, then you can help, but if all you see are problems, that’s all there will ever be.”

“All the pieces are here for significant change. The toughest task is getting people to see it in the same compelling way after so many years of having focused on the negative.”

“We must excite people’s imaginations. We must have outrageous, ambitious visions.”

“We’ve got to drastically shake things up. We’re called on in life to do the things other say are impossible.”

Well said, Cory Booker, well said.

Pam Grout is the author of 16 books including E-Squared: 9 Do-it-Yourself Energy Experiments that Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality.

It’s time to push the reset button.

“If beating ourselves up worked, we’d all be thin, rich and happy by now.”—Cheryl Richardson

Louise Hay, my mentor, my publisher and the most awesome 87-year-old on the planet, recommends mirror work. That’s where, rather than asking the mirror, mirror on the wall who’s the fairest of them all, you look deep into your own eyes and tell the reflection in that bloody mirror that you are beautiful, fabulous, worthy, talented, creative and all sorts of other truths that far out-trump being “fair.”

My friend Rhonda told me she was watching Louise and Cheryl Richardson give a lecture called “You Can Create an Exceptional Life.”  Louise, who touts mirror work on a daily basis, reached into her bra at one point, pulled out a tiny mirror, looked into it and said, “Hey, good-looking. How’s it going?”

Now, that’s someone who walks her talk.

I, too, have been thinking about mirrors.  But more about the big mirror called life. Everything we see out there is a reflection of what’s in here. Inside ourselves.

And just like you wouldn’t notice your lipstick was smudged and try to fix it on the mirror, you can’t really fix the “problems” in your life by fixing them in the mirror of your life. You have to go inside. That’s where everything originates and where all solutions lie.

Pam Grout is the author of 16 books including E-Squared: 9 Do-it-Yourself Energy Experiments that Prove your Thoughts Create Your Reality.

Human being training vs. spiritual training. Which do you choose?

“Hey, you don’t want to put that out there in the universe.”—Phoebe Buffay

Happy to be back from Africa and just want to mention a couple things.

1. If you got weird Facebook messages from me, it’s because someone evidently hacked into my Facebook account. I’ve heard impersonation is the highest form of flattery, but this particular impersonator was doing stuff I’d never do—sending IM’s (well I suppose I might someday do that) and trying to con money or something from my FB friends. I’m not sure if this Pam #2 is still out there, but just know that I won’t be IMing anyone or sending messages for some time—at least until this gets cleared up.

2. Because I had little access to computer much of the time (at certain points, I even had no access to electricity or bathrooms) I could have missed some emails and other stuff. If you haven’t heard back from me on some contract I was supposed to sign or bio I was supposed to send, hit me up again.

Lastly, I want to share a thought I had while in Africa.

In the U.S. and most Western countries, we get human being training from the moment we’re born. Human being training teaches us to conform, to follow certain “rules” and “ideas,” mainly revolving around how limited we are. Our well-meaning parents (and I admit, I also indoctrinated my daughter in this way) teach us manners, send us to school, encourage us to learn how to “make a living.”

There’s little or no training on our spiritual selves. Luckily, this bigger part of us is so vast and so all-encompassing that it continually seeps out into the humanness we’ve all mastered.

In many tribes in Africa, particularly those that haven’t yet succumbed to the Western, Capitalist system, the spiritual side is given center stage. One tribe I heard about has an important ritual that starts when a baby is still in the womb.

At seven months, the tribes people ask the about-to-be-born baby what his or her purpose and intention is for this human lifetime. Unlike our Western insistence that we all conform to the same cookie cutter lifestyle (school, work, putting our noses to the grindstones), this tribe wants to know and support each individual’s higher spiritual purpose.

Imagine how different our lives would be if each of us had been asked about our unique gifts and life purposes before we learned to conform.

That’s it for today, folks. I’ll be back on the blog from time to time over the next couple months. I’m hot on the pursuit of finalizing E-Cubed so most of my attention is on delivering a sequel to E-Squared that is going to knock your socks off…or at least some of that old conditioning that no longer serves us.

Thanks for being a part of this revolution in thought.

Pam Grout is the author of 16 books including E-Squared: 9 Do-it-Yourself Energy Experiments that Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality.

“To me, having fun matters more.”–Richard Branson

“The Universe is so good to me. I am blessed and grateful.”– Alessandra Rossi-Filippi, the Best Dramatic Coloratura Soprano in the World.

I’m in Namibia at the Adventure Travel World Summit with 650 delegates from 64 countries. Can someone say amazing?

Because I also meet so many awesome people here on my blog, including Alessandra Rossi-Filippi, who is not only the best dramatic coloratura soprano in the world, but a world class manifester, I have lots of friends to fill in.

Today’s guest post comes from Linda Ford, coach extraordinaire:

The doors of possibility.

I’ve always loved that scene in The Wizard of Oz movie, when Dorothy—who up until that point has been filmed in black and white (or more accurately, sepia)—opens a door and steps into a wonderful world of brilliant color. Suddenly, with the opening of that door, Dorothy (and the audience) is exposed to a new world of possibilities. It’s pure magic…or is it?

For the first 12 years of my young life, I can only remember seeing colors within the grey spectrum. You see, I grew up in post war England amid endless chain-smoking chimney-stacks, ugly factories, slate-roofed houses, and skies full of rain clouds. But then one day, my parents took me on a car ferry ride across the sea to Ireland. When the huge (grey) metal doors of the ferry opened up to let us out, the color-lenses of young eyes clicked into place. The site of green fields and blue skies flooded my vision—I honestly believed I was seeing color for the first time. And I was.

The journey back home to my grey life in England was inevitable, but somehow or other, I knew that my grey life wouldn’t be long for this world. Something in me had shifted. I had experienced a new dimension, a richness of color, and there was no going back to the mediocrity and sameness of grey.

Such opportunities to see a different reality, to glimpse a new possibility and way of being for my life, have teased me my whole life. I use the word tease because I believe that the universe was (and still is) showing me and coaxing me to consider those possibilities. Just when you think there’s only grey, along comes this other preference, this other choice, and it changes you forever. But, only if you let it.

A more recent example is when I found myself living with a man who was all-wrong for me. In the midst of my miserableness, I would see other couples actually enjoying each other’s company—could it be possible that there’s actually a man out there who could not only like me, but adore me? What a concept. And so I would flirt with the dream…the possibility that I could experience a relationship in an entirely new way.

Peering through the door for a quick look is one thing, but stepping through the door to the other side requires a recognition of the truth—the truth to admit that where you are now is just a pale glimmer of the full spectrum of who you really are and the life you could be living. It also demands of you a fairly thick slice of courage—the courage to slam the old door closed, and walk through the new door.

Unlike Dorothy’s door, our earthly doors don’t magically open up for us—they require our input. And it doesn’t happen overnight. It took me five long, painful years to slam my old relationship door shut. But that’s just me—I have a particularly high threshold for suffering. You can begin your journey by leaving the door ajar and permitting yourself to take a peek through it whenever life feels too grey.

Somehow or other, I’ve always known that the version of myself that I dream about, and the version of the life I crave, really do exist somewhere out there in the future. It’s all waiting for me behind that closed door, waiting for me to catch up with it….to step into it.

The next time you allow yourself to get a glimpse of that glorious, colorful version of yourself in a new life, become like Dorothy. Look around with wonder, marvel at what you’re desiring, feel how good it feels, give it a soundtrack. Feel the pull it has on you. And let yourself hang out there for as long as it takes for you to hear birds chirping and symphonies playing. It just may be the universe giving you a sneak peak at your coming attractions. But don’t be surprised or scared if after all this dreaming, you find yourself one day unable to go back to your old life. This is what’s meant to happen. This is the shift moment…the undeniable no-going back moment. You walking through the door is the magic. That’s when you’ll hear yourself say: I’m not in Kansas anymore….that is, unless you want to be.

Linda Ford is a Master certified coach and LOA expert. She teaches women how to break out of a lifestyle that’s blocking their success and the unfolding of their full potential. Linda has been personally trained by Dr. Martha Beck, NY Times best selling author. Her website is: http://www.attractalife.com

What Could Be Worse Than Being a Zombie? Guest post by the inimitable Greg Kuhn

“OMG YOU GUYS it has come to my attention that SOMEONE on the internet is saying that my fictional 19th century zombies are NOT SCIENTIFICALLY SOUND. Naturally, I am crushed. To think, IF ONLY I’d consulted with a zombologist or two before sitting down to write, I could’ve avoided ALL THIS EMBARRASSMENT.”―Cherie Priest

I am going to miss Halloween this year. I’ll be in Namibia walking with the San Bushmen who, come to think of it, wear some pretty cool costumes.

Speaking of “pretty cool,” I have a new buddy who writes about the same stuff I do and he has agreed to fill in with his thought-provoking insight while I’m out of the country. At least for today.

Greg Kuhn (his bio is below) has written a whole series of books about applying quantum physics to the law of attraction. I particularly love the game he invented called, “Grow a Greater Greg.” Only when I play it, I change the title to “Grow a Greater Pam.” Doesn’t have quite the same ring to it, but you get the point.

With no further adieu, here’s futurist and fabulous author, Greg Kuhn:

Halloween is almost upon us.

I don’t believe in ghost or monsters. Of course, I realize that doesn’t mean they don’t exist.

I’ll be the first to admit, however, that I get scared easily.

The last time I watched Dawn of the Dead, in fact, I was up until 2 AM because I started thinking through what I’d do to protect our house if there was a zombie uprising. And then I started hearing noises outside our house.

Funny, huh? A forty-five-year-old man was unable to sleep, with a case of the creeps like a seven-year-old!

Yet despite the occasional lack of sleep or a heart rate spike, I still expose myself to zombie movies. I suppose, deep down, I enjoy being frightened. But do you know what scares people more than anything else? And not in an enjoyable way?

No, not Honey Boo-Boo.


That must be why zombies are so scary. But let me suggest that there is actually something exponentially scarier than death. And it’s something that, unfortunately, happens to millions of people each day.

Not being fully alive.

Believing that life is happening “to” you. Feeling powerless over your material experiences. Living as a victim, playing small, and hoping that whoever is in charge of things will someday deem you worthy enough to throw a few scraps from the table your way.

That, my friends, is almost worse than being dead. And it’s certainly scarier. I know; I’ve lived it.

Remember that Mark Twain quote, “The man who doesn’t read is no better off than the man who can’t read”?

This Halloween, amid the ghouls, ghosts, and goblins, tweak that quote and remind yourself that the person who isn’t fully alive is no better off than the zombie.

Lucky for you, you know how to be fully alive. Simply remember to tell yourself better-feeling, believable stories, aligning your beliefs with your desires. Play “Grow a Greater Me” today with all the gusto and enthusiasm it deserves and you will solidify your standing among the ranks of those fully alive.

And keep Max Brooks’, The Zombie Survival Guide, on your nightstand. Just in case.

About the Author

Greg Kuhn is a professional educator and a futurist, specializing in framing new paradigms for 21st Century living. Devoted readers have dubbed him “The Law of Attraction Science Guy”.

Until 2012, he wrote primarily with his father, Dr. Clifford Kuhn, M.D., about health, wellness, and productivity.

Since 2012, Greg has been busy writing his acclaimed Why Quantum Physicists… series: Why Quantum Physicists Do Not Fail, Why Quantum Physicists Don’t Get Fat, Why Quantum Physicists Create More Abundance, and Why Quantum Physicists Do Not Suffer. His newest book, How Quantum Physicists Build New Beliefs, will be out in October 2013. All are available on Amazon.

Greg Kuhn lives in Louisville, KY with a wonderful wife and four fantastic sons (one by marriage) whom he couldn’t write without; you can read more at his website, http://www.whyquantumphysicists.com